Friday, July 31, 2009

Clone War

Half an hour passed since we left the Sun Temple. My injuries slowed me down. Pyron-"You two go ahead, I'll catch up." So Flame and Lagon went ahead as I decended to the ground. I thought to myself how can I possibly heal myself. My healing power only works on those I hold close to my heart like Gana and Spirit. Maybe its because I care about them more than I care about myself. I was tired and fell asleep under a tree.
I saw Draco Peak on Draco Island. I see the blue crystal where Spyro and Cynder are in. Huh? Kyle's here. He's saying something. He's saying Spyro. Cynder. Save us. I woke up and got up. I thought what was that vision. Was that Kyle? Was he...good? What's going on. I looked into my heart and thought deeply. I want to protect my friends, my family, and Gana. I also looked deep within myself. My body glew all of a sudden and my injuries healed. I couldn't believe I healed myself. Was it the power of love that did it? Maybe it doesn't have to do with me having those close to my heart. Maybe it's because I cared for my friends deeply enough that my heart reacts to my feelings for my companions. Hmm...hopefully the answer will be clear when I get back to Mist Falls.
Suddenly I heard an explosion. I see smoke coming from the north. I flew up and headed for it. Minutes later I was shocked. Mist Falls Village was under attack. Wait, it's Lagon. I flew down. Pyron-"Lagon, what's happening?" He just looked at me. Pyron-"Lagon" He tries to hit me with his tail but I dodged it. Pyron-"Lagon, why are you attacking me?" Nogal-"I am Nogal, Lagon's clone." Pyron-"Clone?" He came at me but I dodged him and ran. I saw Flame and Nera. Pyron-"Flame. Nera." Aren-"Die Pyron." Emalf-"Fry." I ran again. I saw Lagon on the ground. Lagon-"P..Pyron..." I quickly healed him. Pyron-"There you go." Lagon-"Thanks. Come on." We ran and found Gana. Pyron-"Gana." Anag-"Hehehe. There you are my sweet. Now to kill you." Lagon picked me up and flew, but he was hit and we crashed. We got up and Noryp-"Nice of you to come." Pyron-"What?! More clones?" Lagon-"Buraki cloned us." Pyron-"Why?" Lagon-"To eliminate us." We flee and found Flame, Nera, and Spirit. Pyron-"Guys, what's happening?" Nera-"Buraki send these clones to be us and to destroy the village from the inside out." Flame-"They're way stronger than us." Gana appeared. Gana-"Guys, your okay." Pyron-"Gana, your here." Gana-"Sorry. My clone captured me and posed as me to destroy the village. I was able to escape." Pyron-"Where's Spirit?" No one knew where he was. The clones appeared and had us cornered. Spirit-"Stooooooooooop! You will not harm my friends!" We saw Spirit up in the sky. He glew white and whipped up a vicious storm. The storm caught the clones and blew them away. Spirit had lost control of his weather powers. Gana flew up and knocked him out. The storm ended and what a storm it was. Mist Falls was completely destroyed. Flame-"That little guy did all this? Wow." Gana-"Spirit, are you okay?" Spirit-"Yeah. I'm sorry Gana...I wanted to...protect Pyron does...because you too..." Gana-"Spirit..."She hugs Spirit. He passes out as I approached him and Gana. She hugs the both of us and my body glows again. I thought to myself Spirit has incredible power despite his age.
Mist Falls was now gone, and now we need to find a new place to live. Perhaps we can hide out at the Sun Temple. Hmm...maybe we can for now. Something tells me we haven't seen the last of those clones. will pay for this. You will pay! Tirips-"Master Buraki will be pleased to know of this. Hehehe..."

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