Friday, January 1, 2010

Sliver River Battle

I heard someone, but the voice wasn't familiar to me. Pyron-"Did you hear that?" Jane-"Yeah. We must go Pyron." I was more concern about where Gana was...and Jane knows where she is. I got upset and turned into my Dark Pyron form. I jumped on her and pinned her down. Jane-"Aaaaaaaah!" Pyron-"Where is she? Where's Gana?" Jane got mad. Jane-"I...don't...knooow!" She pushed me off...then we looked at each other. Moments later I sat down and turned back to normal. So did Jane. Pyron-"What's happening to me?" Jane-"It seems to me you can't control your fear and emotions." Pyron-" did you-" Jane-"I happen to be more stronger and powerful than you Red. Your weak. I can control my power, but your gift...your power...controls you. Hm!" That made me mad. Pyron-"Oh boy. Quit being a show of-" Jane-"What's the matter Pyron? Can't handle a little competition?" Pyron-"Grrr." (Dark Pyron-"She's got a point. Your weaker than her. Hahahaha!" Pyron-"Shut up!") Jane-"Your just jealous a girl kicked your-" Suddenly we heard an explosion. Jane-"Ah! What was that?" Pyron-"Shh." Everything went quiet. Jane and I were close together for about a couple of minutes.
Jane-"Pyron..." Pyron-"What is it?" Jane-"I felt the earth move." I felt it too. We looked at each other. Suddenly we saw a gigantic robot come out of the ground. We flew up and got away. Jane-"What is that thing?!" Pyron-"I don't know. I never seen it before in my life." Jane-"Well, whatever it is, it has Buraki's name written all over it." Pyron-"You got that right." Jane-"Let's fly above." I agreed. We heard bombs exploding. We saw robots in the forest along the Sliver River. All our friends were fighting them. Pyron-"Oh no. We weren't prepared." We looked behind and saw the big robot getting bigger and bigger. I looked down and saw Nera fighting 10 small robots. Jane-"Pyron, we got to help them. Look. Nera's fighting10 small robots. What are those things?" Pyron-"Cassandra mention them. Those are the latest of Buraki's mechanized army: the Jumpers. Jumpers are annoying, mean, and very deadly bots They are like pack hunters."
We saw Lagon and landed. Pyron-"Lagon, where's Angel?" Lagon-"I...don't know." Pyron-"What?! You don't know?!" I saw Anakin fighting a Death Hound. I ran to him and burned it down." Anakin-"Thanks Pyron, but I could have handle him by myself." Pyron-"Nevermind that. Where's Angel." Anakin-"Sorry Pyron. I haven't seen her since the attack." Now I was worried. ???-"Hey there little lady." I heard someone's voice. I saw a gray dragon, and he didn't look friendly. Jane-"Who are you?" Clayd-"I am Clayd." Jane-"I heard of you. Your the greatest assassin that has ever lived." Clayd-"Haha. Yeah." Pyron-"Hey! Why are you here?" Clayd-"Pyron is it?" Pyron-"Yeah. That's my name. Am I that famous?" Clayd-"Your a funny dragon. You know, there's a large bounty on both you and your blue girlfriend." Pyron-"Do what you want with me, but if you hurt Gana, I will-(He punches me) Grrrrrr!" Clayd-"Hahahahaha." Pyron-"That...was a mistake." Clayd-"Your the mistake Pyron. Good news for you I haven't come here to kill you or that beautiful lady over there. If I did, you be dead already." Pyron-"What makes you think that?" Jane-"If Clayd wants you dead...your dead." I looked at ther, then at Clayd. Pyron-"Clayd was it? *He nods* Why are you here then?" Clayd-"I just came hear to make friends." A machine came behind him and Clayd destroys it. I know he wasn't here just to make friends. I grew mad. Pyron-"I will hurt you." Clayd-"Hahahaha. Bring it."
I went after him and he jumps out of the way. I lobbed fireballs at him but he just knocks them out of the way. Clayd-"Is that the best you can do?" Pyron-"I'm just getting warmed up." I used my shadow power to disappear. Clayd-"So that's your shadow power. *He closes his eyes, then pounds the ground. I was aent up into the air and he knocks me back down with great force* That...hurted." Clayd-"How can you be a threat to Buraki? Your so weak it's pathetic." I grew upset. All of a sudden I grew large and into my Dark Pyron form. Pyron-"Gaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!" Clayd-"Interesting." I start attacking him without mercy, but all he did was block. Jane-"Pyron, stop! Your not thinking straight." I launch fire attacks at him. I thought I put him down, but he knocks me back. Next thing I knew he hit me with some kind of energ beam. I was down. I grew normal again. He grabs me by the neck and lifts me up. Clayd-"All that power you have...what a waste." Jane-"Put him down Clayd! Or I'll..." Clayd-"If you do, you'll just end up like Pyron over here. I think I'll end his misery right now." He begins to crush my neck. I couldn't breathe. Jane went towards him but Clayd just knocks ber back. Pyron-"Stop...." Clayd-"Hahahahaha. *He lets me go, and I gasp for air* So pathetically weak. Your no challenge for me. Too bad, and I didn't even use my full power either. (His full power?! He didn't use all his power) But now...I think I'll use it and end your life."
I saw him lift his claw in the air and i saw energy going into it. Was it all gonna end for me? Angel-"Leave my daddy alone!" I heard Angel. Clayd-"What? *Angel flew straight into Clayd's chest, hurting him* Gaaaaaaaaah!" Angel fell down. Clayd-"...That...power. That welpling...she's...hehehehe....hahahahaha! *He gets up* And looks like the bots are leaving too. Pyron, looks like your lucky this time. We'll finish this next time." He flew away. Angel came to me. Angel-"Daddy." She rubs her head on my chest. Hours later we were all back in Ember. But...Gana was still missing. I was lying in bed injured...losing to Clayd and was powerless to stop him. I was...a broken soul. Angel was with me. I felt her warm glow. She had the same glow like her mother. Nera-"What's the meaning of this?!" I heard shouting. I went outside and I saw...Flame?! Flame-"Well, it's good to see you all again." We were all shocked. Why has Flame returned?

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