Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Mind Swap Pt. 2

Curse that Buraki. I knew he had something to do with Gana and Anakin. Now he's done the same to me and that griffin. ???-"If you got a plan I love to hear it." Pyron-"Gah. For some reason I can't use my Shadow Power to disappear." ???-"And I can't use my Feather Barrage." We tried to break loose as the hydra got closer and closer. I spred my wings out. Pyron-"We got to get free." Next think I knew I shot feathers out towards the hydra, injuring it. ???-"That's my Feather Barrage." I head bashed the pole, breaking it. Then I went to the other pole, broke it, and got the griffin, who was in my body, free. We flew out of the arena before the hydra recovered. We manage to find the exit and fled from the Dead Zone and flew far.
We manage to land where Mist Falls Village once stood. Pyron-"Nothing but a memory now. Um, who are you anyway?" Rica-"My name's Rica. And your Pyron. Word about you and your friends have spread through the land." Pyron-"Um...thanks." Rica-"What am I gonna do now. I'm all alone." She starts to cry. Pyron-"Huh? What do you mean?" Rica-"After word of Dragonopolis's destruction panic had spread to other cities and villages, and my village was next. My mate and I are...were, the last of our village." Pyron-"What happen to him?" Rica-"Buraki...he swapped his mind with one of my good friends. When my mate convince me it was really him, Buraki killed him...and my friend too." Pyron-"That" Rica-"He told me he heard Buraki's voice and said that if he told his real identity, Buraki will..." She cries. Pyron-"Please stop crying. I'll help you out anyway I can. Something tells me he did the same to my girlfriend and a fox too. Maybe that's why Gana couldn't tell me. But, didn't he do the same to us?" Rica-"No. I went up against Buraki myself after he killed my father a few months back. He wants me to much as you. And it may happen...a month from now." Pyron-"Why a month from now?" Rica-"'s nothing. Maybe we should rest here for the night." So we do. This would be the last place Buraki would search. But I have this feeling Rica knows something.
It was still night out as dawn was but an hour away. I woke up to find Rica with my claw on her body's belly. Pyron-"What are you doing?" Rica-"Huh? What? Um, nothing." Pyron-"Let me guess, in a month your expecting a baby...aren't you? (She didn't say anything) That explains why I felt a bit nausaus." Rica-"Please, I don't want nothing to happen to my baby." Pyron-"Don't worry. I have a daughter myself, and I won't let Buraki or his goon machines harm it. After all, your a soon to be parent." I smiled. Rica-"Thank you Pyron." Pyron-"The best thing to do now is to rest now. We can learn to teach each other about our powers, and then find a way to swap bodies again." Rica-"Right." Pyron-"We can learn on our way to Ember. Lets go." And we left for Ember. I hope we can find a way to reverse Buraki's little mind swap thing.

Mind Swap Pt. 1

2 days passed since the whole..awkwardness. Anakin and Gana seem to only talk to each other. However, I knew the truth. Well, with Angel's help. Whenever I went to Anakin, she was cheerful, but when I went to Gana, she cries. Laately I felt weird whenever I was around those two, and Spirit also felt the same. I knew what had happen...Gana and Anakin switched bodies, and Buraki is behind it. But why aren't they seeking help for this? That is what I need to know. I fell asleep with my daughter that night. Both Gana and Anakin kept to themselves.
???-"Well well. We got ourselves a dragon boys. Welcome to Africa. Muhahahaha!" Jane-"Let me go you hairy ape! Help!" I woke up. Was it a dream I had...or a vision? It felt strange. I got a bad felling Jane's in trouble. I picked up Angel and was going out. Anakin-"Where your going?" I saw Anakin, well, Gana. Pyron-"I'm going out to get some air." Anakin-"But you can't. It's too dangerous." Pyron-"Frankly, I don't care." Anakin-"What's with you?" I knew it. It was Gana in Anakin's body. Gana is usually worried about me. I couldn't tell him, well, her yet. Pyron-"Anakin, do me a favor and watch Angel." I give her to Gana. Anakin-"But-" Pyron-"I'll be back soon." I leave.
I was flying for a couple of hours thinking about that dream. Suddenly, I hear a familiar sound. A dreadful familiar sound. I was surrounded by a dozen Aerostat machines. Pyron-"Uh oh. Well, time to take these tin cans down." So I fought them and took out 4, but then a dozen more showed up. How did these things know how to find me. The number was too great so I tried to flee, but one stuns me and knocks me out and I fell to the ground. I tried to get back on my feet, but I pass out.
I wake up in what looks like an arena. Pyron-"Oww. My head." Huh? Why did my head felt...feathery and not scaly? ???-"Hey! What are you doinng with my body?!" Whas that my voice? I looked over and! Pyron-"What's going on..and why does it sound like I have a girl's voice?" I looked at some water on the ground and saw my reflection. I was...a griffin?! Pyron-"Aaaa! What happened?!" Buraki-"Muhahahaha! Hello there Pyron. So good to see you." Pyron-"Buraki?! What did you do to me?!" Buraki-"The same I did to gana and Anakin. I swap their bodies. Their involve in...a little game of mine." Pyron-"You sick b-" Buraki-"Language Pyron. There is a lady present. You. Hahahahaha!" Pyron-"Very funny." Buraki-"Well, you and your friend enjoy my little...entertainment." He leaves. Pyron-"Entertainment?" I saw some doors open...and we see a 3 headed hydra. Pyron-"Uh oh." ???-"You said it." Seems like we're in a jam, magically cuffed to a totom pole with a hydra coming at us. What can we do?

Monday, October 26, 2009

The city of Ember

It's been 3 days since Judgement Day started. I hid from cave to cave with my daughter...thinking all the time of Gana. I never felt so miserable in my whole life. I came to a forest far from the front lines of war. Seems a good place to seek refuge, or it could be a trap. Whatever the case, I went in. It seems peaceful and quiet. Too quiet. I found a large bush with some berries. Angel and I haven't ate well. Though I can go 4 days without food, Angel was only a baby and she needed food, so I squish the berries in my claws and she licks them. Soon she falls asleep. I curl up with her to keep her warm. Reminds me how much I curl up with Gana. I cried myself to sleep.
A few hours later I wake up...and see a wolf staring at me. Pyron-"Aaaaa! Who are you?" Jessica-"Don't worry. My name's Jessica. I'm a friend." Pyron-"Friend? My daughter. Where's my daughter?" Jessica-"She's..." Jessica turns and I see Angel on her back sleeping. I smiled. Jessica-"You must be Pyron." Pyron-" did you know my name?" Jessica-"Lagon sent search parties to find those who escaped Dragonopolis. I was lucky to find you." Pyron-"And Gana? (She shooked her head) No..." Jessica-"Come on. We got to get to Ember." Pyron-"Ember?"
I followed her to a cave. She goes through it. So I followed. Angel wakes up and leaps onto my back. We approach some gates and went through. We came underground city. Pyron-"This is Ember?" Jessica-"Yes. The legendary city." Lagon-"Pyron! You made it!" Nera-"Both you and Angel." I saw Nikki, Lagon, Spirit, and Nera. Pyron-"Guys, you made it." Lagon-"Thanks Jessica. If you excuse me, I'm heading out now." He leaves. Pyron-"Hey...where's Gana, Jane, Bulco, Kyle, and Kaiser?" They all looked down. Nera-"We haven't seen Gana or Jane." Spirit-"Those machines captured Bulco and Kaiser." Nikki-"And Kyle's..." Pyron-"Kyle's what? (They didn't say anything, but I knew what it was) No...not Kyle too..." Kyle...had died.
Days passed. Misery seems to be what I'm emitting. Earlier I went backed to Dragonopolis, well, what was left, and saw those machines picking up the bodies of 2 dragons. I saw them...Gana and Jane's bodies. I even saw Buraki. He was no longer a dragon. Just a cybernetic snake with wings. Nikki comes to me. Nikki-"Pyron, I'm so sorry. (She lies next to me) I have a feeling Gana is alive. Both her and Jane." Pyron-"Then why can't I sense her? I always do. She must be..." I got up and walked away. Nikki follows, carrying Angel. Nikki-"Don't give up on the one you love Pyron. She's okay, I know it. (She snuggles and hugs Angel) My rival wouldn't give up on a handsome devil like you." She kisses me on the cheek. I felt a bit better, though still miserable.
Suddenly I hear a roar. A red fox comes and attacks Nikki. I got my daughter, grabbed the fox, and threw him against a rock. ???-"Ough..." I hugged Nikki. She was ok. Nikki-"Grr...stupid little fox!" ???-"Huh? Who you calling stupid, you little tramp! GRRRRR!" I was a bit surprised by what he said. Pyron-"Ok. I don't know who you are and what you want from Nikki-" ???-"I wanna bury her alive with Buraki's machines!" Lagon-"Ok, easy now. What did Nikki ever do to you Anakin?" Anakin-"Oh I'll tell you what...she was trying from the first day she appeared in our lives, to steal Pyron away from me! After our first battle she gave up and told me that my and Pyron's love was unbreakable..but I see that those were just words. Pyron you disappointed me!" Everyone was looking in shock. Nikki-"Dont tell me you had a relationship with a fox!" Pyron-"NO! This fox is crazy! Look man, I don't know how you knew about that...but my real love, Gana, is dead. Ok? Dead, and she's not coming back, ever. I saw her body in the ruins, then Buraki and others came and picked her up. There was nothing I could do!" Anakin-"....YES YOU COULD! You could have stopped them from taking me...I mean Gana away! And if you and Gana are truly come you aren't feeling her presence now?" Pyron-"What are you talking about?" Anakin-"Oh my dear Red...Gana is here, in this room...right now. And she's watching you. She saw you and Nikki kissing. And I've gotta say...she is very,very ANGRY!" Pyron-"Nikki kissed me...cause she wanted to cheer me up. I was crying after Gana. I could never ever cheat on Gana..." Anakin-"I believe you...things are messed up, and I can't say anything without the worst things happening. Pyron just take care of Angel. Lagon you keep being a good leader. Nera, Spirit and others be brave and stay alive...Nikki...just stay away from Pyron ok? Cause I will seriously bury you alive....I'm just kidding. Take care." She smiles. He goes into his new hut. Pyron-(There's just something about this fox that's very familliar...) "Angel...stay here with Nikki. I have to take care of something."
I went into the hut and saw Anakin lying down. Pyron-"Gana? Is that you?" He looked shock. Anakin-"NO...I am not Gana. I am Anakin." Pyron-"Yes...I can see are Gana!" Anakin-"NO I am NOT Gana! I just...have...the power to see the past of the...people, dragons..just when I look at them..and...I am...very sensitive..." Pyron-"Hmmm...I'll pretend to believe you..." So I leave. Lagon-"What happened Pyron?" Pyron-"That fox...I sense its Gana, but something is bothering her...something very bad is happening and I have to find out what..." I heard a bell ring and then I see...Gana?! Anakin came out of his hut. Lagon-"See? Thats fox is not Gana..." I looked at Anakin. I knew something was up. I turned over to Spirit. Pyron-"Hmm...that is not Gana. Just look at her. She is confused. I can see she doesn't know our friends." Spirit-"Yeah...she is acting weird. Somethings not right." I don't know what's happen, but Anakin...Gana, seems scared. This has Buraki's stench all over it. Whatever he's done to Gana and that Anakin guy, I won't allow him to continue. I intend to find out what happened.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Storm

12:38 pm At the Celestial Caves on the White Isle Ignitus was looking at both Gana and Pyron's books. He looks inside Pyron's...then drops it. Ignitus-"It has...begun."
1:53 pm It's been a month since Buraki's defeat and all is well. Kaiser was in the mitz of putting the Shape Shifters on trial. I was busy training with Lagon and Spirit. Both were pretty tough. I worked myself to exhaustion as I decided to go to the Great Hall. There I fell asleep, without even realizing the others have come too. Though thing have been quiet Burakiwise, we have encounter the Reapers too often for a week. Seems Reaper still is bent on his revenge.
4:20 pm I woke up to a scream. It was Jane. Pyron-"Gana? Jane? What happened?" Jane-"It's Jane. I......don't know Ah!" Her yelling stops. I remember she and Gana are still connected telepathically. She slowly opens her eyes. They were glowing as we all stood shocked. Pyron-"Jane?" Jane-"She...she is so beautiful. I can see her....she..." Jane suddenly passes out. Pyron-"Jane? Jane! Take care of her. I got to find Gana!" Jane wakes up a bit. Jane-" in the Garden of Hope. You can't find her." Pyron-"What? Where is that?" Jane-"It is like heaven, but the thing is, that world doesn't exist. It only exists to the dragons that truly need that place. And Gana really needed it. Im just surprised that place didn't open sooner." Lagon-"What is that place?" Jane-"Its a place where dragons go to get help. But the thing is, time flies by there in a blink of an eye. Who knows Pyron, maybe Gana gets back with your daughter already hatched." I was in total shock. I had to sit down. I was so scared that I was breathing fast and shaking. Jane-"Don't worry Pyron...I mean Red...its gonna be ok." Jane smiled...and so did I.
4:50 pm After going out a bit to get some air I came back. Everyone got up on their feet as soon as I entered the Great Hall. I saw Gana. Pyron-(gulp)"G..Gana? Where.." Before I finished my question I saw her carrying a little whelpling. I couldn't believe it. Little tears came out of my eyes. I couldn't say anything. Gana-"Meet Angel. (Gana snuggles me) Angel this is you father Pyron." Instead of saying hi Angel sneezed. We all laughed. Nera-"Aaaawww. She is sooooo adorable!" Lagon-"So cute!" Gana-"What are you waiting for daddy? Pick your little girl up." She smiles. I was still in shock. I picked up Angel and snuggled her. She then kisses me on my nose. I was happy. Jane-"You gave me a stomach ache and an extra large migrane. Thank you very much..." Gana-"Haha...I'm sorry. The time flies by so that happens." Pyron-"How did she...?"Gana-"In the Garden of Hope I fast forward the time." We smiled.
6:16 pm The sun began to set. Everyone were cheerful and happy. I was on my belly and Angel tried to get my tail. Then, at 6:18 pm...I thought I felt the earth moved a bit. Gana-"Pyron!! Its them. Get..aaaah!" A giant pile of dirt and stone fell on Jane and Gana. I heard Gana screamed. Pyron-"Gana! Noo!" I ran towards them and with Lagon, Nera, Spirit, and Nikki's help start digging and moving the big stones. Pyron-"Gana, Jane, please be alive you two." The building was collapsing. I didn't care if I got buried alive. I wasn't leaving Gana. Gana-"Pyron, get Angel out of here and run!!!" Pyron-"No! I will not leave you Gana!" Gana-"Go or our child will die, and we will loose the war...(We looked at each other) I will be fine. I promise..." I couldn't hold back the tears. I didn't want to leave her, but for the good of all of us I had to take Angel and run away. I had hope this wouldn't happen. Gana told me one time and I had dreams about it. Was what Buraki said true???
Angel-"Mooom! No!! Mom! Mommy, come baaack!!" I ran as fast as I could. Gana's voice-"I love you Pyron. Take care of Angel. We have been loosing a lot of battles...and now its our turn to win the war!" The building collapses. I flew out of the building with Angel and we fell into a small river. We were shaking. Pyron-"Its okay we are safe..." I hugged Angel. Angel-"Whe...where's my mommy?" I saw she was very scared. I got us out the river and looked up and saw the building. It was completly destroyed. What was left of it were nothing but ruins and Buraki's machines, Dragon Killers and Aerostats continued attacking the city. Pyron-"!" I screamed. Angel-"Daddy!" Angel runs towards me and hugs me. Pyron-"She promised...she...she promised! YOU PROMISED!" I screamed again. Angel looks at me, then at what's left of the Great Hall, then she looks at me again. Angel-"She's not coming she?" Suddenly 2 Aerostats and 3 Dragon Killers start shooting! I took Angel and start to fly. I flew as fast as possible. With Angel on my back, I turned around and tried to shoot those things down. I took down the 2 Aerostats and a Dragon Killer. Unfortunately, the other 2 were strong enough to hold of my fire powers, so I fled, but they didn't pursued me, so I stopped shooting and flew away.
6:32 pm At the White Isle, Ignitus looked at my book and Gana's. Ignitus-"Judgement day has begun. Pyron, your sad now, but you and Gana will be reunited. When and where, your books don't say." With Dragonopolis the first victim of Judgement Day and all my friends either fled, captured, or killed, I was all alone, this time with Angel. I didn't know where to go. I didn't know who to turn to. But one thing I do know for sure...our battle with far from over. But where will I go to seek refuge? That, even I don't know...

Fight against Buraki

A few days passed as we got back to Diamond Port. We saw smoke and fire. Buraki had begun his attack. We manage to find some villagers who weren't badly hurt, but most of them told us Griz and his navy force drove off Buraki's army. We also heard most have begun to attack Kaiser's troops, so we all headed for Dragonopolis. It took us an hour by flight but we got there. Kaiser's troops were holding their own. Noryp-"Well well, Pyron and his buddies are here." Nogal-"We waited for so long for this, now we can kill you all." Anag-"Gana, Pyron. So lovely to see you both again." Aren-"Hehehe. Now we can kill them all." Nikki-"I take it those are the Shape Shifters." Tirips-"Yes miss. And now we'll destroy our "cousins"." They attack us. Noryp got to me and we crashed into a store roof. We fought in close claw-to-claw combat. I covered him in my Shadow Smoke. Noryp-"Aaa! Can't see." I then whacked him with my tail and knocked him out. Pyron-"Down for the count."
My friends were getting the upperhand on their counterparts too. This seems...rather too easy. Voice-"Muhahahahaha!!" We looked up and saw...Buraki!! Bulco-"So, it seems he's a dragon now." Buraki-"So...the three traitors are here. Kill them all!" And the soldiers started fighting ferosiously. Kaiser-"Don't give in. Hold them back!" The rest of us flew up to confront Buraki. Buraki-"Well, so glad you fools came up here." Lagon-"Your reign of terror is over Buraki." Buraki-"Lagon Lagon Lagon. Such an imputent fool. It'll never be over. (He used a Sonic Blast to knock us all down, but Gana and I were able to get back up) Do you two honestly think you'll win?" Pyron-"We can try." Buraki-"But can you? Honestly Pyron, you should have killed Gana. If she lays that egg it'll doom you all." Pyron-"Enough Buraki. It ends now. Gana, let's finish him off." Gana-"With pleasure." So we attack Buraki. He was strong, but Gana and I held our ground. Buraki-"It's all in vain you two. That army will be beaten and you'll all will be slayed." ???-"Sorry to disappoint you, but not today."
Buraki-"What? No! Not you 3!" Pyron-"Huh? Mom, Dad, and Luna?" Luna-"The calvary is here." Coming from the distance we saw the Eastern Dragons and the tigers. Saka-"Charrrrrrrrrrrrge!" Silver-"For freedooooooooom!" The cheetahs and the Vixers have joined in too. Buraki-"No! This can't be!" Buraki's army was in full retreat. Buraki-"Get back here!" Gana-"Now Pyron!" Pyron-"Yeah!" Gana went with her Blue Lightning and I went with my Fire Tackle and Shadow Power combo: my Shadow Blitz and together we took down Buraki. Buraki-"Noooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!" Buraki...was finally defeated. Every one cheered. We landed and were greeted by everyone. Kaiser-"Buraki has been defeated. Let there be rejoice." Everyone cheers.
The following past couple of days repairs went on to fix up Diamond Port and Dragonopolis. Kaiser was proud the Great Hall wasn't damaged. He went there to train and looked much stronger than I last saw him. The Shape Shifters were thrown in prison. Bulco and Lagon took a force to destroy the nanovirus facility and ultimately ended the threat. Finally, I can breathe a side of relief. My mom, dad, and sister were safe. I introduce Gana to my parents and told them we're expecting our first child in about a month. They were shocked and happy. All and all, everything turned out great for us. There was no more need to worry. Alazar-"Well, seems they took the bait." Buraki-"Yes. Keep quiet for a month. Judgement Day will soon be upond them all. Hehehe...hahahahahaaaaa!!!"

Haunted visions

Blizzard took us to his ice cave. Though a bit chilly, it was quite comfortable. Blizzard-"Drink this. It'll warm your bodies up." So we drank the tea...and we gradually got warmed. Spirit-"Wow. Thanks Mr. Blizzard sir." Blizzard-"Please, call me Blizzard." Jane-"Okay old timer, we need answers." Gana-"Jane! Please forgive her Blizzard. She doesn't know your in your ancient years." Blizzard laughs. Blizzard-"It's ok. Tell me young one, your having a child soon?" Gana-"Huh? You can tell I'm-" Blizzard-"Yes. And you, the red dragon, your the father, am I right?" Pyron-"Well, um,..." Blizzard smiles. Blizzard-"You shouldn't feel embarrassed. I too was your age when I had my first child. Anyway, I can tell something troubles you." Pyron-"Huh?" Blizzard-"I can tell. I'm not a psychic, but I can tell yor pretty worried." I didn't say anything. Jane-"Wow. Red has problems. That's no surprised." Gana-"Jane!" Pyron-"Well...your right Blizzard. There is something I have to say. It may...doom us all." All-"Doom us all?"
Pyron-"Gana, remember that night I asked if Angel would be a good name for our daughter?" Gana-"Yes?" Pyron-"That night, I went out to get some air and I saw this orange and blue dragon, and she takes me to the future. It wasn't ver good as I saw death and destruction." All-"What?!" Pyron-"The dragon...was our daughter, Angel." Gana-"Angel?!" Gana-"Yes. 15 years from now. She took me to a graveyard where...where..." Gana-"Well?" Pyron-"Where we all were dead. (They all gasp.) She tells me what Bulco said. My parents have those nanovirus things in them. If we are to kill Buraki...I must kill Luna." They all gasp again. Gana-"Kill...your sister?" Pyron-"That's something I can't do. She said by killing Luna her power will serge through our daughter and she'll destroy Buraki." Gana-"Pyron..." Pyron-"I don't know what to do."
Gana-"Pyron. Hopefully it won't come to that." I didn't say anything. Blizzard-"The future is a fickle thing. You may have seen, well visited, one possible future." Pyron-"It was real enough for me." Nera-"Easy there Pyron. Remember, Gana and I had visions of the future remember?" I nodded. Blizzard-"Again...a possible future." Jane-"Not helping old man." Pyron-"It's ok." Lagon-"Come on guys. We should get back to the Eastern Territories and message all our comrades to prepare for the upcoming battle." So we leave. Blizzard-"Good luck. Oh Pyron. Can I have a word with you?" Pyron-"Sure." Blizzard-"Take this crystal shard. It'll help you greatly." Pyron-"Help me how?" Blizzard-"You'll know when the time is right." I took the shard and leave. I caught up with the others and we made our way back to Fridget City. We boarded Polaris's ship and headed back to the Eastern Territories. Blizzard-"Well, guess I better get ready too."

Into the Frostlands

It took us a few days but we felt the temperatures suddenly getting colder and colder. Polaris-"Ladies and gentledragons, we've reach the border to the Frostlands." An hour passes and we see some ice in the water. We manage to make landfall. Polaris-"This is Fridget City. Not only is it a port town, it's where you'll find the dragon you seek. I'll be here waiting for you to come back." So we left Polaris's boat and made our way north. Some of the citizens were nice enough to tell us where Blizzard was. The only problem...Hallow's Eve was still going on. And Blizzard's home wasn't in the city. So we went on and left the barrier protecting the city.
As we march in the snow we all felt the cold...even me. Gana stayed close to me. Pyron-"Why so close all of a sudden?" Gana-"Other than me loving you, your pretty warm." I laughed a bit. Voice-"Well well. Didn't think I find you here." Pyron-"That voice. It's-" Reaper appears. Reaper-"Found you Pyron...and your lady friend. I'll kill you and take you back to the Necrorealm." Pyron-"You and what army?" Reaper-"This." We found ourselves surrounded by 2 dozen Reapers. Lagon-"Is this some sort of trick?" Bulco-"It's no trick. These are all Reapers." Pyron-"You mean...there's more than one?" Reaper-"That's right. You see, we Reapers travel the world searching for the spirits of the deceased. We aren't able to get those of goodness, but those with bad intentions do us well." Spirit-"If that's true, how did you get hold of Jewel and Kaloth a few moths back?" Reaper-"You didn't think Jewel had bad intentions for Heinaus, right? And Pyron, don't forget what you and Lagon saw Kaloth back at the Sun Temple." Lagon-"That wasn't his fault." Reaper-"Enough talk. Time to slay some dragons."
???-"That will be enough." We saw an old Furdragon. Nera-"Say, isn't that one of those Furdragons I've heard about?" ???-"I advise you Reapers to leave them alone. Your suppose to take dead spirits, not live ones." Reaper-"Beat it old timer. We'll kill them and take them to the Necrorealm." ???-"I can't see how's that possible without Abyss allowing you to." Reaper-"Huh?" Pyron-"Who's Abyss?" Bulco-"He rules the Necrorealm. He's the head honcho of the Reapers. He allows them only to take the spirits of the wicked." ???-"Even though Hallow's Eve is still in effect in the Frostlands the fridget cold air offers some more protection aginst your fellow ghouls. So...leave now while you can." Reaper-"Not til I get that reptile!" He lounges towards me. Pyron-"Aaaaaaaa!" The ice dragon hits Reaper with some kind of ice shard. Reaper-"Nooooooo!!!" Reaper disappears...and so do the others. Nikki-"Wow. You saved us." ???-"No problem. I'm Blizzard." We were shocked. Pyron-"Your Blizzard?" Well, looks like we found Blizzard. Now, I wonder why we needed to find him to begin with.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Hallow's Eve

Reaper-"The day has finally come. Now...I can get my revenge. Muhahahahaha!" We arrive in Dragonopolis where Kaiser was getting some druids were chanting magic enchantments. Kaiser-"Ah, Pyron and Gana. And you must be Jane, Gana's bad side." Jane-"What of it old man?" Gana-"Be nice." Kaiser-"It's alright. With age comes experience. And the rumors were true. You defected." Bulco-"Yes. We came to tell you you must get your armies ready for the coming battle against Buraki." Kaiser-"Already on it. Some of our eastern neighbors love to go after Buraki. But first, our druids and spellcasters are protecting the city." Pyron-"From Buraki?" Kaiser-"No. Hallow's Eve is tonight."Jane-"Hallow's Eve?" Kaiser-"Yes. You know the story of the Night of Eternal Darkness?" Pyron-"My dad told me that was the night the celestial moons make a lunar eclipse. That was the night Malefor escaped from his prison." Kaiser-"Yes. Hallow's Eve has that unfortunate same effect...except it doesn't happen at a mountain. At this time of the year a portal opens from the Necrorealm, where ghosts, goblins, and other monsters are released. This happens once every 7 years and lasts for one night in the Eastern Territories. All towns and villages use magic to protect themselves." Gana-"Hang on. Diamond Port doesn't have any druids or spellcasters there." Pyron-"And our friends are there even as we speak." Kaiser-"Here, take this bottle." Pyron-"What is it?" Kaiser-"A powerful spell that'll protect the port. But...only someone strong with magic can use it." Pyron-"Okay." I take the bottle and we fly to Diamond Port. Kaiser-"Good luck."
We made it to the port...but not after it got dark. We saw smoke coming from the town as we finally made it. Gana-"Wow. Look at this place. It's a mess." Jane-"Quick Red, use that spell." Pyron-"Okay. (I tried to open the bottle but couldn't) It won't open." Jane-"I'll try it. (She tries) Gah. Stupid lid won't budge." Bulco-"Come on. We got to find your comrades." So we ran. Many citizens were in a panic as some ghouls with swords chase them, freakish yaks bash through homes, even skeletal-like apes terrorize people. We manage to find Lagon, Nera, Spirit, Nikki, and Griz fighting. Spirit-"Look. It's the others." Nera-"You came just in time." Pyron-"Kaiser gave us a spell to save the city." Jane-:Only Red's too weak to open it." Gana-"Hey, you couldn't get it open either." Nera-"Jane and Gana...apart?!" Bulco-"Thank Buraki's experimental experiment to separate those 2." Lagon-"Bulco, why are you here?" Bulco-"Like you, I'm a traitor."
Voice-"Muhahahaha. So, the fire dragon is here at last, and no priestess to save you." Pyron-"Huh? Who's there?" Reaper appears. Reaper-"So good to see you again Pyron." Pyron-"It's you! was your name again?" Reaper-"Grrr! How can you forget my name?!" Pyron-"It doesn't ring a bell to me." Reaper-"Grrr! It's Reaper! Now that I'm free I come for my revenge on you." Pyron-"Isn't your issue with Sapphire?" Reaper-"No. You and that brown dragon prevented me from taking those other 2 dragons to the other side. Now, I'll kill you and bring you back with me. I'll savior emery minute of your eternal torture." Pyron-"That's not gonna happen." Reaper-"How so?" Pyron-"Because we got a spell to save this town and knock you out." Reaper-"A magic spell huh? And I can tell you can't get it open since us ghouls are still here." Pyron-"Bu how did you-" Reaper-"That's the same magic bottle that fool Kaiser had when I came to Dragonopolis many many years ago. Kaiser had fire magic in him but only train to fight in hand-to-hand combat. He perfers it. When I came he aquire that little bottle you have there and couldn't get it open. We ripped that little city apart, but it was only for one night so we couldn't finish it off. Ever since then we looked for other cities without magic, spellcasters, magicians, or druids, and we found Diamond Port. Well, now that you brought your reptilian hide here, I can kill you." Gana-"Pyron, give me the bottle." Pyron-"Huh?" Gana-"Trust me." So I gave her the bottle. Gana-"You hold it too." I looked at her and smiled. Reaper-"What are you doing?" Gana-"This!" She opens the bottle and magic shoots up into the sky. Reaper-"Nooooooooo!" A barrier was created, knocking out all the ghosts, goblins, and monsters in Diamond Port. Reaper-"Aaaaaaaaaaaaa! Pyron! I'll make you and your girlfriend pay for this!" He disappears. Griz-"Wow. That was some magic. Our town is saved." The townspeople cheered Pyron-"How did it work?" Gana-"Since only one who's magic is strong to open it, I thought that maybe since you and I are one, we could open it together. And...maybe with our little girl's help too." I smiled.
The next morning we were down at the pier. Griz had to gather a navy group to prepare, but he arranged for a friend from the Frostlands to pick us up. We saw a large boat and a polar bear. Polaris-"Ahoooooooooooy!" Nikki-"That must be Griz's friend." We soon boarded his boat and made our way north towards the Frostlands. What awaits us there? We'll soon find out.

Monday, October 12, 2009


Pyron-" hurts..." Jane-"Well Pyron, your finally awoke." Pyron-"Huh? Jane?" Bulco-"Jane has done well." Pyron-"Bulco! I should have known you be behind....whatever it is that happened." Bulco-"Well, you and your comrades were going to Diamond Port and head for the Frostlands. Jane told me everything." Pyron-"You witch! I knew you couldn't be trusted. Let me out of this cage and I'll finish you off." Jane-"And harm Gana? You really want to do that?" Pyron-"Grrr..." Jane-"You need not worry Red. She and I are now separated. I'm my own dragon now." Pyron-"What? How?" Bulco-"One of Buraki's experiments. Gana's being taken to Buraki even as we speak. He has big plans for her...and you." Pyron-"When I get out of this cage, I'll kill you both." Jane-"Relax Red. All will go according to plan in due time." They leave.
How was I gonna get out of this cage and get to Gana. What does Buraki have in store for us? I thought he wanted us both dead. I then noticed the key to the cage. Why is it on the ground, and for me to reach? Did Jane drop it by accident, and was she telling the truth that she and Gana are separated? I didn't have time to waste and got the key and unlocked the cage and made my escape.
I ran to where Gana was. We were still connected. It was weird though. When I saw Jane, I didn't sense Gana. Usually when Jane takes over, I always felt Gana. Maybe she was telling the truth. I stopped when I saw a few guards. I used my Shadow power and went pass them unseen. Suddenly I hear the sound of glass breaking. The guards then ran towards a room. I follow them. When they went in the door closes shut before I could have gotten in. Then the door opens and I saw Buraki. Buraki-"They'll pay for this. Jane and Bulco will die for treason." What?! Jane and Bulco betrayed Buraki? I couldn't believe what I heard. I did sense Gana moving farther and farther away. I reappeared and went into the room. I saw a hole in the wall and went through it.
For an hour I flew at a frantic pace. Then, I saw them. Gana, Jane, and Bulco. I landed. Pyron-"kay, what are you two planning on doing?" Jane-"Seems Red manage to escapee on his own. I thought I dropped that key somewhere." Pyron-"Is it true? Did you two betrayed Buraki?" Bulco-"Yes. And like I said, we separated Jane from Gana." Jane-"Now I don't have to drag her around anymore. Hehehe." Gana-"Very funny." Jane-"Oh relax." Pyron-"So why did you decide to turn your back on Buraki Bulco?" Bulco-"I wanted world domination like any other bad guy, but then..." Pyron-"But then what?" Bulco-"I discovered Buraki was planning to use something call a nanovirus. Apparently he plans on creating a bio weapon and infect unsuspected creatures and make them into cybernetic monsters. (What?! That's what Angel told me when she took me to the future.) He even tested it on a few that don't even know it." Pyron-"And who are these few?" Bulco-"I know of only two. Star and Magmis...your parents I believe." Pyron-"No! Not my mom and dad! How long will-" Bulco-"3 months at best...if their lucky. At which time Gana will lay her egg 2 months prior to that." It's coming true...Judgement Day.
Gana-"Wait, how do you know when I'll-" Bulco-"You forget. I was a young dragon myself. But serious, we get to the Frostlands and meet up with your friends at Diamond Port. But first, we got to go to Dragonopolis." Pyron-"Why there?" Bulco-"Warn Kaiser of the danger. He'll be able to rally a fighting force to take out Buraki's army. And be on the lookout for the Shapeshifters. They were the guinea pigs for the nanovirus." Pyron-"Crap, and they were tough enough as it is." Gana-"Come on Pyron, we got to get to Dragonopolis fast." Pyron-"Okay." So we flew to Dragonopolis, unaware someone was following us. Assassin-"Now there are 4? Not a problem. Buraki wants Gana alive, and I'm sure he'll want Pyron too. As for Jane and Bulco....muhahahahaha!"

Monday, October 5, 2009

Friend or foe?

A week had passed since my little time travel trip. Everyone was hard at work training in preparation for an encounter with Buraki and his forces. I watch as everyone got to work. Gana-"Pyron, you been quiet for most of the week. What's up?" Pyron-"Oh, nothing. Just got a lot on my mind." Gana-"Well...okay." Looking at my friends we been through so much. Lagon lost his wife, Spirit lost Danny, though he sees his soul from time to time, and misses his family, Nera, Kyle, and Gana had to leave their old village for Mist Falls, where sometime Kyle got corrupted. He was saved, Nera lost Robby when he was killed, but resurrected and serves Buraki. I was the lucky one. My sister and parents are safe...and I have Gana with me. But, what if what Angel showed me happens? Will I be able to slay my own family?
A few hours later I went outside of Warfang down to a river. I sighed heavily. Voice-"Well well, look what we have here?" I looked up and saw a yellow dragon. Quazar-"Long time no see, eh Pyron old buddy?" Pyron-"Quazar. Didn't think I see you this soon." Quazar-"Well my old friend. How a few years pass and still, here we are. How is Luna?" Pyron-"She's okay." Quazar-"Well, that's good to know...seeing how you keep protecting your twin sister." Pyron-"Well, you did put us all in danger when you went into the Dreadwing cave." Quazar-"Yes. Those blasted overgrown bats sliced my wing up. And I blame you." Pyron-"You always never take the responsibilities unless their positive and work in your favor." Quazar-"Well, leave it to you to tell me such kind words."
The others came out. Gana-"Hey, what's going on here?" Quazar-"Ah, you must be Gana, Pyron's dragoness. And your Nera, Spirit, and the traitor Lagon. Oh, and Flame as well." Gana-"How you know us." Kyle-"Because I did." Kyle appears. Gana-"Kyle? You did?" Kyle-" dark half did." Pyron-"Why are you here Quazar? I doubt it's about revenge." Quazar-"With you Pyron, it's all about revenge." Voice-"That's enough." Lagon-"That voice?!" We looked up and saw Buraki. Spirit-"B-B-Buraki!?" Buraki-"So good to see you all." Pyron-"Why are you here?" Gana-"If you came to fight, we'll take you down." We went after him but Buraki stops us with his Dark Lightning. Lagon-"Gah! Can't move." I saw Flame didn't get caught. Pyron-"Flame, help us. (He stood there) Flame. (He then walks over towards Buraki) Flame, what are you doing?" Flame-"Sorry. but I'm joining Buraki." We were all stunned. Buraki-"Good Flame. Let us be off." Buraki grabs Flame and flew away. Quazar-"Consider yourself lucky Pyron." He flies and we were released fron the lighning. We were still in shock.
We go back to Warfang to inform Ruby of what Flame did. But, she seems so calm. Ruby-"Don't worry about Flame. I need for you all to head to the Frostlands. I need for you to find a ice dragon named Blizzard. He can help you." Nikki-"I guess at this point we're gonna need all the help we can get." Ruby-"The Frostlands are far north. Be careful when you get there." So we begin to leave. Ruby-"Kyle, stay here." Kyle-"Huh? Why?" Ruby-"You haven't fully regain your powers yet. Let Lagon and the others go." Kyle-"Okay Ruby." And so we flew towards Diamond Port to meet up with Griz. Hopefully he can help get us to the Frostlands and locate Blizzard. But...none of us will wonder why Flame betrayed us...Quazar-"Well sir, Flame's on our side." Buraki-"Yes. He needed...a little persuasion, right Luce? Muhahahahaha."

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Future Shock

It took about 3 days but we came to Warfang. We were greeted by everyone. Ruby was happy to see Gana and I were okay. That night Gana and I shared a we always do. I woke up late that night and place my claw on her belly. It was still strange to see her in her true form, but it's one that I know makes her happy. Seems our baby's kicking. I laughed a bit. I wonder how Gana was able to withstand it. I kissed her on the cheek and went out on a night flight. As I flew, seeing the peaceful sky was great. I hope we end this war with Buraki soon. I noticed a orange and blue dragon. She seem to resembla Gana almost. I followed her to a forest.
???-"So, you followed me?" Pyron-"Sorry, I like to meet new people." ???-"Well, you have good taste. Wanna know something?" Pyron-"Know what?" ???-"Come closer." So I did. Suddenly she grabbed me. ???-"Your coming with me." Pyron-"Hey! What gives?! Let go!" All of a sudden a portal opens up and she throws me. Pyron-"Aaaaaaaaa!"
Voice-"Wake up. Come on, wake up." Pyron-"Gah." I woke up and saw her. Pyron-"You! Why you threw me through that portal? And who are you?" Angel-"My name is Angel, and look around you." Pyron-"What the...?!" I looked around and everything was in disarray. Buildings were destroyed, fields were burned, there was strife, anarchy, and unrest. Pyron-"What is all this?!" Angel-"This is your future...after you and Gana killed Buraki." Pyron-"What?! This is the future?!" Angel-"Yes. After you and Gana killed Buraki, he attacked again a couple of months later, after your daughter hatched from her egg." Pyron-"But how?" Angel-"Come with me." So we flew. Angel-"How did this happened?" Angel-"When Judgement Day started, Buraki's Aerostat machines went on the attack. So did his Dragon Hunters." Pyron-"Dragon Hunters?" Angel-"Yes. Their cyborg dragons that were infected with Buraki's nano virus. Now they serve him to kill all the dragons and those of the resistance."
We land at a graveyard. Pyron-"What? A graveyard?" Angel-"Yes. My parents are buried here." Pyron-"What the...?! (I saw tombstones of Lagon, Nera, Spirit, Nikki, Flame, Gana, and me. I fell to my knees) We..died...? Is this...our fate?" Angel-"My parents are in this sacred graveyard. They died about 3 years ago." Pyron-"Whoever your parents are...I hope they did their best." Angel-"They always do. You and mom always did." Pyron-"Yep. Wait, did you say-" Angel-"Uh huh. I'm your daughter Pyron." I was shocked. Pyron-"No way!." Angel-"Yep." Pyron-"Is there some way to stop all this?" Angel-"There is. But you must pay the ultimate price." Pyron-"And that price is what?" Angel-"You must kill Luna...your sister, my aunt." Pyron-"What?! Are you insane?" Angel-"By killing her you'll insure a fighting chance against Buraki's mechanized army." Pyron-"But killing my sister?! I can't." Angel-"You must do so. It's her destiny to live as a light angel dragon. Pyron-"But-" Suddenly a Dragon Hunter appeared. Angel-"Uh oh. Let's flee." We flew as fast as we can.
Pyron-"What was that monstrosity?" Angel-"A Dragon Hunter. Your father." Pyron-"What?! My dad?!" We landed at the crumbling building. Angel-"Dad, 15 years prior to this your parents were infected by Buraki's nano virus. They didn't realize it until it was too late." Pyron-"Noooo....." Angel-"By slaying your sister, her power will come through me as a child, and together we'll kill Buraki and stop him once and for all." Pyron-"I'm not sure I believe you. This can be all a trap set up by Buraki." Angel-"If it was, you be dead by now." Pyron-"Gah...You tell me to do something I don't think I can do." Angel-"Dad, I want you and mom to grow old together, not to be taken before your time. I want Lagon. Spirit and the others to live. You must kill your sister...and your parents." Pyron-"But-" 3 Dragon Hunters showed up. Angel-"It's them." Pyron-"Nooo! It's my mom, dad, and Luna. Their..." Angel-"Dragon Hunters." They fired their lasers but Angel puts up a barrier to protect us. She then opens up the portal. Angel-"Go dad. Prevent this future from happening." Pyron-"Angel..." Angel-"I'll be ok dad. I have the fighting spirit of you and mom. I'll see you all when I hatch. Go noooooooooow!" I flee into the portal.
I was back in my time. It was still night out. I went back to Warfang. I returned and went in my room. Gana was still sleeping as I went to her side. I placed my claw on her belly. Gana-"Pyron..." Pyron-"Hm?" Gana-"Your up. Something wrong?" Pyron-"No. I'm good. What do you think of naming our daughter Angel?" Gana-"Angel? Lovely name." We smiled. I hope what Angel said is true, but...will it save the future, or destroy it?