Thursday, September 10, 2009

Granite's Betrayal

Gana, Nikki, and I were outside the hospital. Nikki, of course, hugs me, then Gana. Nikki-"I'm glad you two are okay." Gana-"What are you doing way out here Nikki? Shouldn't you be with Lagon and the others in Warfang?" Nikki-"I was, but I notice Spirit was missing. So, I went to look for him and came across Dragonopolis. I'm happy you and Gana are safe Pyron." Gana-" don't seem as hyped up around Pyron like you were a few weeks ago." Nikki-"Well, I did have a crush on him, but he's your dragon. Maybe in a different time, we could have been...but I'm satisfied with being friends." I was relieved. Now Gana and Nikki don't have to fight again. Suddenly I notice Granite was going into the Capitol, where Kaiser was. Pyron-"Can you ladies excuse me? I want to talk to Kaiser." So I left.
I followed Granite into the Capitol. Something about him wasn't right. Sure trouble seems to find Gana and me, but how Granite said it, seems worrying to me. I trailed him, being careful not to alert him to my presence. He turned a corner and I saw him speaking to 3 people who seemed like druids. Again, it worries me. I notice Granite and the druids then leave. I followed them.They then leave the Capitol. I continued to follow them.
Their next stop was the training grounds, and Kaiser was there. He was practicing some fire techniques. Kaiser-"Whew, what a workout. A good lava bath would help me. Hm? Granite, what are you doing here? I thought you had important business to do." Granite-"Well, I did sir, and it's actually a surprise for you." Kaiser-"A surprise? Hmm...if you say so. It's not my birthday for another 9 months so I won't be too surprised." Granite-"What I have plan surely will surprise you." Kaiser gets his brown wooly vest. Kaiser-"Well, time to hit the lava baths." He passes by a druid and I notice a druid had something in his hand. He was about to reach out to Kaiser. I was about to run but Kaiser grabs the druid's arm. Granite looked a little stunned. Granite-"What's the meaning of this druid?" Kaiser-"Don't play innocent Granite. I know he's a follower of yours." I ran to them. Pyron-"Kaiser, your okay." Kaiser-"Hello my friend. Your just in time to see Granite's druid trying to stab me."
Pyron-"Okay Granite. Spill the beans. What are you doing?" He says nothing. Kaiser-"Well, out with it." Granite-"If you must know, I have nothing to do with this. However..." Pyron-"However what?" Granite-"Like I said, trouble finds you Pyron. Whether it be Buraki, Mist Falls Village being destroyed, or what happened at Draco Island. And now, you've ensured Dragonopolis's destruction. Hehehe...hahahahaha!" Pyron-"What?!" Kaiser-"So Granite, you planned on destroying this city?" Granite-"No. I planned to rule it after killing you Kaiser. But, seems your reflexes are sharper than what I imagined." Kaiser-"Granite, I hearby place you under arrest." Granite-"I beg to differ Kaiser." Suddenly smoke came from another druid and we couldn't see. After a few seconds it cleared and Granite was gone. Pyron-"He got away." Granite's voice-"Know this Kaiser, I will kill you and rule Dragonopolis, and as long as your there and with your companions Pyron, your putting them all in danger. Muhahahahaha!" Now...I'm worried.
Granite was somewhere with a large army. Granite-"Tomarrow, we will invade Dragonopolis and take control of the city. Take out their defenders and capture any survivors. Leave Kaiser to me and take out Pyron and his friends." The army roars. Voice-"Granite...your a fool. Buraki will rule all. Muhahahahaha."

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