Monday, October 26, 2009

The city of Ember

It's been 3 days since Judgement Day started. I hid from cave to cave with my daughter...thinking all the time of Gana. I never felt so miserable in my whole life. I came to a forest far from the front lines of war. Seems a good place to seek refuge, or it could be a trap. Whatever the case, I went in. It seems peaceful and quiet. Too quiet. I found a large bush with some berries. Angel and I haven't ate well. Though I can go 4 days without food, Angel was only a baby and she needed food, so I squish the berries in my claws and she licks them. Soon she falls asleep. I curl up with her to keep her warm. Reminds me how much I curl up with Gana. I cried myself to sleep.
A few hours later I wake up...and see a wolf staring at me. Pyron-"Aaaaa! Who are you?" Jessica-"Don't worry. My name's Jessica. I'm a friend." Pyron-"Friend? My daughter. Where's my daughter?" Jessica-"She's..." Jessica turns and I see Angel on her back sleeping. I smiled. Jessica-"You must be Pyron." Pyron-" did you know my name?" Jessica-"Lagon sent search parties to find those who escaped Dragonopolis. I was lucky to find you." Pyron-"And Gana? (She shooked her head) No..." Jessica-"Come on. We got to get to Ember." Pyron-"Ember?"
I followed her to a cave. She goes through it. So I followed. Angel wakes up and leaps onto my back. We approach some gates and went through. We came underground city. Pyron-"This is Ember?" Jessica-"Yes. The legendary city." Lagon-"Pyron! You made it!" Nera-"Both you and Angel." I saw Nikki, Lagon, Spirit, and Nera. Pyron-"Guys, you made it." Lagon-"Thanks Jessica. If you excuse me, I'm heading out now." He leaves. Pyron-"Hey...where's Gana, Jane, Bulco, Kyle, and Kaiser?" They all looked down. Nera-"We haven't seen Gana or Jane." Spirit-"Those machines captured Bulco and Kaiser." Nikki-"And Kyle's..." Pyron-"Kyle's what? (They didn't say anything, but I knew what it was) No...not Kyle too..." Kyle...had died.
Days passed. Misery seems to be what I'm emitting. Earlier I went backed to Dragonopolis, well, what was left, and saw those machines picking up the bodies of 2 dragons. I saw them...Gana and Jane's bodies. I even saw Buraki. He was no longer a dragon. Just a cybernetic snake with wings. Nikki comes to me. Nikki-"Pyron, I'm so sorry. (She lies next to me) I have a feeling Gana is alive. Both her and Jane." Pyron-"Then why can't I sense her? I always do. She must be..." I got up and walked away. Nikki follows, carrying Angel. Nikki-"Don't give up on the one you love Pyron. She's okay, I know it. (She snuggles and hugs Angel) My rival wouldn't give up on a handsome devil like you." She kisses me on the cheek. I felt a bit better, though still miserable.
Suddenly I hear a roar. A red fox comes and attacks Nikki. I got my daughter, grabbed the fox, and threw him against a rock. ???-"Ough..." I hugged Nikki. She was ok. Nikki-"Grr...stupid little fox!" ???-"Huh? Who you calling stupid, you little tramp! GRRRRR!" I was a bit surprised by what he said. Pyron-"Ok. I don't know who you are and what you want from Nikki-" ???-"I wanna bury her alive with Buraki's machines!" Lagon-"Ok, easy now. What did Nikki ever do to you Anakin?" Anakin-"Oh I'll tell you what...she was trying from the first day she appeared in our lives, to steal Pyron away from me! After our first battle she gave up and told me that my and Pyron's love was unbreakable..but I see that those were just words. Pyron you disappointed me!" Everyone was looking in shock. Nikki-"Dont tell me you had a relationship with a fox!" Pyron-"NO! This fox is crazy! Look man, I don't know how you knew about that...but my real love, Gana, is dead. Ok? Dead, and she's not coming back, ever. I saw her body in the ruins, then Buraki and others came and picked her up. There was nothing I could do!" Anakin-"....YES YOU COULD! You could have stopped them from taking me...I mean Gana away! And if you and Gana are truly come you aren't feeling her presence now?" Pyron-"What are you talking about?" Anakin-"Oh my dear Red...Gana is here, in this room...right now. And she's watching you. She saw you and Nikki kissing. And I've gotta say...she is very,very ANGRY!" Pyron-"Nikki kissed me...cause she wanted to cheer me up. I was crying after Gana. I could never ever cheat on Gana..." Anakin-"I believe you...things are messed up, and I can't say anything without the worst things happening. Pyron just take care of Angel. Lagon you keep being a good leader. Nera, Spirit and others be brave and stay alive...Nikki...just stay away from Pyron ok? Cause I will seriously bury you alive....I'm just kidding. Take care." She smiles. He goes into his new hut. Pyron-(There's just something about this fox that's very familliar...) "Angel...stay here with Nikki. I have to take care of something."
I went into the hut and saw Anakin lying down. Pyron-"Gana? Is that you?" He looked shock. Anakin-"NO...I am not Gana. I am Anakin." Pyron-"Yes...I can see are Gana!" Anakin-"NO I am NOT Gana! I just...have...the power to see the past of the...people, dragons..just when I look at them..and...I am...very sensitive..." Pyron-"Hmmm...I'll pretend to believe you..." So I leave. Lagon-"What happened Pyron?" Pyron-"That fox...I sense its Gana, but something is bothering her...something very bad is happening and I have to find out what..." I heard a bell ring and then I see...Gana?! Anakin came out of his hut. Lagon-"See? Thats fox is not Gana..." I looked at Anakin. I knew something was up. I turned over to Spirit. Pyron-"Hmm...that is not Gana. Just look at her. She is confused. I can see she doesn't know our friends." Spirit-"Yeah...she is acting weird. Somethings not right." I don't know what's happen, but Anakin...Gana, seems scared. This has Buraki's stench all over it. Whatever he's done to Gana and that Anakin guy, I won't allow him to continue. I intend to find out what happened.

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