Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Blood Werewolf Curse Pt. 2

After Paul bit me my insides felt like they were on fire. My heart was beating faster, my pulse was racing and my breathing was going faster. I remember seeing Gana. She was...a werewolf. I couldn't believe it. How did she became one? Gana-"Oh no. He's transforming." Cassandra-"Well Paul, seems that you just couldn't help yourself to tasting that dragon's blood, could you? And Gana, what a lovely surprise to see you again." Pyron-(thinks) "Cassandra knows Gana?" Gana-"You witch?! How could you?" Cassandraa-"Well, I can't help it if Paul decides to bite others. He's hard to control when he goes on the chase." Gana-"Grrr!" Cassandra-"Relax Gana, and embrace your werewolf side. Soon Pyron will become a werewolf just like you, and then the both of you can spend the rest of your days as wolves. Buraki won't know you both are alive and won't attack my tower." Gana-"I rather die a dragon than a werewolf."
Pyron-"Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" Gana-"Pyron!!!" I turned into a werewolf. Paul-"Now he's one of us." Gana-"No...." I got up and was mad." Cassandra-"Hahaha. Now he's mine." Pyron-"Think again witch." Cassandra-"What?!" Pyron-"You think you have control me? Think again. Now Rica!" Rica-"Feather Barage!" She hit the wolves. Cassandra-"What's going on here?!" Heinaus-"Oh, it's quite something I like to say...gotcha." Cassandra-"Heinaus?!" Heinaus-"So Pyron, how soon will you be a dragon again?" Pyron-"I'm starting to feel all better now." All of a sudden I got back my form. Paul-"Gah...he's a dragon again?! How?" Heinaus-"Before we came here I decide to give each of us each a bit of protection. I took a bit of Paul's drool when I was hear last. I had a feeling he and his wolf hoard would try and inflict the Blood Wolf curse on us. With a bit of added silver powder and a magic enchantment, presto. Instant Blood Wolf curse repellent." Cassandra-"Grrr."
Rica landed. Anakin-"Wow. That was close." I approach Gana. She looked at me. It was her. Gana-"Pyron, I...I..." Pyron-"Say no more Gana. I had a feeling you were keeping something for me. No matter what you are, I still love." Gana-"Pyron..." She hugs me. Pyron-"Yor fur tickles. Heinaus, give Gana the antidote." Cassandra-"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Heinaus-"And why is that?" Cassandra-"You overlooked one think Heinaus. Gana had been curse far longer than Pyron, and silver kills werewolves. So if you give Gana your antidote, your only kill her. Not even Pyron's healing ability will save her." Heinaus-"Grr. She does make a point. Oh well, guess Gana's a dead dragon wolf." Pyron-"Don't Heinaus?"
Cassandra-"There is one way. I have the antidote right here. With it, the wolf blood in gana will be vanquish from her bloodstream." Gana-"What's the catch?" Cassandra-"Oh, just one thing...Pyron becomes my new pet dragon." Gana-"What?!" Cassandra-"After all, he has been soaking up the dark energy around the land and hasn't realized it, and he shows promise. After all, his mom is a light dragon and he has some light dragon in him. And since light dragons absorb dark energy rather quickly..." Heinaus-"Makes sense. Just like how dark dragons can absorb light energy." Cassandra-"You see, I studied the dark magic that free Malefor from his prison when he was around and use my magic to locate the land that was rich with dark energy, and make this land my own." Gana-"Grrr...I won't allow you to do this. I won't let you take Pyron." Cassandra-"Either he becomes my protector, or you will remain a werewolf for all eternity." Gana-"Grr..."
Pyron-"It's a deal Cassandra." Gana-"What?!" Pyron-"I'll be...your dragon. Just let Gana be a dragon again." Cassandra-"Mufufufufu." Gana-"Pyron, I can't allow you to become her servant." Pyron-"Long as your safe and out of harm's way it's be okay, and as long as I'm a dragon and not a werewolf, it'll be okay Gana. Gana-"But Pyron..." Pyron-"Okay Cassandra, I'm ready." She gives Heinaus the antidote and injects Gana with it. Suddenly, Gana returned to her dragon state. Gana-"I'm me again." Cassandra-"And now..." She used her dark magic on me. Pyron-"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" I grew large. My red scales became black and my belly became white. My horns and spinal plates became red. I roared. Cassandra-"He's all mine." Gana-"Pyron, noooooooo!" Heinaus-"We got to get out of here!" Heinaus, Rica (with Anakin riding her(, and Gana took off in the air. Cassandra-"Well Pyron, your my new pet. Mufufufufufufu." I roared again. Gana was heartbroken. I felt it, but in order to get the curse out of her, I had to become Cassandra's servant. I hope she, Rica, Anakin, and even Heinaus will be okay. I roared again. Gana-(tears fell from her eyes) "Pyron..."

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