Sunday, March 21, 2010

Lost and Found

I flew for hours, not knowing where to go. I went invisiblewith my Shadow power to not alert any Aerostats. I flew, rested, flew, and rested, and flew. I didn't realized it, but I crossed the Westernlands and was in the Eastern Territories. It was....unexpectedly peaceful. It didn't seem the war came here. I turnedback and continue my flight. Suddenly something hits me and knocks me out. When I came to I saw a couple of Eastern Dragons, and they weren't to pleased. They took me to a nearby city. Dragonguard-"We spotted this Westerner in our airspace." I looked and saw a beautiful blue Easterner. Sparkles-"He's no threat to us. He comes in peace. Please, release him." They release me. Pyron-"Um, thank you." Sparkles-"Please, come with me."
I followed her to a garden. Something was strange about her. She was reaching for a flower, but had to feel for it. She plucked a flower from her garden. Pyron-"Um, miss, I have to get going." Sparkles-"Why leave all of a sudden? Your a fighter who lost his way." Pyron-"Huh?" She turned. Sparkles-"I sense your spirit's in turmoil." Though she looked at me, I notice she didn't look at me directly. Pyron-"Miss, are you...blind?" Sparkles-"Blind...would be your aspect of things, but I see things clearly." Pyron-"Huh?" Sparkles-"From my birth I was blind. But through hard work I can use my aura to see things." Pyron-"Your aura? Oh, I forget you Easterners can fly by using your aura. Never did get that." She laughed a bit.
I tooked in the Eastern culture. Apappently this dragoness is like a priestess. Sparkles-"I'm Sparkles." Pyron-"Pyron's my name. Everyone seem to worship you." Sparkles-"Though I'm just like you in age I'm highlyregarded as a priestess, but more importantly, the next Imoogi."Pyron-"The next Imoogi?" Sparkles-"In the Eastern Territories, Imoogiisthe god among us Easterners. Only a select few can become Imoogi. On my 20th birthday I am to head to our temple and take the place as Imoogi." Pyron-"Wow. Your saying that you'll become a only 20?" Sparkles-"Yes. I will have to sacrifice what I held the family." Pyron-"Your family? Why?" Sparkles-"I was chosen by the previous Imoogi on my 2nd birthday. My parent's knew this and are very proud of me. I haven't seen them in many years, but I always kept the memories of them in my heart." Pyron-"Wow."
That night Sparkles let me stayed at her temple. Sparkles-"Tell me Pyron, Buraki's giving everyone in the Westernlands a rough time." Pyron-"Yeah...especially for me.My mom, dad, and sister will become the enemy soon, and to help my daughter kill him, I must kill my family." Sparkles-"It must be nice to have a daughter. Due to my status, I'm afraid I won't have children of my own." Pyron-"Oh, thatmust be very sad for you." Sparkles-"It is...but though I'm sad about it, it's something I can live with. Pyron, you don't know how lucky you are. You have awonderful family who's there for you, a beautiful baby girl, and a wife who'll love you forever." Pyron-"Yeah. Huh? Wife?!" Sparkles-"Yes. Gana will be your wife when you reach your early adult stage. That's whatI believe. And...I read your mind. Sorry."Pyron-"Greeeeaaaat." Sparkles-"Pyron, you need not to worry. You have friends and a famly who'll be there for you. And your daughter will have the 2 best parents anyone ever wanted." I smiled. Pyron-"Your right. All this time I been worried how I can handle the pressure, but the pressure's on all of us to succeed. My friends, family, and I willbe able to beat Buraki. And save this world and not just all of dragonkind, but every species out there." Sparkles-"I know you'll succeed. (She kisses me on my forehead) And before you ask, our land's protectedby powerful crystals. It wasn't easy for our people to combat Buraki's forces. Pyron, you'll succeed. I know it." I smiled.
The next day I left thecity and headed for Ewok Village. It took hours but I got back. I was geete by my friends and loved ones. Though Galeru was still reluctant about me, I didn't care. I hugged Gana and Angel. I lost my way, but thanks to Sparkles, I found my way. And no matter what the obstacle maybe, my friends and I will prevail.

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