Thursday, October 1, 2009

Future Shock

It took about 3 days but we came to Warfang. We were greeted by everyone. Ruby was happy to see Gana and I were okay. That night Gana and I shared a we always do. I woke up late that night and place my claw on her belly. It was still strange to see her in her true form, but it's one that I know makes her happy. Seems our baby's kicking. I laughed a bit. I wonder how Gana was able to withstand it. I kissed her on the cheek and went out on a night flight. As I flew, seeing the peaceful sky was great. I hope we end this war with Buraki soon. I noticed a orange and blue dragon. She seem to resembla Gana almost. I followed her to a forest.
???-"So, you followed me?" Pyron-"Sorry, I like to meet new people." ???-"Well, you have good taste. Wanna know something?" Pyron-"Know what?" ???-"Come closer." So I did. Suddenly she grabbed me. ???-"Your coming with me." Pyron-"Hey! What gives?! Let go!" All of a sudden a portal opens up and she throws me. Pyron-"Aaaaaaaaa!"
Voice-"Wake up. Come on, wake up." Pyron-"Gah." I woke up and saw her. Pyron-"You! Why you threw me through that portal? And who are you?" Angel-"My name is Angel, and look around you." Pyron-"What the...?!" I looked around and everything was in disarray. Buildings were destroyed, fields were burned, there was strife, anarchy, and unrest. Pyron-"What is all this?!" Angel-"This is your future...after you and Gana killed Buraki." Pyron-"What?! This is the future?!" Angel-"Yes. After you and Gana killed Buraki, he attacked again a couple of months later, after your daughter hatched from her egg." Pyron-"But how?" Angel-"Come with me." So we flew. Angel-"How did this happened?" Angel-"When Judgement Day started, Buraki's Aerostat machines went on the attack. So did his Dragon Hunters." Pyron-"Dragon Hunters?" Angel-"Yes. Their cyborg dragons that were infected with Buraki's nano virus. Now they serve him to kill all the dragons and those of the resistance."
We land at a graveyard. Pyron-"What? A graveyard?" Angel-"Yes. My parents are buried here." Pyron-"What the...?! (I saw tombstones of Lagon, Nera, Spirit, Nikki, Flame, Gana, and me. I fell to my knees) We..died...? Is this...our fate?" Angel-"My parents are in this sacred graveyard. They died about 3 years ago." Pyron-"Whoever your parents are...I hope they did their best." Angel-"They always do. You and mom always did." Pyron-"Yep. Wait, did you say-" Angel-"Uh huh. I'm your daughter Pyron." I was shocked. Pyron-"No way!." Angel-"Yep." Pyron-"Is there some way to stop all this?" Angel-"There is. But you must pay the ultimate price." Pyron-"And that price is what?" Angel-"You must kill Luna...your sister, my aunt." Pyron-"What?! Are you insane?" Angel-"By killing her you'll insure a fighting chance against Buraki's mechanized army." Pyron-"But killing my sister?! I can't." Angel-"You must do so. It's her destiny to live as a light angel dragon. Pyron-"But-" Suddenly a Dragon Hunter appeared. Angel-"Uh oh. Let's flee." We flew as fast as we can.
Pyron-"What was that monstrosity?" Angel-"A Dragon Hunter. Your father." Pyron-"What?! My dad?!" We landed at the crumbling building. Angel-"Dad, 15 years prior to this your parents were infected by Buraki's nano virus. They didn't realize it until it was too late." Pyron-"Noooo....." Angel-"By slaying your sister, her power will come through me as a child, and together we'll kill Buraki and stop him once and for all." Pyron-"I'm not sure I believe you. This can be all a trap set up by Buraki." Angel-"If it was, you be dead by now." Pyron-"Gah...You tell me to do something I don't think I can do." Angel-"Dad, I want you and mom to grow old together, not to be taken before your time. I want Lagon. Spirit and the others to live. You must kill your sister...and your parents." Pyron-"But-" 3 Dragon Hunters showed up. Angel-"It's them." Pyron-"Nooo! It's my mom, dad, and Luna. Their..." Angel-"Dragon Hunters." They fired their lasers but Angel puts up a barrier to protect us. She then opens up the portal. Angel-"Go dad. Prevent this future from happening." Pyron-"Angel..." Angel-"I'll be ok dad. I have the fighting spirit of you and mom. I'll see you all when I hatch. Go noooooooooow!" I flee into the portal.
I was back in my time. It was still night out. I went back to Warfang. I returned and went in my room. Gana was still sleeping as I went to her side. I placed my claw on her belly. Gana-"Pyron..." Pyron-"Hm?" Gana-"Your up. Something wrong?" Pyron-"No. I'm good. What do you think of naming our daughter Angel?" Gana-"Angel? Lovely name." We smiled. I hope what Angel said is true, but...will it save the future, or destroy it?

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