Thursday, July 30, 2009

Alazar and Heinaus

It's been a rough time for most of us. Nera lost her beloved Robby. Kyle left Gana. Lagon lost his wife. Spirit's parents are missing, and so was mine as well as my baby sister Luna. Some days ago something happen to Gana that made her go crazy. I tooked her to the nurse and was joined by Lagon, Nera, Wolverine, and Spirit. We were all glad that Gana woked up. My heart ached for her in her condition. I was also mad at what I heard the nurse said about Gana. I will not loose her.
Spirit came with me to pick some berries for Gana when we spotted the Black Fang wolf clan. Fang, the leader, captured us. I told him to let Spirit go and take me. I didn't want to involve Spirit so they took me away. I woked up in a cage and saw Fang. Fang-"Well well. Your a hard dragon to find, you know?" Pyron-"Look Fang. You and your clan didn't get me a few days ago when I was with Lagon. What makes you think you'll hold me?" Heinaus-"Because I'm hear to make sure you go to Buraki." A hedious repulsive dragoness appeared. Pyron-"Who are you?" Heinaus-"I'm Heinaus. I'm Buraki's lovely servant." Pyron-"Um, your not lovely, let alone beautiful." Heinaus-"Quiet you little welp!" Alazar-"He speaks the truth." A big black dragon showed up. Heinaus-"Alazar. Why are you hear?" Alazar-"Hehehe. To make sure this fire dragon doesn't escape." Fang-"Hold it. He's our prisoner." Heinaus-"All's fair in love and war". Jewel-"And we're going to war Heinaus!" Heinaus-"What?! Jewel!" Jewel camed along with HeartStone and Flame. Jewel went on to fight Heinaus and HeartStone took care of Black Fang. Flame was able to get me out of the cage. Pyron-"Thanks." Flame-"No problem." Alazar-"Time for me to go." Alazar flees and so does the wolf clan. Fang-"Hey! Get back here!" Heinaus-"Looks like I'm outta here." She flees. Jewel-"Get back here Heinaus!!!" Flame-"There's no time. We got to get Pyron back to the village." Pyron-"Why? What's going on?" HeartStone-"It's Gana. She's..." I felt a cold chill go down my spine and back spikes.
We got back to Mist Falls and everyone was crying. When I went to the nurse, there was Gana. She...was dead. No...not Gana. I walked to her body. Nurse-"The poison in her blood was too much for her. I'm sorry." I can't believe it. Gana was gone. Nooooooo!!! Pyron-"Gana, wake up. Please Gana. You have to wake up." She didn't. I began to cry. I held her, not letting go. Suddenly I began to glow. Everyone watched. Seconds later my body stopped glowing. Gana-"P...Pyron..." Pyron-"Gana? Your...alive?" Gana-"Yeah. Thanks to you." I hugged her and everyone cheered. Spirit was all in spirits to see me safe and Gana all better.
As the sun setted Spirit told me he flew back to the village to get Flame, Jewel, and HeartStone. I wanted to thank all 3 of them, but Jewel and HeartStone already left, and Flame was busy training. Spirit gave me a little snuggle on my paw, then went to find Nera. I went to the nurse's hut. Pyron-"How's Gana?" Nurse-"The poison's still in her bloodsteam, but now it's no threat to her life. I can't explain it. What did you do?" Pyron-"I'm not sure what I did." Gana-"Pyron." Pyron-"I'm here." Nurse-"I'll leave you two alone." The nurse leaves. Gana-"Thanks for saving my life." Pyron-"Your welcome. I have no clue how I did it." Gana-" you love me?" Pyron-"Do I love you? Well...I, that's to say..." She looked at me and smiled. She knows I do. Pyron-"Yeah. I do Gana. I don't want to loose you." Gana-"Thanks to your new healing power, you won't." I smiled and I stayed with her, much to everyone's delight.

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