Friday, July 31, 2009

Sylene's Secret

Mist Falls Village was destroyed. The remaining villagers went off on their own or stayed with us. Most of them blame Spirit for this. I was trying to heal Flame's broken wing, but for some reason I can't. It's easy now for me, but Flame's body was different. When he told me humans took control of his body with those weird crystals I was stunned. He didn't need to apologize to me because I can't hate him for what Buraki's minions did to him. I heard Gana arguing with Lagon and she stormed off. Spirit soon went with her. I felt her anger in my heart. The psychic bond we shared was a powerful one. I know she'll be okay. I told the others I needed to be alone so I went into the forest. I walked, then I flew. Minutes later I saw a pink dragon. It was Sylene. I followed her to a meadow. Soon she went into a cave and I went in.
The cave had beautiful crystals lining the walls. I found Sylene. Pyron-"Sylene, there you are." Sylene-"Pyron. Good to see you again. You look stronger now." Pyron.-"Thanks. Sylene, how do you know me so well?" Sylene-"Simple. I'm..." She glew white. She changed from a pink dragon to a sky blue dragon. Pyron-"No way...your..." It was my sister Luna. Luna-"Hi big brother." Pyron-"Luna...your alive." We hugged each other. Luna-"Sorry for deceiving you this whole time Pyron, but I had to in order to protect you." Pyron-"I don't care. Your alive and that's all that matters. Where's mom and dad?" Luna-"Their safe. Right now their organizing a strike force to take out Buraki's research facilities." I was happy my family was safe. Luna-"I have to go now brother." She changed back to Sylene. Pyron-"Why Luna? Come with me." Sylene-"I can't, not right now. I have to search for the light." Pyron-"The light?" Sylene-"It's a giant crystal composed of light energy that the light dragons created. If Buraki gets it, he'll use it's energy and make it dark, thereby influencing the legendary dragons Spyro and Cynder and turn them evil. I have to go." She flies away. Sis, good luck.
I slept in the cave. After chasing my sister I was tired. I saw Kyle. What? He's saying something. Kyle-"Pyron, Head for the Valley of Avalar. Find Hulcana Village. Locate a cheetah name Saka. She'll help you find Draco Island." I woke up. Was it Kyle I saw? Somehow, he's speaking to me, but he's good. I left and headed back to Mist Falls. An hour later I find Gana and Spirit came back. Gana-"Pyron, I was worried something happen to you." Pyron-"Sorry, needed to be alone. What's going on?" Nera-"Spirit found out something disturbing." Spirit-"While I was hiding, I saw a black dragon transformed into you Pyron during the attack. He cause that explosion." Pyron-"Noryp?" Lagon-"That Buraki. He didn't." Pyron-"What do you know Lagon?" Lagon-"Buraki was experimenting on something he called Project Swap. I didn't know what it was." We were all stun. Gana-"So their not clones?" Lagon-"No." Pyron-"Where's Flame?" Nera-"He wanted to be by himself so he left." Pyron-"Hmm...everyone, listen up. We need to get to the Valley of Avalar." Everyone-"What?!" Pyron-"We have to find a village call Hulcana." Nera-"Why Pyron?" Pyron-"Because the lives of Spyro and Cynder depends on it." Everyone knew that the trek to Avalar would be a dangerous one, but we needed to get there. Lagon-"Ok. Listen up. We'll leave in a few hours. Pack what you can and prepare yourselves. So everyone did. Lagon had tooken charge like a true leader. A few hours later we left the remains of Mist Falls Village. Some day we'll rebuild it and live in peace. We made our way towards Avalar. Tirips-"Their on the move now. Time to inform Master Alazar, hehehe..."

1 comment:

  1. Hiya Pyron =D I've finaly done somethink .__. xD
    And i've somethink for you, just tell me when you are on O.o lol
    and however, you know i think it's an awesome story U.u lol
