Monday, September 14, 2009

Granite's Invasion Part 2

Everyone got prepared for battle. Spirit, Nikki, Gana and I were wearing special dragon armor. Spirit-"Kaiser, where's your armor?" Kaiser-"Don't need it. My body is as tough as they can be." Voices-"Pyron! Gana!" Gana-"Huh?" Pyron-"What?" We saw Volt and Clash coming. Gana-"Volt and Clash." Pyron-"Why are you guys here?" Volt-"We wanna help." Clash-"We can't let this city fall. We must protect it." Kaiser-"It does this dragon's heart good to see the young take charge." Pyron-"Well then old man, let's rumble." We gather around the front gates to the city. We saw soldiers by the thousands coming toward us. Spirit-"Wow. That's a lot of soldiers." Clash-"We can handle them. I'll shock them to submission with my shock attacks." Nikki-"Don't get overeager. We're small in number compare to them." Gana-"Maybe so, but we're larger in mind." Volt-"What do you mean Gana?" Kaiser-"She says we can outthink them. (Draws his sword) Okay, archers, fire!" The archers fired their arrows and hit more than 2 dozen soldiers. Advisor-"Seems the advance force is getting taken out." Granite-"No matter. Prepare the cannon."
Spirit-"Wow. The archers are taking out the soldiers fast." Kaiser-"That's just the advance force. Their just the appetizers before the main course comes."Some moles appear. Mole-"Kaiser. Intellegience Team found out Granite is bringing a cannon to destroy the front gate." We all gasp. Kaiser-"Hmm....seems he wants in. That explains the huge amount of smoke coming from the distance." Gana-"We have to destroy it." Kaiser-"It's too far away. Even if we flew there, they'll fire it before we even make halfway." Pyron-"So Granite's going to obliterate Dragonopolis?" Kaiser-"No...just the gate." Granite-"The cannon's in position now." Advisor-"The cannon's still incomplete. With one shot it'll burn out and-" Granite-"Silence advisor. Your here to advise not to talk strategy." Advisor-"Yes...sir...." Granite-"Fire!" The cannon was fired." Kaiser-"Oh no. Everyone! Away from the gate!" We all fled from the gate and moved as far away from it as possible. The gate was destroyed.
Granite-"Muhahahaha! Alright, charrrrrrge!" Gana-"Is everyone okay?" Nikki-"Yeah." Spirit-"Oh no. Pyron's out." Gana-"No...Pyron, wake up. Please wake up." (Pyron-"Ow. Huh? Where am I? What's with these strange books? And why does it look like space here?" ???-"You seem lost." Pyron-"Huh? Who said that?" ???-"My identity is unimportant. What's important is that your lost." Pyron-"Lost? I'm not lost. I'm in Dragonopolis." ???-"Not what I meant. Your straying from your path." Pyron-"Huh? What do you mean?" ???-"If you want to know, finish your battle, then travel to the forest east of Dragonopolis...alone. I will explain...." Pyron-"Hey wait. Who are you?) Gana-"Pyron, wake up. Please." Pyron-"Gah. Huh? What happen?" Volt-"You were out cold. Guess your spartan dragon helmet didn't help." Spirit-"Granite's forces are about to penetrate the city. Our force is getting ready." Pyron-"Then we better get ready. This isn't going to go good for us." Granite-"Hehehe. In moments, Dragonopolis will fall to my rule. Muhahaha!" Advisor-("Humph. That's what you think...fool.") As the soldiers get closer and closer, we prepare ourselves for what's gonna be a brutal fight. Can we stop Granite, or will Dragonopolis fall?

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