Sunday, January 3, 2010

Power of the Gods

Gana, Jane, and I were flying to the Island of Eingana as fast as we could. But for some reason, Gana brought Angel with us. Maybe she didn't want to leave our daughter behind, but with the dangers we now face every time we leave the safety of Ember I have to wonder, is it worth the risk to bring our daughter out? To think after that letter I read from Flame...can we really trust what he said? (Lagon-"Well, then we have to get to Eingana quick." Rica-"And put the safety of Ember at stake? Are you nuts?" Nera-"Rica's right. We need our best warriors to be here. And since Jane, Gana, and Pyron are the only 3 who know where Eingana is..." Anakin-"They can go and stop Clayd before he dooms us all." Jane-"A lot that'll do. Red here got his rear kicked by Clayd...and Clayd didn't even break a sweat. (I said nothing.) Red? Your not arguing with me?" Pyron-"Maybe you and Gana should go without me." All-"What?!" Pyron-"I'm no good to you if Clayd does come." Gana-"Pyron..." Jane-"Oh no Red. Your coming with us and that's that." Gana-"And Angel will come with us." Pyron-"Your kidding?! If she goes out there-" Gana-"I know. But it must be done Pyron." I sighed. Pyron-"Okay.")
We made it to Eingana. The place still looks the same. Clayd hasn't shownn up yet. As we walked I thought back to Ember before we left...(Spirit-"Pyron, will you be okay? Your terrified." Pyron-"Me? Terrified? Of course not Spirit. But..." Spirit-"But what?" Pyron-"Among us who can fight your the youngest. Spirit, you got great skills. Look after Ember for us." Spirit-"Don't worry. Ember will be here when you 3 get back." I smiled and with Gana and Jane, as well as Angel, took off.") We found the castle and went inside. Alec-"Well, Gana the Snake Goddess is expecting you. Come with me. (We follow him to the Goddess's chambers) My lady, your guests." Goddess-"Sssso, you finally come."
Elsewhere Clayd was coming. Gana-"I brought my girl as you suggested." Pyron-"What?! As she suggested?" Gana-"The Snake Goddess asked me to bring our daughter here." Goddess-"Do not worry your little head Pyron. Gana and Jane know how valuable I am to thissss world. But in truth, I'm not that valuable. I'm jusssst a creature given sssspecial powerssss to keep the world in balance." Pyron-"In balance?" Goddess-"I'm a creator and a desssstroyer. Without life, there'ssss no death. Without death, there issss no life. The Power of the Godsss is a power like no other. It'ssss a sssspecial priveledge to have that power." Pyron-"So Buraki send Clayd to kill you and steal your power." Goddess-"Buraki? Your sssso naive Pyron. Buraki doessssn't have the necessssssary body to use my power." Jane-"Then why is Clayd coming then?" Goddess-"Becausssse Alazar sent him." All 3-"Alazar?!" Goddess-"Alazar believessss by taking my power he can beat Buraki and take over. But he'ssss an idiot. I can only give my power willingly and to thosssse of a pure heart. Gana, til Clayd gets here, I'll give your daughter half of my power." She begins to glow and sent her god powers into Angel.
Goddess-"There. Sssshould Clayd kill me, your daughter will be next in line for the Power of the Godssss." Pyron-"Our daughter?! You mean to tell me she's gonna take your place if you die? That's too much on a little girl." Goddess-"It'ssss either that or this world's demise." Pyron-"Gah!" Goddess-"You've been worried a lot Pyron. Ever ssssince Judgement Day sssstarted your emotions have controlled you. You can't think sssstraight when in a fight. Added you lost to Clayd when you were worried about Gana and allowing your dark powerssss to reawaken by Cassssssandra is no laughting matter." Pyron-"Wait, my dark powers reawakening? What do you mean? Weren't Buraki's experiments the reason I have a dark power?" Goddess-"No Pyron. Your dark powerssss aren't like the kind Spyro and Cynder have. Not even from the experiments. Yourssss issss...different." Pyron-"Different how?" Goddess-"When Spyro and Cynder got their dark power, ther were expose to the darkness. Buraki's experiments in ssssome creaturessss made arificial darkness. Yourssss is-" Alec-"Misstress. The enemy has come!" We hear a loud bang and we saw Clayd.
Pyron-"Clayd!" Clayd-"Well well, Pyron's here with 3 lovely ladies and his baby girl. Now I can kill Pyron for a bonus." Pyron-"Enough of this!" I ran at him. Goddess-"Pyron, wait!" I didn't stop. I tried hitting him but all I did was have a repeat performance like at Sliver River. I was down on the ground. Clayd-"Again, humorous Pyron. And I see your lovely blue dagoness is here." Gana-"Let him go Clayd or I'll make you pay." Clayd-"As you wish." He let's me go. Jane-"What? So easily?" Clayd-"I want to kill Pyron, but what pleasure can I get when my opponent doesn't fight with his heart? Even this bounty hunter has standards. I'll hurt them, but won't kill an opponent who won't give me a worthwhile fight." He starts to leave. Jane-"Hold on. Didn't you come here to steal the Snake Goddess's power?" Clayd-"Steal her power? Whatever do you mean? It's not like I accidently dropped a crystal made to take her powers into the deepest part of the ocean. Anyway, my job's done here." He flies away and I got up. Once again, my pride's been hurt and I punched the ground.
Jane-"He's a weird one." Goddess-"Now young angel, relinquissssh your god power. (The Snake Goddess took back her power) Much better. Gana, your little Angel maybe the one to kill Buraki, but without the guidance of her parentssss thissss world'ssss doom for everyone, not just for dragonssss." I got up. Pyron-"I knew I couldn't do it. Why did I bother to even come. (I got tailed slapped) Jane! Why I otta-(It was Gana who did it) Gana? You?" She had tears in her eyes. Gana-"Pyron, please stop beating yourself up like this. Your no good to yourself if you keep doubting yourself. That's not the dragon I know and fell for." Jane-"I hate to admit it Red, but she does make a good point." I looked down. Angel-"Daddy?" I looked at Angel and picked her up. She kisses me. Goddess-"Pyron, you should go to the Celestial Caves of the White Isle. Find your dad's book. There, you shall get your answers." Pyron-"Um...okay." Gana-"I'm coming to." Jane-"I might as well, seeing how Red's no longer good in fights." We flew off. Heading for the White Isle. Alec-"Misstress Gana, do you think it's wise? If Pyron learns of the Dark Dragons..." Goddess-"I know. Hissss dad was once, and the current path Pyron's on now, even that medallion won't ssssave him. He needssss to learn about his past if he'ssss ever gonna have a future with Gana and hissss friendssss. But even sssso, will Gana accept it?"

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