Tuesday, September 15, 2009

One's Chosen Path

A few hours passed since I left Dragonopolis. Despite the damage the city could be repaired, but Granite was right. I bring destruction with me. I didn't want to put my friends in any more danger..so I left them...and Gana. I was deep in the forest and found a clean spring to get a drink. I heard a sound. Pyron-"Who's there? (No one answers) Must be my imagination." ???-"So you finally came." Pyron-"Huh? Who said that?" A blue dragon wearing a coat and a diamond pendulent around his neck appears. ???-"I mean you no harm. I have waited for you." Pyron-"Waited for me? Wait...I recognize your voice from my dream. Who are you?" ???-"Like I said, my identity is unimportant. You must come with me young dragon." Pyron-"Hold on. I'm not going anywhere until you give me answers." ???-"Where I'm taking you, all your questions will be answered. Come." I didn't know why, but I followed him.
We travel by foot til we reached the ocean then flew. Things seem peaceful under the night sky. We soon came to an island. Pyron-"We're going to that island?" ???-"Yes. It's the White Isle." Pyron-"White Isle?" We landed and I followed the dragon through a cave and to a temple. We went inside and I saw many books, including a giant hour glass. ???-"So, what do you think?" Pyron-"This is...incredible. What's with all the books." ???-"Those are the history of the dragon race...mostly." Pyron-"The entire dragon race? Wait, my dad told me stories of an ancient dragon who was wise and kept our kind's history. Your...the Chronicler?" ???-"You could call me that, but I just took over the role from the previous Chronicler. I'm Ignitus." Pyron-"Ignitus?! No way. Stories of you, Volteer, Cyril, and Terrador are legendary. You 4 stood your ground against Malefor. That was incredibe." Ignitus-"Yes. But Spyro and Cynder deserve the credit for saving our world."
I looked at a few books. Pyron-"So Ignitus...sir, why you brought me here?" Ignitus-"You seem displace from your true path." Pyron-"My true path?" Ignitus-"Yes. Your worried your bringing destruction to your companions. (I said nothing) Here, take a look." A red and black book came to me. Pyron-"What's this?" Ignitus-"It's your book. Your history." Pyron-"Really? It tells my past, present, and future?" Ignitus-"Mostly your past and present. The future, well, it shows glimpses. Though most of your pages are still incomplete." Pyron-"Aww...this show the day I hatched along with my sister Luna." Ignitus-"Hm. You can come out of hiding Gana." Pyron-"Huh? Gana? (She appeared from behind a stack of books) Gana?! How did you find me?" Gana-"You forgot the special psychic connection we share." Pyron-"Oh." Ignitus-"The bond you both have for each other is strong. You'll both make excellent parents to your little girl." Pyron-"What? How did...oh, right. The books."
I kept going through my book and seen my past. Even Gana viewed hers. Some things I love to forget. Ignitus-"Pyron, you stray from your path. You know you have your friends to support you." Pyron-"I know, but I can't help but wonder if defeating Buraki will end all this." Gana-"So that's why. You think you'll bring our destruction?" Pyron-"Yeah. That's why I can't stay with you guys." Gana slaps me. Gana-"Don't say that!" Pyron-(puts right claw on cheek)"Darn it Jane. Stay out of-." Gana-"It wasn't Jane. It was me." Pyron-"You?" Gana-"Pyron, you said you will always be by my side, remember?" Pyron-"I remember." Gana-"Um...sorry for slapping you." Pyron-"It's okay. I needed sone sense knocked back into me. Ignitus, Gana and I are going back to Dragonopolis." Gana-"It was great to meet the dragon who mentored Spyro." Ignitus-"Take care. May the ancestors watch over you." Gana and I leave and flew back to Dragonopolis. Ignitus-"The future...it's not set in stone. Pyron, you and Gana will kill Buraki...or so you both believe. Both your books tell of the same conclusion that will happen: Judgement Day, and it will be your baby daughter who will save us all. But...there will be a price to pay for it to happen."

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