Friday, July 31, 2009

The Shapeshifters

Two days have passed since we left Mist Falls Village. Many of the villagers were upset that Spirit destroyed their homes. Lagon-"Everyone, you can't blame Spirit. He did what he had to do." Spirit felt uneasy about it. Lagon-"He's young and inexperience. Don't blame him for not controlling his powers. So he destroyed your homes. Big deal." Spirit seemed nervous next to Lagon. I wondered why. We found a place to camp out for the night. I was sleeping when Spirit woke me up. Pyron-"'s the middle of the night. What is it?" Spirit-"Please come with me Pyron." So we went into the nearby forest. Pyron-"Okay Spirit, what is it?" Spirit-"It's Lagon. He's a bit strange." Pyron-"How so?" Spirit-"I don't know why, but I can sense something's wrong. Pyron, I don't think that's Lagon." Pyron-"Huh?" Spirit was serious. Pyron-"Come to think of it, he didn't do his usual training session yesterday." Spirit-"Do you think its Lagon's clone?" Pyron-"Nogal?" I thought to myself. Pyron-"For now, let's not rouse any suspicion to him. Let's keep it quiet." Spirit agreed and we went back to the campsite.
The next morning we woke up. Lagon-"Okay people. Let's move. (The villagers complained they didn't have breakfast) If Buraki's forces find us, we're in trouble." So we moved out. Something wasn't right. Lagon wouldn't pass up breakfast unless it was serious. He didn't even want Nera close to him. Voice-"Stooooooooooooooooooop!" We all look up and saw...Lagon?! Lagon-"Everyone, that's my clone Nogal." Lagon-"No I'm not. Your Nogal." They growled at each other. Pyron-"Gana, can you tell which is which?" Gana-"Their identical in every way Pyron." Nera-"Even I can't tell who's who." Spirit-"Quieeeeeet!" The arguments stop. Spirit-"I can tell who's who." He looks at both Lagons, then lobs a blue fireball at the left Lagon. He dodges it. Lagon-"Why are you attacking me Spirit? I'm the real Lagon." Spirit-"No your not. If you were, you take the hit." Pyron-" The little guy's right. He trains with Lagon to get stronger. The real Lagon would take shots from Spirit. Your a Clone!!" Lagon-"I'm not-" Voice-"Save it. He's on to us." A small black dragon appeared. He looked like Spirit. Spirit-"What?! I have a clone too?" Pyron-"Who are you?" Tirips-"I'm Tirips, and I'm no clone." Pyron-"What?!" Gana-"But you look like-" Lagon-"Their worse than clones. Their shapeshifters." Pyron-"Shapeshifters?" Nogal revealed himself. Nogal-"And I was so close to lead them to the Dead Zone too." Group-"The Dead Zone?!" Tirips-"Well Spirit, your power is something to be admired. If you didn't have destroyed Mist Falls, everyone would have been dead." Spirit-"What? How?" Tirips-"Because...I would have killed everyone." Spirit was shocked. Pyron-"How can you say that?" Gana-"Your more evil like Buraki." Nera-"Your a cruel, rotten dragon." Tirips-"Well, complements take you so far." Nogal-"Let's kill them now." Tirips-"No. Leave them." Nogal-"But we-" Tirips-" I SAID NO!!!" Nogal-"Grrr." Tirips-"Leave them. We got a more important job to do for Master Alazar." Pyron-"What kind of job?" Tirips-"Oh, you'll see soon. Very soon. Hehehe..." Tirips and Nogal flew away. It was obvious to me Tirips lead the Shapeshifters. What could they be planning to do?
We were proud Lagon was okay. Nogal captured him, poisoned him, and took him to the enemy camp. He was able to get away thanks to Savara. Something about that griffin had me to wonder is she truly bad. After feeding our bellies and healing Lagon we moved on. The villagers also thank Spirit and asked for his forgiveness. Spirit was happy. We walked for hours on end. Eventually, we came to the Avalar border. We were about to cross when we saw a dragon. Lagon-"Who are you?" Max-Dragon-"I am Max-Dragon." We now have a problem. Was this guy on Buraki's side or on our side?

Sylene's Secret

Mist Falls Village was destroyed. The remaining villagers went off on their own or stayed with us. Most of them blame Spirit for this. I was trying to heal Flame's broken wing, but for some reason I can't. It's easy now for me, but Flame's body was different. When he told me humans took control of his body with those weird crystals I was stunned. He didn't need to apologize to me because I can't hate him for what Buraki's minions did to him. I heard Gana arguing with Lagon and she stormed off. Spirit soon went with her. I felt her anger in my heart. The psychic bond we shared was a powerful one. I know she'll be okay. I told the others I needed to be alone so I went into the forest. I walked, then I flew. Minutes later I saw a pink dragon. It was Sylene. I followed her to a meadow. Soon she went into a cave and I went in.
The cave had beautiful crystals lining the walls. I found Sylene. Pyron-"Sylene, there you are." Sylene-"Pyron. Good to see you again. You look stronger now." Pyron.-"Thanks. Sylene, how do you know me so well?" Sylene-"Simple. I'm..." She glew white. She changed from a pink dragon to a sky blue dragon. Pyron-"No way...your..." It was my sister Luna. Luna-"Hi big brother." Pyron-"Luna...your alive." We hugged each other. Luna-"Sorry for deceiving you this whole time Pyron, but I had to in order to protect you." Pyron-"I don't care. Your alive and that's all that matters. Where's mom and dad?" Luna-"Their safe. Right now their organizing a strike force to take out Buraki's research facilities." I was happy my family was safe. Luna-"I have to go now brother." She changed back to Sylene. Pyron-"Why Luna? Come with me." Sylene-"I can't, not right now. I have to search for the light." Pyron-"The light?" Sylene-"It's a giant crystal composed of light energy that the light dragons created. If Buraki gets it, he'll use it's energy and make it dark, thereby influencing the legendary dragons Spyro and Cynder and turn them evil. I have to go." She flies away. Sis, good luck.
I slept in the cave. After chasing my sister I was tired. I saw Kyle. What? He's saying something. Kyle-"Pyron, Head for the Valley of Avalar. Find Hulcana Village. Locate a cheetah name Saka. She'll help you find Draco Island." I woke up. Was it Kyle I saw? Somehow, he's speaking to me, but he's good. I left and headed back to Mist Falls. An hour later I find Gana and Spirit came back. Gana-"Pyron, I was worried something happen to you." Pyron-"Sorry, needed to be alone. What's going on?" Nera-"Spirit found out something disturbing." Spirit-"While I was hiding, I saw a black dragon transformed into you Pyron during the attack. He cause that explosion." Pyron-"Noryp?" Lagon-"That Buraki. He didn't." Pyron-"What do you know Lagon?" Lagon-"Buraki was experimenting on something he called Project Swap. I didn't know what it was." We were all stun. Gana-"So their not clones?" Lagon-"No." Pyron-"Where's Flame?" Nera-"He wanted to be by himself so he left." Pyron-"Hmm...everyone, listen up. We need to get to the Valley of Avalar." Everyone-"What?!" Pyron-"We have to find a village call Hulcana." Nera-"Why Pyron?" Pyron-"Because the lives of Spyro and Cynder depends on it." Everyone knew that the trek to Avalar would be a dangerous one, but we needed to get there. Lagon-"Ok. Listen up. We'll leave in a few hours. Pack what you can and prepare yourselves. So everyone did. Lagon had tooken charge like a true leader. A few hours later we left the remains of Mist Falls Village. Some day we'll rebuild it and live in peace. We made our way towards Avalar. Tirips-"Their on the move now. Time to inform Master Alazar, hehehe..."

Clone War

Half an hour passed since we left the Sun Temple. My injuries slowed me down. Pyron-"You two go ahead, I'll catch up." So Flame and Lagon went ahead as I decended to the ground. I thought to myself how can I possibly heal myself. My healing power only works on those I hold close to my heart like Gana and Spirit. Maybe its because I care about them more than I care about myself. I was tired and fell asleep under a tree.
I saw Draco Peak on Draco Island. I see the blue crystal where Spyro and Cynder are in. Huh? Kyle's here. He's saying something. He's saying Spyro. Cynder. Save us. I woke up and got up. I thought what was that vision. Was that Kyle? Was he...good? What's going on. I looked into my heart and thought deeply. I want to protect my friends, my family, and Gana. I also looked deep within myself. My body glew all of a sudden and my injuries healed. I couldn't believe I healed myself. Was it the power of love that did it? Maybe it doesn't have to do with me having those close to my heart. Maybe it's because I cared for my friends deeply enough that my heart reacts to my feelings for my companions. Hmm...hopefully the answer will be clear when I get back to Mist Falls.
Suddenly I heard an explosion. I see smoke coming from the north. I flew up and headed for it. Minutes later I was shocked. Mist Falls Village was under attack. Wait, it's Lagon. I flew down. Pyron-"Lagon, what's happening?" He just looked at me. Pyron-"Lagon" He tries to hit me with his tail but I dodged it. Pyron-"Lagon, why are you attacking me?" Nogal-"I am Nogal, Lagon's clone." Pyron-"Clone?" He came at me but I dodged him and ran. I saw Flame and Nera. Pyron-"Flame. Nera." Aren-"Die Pyron." Emalf-"Fry." I ran again. I saw Lagon on the ground. Lagon-"P..Pyron..." I quickly healed him. Pyron-"There you go." Lagon-"Thanks. Come on." We ran and found Gana. Pyron-"Gana." Anag-"Hehehe. There you are my sweet. Now to kill you." Lagon picked me up and flew, but he was hit and we crashed. We got up and Noryp-"Nice of you to come." Pyron-"What?! More clones?" Lagon-"Buraki cloned us." Pyron-"Why?" Lagon-"To eliminate us." We flee and found Flame, Nera, and Spirit. Pyron-"Guys, what's happening?" Nera-"Buraki send these clones to be us and to destroy the village from the inside out." Flame-"They're way stronger than us." Gana appeared. Gana-"Guys, your okay." Pyron-"Gana, your here." Gana-"Sorry. My clone captured me and posed as me to destroy the village. I was able to escape." Pyron-"Where's Spirit?" No one knew where he was. The clones appeared and had us cornered. Spirit-"Stooooooooooop! You will not harm my friends!" We saw Spirit up in the sky. He glew white and whipped up a vicious storm. The storm caught the clones and blew them away. Spirit had lost control of his weather powers. Gana flew up and knocked him out. The storm ended and what a storm it was. Mist Falls was completely destroyed. Flame-"That little guy did all this? Wow." Gana-"Spirit, are you okay?" Spirit-"Yeah. I'm sorry Gana...I wanted to...protect Pyron does...because you too..." Gana-"Spirit..."She hugs Spirit. He passes out as I approached him and Gana. She hugs the both of us and my body glows again. I thought to myself Spirit has incredible power despite his age.
Mist Falls was now gone, and now we need to find a new place to live. Perhaps we can hide out at the Sun Temple. Hmm...maybe we can for now. Something tells me we haven't seen the last of those clones. will pay for this. You will pay! Tirips-"Master Buraki will be pleased to know of this. Hehehe..."

Sun Temple Seige

Most of the village needed repairs, and most the citizens were either dead or injured. However, everyone's picking in to help. I couldn't since the nurse said I needed rest. Spirit stopped by. Spirit-"Hi Pyron. How are you?" Pyron-"Lousy. I wish I can help." Spirit-"The spirits of the dead tell me to thank everyone for helping them get through this rough time." Pyron-"Okay. Spirit, can you stay with Gana for the rest of the day?" Spirit-"Really? You want me to?" Pyron-"Yeah. I kinda needed to be alone for now." Spirit-"Okay Pyron." He runs out. I laughed a little. The little guy has a crush on Gana. I can't blame him. She is beautiful. I decided to step out and take a walk. My body still battered and bruised. Huh? Where's Lagon going? I decided to follow him. Minutes later there he was talking to that griffin again. She seemed happy, then she flew away. Lagon-"You can come out Pyron. I know your there." Pyron-"How?" Lagon-"I can still smell the medicine on your scales." Pyron-"Oh, right. (Lagon flies away and I gave chase) Lagon, wait." Lagon-"Go back Pyron." Pyron-"No. Why were you talking to that dark griffin?" Lagon-"We're...old friends in the dark army." Pyron-"What?" Lagon-"She warned me if an upcoming danger to the Sun Temple." Pyron-"The Sun Temple?" Lagon-"The Sun Temple is a temple to honor the light dragons. There are a few of them left in the world." Pyron-"I heard stories of them. They protected something called 'the light'. Why would Buraki want to destroy the temple?" Lagon-"Because it houses a very important secret." Pyron-"What kind of secret?" Lagon didn't say anything.
As we approached where the temple was we saw a large fireball. Lagon-"Oh no. They're here." We flew down and saw Jewel fighting Heinaus, Kyle, and another dragon I'd never seen before. Jewel-"Curse you Heinaus. You made me look like Gana and you corrupted Kaloth. You can't even fight me in a fair fight." Heinaus-"As long as your finished you little water welp." Jewel-"Grrr." I lobbed a fireball at them to keep them away from her. Pyron-"The calvery's here." Jewel-"Huh? It's you." Heinaus-"Well well, it's the red lizard and the traitor." Lagon-"Move aside Pyron. Your too injured." Pyron-"No. I'm fighting." Kyle-"You should listen to him Pyron." Pyron-"Kyle!!" He was in worse shape than me. Pyron-"Whoa, your in worse shape." Kyle-"And so are you." He blasts me with a black fireball and I was down. I was in so much pain. I watched as Lagon and Jewel got overtaken by Heinaus and Kaloth. Kyle-"Heinaus did good to corrupt that Kaloth. Now we will destroy this temple, Lagon, and you." I watched as he got set to fire his black flame. There was nothing I can do. Suddenly, Kyle got hit. So did Heinaus and Kaloth. Flame had appeared. Flame-"Leave my friends alone!" Kyle-"Flame?! I thought we took care of you earlier." Flame-"You guess wrong. I won't be control by you." He blasted them with some kind of beam. Heinaus-"Let's get outta here."They flee. Jewel-"Heinaus!!" Jewel goes after her. Flame-"Jewel, wait!" Lagon got up. Lagon-"She must really hate her." I got up. Pyron-"I...couldn't do nothing." I pound the ground. Flame-"Pyron, I'm sorry about yeaterday." Pyron-"Why?" Lagon-"Come on you two. We'll talk about this in the temple.
We went inside and walked. Pyron-"So the humans are controlling you?" Flame-"Yes. I came to the Sun Temple and slowly got my memory back. Why did the army attacked the village?" Lagon-"Because of this." We found a mural of a purple dragon and a black dragon incased in crystal. Pyron-"What is this?" Lagon-"It's a mural of Spyro and Cynder." Pyron-"Spyro and Cynder?!" Lagon-"Yes. You see, the light dragons incased Spyro and Cynder in blue crystal in order to protect them from their increasing dark power. Since I know Buraki wants to turn them evil I defected and now I'm a marked dragon. And he wants you dead too Pyron." Pyron-"Why me?" Lagon-"Because your healing power will save Spyro and Cynder from the darkness." Pyron-"But I can't heal them, let alone myself. I can only heal those close to my heart." Lagon-"And it's that reason he wants you dead." Flame-"This mural shows Draco Peak, a mountain on Draco Island." Lagon-"We have to get back to the village now." And we leave the temple and flew back to the village as fast as we could. A storm is coming and it's not good for us.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Battle for Mist Falls

Nighttime. Everyone was asleep but me. I got up and walked out of my hut. Gana was sleeping. I walked by the falls. There was Spirit resting. I decided to head out into the forest. As I walked I thought about a lot of things. Kyle, Lagon, and a whole bunch of stuff. Is my heart that important that Kyle made the choice he did? Not sure. I walked til I made it to the edge of the forest. Hmm...what's that? Oh no, it's Buraki's dark army, and it's huge. I ran back to the village when I got blindsided. It was Kyle. Kyle-"Nice to see you Pyron." Pyron-"Kyle!!" Kyle-"I told you didn't I? Now you brought destruction on Gana and Mist Falls." Pyron-"I don't get what your problem is, but I'll stop you." As I head for him a fireball came my way. I dodged it and saw Flame. Pyron-"Flame, your here." Something was wrong with him. Pyron-"Flame?" Flame-"Get to...Mist Falls...hurry..." I flew back as fast as I could. What's wrong with Flame?
I got back to the village a few minutes later and ran to the alarm hut to sound the alarm. Within minutes everyone was awake. Lagon-"Pyron, what's going on?" Pyron-"I spotted the dark army. They're coming." The village was in a panic. Lagon-"Everyone calm down. We need everyone's support to defend this village." The humans, cheetahs, griffins, hawks. dragons, rodents, and wolves all geared up for battle.10 minutes later the army approached. We can see the fire coming from the forest. The dark griffins showed up first. Our griffins went up to fight them. Lagon led his troop to meet the army head on. I tooked to the skies with Gana and Spirit. Spirit was braver than I thought. Nera took control of a few humans of Buraki and made them fight each other. The cheetahs were in hand to hand combat. The hawks teamed up with the rodents to face their foes. And the dragons fought ferociously. It was a war.
I saw Gana fly off on her own. She spotted Bulco and went after him. Spirit-"Gana, wait!" He went after her. Lagon was in a fight with Alazar. I even spotted Heinaus, and she and Jewel were fighting. I looked down and HeartStone arrived with some wolves and started to battle Fang and his wolves. Griffin-"There's Pyron. Kill him!" Uh oh. I flew down and did some fancy flying to evade them. Then Kyle blindsides me. Kyle-"Hehehe. Hahahaha!" Pyron-"You traitor!" Kyle-"Well Pyron, you brought this on yourself." Pyron-"What?"Kyle-" We came here to destroy the village and that traitor Lagon. Since defecting the dark army he's been marked for death. And now Buraki sees you as a threat Pyron." Pyron-"Me?" Kyle-"Your becoming stronger and so is your power to heal. Buraki sees you as a threat to his experiment." Suddenly, I got rammed. It was Flame. Pyron-"Flame?! What are you doing?" Flame-"The humans...they're controlling me..." Pyron-"What?!" Flame-"Go...Run!!" I flew back to the village.
Most of the village was damaged as I flew above. Chaos was everywhere. Suddenly Kyle was in front of me. I was surrounded. Kyle-"Your dead Pyron. Kill him!!" I fought as best as I could amd managed to get the upper hand on my foes. Then Kyle strikes me. Kyle-"Your going down." He blasted me with his black flame. Pyron-"AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" I fell and crashed into the ground. I was in real pain. My healing power's not working. Why won't it work on me? Kyle-"It's over for you." I was losing consciousness as I saw Kyle getting ready to kill me. Voice-"Noooooooooooo!!" I felt a strong wind. I looked up and saw Gana. She was glowing white and she whipped up a hurricane. She tooked out the dark army. Kyle-"Gana!" I lost consciousness.
I heard voices. It was my friends. Spirit-"Everyone! Pyron's woked." I opened my eyes and I was surrounded by my friends. Pyron-"What happened?" Lagon-"Your in the hospital. We won the battle. But we lost a lot of people in the process." Pyron-"Gana, where is she?" Spirit-"She's resting. The fight tooked a lot out of her." Pyron-"And Kyle?" Nera-"Badly injured, but he got away." Pyron-"Where's Flame?" Lagon-"He told me he's off to a temple to the south." Was it the Sun Temple Kyle told me about? I wondered. Pyron-"How come I can't heal myself?" Nurse-"Pyron, your healing power allows you to heal those you hold close to your heart, but it won't let you heal yourself." I said nothing. I laid on my bed wrapped in bandages. We won the battle, but the war was far from over. I have to find some way to be able to heal myself. If I can't, it won't be good. Buraki wants me dead now, and with the village in such a dire state now, what can we do to protect ourselves if he attacks again?


After leaving the experimental facility I flew to where Gana was as fast as I could. Maybe she's still on that hill outside of the vllage. My's aching. Gana's in trouble. Somehow, I can sense it. I kept flying when...what the?! A big griffin is chasing me, and he's not one of ours. He looks...different. Griffin-"You must be Pyron. I will destroy you." Pyron-"Stay back. I have no time for you." Griffin-"What a shame. Die dragon!!!" He came at me but I was able to dodge him. He came to me again and I blasted him with a fireball. I knocked him down to the forest and continued on. What?! Here he comes again. This time I blinded him with my Shadow Smoke and got away. What?! Again?! This time I combined my Fire Dash with my Shadow Fire and created a new attack: the Shadow Blitz. I struck the griffin, killing him. I didn't want to do that, but I had no choice. I continued on.
As I got closer and closer to my destination, my heart ached more and more. Why is my heart in pain? Half an hour later I found the hill and I saw both Gana and Spirit on the ground. There were 2 dragons with then. I lobbed a Fireball to keep them separated and I landed. Gana-"Pyron, your last." I saw that Gana had bite wounds on her. I walked up to her and my body glew. Her wounds healed. I saw Spirit on the ground. Pyron-"Spirit!!! (I went to him. My body glewed again and the small bruises he had healed up) Spirit...he's okay." Bulco-"Interesting ability young one." Pyron-"Who are you?" Gana-"That's Bulco. He's one of Buraki's men." Bulco-"My job is done for now." Pyron-"Huh?" Kyle-"His work is done Pyron." Pyron-"Kyle?! What are you...are you with this low-life?" Kyle didn't answer. Pyron-"Answer me!" Kyle-"Yes. I'm with Buraki." Pyron-"No way! You can't be. Say it isn't so?" Kyle-"It is. You see, Gana is now close to you. You now have a psychic connection to her. Her love for you holds no bounds." Pyron-"Kyle, I'm sorry if I did anything to-" Kyle-"It's a little late for that. The love Gana and I no more. She has you now, and when she dies, you'll die too." Pyron-"What?!" Kyle-"You want to protect her, and you saved her life when your healing ability purged the drug from her body. The poison still circles her veins, but as long as you two stay close to each other, the poison will dwindle. Once that happens, you'll bring Gana to her death." Pyron-"What do you mean?" Kyle-"You'll save her, but you'll only bring her to her destruction. The poison gives Gana her power, and when that's gone, she won't be all powerful anymore." Gana-"I don't care about that. I care about my friends." Kyle-"And what about me?" Gana-"You said you didn't love me." Kyle-"Hmph.Well, it won't matter. Soon Mist Falls Village will be destroyed. Then, Buraki will set his sights on the Sun Temple." Pyron-"The Sun Temple? What's that?" Bulco-"You'll find out soon enough. Let's go Kyle." They flew away just as Lagon and the others came to the hill. Kyle...why did you join up with Buraki?
A few hours passed. Gana was resting in my hut. She'll be okay the nurse told me earlier. I saw Nera was with Spirit. The little guy was so brave today. I can see why he wants to get stronger. He doesn't want to be useless anymore, and that ability of his...he was as special as me. Spirit was now close to my heart too. Am I to his? I walked to the forest I saw Lagon speaking to a dark griffin. I crept in closer. Griffin-"You know Buraki will kill you." She flew away. Lagon-"Buraki!!" Pyron-"Lagon?" Lagon-"Pyron, how long have you been there?" Pyron-"Not long. Were you talking with the enemy?" Lagon-"Yeah. Pyron...can you keep a secret? (I nodded) You see, I'm a part of Buraki's army." Pyron-"What?!" Lagon-"No one else knows. I defected and now he wants me dead. Don't tell anyone, especially Nera." Pyron-"Okay, I won't say anything." Lagon-"Thank you." We headed back for the village, all the time wondering why Kyle joined Buraki, Lagon a defector of the dark army, my family's alive and fighting, and most importantly: when will Buraki attack Mist Falls, and what is the Sun Temple and why is it so important to him.

The Facility

3 days have passed since the incident with Gana and me. Thanks to my healing power, Gana's life was saved. Unfortunately, my power doesn't help everyone. I try to use it to save a sick cheetah, but it wouldn't work. I felt horrible. It seems my power to heal only works on those I hold close to my heart, like my family...and Gana. Later that day Spirit and I saw Gana going up a hill. She was looking frightened and scared. I wanted to go with her, but Spirit wanted to go too. I thought he could spend time with her and cheer her up more. So I left them alone. Hope they'll be fine.
I decided to go into the forest for a bit. All of a sudden I saw a bright flash of light. I saw Gana, Nera, Spirit, Lagon, Jewel, HeartStone, Flame and all my friends fighting for their lives against Buraki's forces. What? It's Kyle. He'! Its fading...What was that?! I just had a vision. But, I usually get them in my sleep. How could I get them awake? And why did Kyle looked so...angry? I don't know what's going on, but something's about to happen to all of us and Mist Falls Village. What? I just saw Alazar fly on by. I decided to follow him, being careful not to let him see me. An hour later I followed him to a building. Wait, that's the facility I was in. I decided to use my Shadow power and went inside.
This experimental facility was big, but I managed to follow Alazar. He was speaking to a man in a white lab coat. Alazar-"So, how's the experiment coming along?" Scientist-"Slowly. Without that fire dragon and that light dragon we can't proceed." Alazar-"Master Buraki is fed up with your slow progress, He wants results now." Scientist-"What do you expect? We got attack time after time and we lost 60% of the fluids. No thanks to that dragon that rescued our little brown dragon, Spirit." Alazar-"Excuses. Buraki's in his lizard dragon state. Hurry up. He wants to be the ultimate dragon now." Scientist-"Patience. Once we get the light dragon Luna we'll be in business." My sister Luna? She's still alive. Come to think of it, I keep hearing her voice in my dreams. Scientist-"And her parents and brother?" Alazar-"Bulco's working on locating Magmis and Star, and Pyron's somewhere. No worries. Bulco's going after Gana. Those two have a history. And it was noted that Gana and Pyron item now. If Gana's taken out, Pyron's heart will die." What?! What do they mean? Gana's in danger. I managed to get out of the facility and flew as fast as I could back to Mist Falls. Gana...please be safe. I'm coming. Luna, wherever you are, please stay safe. My drive to save Gana was now high. Whoever this Bulco character is, I won't let him harm Gana. I will not lose her...ever!

Alazar and Heinaus

It's been a rough time for most of us. Nera lost her beloved Robby. Kyle left Gana. Lagon lost his wife. Spirit's parents are missing, and so was mine as well as my baby sister Luna. Some days ago something happen to Gana that made her go crazy. I tooked her to the nurse and was joined by Lagon, Nera, Wolverine, and Spirit. We were all glad that Gana woked up. My heart ached for her in her condition. I was also mad at what I heard the nurse said about Gana. I will not loose her.
Spirit came with me to pick some berries for Gana when we spotted the Black Fang wolf clan. Fang, the leader, captured us. I told him to let Spirit go and take me. I didn't want to involve Spirit so they took me away. I woked up in a cage and saw Fang. Fang-"Well well. Your a hard dragon to find, you know?" Pyron-"Look Fang. You and your clan didn't get me a few days ago when I was with Lagon. What makes you think you'll hold me?" Heinaus-"Because I'm hear to make sure you go to Buraki." A hedious repulsive dragoness appeared. Pyron-"Who are you?" Heinaus-"I'm Heinaus. I'm Buraki's lovely servant." Pyron-"Um, your not lovely, let alone beautiful." Heinaus-"Quiet you little welp!" Alazar-"He speaks the truth." A big black dragon showed up. Heinaus-"Alazar. Why are you hear?" Alazar-"Hehehe. To make sure this fire dragon doesn't escape." Fang-"Hold it. He's our prisoner." Heinaus-"All's fair in love and war". Jewel-"And we're going to war Heinaus!" Heinaus-"What?! Jewel!" Jewel camed along with HeartStone and Flame. Jewel went on to fight Heinaus and HeartStone took care of Black Fang. Flame was able to get me out of the cage. Pyron-"Thanks." Flame-"No problem." Alazar-"Time for me to go." Alazar flees and so does the wolf clan. Fang-"Hey! Get back here!" Heinaus-"Looks like I'm outta here." She flees. Jewel-"Get back here Heinaus!!!" Flame-"There's no time. We got to get Pyron back to the village." Pyron-"Why? What's going on?" HeartStone-"It's Gana. She's..." I felt a cold chill go down my spine and back spikes.
We got back to Mist Falls and everyone was crying. When I went to the nurse, there was Gana. She...was dead. No...not Gana. I walked to her body. Nurse-"The poison in her blood was too much for her. I'm sorry." I can't believe it. Gana was gone. Nooooooo!!! Pyron-"Gana, wake up. Please Gana. You have to wake up." She didn't. I began to cry. I held her, not letting go. Suddenly I began to glow. Everyone watched. Seconds later my body stopped glowing. Gana-"P...Pyron..." Pyron-"Gana? Your...alive?" Gana-"Yeah. Thanks to you." I hugged her and everyone cheered. Spirit was all in spirits to see me safe and Gana all better.
As the sun setted Spirit told me he flew back to the village to get Flame, Jewel, and HeartStone. I wanted to thank all 3 of them, but Jewel and HeartStone already left, and Flame was busy training. Spirit gave me a little snuggle on my paw, then went to find Nera. I went to the nurse's hut. Pyron-"How's Gana?" Nurse-"The poison's still in her bloodsteam, but now it's no threat to her life. I can't explain it. What did you do?" Pyron-"I'm not sure what I did." Gana-"Pyron." Pyron-"I'm here." Nurse-"I'll leave you two alone." The nurse leaves. Gana-"Thanks for saving my life." Pyron-"Your welcome. I have no clue how I did it." Gana-" you love me?" Pyron-"Do I love you? Well...I, that's to say..." She looked at me and smiled. She knows I do. Pyron-"Yeah. I do Gana. I don't want to loose you." Gana-"Thanks to your new healing power, you won't." I smiled and I stayed with her, much to everyone's delight.

Pyron and love?

A few days passed. I got my bandages removed. My red scales shined brighter than ever. I thanked the nurse and stepped out. Nera and I were speaking a while later. When I asked her about Gana, she told me Gana was dying. I felt horrible about that. She was experimented on around the same time I was. However, Gana was stronger. Nera didn't know which was which, neither did Gana. I was uneasy. Minutes later I saw Gana and Lagon speaking to Spirit. He's a young dragon they found not that long ago. We learned a dragon named Danny rescued him, but he lost his life. That Buraki! How can you do this?
That night I found Spirit sleeping by the waterfall with Nera. We slept there together. He did mention I snored, and I can't blame him. I haven't had a good night's rest in ages. I stroked him along his back. My mom did that to me to help me sleep, so I thought it would help him sleep. I walked away and admired Mist Falls Village. It's so peaceful at night. I headed back to my hut. Huh? I see Gana speaking to Kyle. He's usually quiet. Gana introduced me to him earlier in the day. He seemed...cold to me. Don't know why. Huh? Gana looks shocked. I heard her ask Kyle "Do you love me?" He said no then flew away. She saw me and ran to me crying. Gana-"Oh Pyron. Thank you for being here with me." I felt sad for her. How could you Kyle? Pyron-"Your not alone. Everything's gonna be ok. I'm here." A hole was left in my heart with my missing family, but Gana seemed to fill that void. She made me happy. Am I in love...with Gana? I'm not sure, but I stayed with her for the night.
I see Gana and a dragon-like wolf fighting a dragon, a hedious one at that. But why does Gana have pink eyes? I thought her eyes were blue. Wait, their fading. I woke up. Was it a dream...or was it a vision. I saw Gana sleeping on my right. Kyle...why? Why did you break her heart? I left to go pick some fruit. Minutes later I came back and found Gana awake. We ate breakfast together. Later that day Spirit practiced his blue fire and weather controlling powers. I showed him my Shadow power again. I disappeared, ripped a practice dummy in shreds, and spewed thick smoke. Spirit seemed impressed. Nera came and told us Lagon and his crew found Buraki's army. They were wiped out and Sylene was gone. Where could she be?
It was sunset as I looked at the waterfall. Gana camed to me and watch the falls with me. Seems that we comforted each other. In my aching heart one thing's clear: I'm in love with Gana. But, is she in love with me?

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Mist Falls Village

Mom, Dad, your here. No, their fading away! Huh? Sister, your here. No, she's fading away. Mom, Dad, sis, come baaaaaack!! Nooooo! Huh? What? It was a dream. Huh? Aaaaa! A human! Nurse-"Relax. I won't hurt you". Pyron-"Huh? Your treating my wounds?" Nurse-"Uh-huh. You were badly hurt. Luckily, Lagon brought you here just in time". Pyron-"Lagon?" That's the big blue dragon I've met. I got up and walked out. Nurse-"Be careful. Your not fully healed." Pyron-"Um...thanks." I stepped out the hut and found myself in a village. I see a waterfall and the twin moons above it. I see mist as well. I saw humans here, but also rodents, wolves, griffins, cheetahs, and dragons. Lagon-"Well, your up." Pyron-"Huh?" I turned and saw Lagon. There were 2 dragonesses with him. Lagon-"Pyron, meet Nera and Gana." No way. I found them.
They took me to the village square. Pyron-"Excuse me, where am I?" Lagon-"This is Mist Falls Village, a calm village in a quiet forest where its misty all year round." Gana-"We are grateful you survived that attack from Buraki's army." Pyron-"Buraki?" Nera-"He's an evil serpant who's one goal is to become a dragon and rule the world." Gana-"He's capturing dragons everywhere and doing these deadly experiments on them." Pyron-"Why? Why is he doing this?" Nera-"To become the most powerful dragon in all the land, even more powerful than the purple dragon Spyro." Pyron-"Spyro?" Gana-"Yes. He and another dragon, Cynder, defeated the evil Malefor and saved the world. But, they disappeared after that. No one has seen them in years." Nera-"After Malefor's fall, the evil snake Buraki found a Dark Crystal and absorbed its energy, making him a large flying serpant." Gana-"He formed an army by influencing those with dark hearts to join him. Soon he started to capture dragons and experimenting on them." Pyron-"Why is he doing that?" Gana-"To become the ultimate dragon. He's using us as guinea pigs to strengthen himself." Pyron-"...He has to be stopped. But right now I must find my mom, dad, and my sister Luna." I start to leave. Lagon-"Wait. Where are you going?" Pyron-"To find my family." Lagon-"Not in your condition. 3 days of rest isn't enough for you." Pyron-"What? I've been out for 3 days?" Lagon-"Yes." Pyron-'Then I can't afford to lose any time. My family's in danger. For all I know they could" Lagon-"Dead? You don't know agony." Pyron-"How would you know?" Lagon-" I lost my wife to the dark army. Her name's Alevfirtina. She died when she was captured. When I witnessed her death I grew enraged and went from a white dragon to a blue dragon. I completely lost control of myself and went berserk. The last thing I remembered was fighting Buraki and destroyed everything in sight, but not even my strongest heat attack was enough to beat him. I scolded the land but not him." Scolded the land? He must be talking about the area I saw after I left the mistlands next to that house. Lagon-"A dragon helped me and I blacked out after that. When I woke up I saw Gana and Nera. They saw that I couldn't control my power sometimes, but they asked me to join them. After I joined them and a few dragons we traveled together looking for allies. All the time my heart ached for my fallen wife. I was searching for a pink dragon named Sylene when I found you." Pyron-"Pink dragon? Wait, I saw a pink dragon being captured when I helped her." Gana-"That's not good." Nera-"No it isn't They should be heading for the Dead Zone. Perhaps there's still time." Gana-"We can only hope."
I was by myself, looking at the waterfall. Gana-"You okay?" Pyron-"Couldn't sleep. My family's out there. I have to find them." Gana-"If your folks are alive, we'll rescue them." Pyron-"Where's Lagon?" Gana-"He's leading a team to the Dead Zone to rescue Sylene. One of the hawks spotted the army at the Dead Zone border." Pyron-"I wish I could help." Gana-"For now. get some rest." I nod and she leaves. I felt a little happier, but I can't rest until my family's safe. And, what is it about Gana that makes me feel...happy?

The search continues

It's been days since I had any decent rest, but I continued on. Hours went by since I entered the mistlands. No sign of either Gana or Nera. I continued. Night has fallen in this swamp. I decided to get some rest. Pyron...where are you? There's the voice again. My dreams are becoming more like nightmares. I woked up in the middle of the night. I decided to keep going.
It was daybreak when I left the mistlands. Still no sign of Gana or Nera. I tooked to the skies. An hour later I saw the remains of a house down below. I went down to look. I smell blood. Dragon's blood. A dragon once lived here. I found weapons all over the place. What happened here? Did Gana and Nera lived here? Are they...? No, the blood scent's dry. I decided to leave. As I flew I saw a large patch of land burned to a crisp. After flying for hours I landed and decided to walk. Wait, I hear a sound. A sound of a struggle. I ran and saw a dragon fighting large lizards and humans. They had weapons resembling to the ones I saw at the house. Oh no, it's that dragoness I saw days ago. She's fighting them alone. I went down to help her and together we fought them.
Uh oh. My body's exhausted. I can't keep fighting for long. I hear someone shouting "Capture them for Buraki!" I tried to use my Shadow power, but I reached my limit. I was struck down and the dragoness was captured. I got up slowly and she tells me to flee, but I couldn't. I was bashed in the head. I was losing consciousness. I remember hearing "She'll make an excellent test subject for Buraki's experiment" and "This red dragon's not worth it." I blacked out.
Pyron...your safe now. That voice again. It's very nice. You fools! You left him there?! That red dragon was the one who escaped! In my dreams I see a large serpant. Who was that, and how did he know me? I woke up and saw a blue dragon looking at me. Lagon-"Looks like you survived the fight against Buraki's dark army. I'm Lagon. Do you have a name?" Pyron-"Pyron." Lagon-"Looks like Gana and Nera were right to send me out." What?! He knows Gana and Nera? He puts me on his back and flies. I passed out, exhausted from traveling and the fight. Where is Lagon taking me? I'm not certain...

Pyron's Search

Buraki. It's a name unfamiliar to me. Those humans I've escaped from mentioned that name. Who's Buraki? Hmm...I can't dwell on that now. I have to find my family. That dragoness said they're alive. How does she know that, and how does she know me? Days passed as I traveled the barren land. Destruction. Strife. All things horrible. Why? I still ask myself. Why...
I have dreams of a place where I meet two dragonesses. One's calling my name. Pyron. Pyron. Who is she? Could they be Gana and Nera, the two dragonesses I seek? I always wake up asking and wondering that. I kept going, despite my body being totlly exhausted, not sure where I'm going. Instinct drives me now, and the urge to find those that I seek. One day I came to a land of mist. It looks exactly like the images from my dreams. Something's in there, so I ventured in, unaware of what lurks in this misty swamp. I still hear that voice in my head. Pyron...Pyron...I don't know if nothing's in there, but I've come too far to give up now. I traveled through, regardless of the dangers...

Pyron's Story

My name is Pyron. I am a Fire dragon. My past is something I perfer to forget. I was a young dragon, barely able to fly or defend myself. I have a sister who's a few minutes younger than me. One day our parents were taken from us by these weird people. Then they got me and my sister. I heard one of them talking about an experiment, and a war.
I was separated from my family and taken somewhere unfamiliar to me. There I endured these strange experiments. I saw other dragons being used this way. Months went by, then years. I heard the war ended, but the experiments did not. Many dragons died because of the experiments, but I wondered why I'm still alive. I somehow gained the ability of Shadow, and I used it to escape. I fought my way out of that facility and got away from the humans. I stayed away from civilized areas and traveled the battle ravaged land. I saw many dragons, humans, wolves, griffins, cheetahs, and many other creatures lay dead. Why did this happened? Why did it come to this? Why? Why? Whyyyyyyyy?!
One day I came across a pink female dragon. She reminded me of my sister in a way. Dragon-"Your name's Pyron, isn't it?" Pyron-"Yes. How do you know my name?" Dragon-"You escaped from those experiments. So did I. There are other dragons that want to put an end to all of this." Pyron-"That's nice. Right now all I want to do is find my family." Dragon-" Your family's still alive. They're being tortured by an even deadlier experiment." Pyron-"No! I got to save them!" Dragon-"If you want to save them, head west towards the land of mist. Seek out two dragons by the names Gana and Nera." Pyron-"Head west?" When I turned she disappeared. Who was she? And who are Gana and Nera?
I head west to find Gana and Nera. Maybe they know more about what's going on than I do. I have to find my family, no matter how long it takes, and I will fight to put an end to this tragedy...


If you didn't see Gana of Nera's vids, then you should. Here's the story plot. What would happen after Spyro and Cynder defeated Malefor and save the world? Well, (keep in mind this is fan made) a snake name Buraki finds a dark crystal and absorbs its energy. Now with dark energy at his reach, he seeks to become a full fledge dragon and rule the world. He begins experimenting on other creatures, including dragons. All for him becoming the ultimate dragon.

Each of our characters have a story to tell. Here's my character's story...

Monday, July 27, 2009

Current Characters

Since Gana asked, here's a list of the current characters for the story. There are heroes, villians, and miscellenous (these for the ones who are in-between). The story can always use more characters so whoever reads this help us out. Now for the list. Due note this list will be updated. Also, I colored the names of those who are the main stars (primary created characters), in a way.


Dragons: Gana, Nera, Lagon, Flame, Pyron, Spirit, Nikki, Max, Dragoune, Saneira, Jewel, Kaloth, Luna, Sylene (We also include Spyro and Cynder for the story)

Cheetahs: Saka

Wolves: FireSoul (Formerly HeartStone), Wolverine

Foxes: Silver

Fairies: Magix

Others: Saturday, Griz, Mo Zar, Alevirtina, Ruby, Danny, Ramon, Sapphire, Senses, Robin, Elmo


Dragons: Buraki, Bulco, Heinaus, Alazar, The Shapeshifters (Tirips, Noryp, Emalf, Nogal, Aren, Anag), the Manti

Wolves: Fang

Witches: Cassandra, Arta Kahaja

Others: Tyfus, Narov Mantine Larva


Kyle (Dragon), Robby (Dragon), Humans, Griffins, Cheetahs, Hawks, Apes, Foxes, Tigers, Rodents

If you like to be a part of the fan made story, talk to either LinaFann093 (Gana) or DarchiLive093 (Nera). Message them on Youtube at for Gana or for Nera. Gana also has a blog so talk to her there as well at We hope to here from you soon.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Why I did this

Hello. A friend of mine on Youtube name LinaFann093 started to make a fan made story that's pretty cool. So far she has made a couple of videos but has yet to make a fan made trailer of it. It's in the works, it's just needs a title. Anyway, she and her friend DarchiLive093 convinced me to join in and now here I am a part of it. I'll be posting my character's story here from here on out starting with the first one so I hope who reads it enjoys. Here's my youtube account:

Now for my character:
Name: Pyron
Species: Fire Dragon
Abilities: Healing, Power Swap (can lend his strength to his friends but only in dire situations)
Like all fire dragons I can breath fire. However, I can also use my fire to perform my Fire Tackle.
I can use the power of shadow to make myself disappear, perform deadly attacks, and create a smokescreen.
Combo attack: Shadow Blitz
By combining my Fire Tackle and Shadow Fire I can create one deadly combo attack to take out my foes.
My Family:
Sister-Luna (little sister)
Girlfriend (in story)-Gana