Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Medallion

Pyron-"Sis...why are" I struggled to get up. Luna-"I come here every now and then. Yesterday I found Gana here. And knowing how close you two are, odds are I find you here as well." Flame-"But...she's a ghost. How can we restore her to flesh and blood?" Luna-"That's simple. All you have to do is get Gana to go inside Jane." Jane-"Hey, it's bad enough I had to be inside her, but with Red here, that'll make it worse for me." I grew mad. Luna-"Hmm...I see. So Pyron has it too." Pyron-"Huh? What do you mean Luna?" Luna-"Here brother. Dad wanted me to give this to you." She took out a medallion. Pyron-"Wait, that's dad's medallion. He never takes it off. Luna, why do you have this?" Luna-"I'll explain later. Okay Gana, do it." She leaps into Jane. Jane-"Aaa! Get out of me!" Luna-"Hold still. (She shoots a light beam from the jewel on her neck collar and soon splited Jane and Gana apart) There we go." Pyron-"Gana, your okay." Gana-"Yeah." She smiles. Jane-"Oh yeah, don't worry about little ole me." Pyron-"I try not to." Jane-"Watch it Red. Don't forget I can still kick your scaly hide." Pyron-"You wanna have a go right now?!" Jane-"Bring it." Flame-"Stop you two." Luna-"Yeah. We gotta get going now." And so we left.
We made it back to Ember. Everyone was happy Gana was safe and sound. Angel-"Mommy mommy!" Gana-"Angel." Gana and Angel hugged each other. Luna-"Pyron, put on dad's medallion." Pyron-"But why sis?" Luna-"It'll suppress your dark magic till you can master them." I put it on. Pyron-"Luna, I want to know why you have dad's medallion." Luna-"Like you, dad has dark powers Pyron." Pyron-"Like me?" Luna-"Yes. When Judgement Day started weeks ago our group were among Buraki's prime targets. To save us dad remove his medallion. In doing so he unleash his dark magic. He save the group, but..." Pyron-"But what?" Luna-"Buraki captured him." Pyron-"Nooooooo! (I grew upset, but didn't feel my dark power rising) Dad..." Luna-"And mom went to help him, but caught too. Soon, they'll be a part of Buraki's Dragon Killers. Pyron-"Nooo! Luna, how do you know this?" Flame-"Because she'll be part of them too." Pyron-"What?!" Flame-"They didn't realize it, but they were all infected by Buraki's nano virus." Luna-"Flame speaks the truth. Soon, we'll be Dragon Killers."
I couldn't believe it. The Angel I met from the future was right. My mom, dad, and sister are gonna become the enemy. I collapsed to the ground. Gana-"Pyron..." Pyron-"My family...noooo..." Luna-"Though they can't be removed, there's still time brother. (She removes her neck collar) When Angel has grown up a bit, give her my collar. It's embedded with magic that will flow in her." Pyron-"But sis...that means...I have to kill you, mom, and dad. I can't." Luna-"Brother, I know it's hard, but you must if we're gonna save this world. I want to remember the time I got left fighting for good. Our destinies are different. And you'll do the right thing." I cried.
Night fell. I couldn't sleep, so I got up. When I left my hut I saw Nikki leaving. I chased her. Pyron-"Nikki, where your going?" Nikki-"Pyron, I must go." Pyron-"What?! Your abandoning us?" Nikki-"No. I have something I must do. It's very important to me." Pyron-"Nikki..." Nikki-"Like your sister said, our destinies are different. I know you and the others will do ok without me. (I was sad, then Nikki kisses me on the cheek) I'm glad to have made great friends like you. Pyron, take care of your dragoness and your daughter." Pyron-"I will Nikki. Good luck wherever you go." Nikki-"Thanks Pyron." She flies away into the night. I walk back and got greted by Gana. She runs and hugs me and I hug her back. The next morning I told everyone about Nikki's departure. Though we were all sad, we had to move on. Anakin-"Hey everyone! Flame and Heinaus are gone!" We ran to where the 2 were sleeping. Rica-"I knew those two can't be trusted." Nera-"Even Luna's gone. But we know why she left. Hm? Hey, it's a letter to you Pyron." I read it...then smiled. Gana-"What did it say?" Pyron-"Luna says she will be ok. Heinaus left to get payback on Alazar. And...Flame's still with us." All-"Huh?" Pyron-"Flame just needed Buraki's help to remove the crystals in his wings. And he's doing this because a friend of his is being held captive." Lagon-"Then...he's no traitor?" Jane-"No he isn't." Lagon-"Then let's go rescue his friend." Pyron-"Too risky. He wants to get Buraki by surprise." Gana-"Hm? I see more." I turned the paper...then I went from happy to sad. Pyron-"Gana, Jane, did that Snake Goddess mention anything about being a creator and a destroyer?" Gana-"Well...yeah." Pyron-"This is bad. According to Flame, Clayd's on his way to take her powers for Buraki." All-"What?!" We were all stunned. If Buraki gets his clutches on the goddess's power, we're all done for. We got to get to the Island of Eingana before it's too late.

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