Sunday, September 13, 2009

Granite's Invasion Part 1

Nightfall. We were all at the Capitol. Kaiser had called an emergency town meeting regarding Granite's betrayal. Kaiser was explaining to the citizens what had transpired. Some were skeptical, but some also believed. Gana, Spirit, Nikki, and I were listening. Kaiser-"Which is why we can't assume Granite won't try to take over Dragonopolis." Citizen 1-"With what army? Him and those 4 druids?" The townspeople laugh. Pyron-"This is serious. Granite will come back. I'm sure of it." Citizen 2-"Pipe down kid." Citizen 3-"Granite may be weird, but he's not stupid to attack this city." Kaiser-"And that is the reason he'll take over our city. In battle one can't lose their focus. If we let down our guard...we're finish. (The townsfolk were silent) Now, we need all those who can fight to join up with us to form an army of ourselves." I stepped out of the Capitol and looked at the night sky and thought what Granite said. Granite's voice-"Know this Kaiser, I will kill you and rule Dragonopolis, and as long as your there and with your companions Pyron, your putting them all in danger. Muhahahahaha!" It is true. When I was in Mist Falls, it got destroyed. So did Fairy Island and the elves' island. Even Ganron was in danger. What if Granite's right? What if I'm putting my friends in danger?
At the crack of dawn......Granite-"The time's almost here. Advance force. Move out!" Advisor-"You sure you want to go through with this?" Granite-"I waited long enough. Move out!" Advosor-(Your such a fool Granite). I was outside the city under a tree thinking. Voice-"There you are Pyron.". I saw Gana. Pyron-"Gana. How come your out here?" Gana-"I asked the sentries if they seen you. Even when your flying the can spot you from their posts." Pyron-"Oh." Gana-"You look down. Why?" Pyron-"'s nothing." Gana-"Pyron, we're connected psychiclly. All three of us." Pyron-"3? Oh, you ,me, and Jane...your imaginary friend." Jane-"I'm not imaginary!" Pyron-"I'm kidding." Jane-"Humph. Be thankful Gana's so in love with you...even if she and I are carrying your child in us." Pyron-"Jane...even if Gana wasn't pregnant, I'll still be by her side." Jane-"Yeah. You only got her because Kyle felt you two were made for each other." Gana-"That's enough." Pyron-"But...(Gana looks at me)...this war coming up...and our war against Buraki. Is it really worth it?" Gana-"You shouldn't say things like that Pyron. The future of our race and the races of other creatures is on the line." Pyron-"Sorry. We'll win this war and return to our friends." Gana snuggles me, but I didn't.
Suddenly, we hear an alarm from the southernmost sentry. One by one the sentries sound off their alarms. Pyron-"Guess it's fighting time." Gana-"Quick. Let's get back to the city." So we did. Granite-"The alarm. Humph. Makes it sweeter to crush them to submission." Gana and I made it back to Dragonopolis and we met up with Nikki and Spirit. Spirit-"We're glad you two came back." Nikki-"Yeah. We better get ready." Kaiser-"Well my friends, it's almost time to fight." Yeah...but, is it worth it for me to be here? Kaiser-"Remember to focus on the battle. We must defend Dragonopolis." As Granite's army approaches closer and closer, will we be able to repel his onslaught, or will Dragonopolis fall?

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