Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Mind Swap Pt. 1

2 days passed since the whole..awkwardness. Anakin and Gana seem to only talk to each other. However, I knew the truth. Well, with Angel's help. Whenever I went to Anakin, she was cheerful, but when I went to Gana, she cries. Laately I felt weird whenever I was around those two, and Spirit also felt the same. I knew what had happen...Gana and Anakin switched bodies, and Buraki is behind it. But why aren't they seeking help for this? That is what I need to know. I fell asleep with my daughter that night. Both Gana and Anakin kept to themselves.
???-"Well well. We got ourselves a dragon boys. Welcome to Africa. Muhahahaha!" Jane-"Let me go you hairy ape! Help!" I woke up. Was it a dream I had...or a vision? It felt strange. I got a bad felling Jane's in trouble. I picked up Angel and was going out. Anakin-"Where your going?" I saw Anakin, well, Gana. Pyron-"I'm going out to get some air." Anakin-"But you can't. It's too dangerous." Pyron-"Frankly, I don't care." Anakin-"What's with you?" I knew it. It was Gana in Anakin's body. Gana is usually worried about me. I couldn't tell him, well, her yet. Pyron-"Anakin, do me a favor and watch Angel." I give her to Gana. Anakin-"But-" Pyron-"I'll be back soon." I leave.
I was flying for a couple of hours thinking about that dream. Suddenly, I hear a familiar sound. A dreadful familiar sound. I was surrounded by a dozen Aerostat machines. Pyron-"Uh oh. Well, time to take these tin cans down." So I fought them and took out 4, but then a dozen more showed up. How did these things know how to find me. The number was too great so I tried to flee, but one stuns me and knocks me out and I fell to the ground. I tried to get back on my feet, but I pass out.
I wake up in what looks like an arena. Pyron-"Oww. My head." Huh? Why did my head felt...feathery and not scaly? ???-"Hey! What are you doinng with my body?!" Whas that my voice? I looked over and! Pyron-"What's going on..and why does it sound like I have a girl's voice?" I looked at some water on the ground and saw my reflection. I was...a griffin?! Pyron-"Aaaa! What happened?!" Buraki-"Muhahahaha! Hello there Pyron. So good to see you." Pyron-"Buraki?! What did you do to me?!" Buraki-"The same I did to gana and Anakin. I swap their bodies. Their involve in...a little game of mine." Pyron-"You sick b-" Buraki-"Language Pyron. There is a lady present. You. Hahahahaha!" Pyron-"Very funny." Buraki-"Well, you and your friend enjoy my little...entertainment." He leaves. Pyron-"Entertainment?" I saw some doors open...and we see a 3 headed hydra. Pyron-"Uh oh." ???-"You said it." Seems like we're in a jam, magically cuffed to a totom pole with a hydra coming at us. What can we do?

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