Friday, July 31, 2009

Sun Temple Seige

Most of the village needed repairs, and most the citizens were either dead or injured. However, everyone's picking in to help. I couldn't since the nurse said I needed rest. Spirit stopped by. Spirit-"Hi Pyron. How are you?" Pyron-"Lousy. I wish I can help." Spirit-"The spirits of the dead tell me to thank everyone for helping them get through this rough time." Pyron-"Okay. Spirit, can you stay with Gana for the rest of the day?" Spirit-"Really? You want me to?" Pyron-"Yeah. I kinda needed to be alone for now." Spirit-"Okay Pyron." He runs out. I laughed a little. The little guy has a crush on Gana. I can't blame him. She is beautiful. I decided to step out and take a walk. My body still battered and bruised. Huh? Where's Lagon going? I decided to follow him. Minutes later there he was talking to that griffin again. She seemed happy, then she flew away. Lagon-"You can come out Pyron. I know your there." Pyron-"How?" Lagon-"I can still smell the medicine on your scales." Pyron-"Oh, right. (Lagon flies away and I gave chase) Lagon, wait." Lagon-"Go back Pyron." Pyron-"No. Why were you talking to that dark griffin?" Lagon-"We're...old friends in the dark army." Pyron-"What?" Lagon-"She warned me if an upcoming danger to the Sun Temple." Pyron-"The Sun Temple?" Lagon-"The Sun Temple is a temple to honor the light dragons. There are a few of them left in the world." Pyron-"I heard stories of them. They protected something called 'the light'. Why would Buraki want to destroy the temple?" Lagon-"Because it houses a very important secret." Pyron-"What kind of secret?" Lagon didn't say anything.
As we approached where the temple was we saw a large fireball. Lagon-"Oh no. They're here." We flew down and saw Jewel fighting Heinaus, Kyle, and another dragon I'd never seen before. Jewel-"Curse you Heinaus. You made me look like Gana and you corrupted Kaloth. You can't even fight me in a fair fight." Heinaus-"As long as your finished you little water welp." Jewel-"Grrr." I lobbed a fireball at them to keep them away from her. Pyron-"The calvery's here." Jewel-"Huh? It's you." Heinaus-"Well well, it's the red lizard and the traitor." Lagon-"Move aside Pyron. Your too injured." Pyron-"No. I'm fighting." Kyle-"You should listen to him Pyron." Pyron-"Kyle!!" He was in worse shape than me. Pyron-"Whoa, your in worse shape." Kyle-"And so are you." He blasts me with a black fireball and I was down. I was in so much pain. I watched as Lagon and Jewel got overtaken by Heinaus and Kaloth. Kyle-"Heinaus did good to corrupt that Kaloth. Now we will destroy this temple, Lagon, and you." I watched as he got set to fire his black flame. There was nothing I can do. Suddenly, Kyle got hit. So did Heinaus and Kaloth. Flame had appeared. Flame-"Leave my friends alone!" Kyle-"Flame?! I thought we took care of you earlier." Flame-"You guess wrong. I won't be control by you." He blasted them with some kind of beam. Heinaus-"Let's get outta here."They flee. Jewel-"Heinaus!!" Jewel goes after her. Flame-"Jewel, wait!" Lagon got up. Lagon-"She must really hate her." I got up. Pyron-"I...couldn't do nothing." I pound the ground. Flame-"Pyron, I'm sorry about yeaterday." Pyron-"Why?" Lagon-"Come on you two. We'll talk about this in the temple.
We went inside and walked. Pyron-"So the humans are controlling you?" Flame-"Yes. I came to the Sun Temple and slowly got my memory back. Why did the army attacked the village?" Lagon-"Because of this." We found a mural of a purple dragon and a black dragon incased in crystal. Pyron-"What is this?" Lagon-"It's a mural of Spyro and Cynder." Pyron-"Spyro and Cynder?!" Lagon-"Yes. You see, the light dragons incased Spyro and Cynder in blue crystal in order to protect them from their increasing dark power. Since I know Buraki wants to turn them evil I defected and now I'm a marked dragon. And he wants you dead too Pyron." Pyron-"Why me?" Lagon-"Because your healing power will save Spyro and Cynder from the darkness." Pyron-"But I can't heal them, let alone myself. I can only heal those close to my heart." Lagon-"And it's that reason he wants you dead." Flame-"This mural shows Draco Peak, a mountain on Draco Island." Lagon-"We have to get back to the village now." And we leave the temple and flew back to the village as fast as we could. A storm is coming and it's not good for us.

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