Saturday, November 7, 2009

The return of Heinaus

A couple of days passed. Rica and I hid in every cave we came across to avoid being detected by Buraki's mechanised army. Rica and I did took our time to learn to use the others' abilities. That night she was still concern about her baby. Rica-"Pyron...what if we don't get our bodies back? I..I.." Pyron-"Don't worry Rica. If Buraki used magic to swap our minds, then there's no doubt we need to use magic to swap ourselves back. I hope we can do the same for Gana and Anakin." Rica-"Gana? Your girlfriend? She was turned into a fox right?" Pyron-"Yeah." Rica-"But...what if Buraki does to them what he did to my boyfriend?" Pyron-"If he does, then I'll hunt him down to the end of the realms." Rica-"I see..."
Suddenly. we hear moaning. Pyron-"What is that?" Rica-"I don't know, but it smells like a dragon. Wow, you dragons have a good sense of smell. Stronger than us griffins." We spot a dragon appearing from the shadows of the cave. Pyron-"What?! No way?!" It was Heinaus. She collapses. Rica-"Wow. She's in awful shape. Did Buraki's machines do this to her?" Pyron-"No...someone else did this to her."
Heinaus-"Gaaaaah...." Rica-"Hold on. These herbs will heal your wounds. Your lucky your not a dead dragon." Heinaus-" it. I don't need your pity Pyron. (She looks at Rica) Wait, your not Pyron. (She looks at me) But...your Pyron." Pyron-"Huh? How did-" Heinaus-"So, Buraki used an old trick of mine I once did to Jewel. Hahaha...ow." Rica-"Relax. Your badly wounded." Pyron-"You should listen to Rica. She seems to know about medicine." Heinaus-"Why would you help me, knowing I serve Buraki?" Rica-"Your hurt, and you need medical attention." Heinaus-"Gaaaaah...pointless..." Pyron-"A thank you would be nice." Rica continue to put the herb medicine on Heinaus's wounds.
2 hours pass. Rica-"Well, she's asleep now. I did all I can. How did she get hurt that badly?" Pyron-"My friends and I were in Hulcana Village heading for Diamond Port. Gana and I finally had some...well, alone time to ourselves. (Rica giggles a bit) We were enjyying the peaceful scenery when we heard a scream. We found Heinaus and Alazar attacking Flame, Jewel, and Kaloth. Alazar killed Jewel and Kaloth, though we were able to restore their spirits into their bodies, but Alazar turned on Heinaus and attacked her. We thought she was dead." Rica-"Well, she's a lot tougher than you think." Pyron-"Hmm..."
The next morning we woke up and saw Heinaus up and about. Pyron-"You seem well." Heinaus-"Humph. Keep your opinions to yourself." Pyron-"Geez, your welcome. Why did you save her again?" Rica-"I...thought it was a good idea." Pyron-"Come on, we got to get to Ember." Heinaus-"Ember huh? Hehehe...hahahaha!" Pyron-"What's so funny?" Heinaus-"Nothing much. If your resorted to locate that fairy tale city-" Pyron-"It's no fairy tale. Ember's for real." Heinaus-"Hmm...I see. Tell me Pyron, you want to get your body back don't you?" Pyron-"Of course." Heinaus-"Then maybe I can help. I know of a magic gem that can swap the minds of those who touch it. The only's being held by a witch name Cassandra, and she lives in the far reaches of Wolf Canyon." Pyron-"Wolf Canyon?" Heinaus-"Yes. There's a rumor that if your bitten by a wolf there, you'll carry on the Blood Wolf curse and become a Blood Wolf yourself. Basically, it's like becoming a werewolf." Rica-"Should we go Pyron?" Pyron-"Hmm...if it means restoring ourselves, then it's worth the risk. But...I am concern. How do we know this isn't a trap?" Heinaus-"For one thing, I like looking like myself and don't wish to be a flea-bitten mammal, and second, I need allies so I can hunt down Alazar and get my revenge. So...I'm coming too." Pyron-"...Ok, but I'm keeping my eye on you." Rica-"But, can she fly?" Heinaus-"Look, were wasting valuable time. Lets go." She flies, and so do we. I don't know what Heinaus's true motive is in all this or if she does want to slay Alazar. One thing is clear, if what Heinaus says is true, then Rica, Gana, Anakin, and I will get our bodies back. But, is Heinaus helping us, or leading us to a trap?

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