Sunday, March 21, 2010

Hard Times

We searched for Angel for about 45 minutes. Gana, Critias, and I didn't find her. Pyron-"Angel...our little girl's could I let this happen?!" I punched the ground. Critias-"Pyron, don't blame yourself." Pyron-"It is my fault. I put her down for a moment and now she's gone. of his machines got her. (My red scales began to turn black) I'll find him and get her back!" Gana-"Pyron, stop!" Pyron-"Why should I?!" Gana-"Please...don't..." I saw Gana was terrified, butnot for Angel. She was terrified...for me. I calm down. Galeru-"So, your the Pyron our dear Gana has fallen for. Well, I'm Galeru, leader of this village." I shook his paw. Flora-"Thanks for keeping my daughter safe. We should all calm down for now." Calm...was something I couldn't do. Later that evening, well, I couldn't tell if it was evening in Ewok Village, I was outside the shelter. All I could think about was Angel. I had the neck collar Luna gave me to give her when she was a bit older. I clutched it in my paw, and cried. Gana-"Pyron. (I looked at her) Don't worry. Our little girlwill be ok." Pyron-"Gana, she's 3 months old. How can you beso calm about this? We can head back to Ember, get the others, and storm Buraki's facilities and-" Gana-"And what Pyron? Get ourselves killed?" Pyron-"I...well...aaaah!" Gana-"My mom say's it'll be ok. She told me we have to wait 2 daysfor her return." 2 days?! Is Gana's mom nuts?! Gana-"I thoughtshe was out of her mind, but I believe her. (I looked the other way and she came to comfort me) My mom told me before Nera, Robby, Kyle, and I left you and I would be mates. She told me to go to Mist Falls Village. And so far what she forsaw came true. I know how close of a bond you have with Angel, but please, wait for her Pyron. I reluctantly nodded. Gana stayed with me throughout the night.
2 days have passed. Ewok wasn't fully repaired but was repaired enough for most of the villagers to move back to their homes. All I thought about was getting Angel back. We had some help of repair from our comrades in Ember. Lagon came along with Spirit and Nera. Most of yesterday I noticed Lagon speaking to Floa. Why? I had no idea. As te day was turning night I grew anxious. Pyron-"I can't take this. What if Angel's dead, and we did nothing?" Gana-"Pyron, please calm down."Pyron-"How can I calm down Gana?!" Me scales turned black. Gana-"Pyron, calm down please." Pyron-"No! (I rip the medallion from my neck) I will not!" Suddenly I grew large. I was in my dark form. Galeru-"What the...?! He's a Dark Draco! Stop him!" The villagers began to attack me. Gana-"Stop everyone! Please!" I roared and pounded the gound, knocking the villagers off their feet. Lagon-"Pyron, stoooop!" I knock Lagon back. I was ten zapped by electricity. It was Gana. I looked at her. She was terrified again. When I saw her...then looked at the others...I couldn't believe what I done. I calm down and was back to normal.
Gana ran and hugged me. Pyron-"Gana...I'm so sorry." I cried. ana-"It's okay." She was crying too. Suddenly we heard more crying. A familiar cry. Angel-"Mommy. Daddy." We looked and we saw...Angel. She ran to us and we hugged her. Pyron-"" Flora-"Pyron, your daughter has the power to teleport herself. She wound up activating it and got caught by one of the hunters. When she thought of you 2 and her home, she activate it again. Her teleportationis one reason Buraki wants her slayed." Gana and I looked at her.
Galeru-"I'm thankful the little girl's ok, but not ok with Pyron. He's a decendent of the Dark Draco, and that puts this village in danger." Gana-"Hold on, sure Pyron maybe half Draco, but he can control himself." Gana-"But-" Pyron-"No Gana. I don't ant to put anyone in danger. I'm leaving." Lagon-"Well, we'llsee you back at Ember then." Pyron-"No Lagon. I won't return to Ember either." Spirit-"What? But Pyron..." Pyron-"I'm sorry...everyone." I ran and flew away. Gana-"Pyron-" Flora-"No Gana."Gana-"But mom..." Flora-"Pyron's at a crossroads now. He must decide what he's gonna do next." Gana-"....Pyron...." Angel lookson. Angel-"Daddy..."

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