Saturday, January 2, 2010

Flame's Return and the Mystic Isle

Lagon-"You traitor! Why have you come back?" Flame didn't answer. All were angry at him, even me. My dark power was starting to glow. Angel-"Daddy...please don't be mad." I looked at my daughter. Somehow, she makes me feel better. She's just like her mom. But...what is it about her growing powers that's suppressing my dark power? Hmm...Nera-"You better explain traitor. After all we been through to stop Buraki-" Flame-"You could never stop him." All-"What?!" Flame-"He's always one step of you." Lagon-"I'll rip your wings off." Flame-"Relax Lagon. I'm hear to simply help you find Gana." Pyron-"Wait, how do you know Gana's missing?" Flame-"Clayd told us." Pyron-"Clayd...I'll get even with him." Flame-"Ha! That's funny." Pyron-"What?!" Flame-"Even I can beat you Pyron. Heck, even Spirit can outdo you now." Pyron-"Why you...!" Flame-"The truth absorbed too much dark energy from the Darklands. Now with Gana missing your not thinking straight. Your allowing your emotions and your new power to control you." Flame made a good point. My fighting style was so sloppy I didn't dealt any damage to Clayd.
Nikki-"So why have you come Flame?" Flame-"Like I said, I'm hear to help you find Gana. She's alive...right Jane?" We all looked at Jane. Jane was silent. Nikki-"Is it true Jane?" Jane-"I...don't know. The Snake Goddess did-" Pyron-"Snake Goddess?" Jane explained what had happened. Lagon-"So, if we find this snake she can help?" Jane-"Maybe..." Pyron-"Then let's go." Flame-"I'll offer to help. I want to make amends." Jane-"I know the way so I'll go too." Pyron-"Angel, please stay here." Angel-"Daddy...please bring mommy back." Pyron-"I will. I promise." And we leave.
It took us hours to make it to the Island of Eingana. We soon found the castle where Jane was in before. We went inside and soon saw the snake. Goddess-"Sssso, you return Jane, and you brought company. I ssssupposssse your the Pyron I heard about." Pyron-"And you must be the Snake Goddess Gana." Goddess-"I haven't usssse that name in a long time. But that issss my name. Sssso, you come to find your mate? Well, sssshe isn't here." Jane-"What?! She isn't?" Goddess-"No. But I know where you can go to find her. Go to the Mysssstic Isle. There you will find her. But be warn: the Reaperssss are known for going there. And you may encounter other horrible creaturessss assss well." Pyron-"What kind?" Goddess-"There are the Xenos: human-like monsters with claws, the Nevar: raven-like birds that attack in flocks, and the Ozarg: insect-like creaturesss who are sssstupid, but very dangeroussss. Mystic Isle's usually peaceful, but when Gana became a sssspirit, sssshe went there and the Reaperssss gave chase to her. One of which sssseemssss to mutter your name." Pyron-"Reaper...of course." Goddess-"Be careful. Their leader's with them. Travel ssssouth of here and you'll reach the Mysssstic Isle." Pyron-"Alright. Let's go." And we left.
About 3 hours later we found the Mystic Isle. Things looked so peaceful and calm. Pyron-"I can sense Gana." I ran. Jane-"Wait up Red." I ran and ran and ran. There I saw her in a clearing. She was a spirit. Pyron-"Gana!" Gana-"P,,, it you?" I ran to her and tried to hug her. Pyron-(gasps)"Your...a spirit. Are you...dead?" Gana-"No. I don't feel dead." ???-"Because she isn'r dead." There's that voice again. I heard it from that battle at Sliver River. Pyron-"Who are you? Show yourself." Reapers appeared as well as one holding a scythe. Flame-"Oh no. That's Grim. The Grim Reaper." Pyron-"The Grim Reaper?" Grim-"That's right. You've been a thorn in the side of one of my ghostly men. For that, you must be slayed. Attack my leathal legion." Black portals began to appear and human-like monsters, giant black birds, and mean insects came out. We begin to fight them. I torched a bunch of them, Jane took out several with her Blue Lighning, and Flame took out a horde with his fire. Flame-"There just too many." Jane-"They have us surrounded." Grim-"Hahahahaha. You fought bravely, but it all ends...for you Pyron." Pyron-"For me?" Grim-"That's right. Your comrades are of no use to me. It's you I'll take to the netherworld. There, your soul will be tortured for all eternity." I was getting mad. Suddenly my dark power grew rapidly and I grew large.
Gana-"No..." I roared. Grim-"What the-" With one use of my shadow magic I took out all of Grim's forces. All that remain was Grim. Dark Pyron-"I took out your Reapers, monsters, bugs, and flying turkeys. your the only one left." Grim-"Try to dstroy me." He came at me with his scythe. I struck him in the chest with my tail. Jane and Gana-"Aaaaaaaaaaaa!" Grim-"This can't beeeeeeeeeee!" He disappeared. I roared and shot fire up in the air.Flame-"He's out of control." Flame flies up and knocks me out in one shot. I collapsed and blacked out. When I woke up I saw Gana. Pyron-"" She smiled and I returned back to normal. Jane-"Leave it to Red to get us almost killed." Gana-"Watch it Jane." Jane-"Sorry little Miss Ghost." Luna-"Seems your all well." We looked up and saw Luna. I can't believe it. My sister's still alive.

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