Friday, January 8, 2010

The Deal

Ever since we got back from our excursion to Eingana and the Wlite Isle, Gana has been acting strange. For some odd reason I see her talking to herself as of late. Angel was on my back pullung my horns when I saw Gana talking to Spirit. I saw her walking away, as if she was avoiding me. Pyron-"Gana, hey what happened?" Gana-"Nothing!" Her tone of voice changed. Was she mad at me? Pyron-"Gana, I know when your ok and when your not. Tell me whats-" Gana-"Nothing's happening you stupid dragon!" I was shocked when she said that and everyone stop talking. Angel hopped off of me. Angel-"Mom, what's wrong with you?" Gana-"Shut up and leave me alone!" She stormed off into her room. I picked up Angel. Pyron-"Gana..." Jane-" call you stupid...that's a first. I like it." Pyron-"Hey!" Jane-" isn't like her to insult you." Jane was concerned too? Wow. I went into her room. Pyron-"Gana, what's wrong with you?" Gana-"Um, sorry Pyron. I gotta hide...somewhere." I grabbed her tail. Pyron-"Hide from what? (I saw she was scared) Gana, I see your scared. What's bothering you?" Gana-"'s ok. I just...I was kinda nervous and angry and scared of that reaper guy so...I'm so fustrated and I'm sorry." I didn't want to let her go, but I did. Angel went to hug her and I was sad. I walked out of our house. Pyron-"Gana..."
It's already been a day and Gana and I haven't spoke much since she went hostile on me. I thought I give her some space. I was walking alongside of the river right by a cliff. Things were peaceful since the Sliver River fight. I heard a scream then a large thud. I ran and saw...Anakin. Pyron-"Anakin!!!" I know not to move him so I flew back to get the medical staff. An hour later the doctors tell us Anakin is ok. I went to speak to him. Pyron-"Anakin, what happened? How did you fell off the cliff?" Anakin-"I think...someone pushed me. I didn't...see who did it." Pyron-"Man, your very lucky to be alive after a fall like that." Anakin-"Yeah...and they say cats have 9 lives." He laughs. Pyron-"You rest up." I left and went outside. I flew up and was pretty mad. Who could have done that? Gana-"Pyron! (I turned and saw Gana) Py..." Suddenly she fell into the trees. Pyron-"Oh no...Ganaaaaa!"
I stood by Gana's bedside for the whole day. Gana-"Aaaaaaaaaaa! No!" Pyron-"Gana, it's ok. What happened?" Gana-"I just...had a bad dream. Are you okay?" Pyron-"Yes I am...of course. But I got so freaked out when you fell from that height. I thought I lost you." Gana-"It's ok. I'm ok. Pyron, how long was I out?" Pyron-"One day..." Gana-"I'm dead!" Pyron-"What?" Gana-"I'm not dead literally. I'm just...dead." Pyron-"Gana, your scaring me. What are you talking about? (She tells me all the details, including the deal with Davey Jones) I will do anything to save you." Gana-"You can't raise me from the dead Pyron. (I was silent) Look...we'll be together today and tomarrow until he comes. Just promise me you won't tell Angel I made a deal with him. Just tell her I'm going on a trip and I'm not gonna be back for a long time." We both cried. Pyron-"No...I'm not letting you go." Gana-"I'm already gone Pyron..." I saw the black spot on her paw. Her paw was covered by it. Pyron-"There must be a way." Gana-"No there isn't. You can't stop faith of what's gonna happen to you. Especially not me or someone else." Pyron-"Maybe you can't, but I can. I will! I will stop Jones from taking you from me, even if I have to give my soul to him." Gana-"I will not let you do that!" Pyron-"You can't top me remember? Your dead!" Gana-"No Pyron. Davey Jones can not and won't delete the deal he and I made. If you offer your soul, he'll get both of us. Don't do this to me!!" She cried. Pyron-"I'm sorry...I don't want to lose you." Gana-"It's ok..." Pyron-"But there is a way to cheat death." Gana-"What?" Pyron-"I challenge Davey a game of Pirate Dice!" Gana-"No! Pyron, you don't know how to play that!" Jones-"I accept. Hahahahaha!" He appears behind us.
Pyron-"So your Davey Jones?" Jones-"That's right. Your reputation perceeds you among us ghosts in the netherworld. Reaper is so uptight to get you and Grim hates you very much." Pyron-"I see. So, we're gonna play? I know the rules already." Gana-"No Pyron, please don't!" Jones-" what's the deal then?" Pyron-"How's about you let Gana out of the deal you made with her and I'll take her place?" Gana-"What?! No Pyron!" Jones-"Hmm...ok. But your soul is worth 200. Among us ghouls that's very rich. (All I did was smiled) Confident are ya?" Pyron-"Yep. My family comes first before me, and to save them, I'll sacrifice my life for them." Gana-"Pyron...please don't..." Gana cried. Jones-"Then let us step out so everyone can see you lose." We go out. Everyone watched as Davey Jones and I prepared to play. Jones-"Since you'll replace Gana Pyron, I release her from our deal. (The black spot that was on Gana's paw disappeared and reappeared on my paw) I don't do it often, so consider yourself lucky. Pyron's quite nortorious in the netherworld. And to have him serve me will make me very envious among the ghosts." Pyron-"So I lose you get me, I win and I must get either a replacement or get 200 souls in 5 days right?" Jones-"Right. So let's play." We shaked the cups then place them on the table. Pyron-"3 fours." Jones-"4 threes." We raised the cups. I won. Jones-"So, looks like I lost. But I win in the end. Pyron, you can't possibly get me 200 souls since you won't kill an innocent life to save your own. So you lose in the end. Hahahahaha!" Gana-"What? You knew he would challenge you?" Jones-"Of course. He cares too much about you...and your his weakness." Gana-"No...what have I done?" I just smiled. Jones-"Hm? Your smiling? Your not scared?" Pyron-"Nope. You say Gana's my weakness. She, my family, my friends, and my daughter give me the strength to move on." Jones-"Hehehe...hahahahaha! Well, you can say good-bye to them in 5 days, since you won't take innocent lives." Pyron-"Actually, the deal you made with me was replacement or 200 souls. The soul part, you never said to get just innocent souls." Jones-"What? (He looks at the contract) Noooo! That means you can get any souls, not just innocent ones!" Pyron-"Yep. I'll be back in a few hours. (I used my Shadow power and disappeared. A few hours later) Well, here's your 200 souls." I gave him a magic bag of souls. Jones-"Grrr! Curse you Pyron." Pyron-"Now be a good little ghost and go away." He disappears. Gana-"Pyron...I'm sorry." Pyron-"It's ok Gana. (The black spot was gone from my paw) Long as your safe." Spirit-"Pyron...did you really get 200 souls?" I just smiled. Pyron-"It's nothing to worry about Spirit." When Davey Jones returned, he open his bag and got the souls of reapers. Jones-"Gaaaaa! That Pyron! I'll get even with him if it's the last thing I do!"
Days have passed since that incident. Gana and I were together again. Guard-"Stop! Who are you?" We left our house and saw a hooded figure. They took off their hood. It was a ferret. Gana-"Huh? No way! Critias, is it really you?" Critias-"Gana...I finally found you at last." Pyron-"Who's this Gana?" Gana-"His name's Critias. He's an old friend. Critias, this is my mate Pyron and our daughter Angel." Critias-"Nice to meet you. Gana, I need you to come back to Ewok Village in the Sunless Forest." Gana-"What? It's still there?" Critias-"Yes, Galeru's in trouble and Flora needs you." Gana was shocked. Gana-"My mom...she's...alive?" I don't know what was going on, but it seems Gana's old home's in danger. If her old village is in serious trouble, we need to go now. I hope we'll get there in time.

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