Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fight against Buraki

A few days passed as we got back to Diamond Port. We saw smoke and fire. Buraki had begun his attack. We manage to find some villagers who weren't badly hurt, but most of them told us Griz and his navy force drove off Buraki's army. We also heard most have begun to attack Kaiser's troops, so we all headed for Dragonopolis. It took us an hour by flight but we got there. Kaiser's troops were holding their own. Noryp-"Well well, Pyron and his buddies are here." Nogal-"We waited for so long for this, now we can kill you all." Anag-"Gana, Pyron. So lovely to see you both again." Aren-"Hehehe. Now we can kill them all." Nikki-"I take it those are the Shape Shifters." Tirips-"Yes miss. And now we'll destroy our "cousins"." They attack us. Noryp got to me and we crashed into a store roof. We fought in close claw-to-claw combat. I covered him in my Shadow Smoke. Noryp-"Aaa! Can't see." I then whacked him with my tail and knocked him out. Pyron-"Down for the count."
My friends were getting the upperhand on their counterparts too. This seems...rather too easy. Voice-"Muhahahahaha!!" We looked up and saw...Buraki!! Bulco-"So, it seems he's a dragon now." Buraki-"So...the three traitors are here. Kill them all!" And the soldiers started fighting ferosiously. Kaiser-"Don't give in. Hold them back!" The rest of us flew up to confront Buraki. Buraki-"Well, so glad you fools came up here." Lagon-"Your reign of terror is over Buraki." Buraki-"Lagon Lagon Lagon. Such an imputent fool. It'll never be over. (He used a Sonic Blast to knock us all down, but Gana and I were able to get back up) Do you two honestly think you'll win?" Pyron-"We can try." Buraki-"But can you? Honestly Pyron, you should have killed Gana. If she lays that egg it'll doom you all." Pyron-"Enough Buraki. It ends now. Gana, let's finish him off." Gana-"With pleasure." So we attack Buraki. He was strong, but Gana and I held our ground. Buraki-"It's all in vain you two. That army will be beaten and you'll all will be slayed." ???-"Sorry to disappoint you, but not today."
Buraki-"What? No! Not you 3!" Pyron-"Huh? Mom, Dad, and Luna?" Luna-"The calvary is here." Coming from the distance we saw the Eastern Dragons and the tigers. Saka-"Charrrrrrrrrrrrge!" Silver-"For freedooooooooom!" The cheetahs and the Vixers have joined in too. Buraki-"No! This can't be!" Buraki's army was in full retreat. Buraki-"Get back here!" Gana-"Now Pyron!" Pyron-"Yeah!" Gana went with her Blue Lightning and I went with my Fire Tackle and Shadow Power combo: my Shadow Blitz and together we took down Buraki. Buraki-"Noooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!" Buraki...was finally defeated. Every one cheered. We landed and were greeted by everyone. Kaiser-"Buraki has been defeated. Let there be rejoice." Everyone cheers.
The following past couple of days repairs went on to fix up Diamond Port and Dragonopolis. Kaiser was proud the Great Hall wasn't damaged. He went there to train and looked much stronger than I last saw him. The Shape Shifters were thrown in prison. Bulco and Lagon took a force to destroy the nanovirus facility and ultimately ended the threat. Finally, I can breathe a side of relief. My mom, dad, and sister were safe. I introduce Gana to my parents and told them we're expecting our first child in about a month. They were shocked and happy. All and all, everything turned out great for us. There was no more need to worry. Alazar-"Well, seems they took the bait." Buraki-"Yes. Keep quiet for a month. Judgement Day will soon be upond them all. Hehehe...hahahahahaaaaa!!!"

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