Friday, January 8, 2010

The Deal

Ever since we got back from our excursion to Eingana and the Wlite Isle, Gana has been acting strange. For some odd reason I see her talking to herself as of late. Angel was on my back pullung my horns when I saw Gana talking to Spirit. I saw her walking away, as if she was avoiding me. Pyron-"Gana, hey what happened?" Gana-"Nothing!" Her tone of voice changed. Was she mad at me? Pyron-"Gana, I know when your ok and when your not. Tell me whats-" Gana-"Nothing's happening you stupid dragon!" I was shocked when she said that and everyone stop talking. Angel hopped off of me. Angel-"Mom, what's wrong with you?" Gana-"Shut up and leave me alone!" She stormed off into her room. I picked up Angel. Pyron-"Gana..." Jane-" call you stupid...that's a first. I like it." Pyron-"Hey!" Jane-" isn't like her to insult you." Jane was concerned too? Wow. I went into her room. Pyron-"Gana, what's wrong with you?" Gana-"Um, sorry Pyron. I gotta hide...somewhere." I grabbed her tail. Pyron-"Hide from what? (I saw she was scared) Gana, I see your scared. What's bothering you?" Gana-"'s ok. I just...I was kinda nervous and angry and scared of that reaper guy so...I'm so fustrated and I'm sorry." I didn't want to let her go, but I did. Angel went to hug her and I was sad. I walked out of our house. Pyron-"Gana..."
It's already been a day and Gana and I haven't spoke much since she went hostile on me. I thought I give her some space. I was walking alongside of the river right by a cliff. Things were peaceful since the Sliver River fight. I heard a scream then a large thud. I ran and saw...Anakin. Pyron-"Anakin!!!" I know not to move him so I flew back to get the medical staff. An hour later the doctors tell us Anakin is ok. I went to speak to him. Pyron-"Anakin, what happened? How did you fell off the cliff?" Anakin-"I think...someone pushed me. I didn't...see who did it." Pyron-"Man, your very lucky to be alive after a fall like that." Anakin-"Yeah...and they say cats have 9 lives." He laughs. Pyron-"You rest up." I left and went outside. I flew up and was pretty mad. Who could have done that? Gana-"Pyron! (I turned and saw Gana) Py..." Suddenly she fell into the trees. Pyron-"Oh no...Ganaaaaa!"
I stood by Gana's bedside for the whole day. Gana-"Aaaaaaaaaaa! No!" Pyron-"Gana, it's ok. What happened?" Gana-"I just...had a bad dream. Are you okay?" Pyron-"Yes I am...of course. But I got so freaked out when you fell from that height. I thought I lost you." Gana-"It's ok. I'm ok. Pyron, how long was I out?" Pyron-"One day..." Gana-"I'm dead!" Pyron-"What?" Gana-"I'm not dead literally. I'm just...dead." Pyron-"Gana, your scaring me. What are you talking about? (She tells me all the details, including the deal with Davey Jones) I will do anything to save you." Gana-"You can't raise me from the dead Pyron. (I was silent) Look...we'll be together today and tomarrow until he comes. Just promise me you won't tell Angel I made a deal with him. Just tell her I'm going on a trip and I'm not gonna be back for a long time." We both cried. Pyron-"No...I'm not letting you go." Gana-"I'm already gone Pyron..." I saw the black spot on her paw. Her paw was covered by it. Pyron-"There must be a way." Gana-"No there isn't. You can't stop faith of what's gonna happen to you. Especially not me or someone else." Pyron-"Maybe you can't, but I can. I will! I will stop Jones from taking you from me, even if I have to give my soul to him." Gana-"I will not let you do that!" Pyron-"You can't top me remember? Your dead!" Gana-"No Pyron. Davey Jones can not and won't delete the deal he and I made. If you offer your soul, he'll get both of us. Don't do this to me!!" She cried. Pyron-"I'm sorry...I don't want to lose you." Gana-"It's ok..." Pyron-"But there is a way to cheat death." Gana-"What?" Pyron-"I challenge Davey a game of Pirate Dice!" Gana-"No! Pyron, you don't know how to play that!" Jones-"I accept. Hahahahaha!" He appears behind us.
Pyron-"So your Davey Jones?" Jones-"That's right. Your reputation perceeds you among us ghosts in the netherworld. Reaper is so uptight to get you and Grim hates you very much." Pyron-"I see. So, we're gonna play? I know the rules already." Gana-"No Pyron, please don't!" Jones-" what's the deal then?" Pyron-"How's about you let Gana out of the deal you made with her and I'll take her place?" Gana-"What?! No Pyron!" Jones-"Hmm...ok. But your soul is worth 200. Among us ghouls that's very rich. (All I did was smiled) Confident are ya?" Pyron-"Yep. My family comes first before me, and to save them, I'll sacrifice my life for them." Gana-"Pyron...please don't..." Gana cried. Jones-"Then let us step out so everyone can see you lose." We go out. Everyone watched as Davey Jones and I prepared to play. Jones-"Since you'll replace Gana Pyron, I release her from our deal. (The black spot that was on Gana's paw disappeared and reappeared on my paw) I don't do it often, so consider yourself lucky. Pyron's quite nortorious in the netherworld. And to have him serve me will make me very envious among the ghosts." Pyron-"So I lose you get me, I win and I must get either a replacement or get 200 souls in 5 days right?" Jones-"Right. So let's play." We shaked the cups then place them on the table. Pyron-"3 fours." Jones-"4 threes." We raised the cups. I won. Jones-"So, looks like I lost. But I win in the end. Pyron, you can't possibly get me 200 souls since you won't kill an innocent life to save your own. So you lose in the end. Hahahahaha!" Gana-"What? You knew he would challenge you?" Jones-"Of course. He cares too much about you...and your his weakness." Gana-"No...what have I done?" I just smiled. Jones-"Hm? Your smiling? Your not scared?" Pyron-"Nope. You say Gana's my weakness. She, my family, my friends, and my daughter give me the strength to move on." Jones-"Hehehe...hahahahaha! Well, you can say good-bye to them in 5 days, since you won't take innocent lives." Pyron-"Actually, the deal you made with me was replacement or 200 souls. The soul part, you never said to get just innocent souls." Jones-"What? (He looks at the contract) Noooo! That means you can get any souls, not just innocent ones!" Pyron-"Yep. I'll be back in a few hours. (I used my Shadow power and disappeared. A few hours later) Well, here's your 200 souls." I gave him a magic bag of souls. Jones-"Grrr! Curse you Pyron." Pyron-"Now be a good little ghost and go away." He disappears. Gana-"Pyron...I'm sorry." Pyron-"It's ok Gana. (The black spot was gone from my paw) Long as your safe." Spirit-"Pyron...did you really get 200 souls?" I just smiled. Pyron-"It's nothing to worry about Spirit." When Davey Jones returned, he open his bag and got the souls of reapers. Jones-"Gaaaaa! That Pyron! I'll get even with him if it's the last thing I do!"
Days have passed since that incident. Gana and I were together again. Guard-"Stop! Who are you?" We left our house and saw a hooded figure. They took off their hood. It was a ferret. Gana-"Huh? No way! Critias, is it really you?" Critias-"Gana...I finally found you at last." Pyron-"Who's this Gana?" Gana-"His name's Critias. He's an old friend. Critias, this is my mate Pyron and our daughter Angel." Critias-"Nice to meet you. Gana, I need you to come back to Ewok Village in the Sunless Forest." Gana-"What? It's still there?" Critias-"Yes, Galeru's in trouble and Flora needs you." Gana was shocked. Gana-"My mom...she's...alive?" I don't know what was going on, but it seems Gana's old home's in danger. If her old village is in serious trouble, we need to go now. I hope we'll get there in time.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Dark Dragon Tale

It's been a strange trip to say the least. First I teamed with Rica and of all dragons Heinaus to swap back Rica and my bodies, then I'm Cassandra's servant boy, then weird robots came on the attack, and then I had to meet a Snake Goddess twice: one to find Gana and two to protect her from Clayd...which I didn't fair well against. It's been 2 months since Judgement Day started and I don't feel we're getting anywhere. At the Snake Goddess request Gana, Jane and I, with Angel, are on our way to the White Isle to look at my dad's book. Why? I don't know. Pyron-"Gana, your quiet. Is something wrong?" Gana-"Hm? No...I'm fine." Jane-"Is that it?" We found the White Isle and landed. Pyron-"It doesn't look like the Celestial Caves weren't harm." Jane-"Then let's go see this Chronicler guy." So we headed into the cave. Pyron-"Man, it's so peaceful here." Gana-"Yeah..." Jane-"This place can use an interior decorator." Ignitus-"It could, but then my solitude wouldn't be much of a solitude would it?" Gana and Pyron-"Ignitus."
He took us to where the dragon books were. He held Angel. Ignitus-"Ah, so cute is the little savior of our kind." Pyron-"Ignitus, is my dad's book here? I have to see it." Ignitus-"Yes. But...your not ready to see it." Pyron-"I must Ignitus." He was really reluctant. Ignitus-"Very well. I know what it is you seek." My dad's book came to me and open up. I saw him as a black dragon. Pyron-"Why does my dad look like a black dragon? (Then my book came to me and open up) Hold on, this shows me as Dark Pyron. Ignitus, what's the meaning of this?" Ignitus-"Pyron, you and your dad...your dad is a Dark Draco. Their a race of dragons with dark powers." Pyron-"Dark powers? Like mine and Spyro and Cynder?" Ignitus-"Your dark powers are different from Spyro and Cynder. Let me show you."
We went to a well in the middle of the chamber and saw images. Ignitus-"The Dark Dracos came to power long before Malefor was even born. Their numbers was huge andthey always raged wars with the light dragons.When their leader was killed the Dark Dracos went into hiding an slumber. Sadly, your father was among them." Pyron-"My dad?" Ignitus-"Yes. He woke up from his slumber 100 years before the events of Malefor took place. He saw how peaceful our world was and wanted to make amends and tear away from the Dracos. That's when he met your mother. She was a light dragon and help sealed your father's Dark powers." Pyron-"But my dad's a Fire dragon." Ignitus-"Naturally he was. Though he feared his dark power would rise up again one day so your mom gave him a special medallion to wear to keep his power suppressed. When the Dracos rose months after Malefor's defeat they saw your father and branded him a traitor. Your father fought against them and ultimately won with the help of his allies. Soon after you and your twin sister hatched from your eggs. You showed your dark power early on but your natural fire took over. Your dad feared if your dark power wasn't suppressed you could end up on a dark path like him." Pyron-"So...your saying I have some blood tie to these...Dark Dracos?" Ignitus-"In a matter of speaking yes. Only you showed that power, not your sister." I didn't say anything.
Jane-"You know, I was looking at this sicture show and I notice Gana's home village." Gana-"My home village?" Ignitus-"Yes. Before Gana was even born Her mom's home village was destroyed by them. That's why she and the rest of her group moved." Gana-"My mom..." I punched the ground. Pyron-"I can't believe all this. My dad was part of some dark group bent on world domination and they attacked Gana's mom's group. And now I have a dark power that's gonna take me over sooner or later if I ever take this trinkit off. My family's being slowly destroyed and I'm powerless to stop it!!! (I collapsed to the floor) It's too much. It's just...too much." I cried. I soon felt someone nuzzling me. It was Angel. Angel-"Daddy...don't give up please daddy." Pyron-"Angel?" I picked her up. Jane-"Red, even I have to say you can't give up. Who else can I give a hard time to other than Gana?" I looked at her. Gana-"Pyron, I made a lot of mistakes in my life...but one mistake I'm proud of not making was meeting you. Sure we have our daughter and we're teen parents, but our little girl wouldn't have been born if we never met, and if your dad never met your mom you or Luna wouldn't have been born. And if none of that ever happen, none of us from Nera, Spirit, Flame, Jane, you, and me would have never met." I know she was right. I smiled. Ignitus-"Pyron, you must learn to control your dark power if you ever gonna have a fighting chance against Buraki. He's more powerful than you realized." Pyron-"I know. I understand I'll have to make a great sacrifice once my mom, dad, and sister become Dragon Killers, but that doesn't mean I can't still save them. I'll find out how before I come to that final solution. And...I know I'm not alone. Next time Clayd and I meet things will be different." Jane-"Sure it'll be." Pyron-"Hey! (Jane smiled...then I laughed.) Gana, thanks a lot." Gana-"Sure Pyron." We hugged each other.
We said goodbye to Ignitus and headed for Ember where our friends were waiting for us. He goes back and looks into Gana's book. Then he took out another dragon's book. He smiles. Ignitus-"Gana...pretty soon. Pretty soon..." We arrived back to Ember and were greeted by our friends. I felt great joy. But for some reason Gana looked sad. I wonder why?

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Power of the Gods

Gana, Jane, and I were flying to the Island of Eingana as fast as we could. But for some reason, Gana brought Angel with us. Maybe she didn't want to leave our daughter behind, but with the dangers we now face every time we leave the safety of Ember I have to wonder, is it worth the risk to bring our daughter out? To think after that letter I read from Flame...can we really trust what he said? (Lagon-"Well, then we have to get to Eingana quick." Rica-"And put the safety of Ember at stake? Are you nuts?" Nera-"Rica's right. We need our best warriors to be here. And since Jane, Gana, and Pyron are the only 3 who know where Eingana is..." Anakin-"They can go and stop Clayd before he dooms us all." Jane-"A lot that'll do. Red here got his rear kicked by Clayd...and Clayd didn't even break a sweat. (I said nothing.) Red? Your not arguing with me?" Pyron-"Maybe you and Gana should go without me." All-"What?!" Pyron-"I'm no good to you if Clayd does come." Gana-"Pyron..." Jane-"Oh no Red. Your coming with us and that's that." Gana-"And Angel will come with us." Pyron-"Your kidding?! If she goes out there-" Gana-"I know. But it must be done Pyron." I sighed. Pyron-"Okay.")
We made it to Eingana. The place still looks the same. Clayd hasn't shownn up yet. As we walked I thought back to Ember before we left...(Spirit-"Pyron, will you be okay? Your terrified." Pyron-"Me? Terrified? Of course not Spirit. But..." Spirit-"But what?" Pyron-"Among us who can fight your the youngest. Spirit, you got great skills. Look after Ember for us." Spirit-"Don't worry. Ember will be here when you 3 get back." I smiled and with Gana and Jane, as well as Angel, took off.") We found the castle and went inside. Alec-"Well, Gana the Snake Goddess is expecting you. Come with me. (We follow him to the Goddess's chambers) My lady, your guests." Goddess-"Sssso, you finally come."
Elsewhere Clayd was coming. Gana-"I brought my girl as you suggested." Pyron-"What?! As she suggested?" Gana-"The Snake Goddess asked me to bring our daughter here." Goddess-"Do not worry your little head Pyron. Gana and Jane know how valuable I am to thissss world. But in truth, I'm not that valuable. I'm jusssst a creature given sssspecial powerssss to keep the world in balance." Pyron-"In balance?" Goddess-"I'm a creator and a desssstroyer. Without life, there'ssss no death. Without death, there issss no life. The Power of the Godsss is a power like no other. It'ssss a sssspecial priveledge to have that power." Pyron-"So Buraki send Clayd to kill you and steal your power." Goddess-"Buraki? Your sssso naive Pyron. Buraki doessssn't have the necessssssary body to use my power." Jane-"Then why is Clayd coming then?" Goddess-"Becausssse Alazar sent him." All 3-"Alazar?!" Goddess-"Alazar believessss by taking my power he can beat Buraki and take over. But he'ssss an idiot. I can only give my power willingly and to thosssse of a pure heart. Gana, til Clayd gets here, I'll give your daughter half of my power." She begins to glow and sent her god powers into Angel.
Goddess-"There. Sssshould Clayd kill me, your daughter will be next in line for the Power of the Godssss." Pyron-"Our daughter?! You mean to tell me she's gonna take your place if you die? That's too much on a little girl." Goddess-"It'ssss either that or this world's demise." Pyron-"Gah!" Goddess-"You've been worried a lot Pyron. Ever ssssince Judgement Day sssstarted your emotions have controlled you. You can't think sssstraight when in a fight. Added you lost to Clayd when you were worried about Gana and allowing your dark powerssss to reawaken by Cassssssandra is no laughting matter." Pyron-"Wait, my dark powers reawakening? What do you mean? Weren't Buraki's experiments the reason I have a dark power?" Goddess-"No Pyron. Your dark powerssss aren't like the kind Spyro and Cynder have. Not even from the experiments. Yourssss issss...different." Pyron-"Different how?" Goddess-"When Spyro and Cynder got their dark power, ther were expose to the darkness. Buraki's experiments in ssssome creaturessss made arificial darkness. Yourssss is-" Alec-"Misstress. The enemy has come!" We hear a loud bang and we saw Clayd.
Pyron-"Clayd!" Clayd-"Well well, Pyron's here with 3 lovely ladies and his baby girl. Now I can kill Pyron for a bonus." Pyron-"Enough of this!" I ran at him. Goddess-"Pyron, wait!" I didn't stop. I tried hitting him but all I did was have a repeat performance like at Sliver River. I was down on the ground. Clayd-"Again, humorous Pyron. And I see your lovely blue dagoness is here." Gana-"Let him go Clayd or I'll make you pay." Clayd-"As you wish." He let's me go. Jane-"What? So easily?" Clayd-"I want to kill Pyron, but what pleasure can I get when my opponent doesn't fight with his heart? Even this bounty hunter has standards. I'll hurt them, but won't kill an opponent who won't give me a worthwhile fight." He starts to leave. Jane-"Hold on. Didn't you come here to steal the Snake Goddess's power?" Clayd-"Steal her power? Whatever do you mean? It's not like I accidently dropped a crystal made to take her powers into the deepest part of the ocean. Anyway, my job's done here." He flies away and I got up. Once again, my pride's been hurt and I punched the ground.
Jane-"He's a weird one." Goddess-"Now young angel, relinquissssh your god power. (The Snake Goddess took back her power) Much better. Gana, your little Angel maybe the one to kill Buraki, but without the guidance of her parentssss thissss world'ssss doom for everyone, not just for dragonssss." I got up. Pyron-"I knew I couldn't do it. Why did I bother to even come. (I got tailed slapped) Jane! Why I otta-(It was Gana who did it) Gana? You?" She had tears in her eyes. Gana-"Pyron, please stop beating yourself up like this. Your no good to yourself if you keep doubting yourself. That's not the dragon I know and fell for." Jane-"I hate to admit it Red, but she does make a good point." I looked down. Angel-"Daddy?" I looked at Angel and picked her up. She kisses me. Goddess-"Pyron, you should go to the Celestial Caves of the White Isle. Find your dad's book. There, you shall get your answers." Pyron-"Um...okay." Gana-"I'm coming to." Jane-"I might as well, seeing how Red's no longer good in fights." We flew off. Heading for the White Isle. Alec-"Misstress Gana, do you think it's wise? If Pyron learns of the Dark Dragons..." Goddess-"I know. Hissss dad was once, and the current path Pyron's on now, even that medallion won't ssssave him. He needssss to learn about his past if he'ssss ever gonna have a future with Gana and hissss friendssss. But even sssso, will Gana accept it?"

Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Medallion

Pyron-"Sis...why are" I struggled to get up. Luna-"I come here every now and then. Yesterday I found Gana here. And knowing how close you two are, odds are I find you here as well." Flame-"But...she's a ghost. How can we restore her to flesh and blood?" Luna-"That's simple. All you have to do is get Gana to go inside Jane." Jane-"Hey, it's bad enough I had to be inside her, but with Red here, that'll make it worse for me." I grew mad. Luna-"Hmm...I see. So Pyron has it too." Pyron-"Huh? What do you mean Luna?" Luna-"Here brother. Dad wanted me to give this to you." She took out a medallion. Pyron-"Wait, that's dad's medallion. He never takes it off. Luna, why do you have this?" Luna-"I'll explain later. Okay Gana, do it." She leaps into Jane. Jane-"Aaa! Get out of me!" Luna-"Hold still. (She shoots a light beam from the jewel on her neck collar and soon splited Jane and Gana apart) There we go." Pyron-"Gana, your okay." Gana-"Yeah." She smiles. Jane-"Oh yeah, don't worry about little ole me." Pyron-"I try not to." Jane-"Watch it Red. Don't forget I can still kick your scaly hide." Pyron-"You wanna have a go right now?!" Jane-"Bring it." Flame-"Stop you two." Luna-"Yeah. We gotta get going now." And so we left.
We made it back to Ember. Everyone was happy Gana was safe and sound. Angel-"Mommy mommy!" Gana-"Angel." Gana and Angel hugged each other. Luna-"Pyron, put on dad's medallion." Pyron-"But why sis?" Luna-"It'll suppress your dark magic till you can master them." I put it on. Pyron-"Luna, I want to know why you have dad's medallion." Luna-"Like you, dad has dark powers Pyron." Pyron-"Like me?" Luna-"Yes. When Judgement Day started weeks ago our group were among Buraki's prime targets. To save us dad remove his medallion. In doing so he unleash his dark magic. He save the group, but..." Pyron-"But what?" Luna-"Buraki captured him." Pyron-"Nooooooo! (I grew upset, but didn't feel my dark power rising) Dad..." Luna-"And mom went to help him, but caught too. Soon, they'll be a part of Buraki's Dragon Killers. Pyron-"Nooo! Luna, how do you know this?" Flame-"Because she'll be part of them too." Pyron-"What?!" Flame-"They didn't realize it, but they were all infected by Buraki's nano virus." Luna-"Flame speaks the truth. Soon, we'll be Dragon Killers."
I couldn't believe it. The Angel I met from the future was right. My mom, dad, and sister are gonna become the enemy. I collapsed to the ground. Gana-"Pyron..." Pyron-"My family...noooo..." Luna-"Though they can't be removed, there's still time brother. (She removes her neck collar) When Angel has grown up a bit, give her my collar. It's embedded with magic that will flow in her." Pyron-"But sis...that means...I have to kill you, mom, and dad. I can't." Luna-"Brother, I know it's hard, but you must if we're gonna save this world. I want to remember the time I got left fighting for good. Our destinies are different. And you'll do the right thing." I cried.
Night fell. I couldn't sleep, so I got up. When I left my hut I saw Nikki leaving. I chased her. Pyron-"Nikki, where your going?" Nikki-"Pyron, I must go." Pyron-"What?! Your abandoning us?" Nikki-"No. I have something I must do. It's very important to me." Pyron-"Nikki..." Nikki-"Like your sister said, our destinies are different. I know you and the others will do ok without me. (I was sad, then Nikki kisses me on the cheek) I'm glad to have made great friends like you. Pyron, take care of your dragoness and your daughter." Pyron-"I will Nikki. Good luck wherever you go." Nikki-"Thanks Pyron." She flies away into the night. I walk back and got greted by Gana. She runs and hugs me and I hug her back. The next morning I told everyone about Nikki's departure. Though we were all sad, we had to move on. Anakin-"Hey everyone! Flame and Heinaus are gone!" We ran to where the 2 were sleeping. Rica-"I knew those two can't be trusted." Nera-"Even Luna's gone. But we know why she left. Hm? Hey, it's a letter to you Pyron." I read it...then smiled. Gana-"What did it say?" Pyron-"Luna says she will be ok. Heinaus left to get payback on Alazar. And...Flame's still with us." All-"Huh?" Pyron-"Flame just needed Buraki's help to remove the crystals in his wings. And he's doing this because a friend of his is being held captive." Lagon-"Then...he's no traitor?" Jane-"No he isn't." Lagon-"Then let's go rescue his friend." Pyron-"Too risky. He wants to get Buraki by surprise." Gana-"Hm? I see more." I turned the paper...then I went from happy to sad. Pyron-"Gana, Jane, did that Snake Goddess mention anything about being a creator and a destroyer?" Gana-"Well...yeah." Pyron-"This is bad. According to Flame, Clayd's on his way to take her powers for Buraki." All-"What?!" We were all stunned. If Buraki gets his clutches on the goddess's power, we're all done for. We got to get to the Island of Eingana before it's too late.

Flame's Return and the Mystic Isle

Lagon-"You traitor! Why have you come back?" Flame didn't answer. All were angry at him, even me. My dark power was starting to glow. Angel-"Daddy...please don't be mad." I looked at my daughter. Somehow, she makes me feel better. She's just like her mom. But...what is it about her growing powers that's suppressing my dark power? Hmm...Nera-"You better explain traitor. After all we been through to stop Buraki-" Flame-"You could never stop him." All-"What?!" Flame-"He's always one step of you." Lagon-"I'll rip your wings off." Flame-"Relax Lagon. I'm hear to simply help you find Gana." Pyron-"Wait, how do you know Gana's missing?" Flame-"Clayd told us." Pyron-"Clayd...I'll get even with him." Flame-"Ha! That's funny." Pyron-"What?!" Flame-"Even I can beat you Pyron. Heck, even Spirit can outdo you now." Pyron-"Why you...!" Flame-"The truth absorbed too much dark energy from the Darklands. Now with Gana missing your not thinking straight. Your allowing your emotions and your new power to control you." Flame made a good point. My fighting style was so sloppy I didn't dealt any damage to Clayd.
Nikki-"So why have you come Flame?" Flame-"Like I said, I'm hear to help you find Gana. She's alive...right Jane?" We all looked at Jane. Jane was silent. Nikki-"Is it true Jane?" Jane-"I...don't know. The Snake Goddess did-" Pyron-"Snake Goddess?" Jane explained what had happened. Lagon-"So, if we find this snake she can help?" Jane-"Maybe..." Pyron-"Then let's go." Flame-"I'll offer to help. I want to make amends." Jane-"I know the way so I'll go too." Pyron-"Angel, please stay here." Angel-"Daddy...please bring mommy back." Pyron-"I will. I promise." And we leave.
It took us hours to make it to the Island of Eingana. We soon found the castle where Jane was in before. We went inside and soon saw the snake. Goddess-"Sssso, you return Jane, and you brought company. I ssssupposssse your the Pyron I heard about." Pyron-"And you must be the Snake Goddess Gana." Goddess-"I haven't usssse that name in a long time. But that issss my name. Sssso, you come to find your mate? Well, sssshe isn't here." Jane-"What?! She isn't?" Goddess-"No. But I know where you can go to find her. Go to the Mysssstic Isle. There you will find her. But be warn: the Reaperssss are known for going there. And you may encounter other horrible creaturessss assss well." Pyron-"What kind?" Goddess-"There are the Xenos: human-like monsters with claws, the Nevar: raven-like birds that attack in flocks, and the Ozarg: insect-like creaturesss who are sssstupid, but very dangeroussss. Mystic Isle's usually peaceful, but when Gana became a sssspirit, sssshe went there and the Reaperssss gave chase to her. One of which sssseemssss to mutter your name." Pyron-"Reaper...of course." Goddess-"Be careful. Their leader's with them. Travel ssssouth of here and you'll reach the Mysssstic Isle." Pyron-"Alright. Let's go." And we left.
About 3 hours later we found the Mystic Isle. Things looked so peaceful and calm. Pyron-"I can sense Gana." I ran. Jane-"Wait up Red." I ran and ran and ran. There I saw her in a clearing. She was a spirit. Pyron-"Gana!" Gana-"P,,, it you?" I ran to her and tried to hug her. Pyron-(gasps)"Your...a spirit. Are you...dead?" Gana-"No. I don't feel dead." ???-"Because she isn'r dead." There's that voice again. I heard it from that battle at Sliver River. Pyron-"Who are you? Show yourself." Reapers appeared as well as one holding a scythe. Flame-"Oh no. That's Grim. The Grim Reaper." Pyron-"The Grim Reaper?" Grim-"That's right. You've been a thorn in the side of one of my ghostly men. For that, you must be slayed. Attack my leathal legion." Black portals began to appear and human-like monsters, giant black birds, and mean insects came out. We begin to fight them. I torched a bunch of them, Jane took out several with her Blue Lighning, and Flame took out a horde with his fire. Flame-"There just too many." Jane-"They have us surrounded." Grim-"Hahahahaha. You fought bravely, but it all ends...for you Pyron." Pyron-"For me?" Grim-"That's right. Your comrades are of no use to me. It's you I'll take to the netherworld. There, your soul will be tortured for all eternity." I was getting mad. Suddenly my dark power grew rapidly and I grew large.
Gana-"No..." I roared. Grim-"What the-" With one use of my shadow magic I took out all of Grim's forces. All that remain was Grim. Dark Pyron-"I took out your Reapers, monsters, bugs, and flying turkeys. your the only one left." Grim-"Try to dstroy me." He came at me with his scythe. I struck him in the chest with my tail. Jane and Gana-"Aaaaaaaaaaaa!" Grim-"This can't beeeeeeeeeee!" He disappeared. I roared and shot fire up in the air.Flame-"He's out of control." Flame flies up and knocks me out in one shot. I collapsed and blacked out. When I woke up I saw Gana. Pyron-"" She smiled and I returned back to normal. Jane-"Leave it to Red to get us almost killed." Gana-"Watch it Jane." Jane-"Sorry little Miss Ghost." Luna-"Seems your all well." We looked up and saw Luna. I can't believe it. My sister's still alive.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Sliver River Battle

I heard someone, but the voice wasn't familiar to me. Pyron-"Did you hear that?" Jane-"Yeah. We must go Pyron." I was more concern about where Gana was...and Jane knows where she is. I got upset and turned into my Dark Pyron form. I jumped on her and pinned her down. Jane-"Aaaaaaaah!" Pyron-"Where is she? Where's Gana?" Jane got mad. Jane-"I...don't...knooow!" She pushed me off...then we looked at each other. Moments later I sat down and turned back to normal. So did Jane. Pyron-"What's happening to me?" Jane-"It seems to me you can't control your fear and emotions." Pyron-" did you-" Jane-"I happen to be more stronger and powerful than you Red. Your weak. I can control my power, but your gift...your power...controls you. Hm!" That made me mad. Pyron-"Oh boy. Quit being a show of-" Jane-"What's the matter Pyron? Can't handle a little competition?" Pyron-"Grrr." (Dark Pyron-"She's got a point. Your weaker than her. Hahahaha!" Pyron-"Shut up!") Jane-"Your just jealous a girl kicked your-" Suddenly we heard an explosion. Jane-"Ah! What was that?" Pyron-"Shh." Everything went quiet. Jane and I were close together for about a couple of minutes.
Jane-"Pyron..." Pyron-"What is it?" Jane-"I felt the earth move." I felt it too. We looked at each other. Suddenly we saw a gigantic robot come out of the ground. We flew up and got away. Jane-"What is that thing?!" Pyron-"I don't know. I never seen it before in my life." Jane-"Well, whatever it is, it has Buraki's name written all over it." Pyron-"You got that right." Jane-"Let's fly above." I agreed. We heard bombs exploding. We saw robots in the forest along the Sliver River. All our friends were fighting them. Pyron-"Oh no. We weren't prepared." We looked behind and saw the big robot getting bigger and bigger. I looked down and saw Nera fighting 10 small robots. Jane-"Pyron, we got to help them. Look. Nera's fighting10 small robots. What are those things?" Pyron-"Cassandra mention them. Those are the latest of Buraki's mechanized army: the Jumpers. Jumpers are annoying, mean, and very deadly bots They are like pack hunters."
We saw Lagon and landed. Pyron-"Lagon, where's Angel?" Lagon-"I...don't know." Pyron-"What?! You don't know?!" I saw Anakin fighting a Death Hound. I ran to him and burned it down." Anakin-"Thanks Pyron, but I could have handle him by myself." Pyron-"Nevermind that. Where's Angel." Anakin-"Sorry Pyron. I haven't seen her since the attack." Now I was worried. ???-"Hey there little lady." I heard someone's voice. I saw a gray dragon, and he didn't look friendly. Jane-"Who are you?" Clayd-"I am Clayd." Jane-"I heard of you. Your the greatest assassin that has ever lived." Clayd-"Haha. Yeah." Pyron-"Hey! Why are you here?" Clayd-"Pyron is it?" Pyron-"Yeah. That's my name. Am I that famous?" Clayd-"Your a funny dragon. You know, there's a large bounty on both you and your blue girlfriend." Pyron-"Do what you want with me, but if you hurt Gana, I will-(He punches me) Grrrrrr!" Clayd-"Hahahahaha." Pyron-"That...was a mistake." Clayd-"Your the mistake Pyron. Good news for you I haven't come here to kill you or that beautiful lady over there. If I did, you be dead already." Pyron-"What makes you think that?" Jane-"If Clayd wants you dead...your dead." I looked at ther, then at Clayd. Pyron-"Clayd was it? *He nods* Why are you here then?" Clayd-"I just came hear to make friends." A machine came behind him and Clayd destroys it. I know he wasn't here just to make friends. I grew mad. Pyron-"I will hurt you." Clayd-"Hahahaha. Bring it."
I went after him and he jumps out of the way. I lobbed fireballs at him but he just knocks them out of the way. Clayd-"Is that the best you can do?" Pyron-"I'm just getting warmed up." I used my shadow power to disappear. Clayd-"So that's your shadow power. *He closes his eyes, then pounds the ground. I was aent up into the air and he knocks me back down with great force* That...hurted." Clayd-"How can you be a threat to Buraki? Your so weak it's pathetic." I grew upset. All of a sudden I grew large and into my Dark Pyron form. Pyron-"Gaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!" Clayd-"Interesting." I start attacking him without mercy, but all he did was block. Jane-"Pyron, stop! Your not thinking straight." I launch fire attacks at him. I thought I put him down, but he knocks me back. Next thing I knew he hit me with some kind of energ beam. I was down. I grew normal again. He grabs me by the neck and lifts me up. Clayd-"All that power you have...what a waste." Jane-"Put him down Clayd! Or I'll..." Clayd-"If you do, you'll just end up like Pyron over here. I think I'll end his misery right now." He begins to crush my neck. I couldn't breathe. Jane went towards him but Clayd just knocks ber back. Pyron-"Stop...." Clayd-"Hahahahaha. *He lets me go, and I gasp for air* So pathetically weak. Your no challenge for me. Too bad, and I didn't even use my full power either. (His full power?! He didn't use all his power) But now...I think I'll use it and end your life."
I saw him lift his claw in the air and i saw energy going into it. Was it all gonna end for me? Angel-"Leave my daddy alone!" I heard Angel. Clayd-"What? *Angel flew straight into Clayd's chest, hurting him* Gaaaaaaaaah!" Angel fell down. Clayd-"...That...power. That welpling...she's...hehehehe....hahahahaha! *He gets up* And looks like the bots are leaving too. Pyron, looks like your lucky this time. We'll finish this next time." He flew away. Angel came to me. Angel-"Daddy." She rubs her head on my chest. Hours later we were all back in Ember. But...Gana was still missing. I was lying in bed injured...losing to Clayd and was powerless to stop him. I was...a broken soul. Angel was with me. I felt her warm glow. She had the same glow like her mother. Nera-"What's the meaning of this?!" I heard shouting. I went outside and I saw...Flame?! Flame-"Well, it's good to see you all again." We were all shocked. Why has Flame returned?