Thursday, July 30, 2009

Battle for Mist Falls

Nighttime. Everyone was asleep but me. I got up and walked out of my hut. Gana was sleeping. I walked by the falls. There was Spirit resting. I decided to head out into the forest. As I walked I thought about a lot of things. Kyle, Lagon, and a whole bunch of stuff. Is my heart that important that Kyle made the choice he did? Not sure. I walked til I made it to the edge of the forest. Hmm...what's that? Oh no, it's Buraki's dark army, and it's huge. I ran back to the village when I got blindsided. It was Kyle. Kyle-"Nice to see you Pyron." Pyron-"Kyle!!" Kyle-"I told you didn't I? Now you brought destruction on Gana and Mist Falls." Pyron-"I don't get what your problem is, but I'll stop you." As I head for him a fireball came my way. I dodged it and saw Flame. Pyron-"Flame, your here." Something was wrong with him. Pyron-"Flame?" Flame-"Get to...Mist Falls...hurry..." I flew back as fast as I could. What's wrong with Flame?
I got back to the village a few minutes later and ran to the alarm hut to sound the alarm. Within minutes everyone was awake. Lagon-"Pyron, what's going on?" Pyron-"I spotted the dark army. They're coming." The village was in a panic. Lagon-"Everyone calm down. We need everyone's support to defend this village." The humans, cheetahs, griffins, hawks. dragons, rodents, and wolves all geared up for battle.10 minutes later the army approached. We can see the fire coming from the forest. The dark griffins showed up first. Our griffins went up to fight them. Lagon led his troop to meet the army head on. I tooked to the skies with Gana and Spirit. Spirit was braver than I thought. Nera took control of a few humans of Buraki and made them fight each other. The cheetahs were in hand to hand combat. The hawks teamed up with the rodents to face their foes. And the dragons fought ferociously. It was a war.
I saw Gana fly off on her own. She spotted Bulco and went after him. Spirit-"Gana, wait!" He went after her. Lagon was in a fight with Alazar. I even spotted Heinaus, and she and Jewel were fighting. I looked down and HeartStone arrived with some wolves and started to battle Fang and his wolves. Griffin-"There's Pyron. Kill him!" Uh oh. I flew down and did some fancy flying to evade them. Then Kyle blindsides me. Kyle-"Hehehe. Hahahaha!" Pyron-"You traitor!" Kyle-"Well Pyron, you brought this on yourself." Pyron-"What?"Kyle-" We came here to destroy the village and that traitor Lagon. Since defecting the dark army he's been marked for death. And now Buraki sees you as a threat Pyron." Pyron-"Me?" Kyle-"Your becoming stronger and so is your power to heal. Buraki sees you as a threat to his experiment." Suddenly, I got rammed. It was Flame. Pyron-"Flame?! What are you doing?" Flame-"The humans...they're controlling me..." Pyron-"What?!" Flame-"Go...Run!!" I flew back to the village.
Most of the village was damaged as I flew above. Chaos was everywhere. Suddenly Kyle was in front of me. I was surrounded. Kyle-"Your dead Pyron. Kill him!!" I fought as best as I could amd managed to get the upper hand on my foes. Then Kyle strikes me. Kyle-"Your going down." He blasted me with his black flame. Pyron-"AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" I fell and crashed into the ground. I was in real pain. My healing power's not working. Why won't it work on me? Kyle-"It's over for you." I was losing consciousness as I saw Kyle getting ready to kill me. Voice-"Noooooooooooo!!" I felt a strong wind. I looked up and saw Gana. She was glowing white and she whipped up a hurricane. She tooked out the dark army. Kyle-"Gana!" I lost consciousness.
I heard voices. It was my friends. Spirit-"Everyone! Pyron's woked." I opened my eyes and I was surrounded by my friends. Pyron-"What happened?" Lagon-"Your in the hospital. We won the battle. But we lost a lot of people in the process." Pyron-"Gana, where is she?" Spirit-"She's resting. The fight tooked a lot out of her." Pyron-"And Kyle?" Nera-"Badly injured, but he got away." Pyron-"Where's Flame?" Lagon-"He told me he's off to a temple to the south." Was it the Sun Temple Kyle told me about? I wondered. Pyron-"How come I can't heal myself?" Nurse-"Pyron, your healing power allows you to heal those you hold close to your heart, but it won't let you heal yourself." I said nothing. I laid on my bed wrapped in bandages. We won the battle, but the war was far from over. I have to find some way to be able to heal myself. If I can't, it won't be good. Buraki wants me dead now, and with the village in such a dire state now, what can we do to protect ourselves if he attacks again?

1 comment:

  1. yeah my mom was sleeping and she had a glimpse of that future
