Monday, November 16, 2009

The Blood Werewolf Curse Pt. 1

It took a couple of days for Heinaus, Rica, and I to reach our destination: Wolf Canyon. Somewhere here we'll find Cassandra and see if we can obtain this Mind Gem Heinaus spoke of. Heinaus-"I hate to say it, but we have to walk through the canyon, not fly. Round this time of year the winds around Wolf Canyon...are pretty unforgiving." So we landed and walked. As we walked I notice the canyon walls. Pyron-" seems that the canyon hasn't been disturbed." Heinaus-"That's because Buraki hasn't attacked this place. He has no reason to. We better keep up a fast pace. The Blood Wolves will be out soon. And trust me, you don't want to be bitten by them." Rica-"Because we'll be turn into wolves like them?" Heinaus-"Less yapping more walking." So we continued.
We made it out of the canyon and saw what looks like a tower. Heinaus-"That's Cassandra's Lair. There we'll get the Mind Gem. With it, you and Rica can return to your bodies." Pyron-"Good. Let's go." We didn't realize it, but we were being watched. Cassandra-"Looks like we have guests. And Heinaus. Mufufufuf. Paul, why don't you and your clan go greet them." Paul-"With pleasure."
We made it to the entrance and busted down the door. Rica-"Hey...I smell...wolves." Heinaus-"Me too." Paul-"Greetings to Cassandra's Tower." We were surrounded by a dozen wolves. Heinaus-"Oh great. It's the Blood Wolves. These mangy mutts are the werewolves I spoke about." Paul-"Well Heinaus, Cassandra is expecting you." Heinaus-"I bet she is." The wolves took us to Cassandra. Cassandra-"Well well well...if it isn't Heinaus. And you brought along a griffin and Pyron. However, Pyron...isn't Pyron. Before you asked, I have been watching you and your friends. You came for my Mind Gem. Here." She showed us a gem. Rica-"What's the catch?" Cassandra-"No catch. I just want Pyron back in his proper body." Rica and I looked at each other, then together we walked over and took the gem. Suddenly it glew and then I blacked out.
Rica's voice-"Pyron, Pyron, wake up." I woke up. Pyron-"That wasn't pleasant. (I put my claw on my head. It was scaly. I looked at my claws, then saw Rica) We're our bodies?" Rica-"Uh huh. And I'm back with my yet to be born baby. Pyron, thank you." I smiled. Pyron-"Well, thank you Cassandra, and we'll be off." Cassandra-"Not so fast. I'm afraid you must stay...and become my servant." Pyron-"What?!" Rica-"You said no catch." Cassandra-"Did I? I meant to say no catch for the griffin. Pyron on the other hand...will make a fine addition to my servants. I lost my last dragon servant a couple years back and you'll make a good replacement. Buraki will understand why I want you more alive than dead." Pyron-"I won't serve you." Cassandra-"Mufufufufu. You will serve me. Even as we speak, your body is slowly absorbing the dark energy my tower is giving off. It's not much, but combine with my magic, you'll be my dark servant." Heinaus-"Cassandra...don't you know we dragons are impervious to magic? That means can't can't harm us." Cassandra-"True. However, dragon magic works pretty well against dragons. I have waited for this moment. Pyron...will be mine." Pyron-"Sorry Ms. Witch, but I'm gone." Using my fire, I blasted the wall and Heinaus, Rica, and I flee. Cassandra-"After them!"
We try to fly high but the unforgiving winds hept us low to the canyon. Suddenly the wolves came for us above. Heinaus and Rica avoided them but I was caught and forced down. I fought them off but suddenly...Paul-"Gotcha." I felt a bite on my leg. Pyron-"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" Rica-"No! He's been bitten." Heinaus-"Gah, it's too late for him. I'm outta here." She leaves. Rica-"Heinaus, wait!" I continue to fight, but that same wolf bit my leg again. Pyron-"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" Paul-"It's no use for you now Pyron." Rica-"Feather Barrage!" Rica nailed a few wolves and landed beside me. I then collaspe. Something was wrong with me. My heart was beating faster and I was breathing faster. Rica-"Pyron, stay with me. (The wolves approached us) Someone, help!" Werewolf 1-"Now, you trespassers will join us." Gana's voice-"Noooo!" Was my ears deceiving me? Whas that Gana's voice? I open my eyes slightly and saw her and Anakin. She was all furious and then...she turned into a wolf. Anakin-"Gana is...a...werewolf?" Werewolf 2-"Gana?" Werewolf 3-"Guys, its Gana she came back!" Gana-"Grrrrrrrr! NO! I came here to rescue my friends Paul!" Paul-"Look, its too late...I tasted his blood." Gana-"Huh?" I open my eyes slightly and saw Gana. She was a werewolf, but what was more important was that she and Anakin were back in their own bodies. I moaned in pain. Gana-"Oh Griffin! Take Anakin and fly above, stay out of this canyon. You cant be bitten!!" Despite the winds, Rica takes Anakin and flies up. I felt Gana licking my wounds. Suddenly, I felt different. I was turning into a werewolf too. Gana-"Oh no! I'm too late..."

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