Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Mist Falls Village

Mom, Dad, your here. No, their fading away! Huh? Sister, your here. No, she's fading away. Mom, Dad, sis, come baaaaaack!! Nooooo! Huh? What? It was a dream. Huh? Aaaaa! A human! Nurse-"Relax. I won't hurt you". Pyron-"Huh? Your treating my wounds?" Nurse-"Uh-huh. You were badly hurt. Luckily, Lagon brought you here just in time". Pyron-"Lagon?" That's the big blue dragon I've met. I got up and walked out. Nurse-"Be careful. Your not fully healed." Pyron-"Um...thanks." I stepped out the hut and found myself in a village. I see a waterfall and the twin moons above it. I see mist as well. I saw humans here, but also rodents, wolves, griffins, cheetahs, and dragons. Lagon-"Well, your up." Pyron-"Huh?" I turned and saw Lagon. There were 2 dragonesses with him. Lagon-"Pyron, meet Nera and Gana." No way. I found them.
They took me to the village square. Pyron-"Excuse me, where am I?" Lagon-"This is Mist Falls Village, a calm village in a quiet forest where its misty all year round." Gana-"We are grateful you survived that attack from Buraki's army." Pyron-"Buraki?" Nera-"He's an evil serpant who's one goal is to become a dragon and rule the world." Gana-"He's capturing dragons everywhere and doing these deadly experiments on them." Pyron-"Why? Why is he doing this?" Nera-"To become the most powerful dragon in all the land, even more powerful than the purple dragon Spyro." Pyron-"Spyro?" Gana-"Yes. He and another dragon, Cynder, defeated the evil Malefor and saved the world. But, they disappeared after that. No one has seen them in years." Nera-"After Malefor's fall, the evil snake Buraki found a Dark Crystal and absorbed its energy, making him a large flying serpant." Gana-"He formed an army by influencing those with dark hearts to join him. Soon he started to capture dragons and experimenting on them." Pyron-"Why is he doing that?" Gana-"To become the ultimate dragon. He's using us as guinea pigs to strengthen himself." Pyron-"...He has to be stopped. But right now I must find my mom, dad, and my sister Luna." I start to leave. Lagon-"Wait. Where are you going?" Pyron-"To find my family." Lagon-"Not in your condition. 3 days of rest isn't enough for you." Pyron-"What? I've been out for 3 days?" Lagon-"Yes." Pyron-'Then I can't afford to lose any time. My family's in danger. For all I know they could be...be..." Lagon-"Dead? You don't know agony." Pyron-"How would you know?" Lagon-" I lost my wife to the dark army. Her name's Alevfirtina. She died when she was captured. When I witnessed her death I grew enraged and went from a white dragon to a blue dragon. I completely lost control of myself and went berserk. The last thing I remembered was fighting Buraki and destroyed everything in sight, but not even my strongest heat attack was enough to beat him. I scolded the land but not him." Scolded the land? He must be talking about the area I saw after I left the mistlands next to that house. Lagon-"A dragon helped me and I blacked out after that. When I woke up I saw Gana and Nera. They saw that I couldn't control my power sometimes, but they asked me to join them. After I joined them and a few dragons we traveled together looking for allies. All the time my heart ached for my fallen wife. I was searching for a pink dragon named Sylene when I found you." Pyron-"Pink dragon? Wait, I saw a pink dragon being captured when I helped her." Gana-"That's not good." Nera-"No it isn't They should be heading for the Dead Zone. Perhaps there's still time." Gana-"We can only hope."
I was by myself, looking at the waterfall. Gana-"You okay?" Pyron-"Couldn't sleep. My family's out there. I have to find them." Gana-"If your folks are alive, we'll rescue them." Pyron-"Where's Lagon?" Gana-"He's leading a team to the Dead Zone to rescue Sylene. One of the hawks spotted the army at the Dead Zone border." Pyron-"I wish I could help." Gana-"For now. get some rest." I nod and she leaves. I felt a little happier, but I can't rest until my family's safe. And, what is it about Gana that makes me feel...happy?


  1. hi! I added 2 new parts!;) a twister,and just a glipmse of what I had in mind how our future mite look like. so Ill be adding predictions and glimpses thru the story. what I wrote there...u will not believe this...I DREAMED about it,so thats how I got the idea xD crazy right? lol:))

  2. and when u read what I wrote about the future thats waiting 4 us,you can mention some parts about it thru ur story 2. like dreams (more like nightmares),messages,signs and so on.
