Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Facility

3 days have passed since the incident with Gana and me. Thanks to my healing power, Gana's life was saved. Unfortunately, my power doesn't help everyone. I try to use it to save a sick cheetah, but it wouldn't work. I felt horrible. It seems my power to heal only works on those I hold close to my heart, like my family...and Gana. Later that day Spirit and I saw Gana going up a hill. She was looking frightened and scared. I wanted to go with her, but Spirit wanted to go too. I thought he could spend time with her and cheer her up more. So I left them alone. Hope they'll be fine.
I decided to go into the forest for a bit. All of a sudden I saw a bright flash of light. I saw Gana, Nera, Spirit, Lagon, Jewel, HeartStone, Flame and all my friends fighting for their lives against Buraki's forces. What? It's Kyle. He'! Its fading...What was that?! I just had a vision. But, I usually get them in my sleep. How could I get them awake? And why did Kyle looked so...angry? I don't know what's going on, but something's about to happen to all of us and Mist Falls Village. What? I just saw Alazar fly on by. I decided to follow him, being careful not to let him see me. An hour later I followed him to a building. Wait, that's the facility I was in. I decided to use my Shadow power and went inside.
This experimental facility was big, but I managed to follow Alazar. He was speaking to a man in a white lab coat. Alazar-"So, how's the experiment coming along?" Scientist-"Slowly. Without that fire dragon and that light dragon we can't proceed." Alazar-"Master Buraki is fed up with your slow progress, He wants results now." Scientist-"What do you expect? We got attack time after time and we lost 60% of the fluids. No thanks to that dragon that rescued our little brown dragon, Spirit." Alazar-"Excuses. Buraki's in his lizard dragon state. Hurry up. He wants to be the ultimate dragon now." Scientist-"Patience. Once we get the light dragon Luna we'll be in business." My sister Luna? She's still alive. Come to think of it, I keep hearing her voice in my dreams. Scientist-"And her parents and brother?" Alazar-"Bulco's working on locating Magmis and Star, and Pyron's somewhere. No worries. Bulco's going after Gana. Those two have a history. And it was noted that Gana and Pyron item now. If Gana's taken out, Pyron's heart will die." What?! What do they mean? Gana's in danger. I managed to get out of the facility and flew as fast as I could back to Mist Falls. Gana...please be safe. I'm coming. Luna, wherever you are, please stay safe. My drive to save Gana was now high. Whoever this Bulco character is, I won't let him harm Gana. I will not lose her...ever!

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