Sunday, March 21, 2010

Lost and Found

I flew for hours, not knowing where to go. I went invisiblewith my Shadow power to not alert any Aerostats. I flew, rested, flew, and rested, and flew. I didn't realized it, but I crossed the Westernlands and was in the Eastern Territories. It was....unexpectedly peaceful. It didn't seem the war came here. I turnedback and continue my flight. Suddenly something hits me and knocks me out. When I came to I saw a couple of Eastern Dragons, and they weren't to pleased. They took me to a nearby city. Dragonguard-"We spotted this Westerner in our airspace." I looked and saw a beautiful blue Easterner. Sparkles-"He's no threat to us. He comes in peace. Please, release him." They release me. Pyron-"Um, thank you." Sparkles-"Please, come with me."
I followed her to a garden. Something was strange about her. She was reaching for a flower, but had to feel for it. She plucked a flower from her garden. Pyron-"Um, miss, I have to get going." Sparkles-"Why leave all of a sudden? Your a fighter who lost his way." Pyron-"Huh?" She turned. Sparkles-"I sense your spirit's in turmoil." Though she looked at me, I notice she didn't look at me directly. Pyron-"Miss, are you...blind?" Sparkles-"Blind...would be your aspect of things, but I see things clearly." Pyron-"Huh?" Sparkles-"From my birth I was blind. But through hard work I can use my aura to see things." Pyron-"Your aura? Oh, I forget you Easterners can fly by using your aura. Never did get that." She laughed a bit.
I tooked in the Eastern culture. Apappently this dragoness is like a priestess. Sparkles-"I'm Sparkles." Pyron-"Pyron's my name. Everyone seem to worship you." Sparkles-"Though I'm just like you in age I'm highlyregarded as a priestess, but more importantly, the next Imoogi."Pyron-"The next Imoogi?" Sparkles-"In the Eastern Territories, Imoogiisthe god among us Easterners. Only a select few can become Imoogi. On my 20th birthday I am to head to our temple and take the place as Imoogi." Pyron-"Wow. Your saying that you'll become a only 20?" Sparkles-"Yes. I will have to sacrifice what I held the family." Pyron-"Your family? Why?" Sparkles-"I was chosen by the previous Imoogi on my 2nd birthday. My parent's knew this and are very proud of me. I haven't seen them in many years, but I always kept the memories of them in my heart." Pyron-"Wow."
That night Sparkles let me stayed at her temple. Sparkles-"Tell me Pyron, Buraki's giving everyone in the Westernlands a rough time." Pyron-"Yeah...especially for me.My mom, dad, and sister will become the enemy soon, and to help my daughter kill him, I must kill my family." Sparkles-"It must be nice to have a daughter. Due to my status, I'm afraid I won't have children of my own." Pyron-"Oh, thatmust be very sad for you." Sparkles-"It is...but though I'm sad about it, it's something I can live with. Pyron, you don't know how lucky you are. You have awonderful family who's there for you, a beautiful baby girl, and a wife who'll love you forever." Pyron-"Yeah. Huh? Wife?!" Sparkles-"Yes. Gana will be your wife when you reach your early adult stage. That's whatI believe. And...I read your mind. Sorry."Pyron-"Greeeeaaaat." Sparkles-"Pyron, you need not to worry. You have friends and a famly who'll be there for you. And your daughter will have the 2 best parents anyone ever wanted." I smiled. Pyron-"Your right. All this time I been worried how I can handle the pressure, but the pressure's on all of us to succeed. My friends, family, and I willbe able to beat Buraki. And save this world and not just all of dragonkind, but every species out there." Sparkles-"I know you'll succeed. (She kisses me on my forehead) And before you ask, our land's protectedby powerful crystals. It wasn't easy for our people to combat Buraki's forces. Pyron, you'll succeed. I know it." I smiled.
The next day I left thecity and headed for Ewok Village. It took hours but I got back. I was geete by my friends and loved ones. Though Galeru was still reluctant about me, I didn't care. I hugged Gana and Angel. I lost my way, but thanks to Sparkles, I found my way. And no matter what the obstacle maybe, my friends and I will prevail.

Hard Times

We searched for Angel for about 45 minutes. Gana, Critias, and I didn't find her. Pyron-"Angel...our little girl's could I let this happen?!" I punched the ground. Critias-"Pyron, don't blame yourself." Pyron-"It is my fault. I put her down for a moment and now she's gone. of his machines got her. (My red scales began to turn black) I'll find him and get her back!" Gana-"Pyron, stop!" Pyron-"Why should I?!" Gana-"Please...don't..." I saw Gana was terrified, butnot for Angel. She was terrified...for me. I calm down. Galeru-"So, your the Pyron our dear Gana has fallen for. Well, I'm Galeru, leader of this village." I shook his paw. Flora-"Thanks for keeping my daughter safe. We should all calm down for now." Calm...was something I couldn't do. Later that evening, well, I couldn't tell if it was evening in Ewok Village, I was outside the shelter. All I could think about was Angel. I had the neck collar Luna gave me to give her when she was a bit older. I clutched it in my paw, and cried. Gana-"Pyron. (I looked at her) Don't worry. Our little girlwill be ok." Pyron-"Gana, she's 3 months old. How can you beso calm about this? We can head back to Ember, get the others, and storm Buraki's facilities and-" Gana-"And what Pyron? Get ourselves killed?" Pyron-"I...well...aaaah!" Gana-"My mom say's it'll be ok. She told me we have to wait 2 daysfor her return." 2 days?! Is Gana's mom nuts?! Gana-"I thoughtshe was out of her mind, but I believe her. (I looked the other way and she came to comfort me) My mom told me before Nera, Robby, Kyle, and I left you and I would be mates. She told me to go to Mist Falls Village. And so far what she forsaw came true. I know how close of a bond you have with Angel, but please, wait for her Pyron. I reluctantly nodded. Gana stayed with me throughout the night.
2 days have passed. Ewok wasn't fully repaired but was repaired enough for most of the villagers to move back to their homes. All I thought about was getting Angel back. We had some help of repair from our comrades in Ember. Lagon came along with Spirit and Nera. Most of yesterday I noticed Lagon speaking to Floa. Why? I had no idea. As te day was turning night I grew anxious. Pyron-"I can't take this. What if Angel's dead, and we did nothing?" Gana-"Pyron, please calm down."Pyron-"How can I calm down Gana?!" Me scales turned black. Gana-"Pyron, calm down please." Pyron-"No! (I rip the medallion from my neck) I will not!" Suddenly I grew large. I was in my dark form. Galeru-"What the...?! He's a Dark Draco! Stop him!" The villagers began to attack me. Gana-"Stop everyone! Please!" I roared and pounded the gound, knocking the villagers off their feet. Lagon-"Pyron, stoooop!" I knock Lagon back. I was ten zapped by electricity. It was Gana. I looked at her. She was terrified again. When I saw her...then looked at the others...I couldn't believe what I done. I calm down and was back to normal.
Gana ran and hugged me. Pyron-"Gana...I'm so sorry." I cried. ana-"It's okay." She was crying too. Suddenly we heard more crying. A familiar cry. Angel-"Mommy. Daddy." We looked and we saw...Angel. She ran to us and we hugged her. Pyron-"" Flora-"Pyron, your daughter has the power to teleport herself. She wound up activating it and got caught by one of the hunters. When she thought of you 2 and her home, she activate it again. Her teleportationis one reason Buraki wants her slayed." Gana and I looked at her.
Galeru-"I'm thankful the little girl's ok, but not ok with Pyron. He's a decendent of the Dark Draco, and that puts this village in danger." Gana-"Hold on, sure Pyron maybe half Draco, but he can control himself." Gana-"But-" Pyron-"No Gana. I don't ant to put anyone in danger. I'm leaving." Lagon-"Well, we'llsee you back at Ember then." Pyron-"No Lagon. I won't return to Ember either." Spirit-"What? But Pyron..." Pyron-"I'm sorry...everyone." I ran and flew away. Gana-"Pyron-" Flora-"No Gana."Gana-"But mom..." Flora-"Pyron's at a crossroads now. He must decide what he's gonna do next." Gana-"....Pyron...." Angel lookson. Angel-"Daddy..."

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Gana, Critias, and I left for Ewok village. I brought Angel with us since she always wants to tag along. Critias was on Gana and Angel was on me. Pyron-"So you two know each other?" Gana-"Yep. From when we were only kids." Critias-"Gana was always playful when we played with each other. She's a special friend to me." Pyron-"I know the feeling." We flew for a few hours til we saw super large trees in the distance. We landed. Pyron-"Wow. I never saw trees this big before. Are they redwoods?" Critias-"Focus on the problem Pyron. Gana's mom and the village is in danger." Pyron-"Right right. Let's go." So we went in.
As we march onward we heard explosions. Critias-"Noooo! We gotta go." We made it to the village. We saw the Aerostats and hunters. The villagers were fighting a losing battle. Gana-"My home....we can't let them destroy it. Critias..." Critias-"I know." They headed for the machines. Pyron-"Angel, hold on tight. It's gonna get rough." And I joined in. Galeru-"Don't give up. Fight on with all your might!" I saw a wolf leading soldiers into the battle. An Aerostat came after me, but I put it down with my Shaadow Blitz. Angel-"Daddy." Pyron-"Hold on." I couldn't sit Angel down. It was war in Ewok. Gana was tearing up hunters one by one. I was shocked and surprised by her tenacity. She wanted to protect her home...even if she had to use her blue lightning. At this point it didn't matter. The fight lasted for what seemed like hours. I landed after slaying 10 Aerostats and 10 hunters. I was exhausted. Suddenly I saw that large robot again. The same one Jane and I saw. I was terrified. Suddenly it's head came off. This large female dragon took it out. After that the other machines retreated. I was shocked.
I found Gana and Critias. Both were okay. Angel got off of me. Gana and I hugged each other. Gana-"Am I glad your safe." Pyron-"Same here." Critias smiled. Galeru-"Gana! Your back." The wolf came to her. Gana-"Galeru...thanks for protecting our home." He smiled and went on his way to survey the damage. Flora-"Gana." Gana-"Huh? Mom? Moooom!" Gana ran to her mom. She was so happy to see her. I went to her. Flora-"And who is this handsome devil with my beautiful daughter?" Gana-"Mom, you should know who this is. This is Pyron. You" Flora-"Yes yes. Your mate. I know. I'm Flora." Pyron-"Nice to meet you ma'am." Gana-"Oh, and that's our daughter Angel oner there." Flora-"Hm? Over where?" Gana pointed over to where Angel was...but she was gone. Gana-"Huh? Angel? Angeeeel!" Pyron-"Noooo! Where's Angel?" I can't believe it. Angel dissapeared. Gana and Pyron-"Angel! Angel!" Where did our little girl go?