Saturday, December 26, 2009

Pyron: Dark Dragon of Fire

Angel-"Daddy?" I woke up and saw Angel. She was on my belly as I was laying on my back in a field. I see Gana, Nera, Spirit, Lagon, and Nikki. Pyron-"There's my little girl." We were happy. Suddenly the sky turns dark. Pyron-"What's happening? (I got up and everything went dark) What's going on? (Everyone disappeared) Guys, where are you? Gana? Angel?" ???-"Hehehe. No one can help you now." Pyron-"That voice..." ???-"You could never escape from me. Wherever you go, I'll always be there with you." I heard that voice. It's me. But how. Suddenly a large black dragon appeared. He had my shape. Pyron-"What the-?! Your me." Who are you?" ???-"I guess you can call me Dark Pyron. I'm your dark half." Pyron-"My dark half. I have no dark half." Dark Pyron-"You do. You always had. Don't you remember what happen to Luna when you two were kids. You caused her great pain and your parents were mad." Pyron-"What?! I never hurt my sister. And I didn't create you like how Gana created Jane." Dark Pyron-"You misunderstand. I always existed within you. After Luna forgave you I was sealed away by her power, and your memory of me was wiped clean. When Bulco took control over you, he released my seal and I was free. You see, I can't control you, but I don't need to. I'm your new power: your dark power, and I'm here to stay. Hahahahaaaaa!"
I woke up. I was in Cassandra's castle. I looked in a mirror. My scales were black, my belly was white, and my horns and spinal plates were red. But for some reason. Paul-"Hey, lizard boy. Misstress Cassandra wants you." I follow Paul to Cassandra's throne room. Cassandra-"Well Pyron. Your now my dragon. You only been asleep for 2 days, but your body has absorb a great deal of dark energy. Hahaha. Your now my servant forever." Pyron-"Long as Gana's a dragon and free of Paul's curse I don't care." Paul-"Watch your tone." Pyron-"You really wanna mess with me?" Paul-"Grrrr." Cassandra-"Easy there boys." Paul-"Humph." Cassandra-"Pyron, you can learn to like me. After all, if you and your comrades come here to my castle instead of being in your hidden home, Buraki won't dare invade my land just to slay you all." Pyron-"I rather die with Gana instead of being your servant." Paul-"Don't you dare disrespect Cassandra. Cassandra-"Easy there Paul. In due time Pyron, you'll accept your new form and to be my loyal servant." Pyron-"Humph." Cassandra-"Paul, you and the Blood Wolves leave us." Paul-"As you wish." I laid back down and went to sleep.
I wonder how the others are without me. Are they safe? Is Ember okay? Are Gana and Angel gonna be okay without me?I hope so. At least I'll remember them. Dark Pyron-"You think that don't you?" Pyron-"Not you again. Go away." Dark Pyron-"Like I said, I'm part of you. I'm your dark power. Hahahaha!" Suddenly I woke up to a loud bang. It was like a bomb went off. Pyron-"What was that?" Cassandra-"We're under attack. Pyron, you will protect me. Unless you want me to go back and search for Gana and make her into a werewolf again." Pyron-"Grrr." Cassandra-"Well then. Should whoever it is gets pass Paul and the wolves, which I doubt, your the last defense." All of a sudden a big dragon bust through the doors. Cassandra-"What is this?" ???-"I'm your worse nightmare." Cassandra-"Kill her." So I ran towards her, but then she disappeared. Where did she go. Next thing I knew I was in great pain. My body hurted and I collasped. She appeard. Pyron-"Who...are you?" She didn't answered, and I passed out.
I woked up and found myself in a forest. I tried to use my healing power but couldn't. I don't know why I can't. Then I saw that dragoness. Pyron-"Gah! Who are you? Ouch..." ???-"I am sorry, I had to do this. I had to save you Pyron, and now I'm paying with my soul. As long as your safe, everyone is..." Who is she, and how did she know me? She then turned to normal. I can't believe it. It was Gana! Pyron-"Gana?" Jane-"No. It's Jane." Pyron-"Where's Gana." Jane-"I...I...." I was now scared. Pyron-"Jane, I will...will...oh! Where is she?" ???-"She is with me...hahahahaha!" I heard someone's voice. It wasn't Dark Pyron...and it didn't sound like Buraki. Who was it?

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Blood Werewolf Curse Pt. 2

After Paul bit me my insides felt like they were on fire. My heart was beating faster, my pulse was racing and my breathing was going faster. I remember seeing Gana. She was...a werewolf. I couldn't believe it. How did she became one? Gana-"Oh no. He's transforming." Cassandra-"Well Paul, seems that you just couldn't help yourself to tasting that dragon's blood, could you? And Gana, what a lovely surprise to see you again." Pyron-(thinks) "Cassandra knows Gana?" Gana-"You witch?! How could you?" Cassandraa-"Well, I can't help it if Paul decides to bite others. He's hard to control when he goes on the chase." Gana-"Grrr!" Cassandra-"Relax Gana, and embrace your werewolf side. Soon Pyron will become a werewolf just like you, and then the both of you can spend the rest of your days as wolves. Buraki won't know you both are alive and won't attack my tower." Gana-"I rather die a dragon than a werewolf."
Pyron-"Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" Gana-"Pyron!!!" I turned into a werewolf. Paul-"Now he's one of us." Gana-"No...." I got up and was mad." Cassandra-"Hahaha. Now he's mine." Pyron-"Think again witch." Cassandra-"What?!" Pyron-"You think you have control me? Think again. Now Rica!" Rica-"Feather Barage!" She hit the wolves. Cassandra-"What's going on here?!" Heinaus-"Oh, it's quite something I like to say...gotcha." Cassandra-"Heinaus?!" Heinaus-"So Pyron, how soon will you be a dragon again?" Pyron-"I'm starting to feel all better now." All of a sudden I got back my form. Paul-"Gah...he's a dragon again?! How?" Heinaus-"Before we came here I decide to give each of us each a bit of protection. I took a bit of Paul's drool when I was hear last. I had a feeling he and his wolf hoard would try and inflict the Blood Wolf curse on us. With a bit of added silver powder and a magic enchantment, presto. Instant Blood Wolf curse repellent." Cassandra-"Grrr."
Rica landed. Anakin-"Wow. That was close." I approach Gana. She looked at me. It was her. Gana-"Pyron, I...I..." Pyron-"Say no more Gana. I had a feeling you were keeping something for me. No matter what you are, I still love." Gana-"Pyron..." She hugs me. Pyron-"Yor fur tickles. Heinaus, give Gana the antidote." Cassandra-"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Heinaus-"And why is that?" Cassandra-"You overlooked one think Heinaus. Gana had been curse far longer than Pyron, and silver kills werewolves. So if you give Gana your antidote, your only kill her. Not even Pyron's healing ability will save her." Heinaus-"Grr. She does make a point. Oh well, guess Gana's a dead dragon wolf." Pyron-"Don't Heinaus?"
Cassandra-"There is one way. I have the antidote right here. With it, the wolf blood in gana will be vanquish from her bloodstream." Gana-"What's the catch?" Cassandra-"Oh, just one thing...Pyron becomes my new pet dragon." Gana-"What?!" Cassandra-"After all, he has been soaking up the dark energy around the land and hasn't realized it, and he shows promise. After all, his mom is a light dragon and he has some light dragon in him. And since light dragons absorb dark energy rather quickly..." Heinaus-"Makes sense. Just like how dark dragons can absorb light energy." Cassandra-"You see, I studied the dark magic that free Malefor from his prison when he was around and use my magic to locate the land that was rich with dark energy, and make this land my own." Gana-"Grrr...I won't allow you to do this. I won't let you take Pyron." Cassandra-"Either he becomes my protector, or you will remain a werewolf for all eternity." Gana-"Grr..."
Pyron-"It's a deal Cassandra." Gana-"What?!" Pyron-"I'll be...your dragon. Just let Gana be a dragon again." Cassandra-"Mufufufufu." Gana-"Pyron, I can't allow you to become her servant." Pyron-"Long as your safe and out of harm's way it's be okay, and as long as I'm a dragon and not a werewolf, it'll be okay Gana. Gana-"But Pyron..." Pyron-"Okay Cassandra, I'm ready." She gives Heinaus the antidote and injects Gana with it. Suddenly, Gana returned to her dragon state. Gana-"I'm me again." Cassandra-"And now..." She used her dark magic on me. Pyron-"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" I grew large. My red scales became black and my belly became white. My horns and spinal plates became red. I roared. Cassandra-"He's all mine." Gana-"Pyron, noooooooo!" Heinaus-"We got to get out of here!" Heinaus, Rica (with Anakin riding her(, and Gana took off in the air. Cassandra-"Well Pyron, your my new pet. Mufufufufufufu." I roared again. Gana was heartbroken. I felt it, but in order to get the curse out of her, I had to become Cassandra's servant. I hope she, Rica, Anakin, and even Heinaus will be okay. I roared again. Gana-(tears fell from her eyes) "Pyron..."

Monday, November 16, 2009

The Blood Werewolf Curse Pt. 1

It took a couple of days for Heinaus, Rica, and I to reach our destination: Wolf Canyon. Somewhere here we'll find Cassandra and see if we can obtain this Mind Gem Heinaus spoke of. Heinaus-"I hate to say it, but we have to walk through the canyon, not fly. Round this time of year the winds around Wolf Canyon...are pretty unforgiving." So we landed and walked. As we walked I notice the canyon walls. Pyron-" seems that the canyon hasn't been disturbed." Heinaus-"That's because Buraki hasn't attacked this place. He has no reason to. We better keep up a fast pace. The Blood Wolves will be out soon. And trust me, you don't want to be bitten by them." Rica-"Because we'll be turn into wolves like them?" Heinaus-"Less yapping more walking." So we continued.
We made it out of the canyon and saw what looks like a tower. Heinaus-"That's Cassandra's Lair. There we'll get the Mind Gem. With it, you and Rica can return to your bodies." Pyron-"Good. Let's go." We didn't realize it, but we were being watched. Cassandra-"Looks like we have guests. And Heinaus. Mufufufuf. Paul, why don't you and your clan go greet them." Paul-"With pleasure."
We made it to the entrance and busted down the door. Rica-"Hey...I smell...wolves." Heinaus-"Me too." Paul-"Greetings to Cassandra's Tower." We were surrounded by a dozen wolves. Heinaus-"Oh great. It's the Blood Wolves. These mangy mutts are the werewolves I spoke about." Paul-"Well Heinaus, Cassandra is expecting you." Heinaus-"I bet she is." The wolves took us to Cassandra. Cassandra-"Well well well...if it isn't Heinaus. And you brought along a griffin and Pyron. However, Pyron...isn't Pyron. Before you asked, I have been watching you and your friends. You came for my Mind Gem. Here." She showed us a gem. Rica-"What's the catch?" Cassandra-"No catch. I just want Pyron back in his proper body." Rica and I looked at each other, then together we walked over and took the gem. Suddenly it glew and then I blacked out.
Rica's voice-"Pyron, Pyron, wake up." I woke up. Pyron-"That wasn't pleasant. (I put my claw on my head. It was scaly. I looked at my claws, then saw Rica) We're our bodies?" Rica-"Uh huh. And I'm back with my yet to be born baby. Pyron, thank you." I smiled. Pyron-"Well, thank you Cassandra, and we'll be off." Cassandra-"Not so fast. I'm afraid you must stay...and become my servant." Pyron-"What?!" Rica-"You said no catch." Cassandra-"Did I? I meant to say no catch for the griffin. Pyron on the other hand...will make a fine addition to my servants. I lost my last dragon servant a couple years back and you'll make a good replacement. Buraki will understand why I want you more alive than dead." Pyron-"I won't serve you." Cassandra-"Mufufufufu. You will serve me. Even as we speak, your body is slowly absorbing the dark energy my tower is giving off. It's not much, but combine with my magic, you'll be my dark servant." Heinaus-"Cassandra...don't you know we dragons are impervious to magic? That means can't can't harm us." Cassandra-"True. However, dragon magic works pretty well against dragons. I have waited for this moment. Pyron...will be mine." Pyron-"Sorry Ms. Witch, but I'm gone." Using my fire, I blasted the wall and Heinaus, Rica, and I flee. Cassandra-"After them!"
We try to fly high but the unforgiving winds hept us low to the canyon. Suddenly the wolves came for us above. Heinaus and Rica avoided them but I was caught and forced down. I fought them off but suddenly...Paul-"Gotcha." I felt a bite on my leg. Pyron-"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" Rica-"No! He's been bitten." Heinaus-"Gah, it's too late for him. I'm outta here." She leaves. Rica-"Heinaus, wait!" I continue to fight, but that same wolf bit my leg again. Pyron-"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" Paul-"It's no use for you now Pyron." Rica-"Feather Barrage!" Rica nailed a few wolves and landed beside me. I then collaspe. Something was wrong with me. My heart was beating faster and I was breathing faster. Rica-"Pyron, stay with me. (The wolves approached us) Someone, help!" Werewolf 1-"Now, you trespassers will join us." Gana's voice-"Noooo!" Was my ears deceiving me? Whas that Gana's voice? I open my eyes slightly and saw her and Anakin. She was all furious and then...she turned into a wolf. Anakin-"Gana is...a...werewolf?" Werewolf 2-"Gana?" Werewolf 3-"Guys, its Gana she came back!" Gana-"Grrrrrrrr! NO! I came here to rescue my friends Paul!" Paul-"Look, its too late...I tasted his blood." Gana-"Huh?" I open my eyes slightly and saw Gana. She was a werewolf, but what was more important was that she and Anakin were back in their own bodies. I moaned in pain. Gana-"Oh Griffin! Take Anakin and fly above, stay out of this canyon. You cant be bitten!!" Despite the winds, Rica takes Anakin and flies up. I felt Gana licking my wounds. Suddenly, I felt different. I was turning into a werewolf too. Gana-"Oh no! I'm too late..."

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The return of Heinaus

A couple of days passed. Rica and I hid in every cave we came across to avoid being detected by Buraki's mechanised army. Rica and I did took our time to learn to use the others' abilities. That night she was still concern about her baby. Rica-"Pyron...what if we don't get our bodies back? I..I.." Pyron-"Don't worry Rica. If Buraki used magic to swap our minds, then there's no doubt we need to use magic to swap ourselves back. I hope we can do the same for Gana and Anakin." Rica-"Gana? Your girlfriend? She was turned into a fox right?" Pyron-"Yeah." Rica-"But...what if Buraki does to them what he did to my boyfriend?" Pyron-"If he does, then I'll hunt him down to the end of the realms." Rica-"I see..."
Suddenly. we hear moaning. Pyron-"What is that?" Rica-"I don't know, but it smells like a dragon. Wow, you dragons have a good sense of smell. Stronger than us griffins." We spot a dragon appearing from the shadows of the cave. Pyron-"What?! No way?!" It was Heinaus. She collapses. Rica-"Wow. She's in awful shape. Did Buraki's machines do this to her?" Pyron-"No...someone else did this to her."
Heinaus-"Gaaaaah...." Rica-"Hold on. These herbs will heal your wounds. Your lucky your not a dead dragon." Heinaus-" it. I don't need your pity Pyron. (She looks at Rica) Wait, your not Pyron. (She looks at me) But...your Pyron." Pyron-"Huh? How did-" Heinaus-"So, Buraki used an old trick of mine I once did to Jewel. Hahaha...ow." Rica-"Relax. Your badly wounded." Pyron-"You should listen to Rica. She seems to know about medicine." Heinaus-"Why would you help me, knowing I serve Buraki?" Rica-"Your hurt, and you need medical attention." Heinaus-"Gaaaaah...pointless..." Pyron-"A thank you would be nice." Rica continue to put the herb medicine on Heinaus's wounds.
2 hours pass. Rica-"Well, she's asleep now. I did all I can. How did she get hurt that badly?" Pyron-"My friends and I were in Hulcana Village heading for Diamond Port. Gana and I finally had some...well, alone time to ourselves. (Rica giggles a bit) We were enjyying the peaceful scenery when we heard a scream. We found Heinaus and Alazar attacking Flame, Jewel, and Kaloth. Alazar killed Jewel and Kaloth, though we were able to restore their spirits into their bodies, but Alazar turned on Heinaus and attacked her. We thought she was dead." Rica-"Well, she's a lot tougher than you think." Pyron-"Hmm..."
The next morning we woke up and saw Heinaus up and about. Pyron-"You seem well." Heinaus-"Humph. Keep your opinions to yourself." Pyron-"Geez, your welcome. Why did you save her again?" Rica-"I...thought it was a good idea." Pyron-"Come on, we got to get to Ember." Heinaus-"Ember huh? Hehehe...hahahaha!" Pyron-"What's so funny?" Heinaus-"Nothing much. If your resorted to locate that fairy tale city-" Pyron-"It's no fairy tale. Ember's for real." Heinaus-"Hmm...I see. Tell me Pyron, you want to get your body back don't you?" Pyron-"Of course." Heinaus-"Then maybe I can help. I know of a magic gem that can swap the minds of those who touch it. The only's being held by a witch name Cassandra, and she lives in the far reaches of Wolf Canyon." Pyron-"Wolf Canyon?" Heinaus-"Yes. There's a rumor that if your bitten by a wolf there, you'll carry on the Blood Wolf curse and become a Blood Wolf yourself. Basically, it's like becoming a werewolf." Rica-"Should we go Pyron?" Pyron-"Hmm...if it means restoring ourselves, then it's worth the risk. But...I am concern. How do we know this isn't a trap?" Heinaus-"For one thing, I like looking like myself and don't wish to be a flea-bitten mammal, and second, I need allies so I can hunt down Alazar and get my revenge. So...I'm coming too." Pyron-"...Ok, but I'm keeping my eye on you." Rica-"But, can she fly?" Heinaus-"Look, were wasting valuable time. Lets go." She flies, and so do we. I don't know what Heinaus's true motive is in all this or if she does want to slay Alazar. One thing is clear, if what Heinaus says is true, then Rica, Gana, Anakin, and I will get our bodies back. But, is Heinaus helping us, or leading us to a trap?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Mind Swap Pt. 2

Curse that Buraki. I knew he had something to do with Gana and Anakin. Now he's done the same to me and that griffin. ???-"If you got a plan I love to hear it." Pyron-"Gah. For some reason I can't use my Shadow Power to disappear." ???-"And I can't use my Feather Barrage." We tried to break loose as the hydra got closer and closer. I spred my wings out. Pyron-"We got to get free." Next think I knew I shot feathers out towards the hydra, injuring it. ???-"That's my Feather Barrage." I head bashed the pole, breaking it. Then I went to the other pole, broke it, and got the griffin, who was in my body, free. We flew out of the arena before the hydra recovered. We manage to find the exit and fled from the Dead Zone and flew far.
We manage to land where Mist Falls Village once stood. Pyron-"Nothing but a memory now. Um, who are you anyway?" Rica-"My name's Rica. And your Pyron. Word about you and your friends have spread through the land." Pyron-"Um...thanks." Rica-"What am I gonna do now. I'm all alone." She starts to cry. Pyron-"Huh? What do you mean?" Rica-"After word of Dragonopolis's destruction panic had spread to other cities and villages, and my village was next. My mate and I are...were, the last of our village." Pyron-"What happen to him?" Rica-"Buraki...he swapped his mind with one of my good friends. When my mate convince me it was really him, Buraki killed him...and my friend too." Pyron-"That" Rica-"He told me he heard Buraki's voice and said that if he told his real identity, Buraki will..." She cries. Pyron-"Please stop crying. I'll help you out anyway I can. Something tells me he did the same to my girlfriend and a fox too. Maybe that's why Gana couldn't tell me. But, didn't he do the same to us?" Rica-"No. I went up against Buraki myself after he killed my father a few months back. He wants me to much as you. And it may happen...a month from now." Pyron-"Why a month from now?" Rica-"'s nothing. Maybe we should rest here for the night." So we do. This would be the last place Buraki would search. But I have this feeling Rica knows something.
It was still night out as dawn was but an hour away. I woke up to find Rica with my claw on her body's belly. Pyron-"What are you doing?" Rica-"Huh? What? Um, nothing." Pyron-"Let me guess, in a month your expecting a baby...aren't you? (She didn't say anything) That explains why I felt a bit nausaus." Rica-"Please, I don't want nothing to happen to my baby." Pyron-"Don't worry. I have a daughter myself, and I won't let Buraki or his goon machines harm it. After all, your a soon to be parent." I smiled. Rica-"Thank you Pyron." Pyron-"The best thing to do now is to rest now. We can learn to teach each other about our powers, and then find a way to swap bodies again." Rica-"Right." Pyron-"We can learn on our way to Ember. Lets go." And we left for Ember. I hope we can find a way to reverse Buraki's little mind swap thing.

Mind Swap Pt. 1

2 days passed since the whole..awkwardness. Anakin and Gana seem to only talk to each other. However, I knew the truth. Well, with Angel's help. Whenever I went to Anakin, she was cheerful, but when I went to Gana, she cries. Laately I felt weird whenever I was around those two, and Spirit also felt the same. I knew what had happen...Gana and Anakin switched bodies, and Buraki is behind it. But why aren't they seeking help for this? That is what I need to know. I fell asleep with my daughter that night. Both Gana and Anakin kept to themselves.
???-"Well well. We got ourselves a dragon boys. Welcome to Africa. Muhahahaha!" Jane-"Let me go you hairy ape! Help!" I woke up. Was it a dream I had...or a vision? It felt strange. I got a bad felling Jane's in trouble. I picked up Angel and was going out. Anakin-"Where your going?" I saw Anakin, well, Gana. Pyron-"I'm going out to get some air." Anakin-"But you can't. It's too dangerous." Pyron-"Frankly, I don't care." Anakin-"What's with you?" I knew it. It was Gana in Anakin's body. Gana is usually worried about me. I couldn't tell him, well, her yet. Pyron-"Anakin, do me a favor and watch Angel." I give her to Gana. Anakin-"But-" Pyron-"I'll be back soon." I leave.
I was flying for a couple of hours thinking about that dream. Suddenly, I hear a familiar sound. A dreadful familiar sound. I was surrounded by a dozen Aerostat machines. Pyron-"Uh oh. Well, time to take these tin cans down." So I fought them and took out 4, but then a dozen more showed up. How did these things know how to find me. The number was too great so I tried to flee, but one stuns me and knocks me out and I fell to the ground. I tried to get back on my feet, but I pass out.
I wake up in what looks like an arena. Pyron-"Oww. My head." Huh? Why did my head felt...feathery and not scaly? ???-"Hey! What are you doinng with my body?!" Whas that my voice? I looked over and! Pyron-"What's going on..and why does it sound like I have a girl's voice?" I looked at some water on the ground and saw my reflection. I was...a griffin?! Pyron-"Aaaa! What happened?!" Buraki-"Muhahahaha! Hello there Pyron. So good to see you." Pyron-"Buraki?! What did you do to me?!" Buraki-"The same I did to gana and Anakin. I swap their bodies. Their involve in...a little game of mine." Pyron-"You sick b-" Buraki-"Language Pyron. There is a lady present. You. Hahahahaha!" Pyron-"Very funny." Buraki-"Well, you and your friend enjoy my little...entertainment." He leaves. Pyron-"Entertainment?" I saw some doors open...and we see a 3 headed hydra. Pyron-"Uh oh." ???-"You said it." Seems like we're in a jam, magically cuffed to a totom pole with a hydra coming at us. What can we do?

Monday, October 26, 2009

The city of Ember

It's been 3 days since Judgement Day started. I hid from cave to cave with my daughter...thinking all the time of Gana. I never felt so miserable in my whole life. I came to a forest far from the front lines of war. Seems a good place to seek refuge, or it could be a trap. Whatever the case, I went in. It seems peaceful and quiet. Too quiet. I found a large bush with some berries. Angel and I haven't ate well. Though I can go 4 days without food, Angel was only a baby and she needed food, so I squish the berries in my claws and she licks them. Soon she falls asleep. I curl up with her to keep her warm. Reminds me how much I curl up with Gana. I cried myself to sleep.
A few hours later I wake up...and see a wolf staring at me. Pyron-"Aaaaa! Who are you?" Jessica-"Don't worry. My name's Jessica. I'm a friend." Pyron-"Friend? My daughter. Where's my daughter?" Jessica-"She's..." Jessica turns and I see Angel on her back sleeping. I smiled. Jessica-"You must be Pyron." Pyron-" did you know my name?" Jessica-"Lagon sent search parties to find those who escaped Dragonopolis. I was lucky to find you." Pyron-"And Gana? (She shooked her head) No..." Jessica-"Come on. We got to get to Ember." Pyron-"Ember?"
I followed her to a cave. She goes through it. So I followed. Angel wakes up and leaps onto my back. We approach some gates and went through. We came underground city. Pyron-"This is Ember?" Jessica-"Yes. The legendary city." Lagon-"Pyron! You made it!" Nera-"Both you and Angel." I saw Nikki, Lagon, Spirit, and Nera. Pyron-"Guys, you made it." Lagon-"Thanks Jessica. If you excuse me, I'm heading out now." He leaves. Pyron-"Hey...where's Gana, Jane, Bulco, Kyle, and Kaiser?" They all looked down. Nera-"We haven't seen Gana or Jane." Spirit-"Those machines captured Bulco and Kaiser." Nikki-"And Kyle's..." Pyron-"Kyle's what? (They didn't say anything, but I knew what it was) No...not Kyle too..." Kyle...had died.
Days passed. Misery seems to be what I'm emitting. Earlier I went backed to Dragonopolis, well, what was left, and saw those machines picking up the bodies of 2 dragons. I saw them...Gana and Jane's bodies. I even saw Buraki. He was no longer a dragon. Just a cybernetic snake with wings. Nikki comes to me. Nikki-"Pyron, I'm so sorry. (She lies next to me) I have a feeling Gana is alive. Both her and Jane." Pyron-"Then why can't I sense her? I always do. She must be..." I got up and walked away. Nikki follows, carrying Angel. Nikki-"Don't give up on the one you love Pyron. She's okay, I know it. (She snuggles and hugs Angel) My rival wouldn't give up on a handsome devil like you." She kisses me on the cheek. I felt a bit better, though still miserable.
Suddenly I hear a roar. A red fox comes and attacks Nikki. I got my daughter, grabbed the fox, and threw him against a rock. ???-"Ough..." I hugged Nikki. She was ok. Nikki-"Grr...stupid little fox!" ???-"Huh? Who you calling stupid, you little tramp! GRRRRR!" I was a bit surprised by what he said. Pyron-"Ok. I don't know who you are and what you want from Nikki-" ???-"I wanna bury her alive with Buraki's machines!" Lagon-"Ok, easy now. What did Nikki ever do to you Anakin?" Anakin-"Oh I'll tell you what...she was trying from the first day she appeared in our lives, to steal Pyron away from me! After our first battle she gave up and told me that my and Pyron's love was unbreakable..but I see that those were just words. Pyron you disappointed me!" Everyone was looking in shock. Nikki-"Dont tell me you had a relationship with a fox!" Pyron-"NO! This fox is crazy! Look man, I don't know how you knew about that...but my real love, Gana, is dead. Ok? Dead, and she's not coming back, ever. I saw her body in the ruins, then Buraki and others came and picked her up. There was nothing I could do!" Anakin-"....YES YOU COULD! You could have stopped them from taking me...I mean Gana away! And if you and Gana are truly come you aren't feeling her presence now?" Pyron-"What are you talking about?" Anakin-"Oh my dear Red...Gana is here, in this room...right now. And she's watching you. She saw you and Nikki kissing. And I've gotta say...she is very,very ANGRY!" Pyron-"Nikki kissed me...cause she wanted to cheer me up. I was crying after Gana. I could never ever cheat on Gana..." Anakin-"I believe you...things are messed up, and I can't say anything without the worst things happening. Pyron just take care of Angel. Lagon you keep being a good leader. Nera, Spirit and others be brave and stay alive...Nikki...just stay away from Pyron ok? Cause I will seriously bury you alive....I'm just kidding. Take care." She smiles. He goes into his new hut. Pyron-(There's just something about this fox that's very familliar...) "Angel...stay here with Nikki. I have to take care of something."
I went into the hut and saw Anakin lying down. Pyron-"Gana? Is that you?" He looked shock. Anakin-"NO...I am not Gana. I am Anakin." Pyron-"Yes...I can see are Gana!" Anakin-"NO I am NOT Gana! I just...have...the power to see the past of the...people, dragons..just when I look at them..and...I am...very sensitive..." Pyron-"Hmmm...I'll pretend to believe you..." So I leave. Lagon-"What happened Pyron?" Pyron-"That fox...I sense its Gana, but something is bothering her...something very bad is happening and I have to find out what..." I heard a bell ring and then I see...Gana?! Anakin came out of his hut. Lagon-"See? Thats fox is not Gana..." I looked at Anakin. I knew something was up. I turned over to Spirit. Pyron-"Hmm...that is not Gana. Just look at her. She is confused. I can see she doesn't know our friends." Spirit-"Yeah...she is acting weird. Somethings not right." I don't know what's happen, but Anakin...Gana, seems scared. This has Buraki's stench all over it. Whatever he's done to Gana and that Anakin guy, I won't allow him to continue. I intend to find out what happened.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Storm

12:38 pm At the Celestial Caves on the White Isle Ignitus was looking at both Gana and Pyron's books. He looks inside Pyron's...then drops it. Ignitus-"It has...begun."
1:53 pm It's been a month since Buraki's defeat and all is well. Kaiser was in the mitz of putting the Shape Shifters on trial. I was busy training with Lagon and Spirit. Both were pretty tough. I worked myself to exhaustion as I decided to go to the Great Hall. There I fell asleep, without even realizing the others have come too. Though thing have been quiet Burakiwise, we have encounter the Reapers too often for a week. Seems Reaper still is bent on his revenge.
4:20 pm I woke up to a scream. It was Jane. Pyron-"Gana? Jane? What happened?" Jane-"It's Jane. I......don't know Ah!" Her yelling stops. I remember she and Gana are still connected telepathically. She slowly opens her eyes. They were glowing as we all stood shocked. Pyron-"Jane?" Jane-"She...she is so beautiful. I can see her....she..." Jane suddenly passes out. Pyron-"Jane? Jane! Take care of her. I got to find Gana!" Jane wakes up a bit. Jane-" in the Garden of Hope. You can't find her." Pyron-"What? Where is that?" Jane-"It is like heaven, but the thing is, that world doesn't exist. It only exists to the dragons that truly need that place. And Gana really needed it. Im just surprised that place didn't open sooner." Lagon-"What is that place?" Jane-"Its a place where dragons go to get help. But the thing is, time flies by there in a blink of an eye. Who knows Pyron, maybe Gana gets back with your daughter already hatched." I was in total shock. I had to sit down. I was so scared that I was breathing fast and shaking. Jane-"Don't worry Pyron...I mean Red...its gonna be ok." Jane smiled...and so did I.
4:50 pm After going out a bit to get some air I came back. Everyone got up on their feet as soon as I entered the Great Hall. I saw Gana. Pyron-(gulp)"G..Gana? Where.." Before I finished my question I saw her carrying a little whelpling. I couldn't believe it. Little tears came out of my eyes. I couldn't say anything. Gana-"Meet Angel. (Gana snuggles me) Angel this is you father Pyron." Instead of saying hi Angel sneezed. We all laughed. Nera-"Aaaawww. She is sooooo adorable!" Lagon-"So cute!" Gana-"What are you waiting for daddy? Pick your little girl up." She smiles. I was still in shock. I picked up Angel and snuggled her. She then kisses me on my nose. I was happy. Jane-"You gave me a stomach ache and an extra large migrane. Thank you very much..." Gana-"Haha...I'm sorry. The time flies by so that happens." Pyron-"How did she...?"Gana-"In the Garden of Hope I fast forward the time." We smiled.
6:16 pm The sun began to set. Everyone were cheerful and happy. I was on my belly and Angel tried to get my tail. Then, at 6:18 pm...I thought I felt the earth moved a bit. Gana-"Pyron!! Its them. Get..aaaah!" A giant pile of dirt and stone fell on Jane and Gana. I heard Gana screamed. Pyron-"Gana! Noo!" I ran towards them and with Lagon, Nera, Spirit, and Nikki's help start digging and moving the big stones. Pyron-"Gana, Jane, please be alive you two." The building was collapsing. I didn't care if I got buried alive. I wasn't leaving Gana. Gana-"Pyron, get Angel out of here and run!!!" Pyron-"No! I will not leave you Gana!" Gana-"Go or our child will die, and we will loose the war...(We looked at each other) I will be fine. I promise..." I couldn't hold back the tears. I didn't want to leave her, but for the good of all of us I had to take Angel and run away. I had hope this wouldn't happen. Gana told me one time and I had dreams about it. Was what Buraki said true???
Angel-"Mooom! No!! Mom! Mommy, come baaack!!" I ran as fast as I could. Gana's voice-"I love you Pyron. Take care of Angel. We have been loosing a lot of battles...and now its our turn to win the war!" The building collapses. I flew out of the building with Angel and we fell into a small river. We were shaking. Pyron-"Its okay we are safe..." I hugged Angel. Angel-"Whe...where's my mommy?" I saw she was very scared. I got us out the river and looked up and saw the building. It was completly destroyed. What was left of it were nothing but ruins and Buraki's machines, Dragon Killers and Aerostats continued attacking the city. Pyron-"!" I screamed. Angel-"Daddy!" Angel runs towards me and hugs me. Pyron-"She promised...she...she promised! YOU PROMISED!" I screamed again. Angel looks at me, then at what's left of the Great Hall, then she looks at me again. Angel-"She's not coming she?" Suddenly 2 Aerostats and 3 Dragon Killers start shooting! I took Angel and start to fly. I flew as fast as possible. With Angel on my back, I turned around and tried to shoot those things down. I took down the 2 Aerostats and a Dragon Killer. Unfortunately, the other 2 were strong enough to hold of my fire powers, so I fled, but they didn't pursued me, so I stopped shooting and flew away.
6:32 pm At the White Isle, Ignitus looked at my book and Gana's. Ignitus-"Judgement day has begun. Pyron, your sad now, but you and Gana will be reunited. When and where, your books don't say." With Dragonopolis the first victim of Judgement Day and all my friends either fled, captured, or killed, I was all alone, this time with Angel. I didn't know where to go. I didn't know who to turn to. But one thing I do know for sure...our battle with far from over. But where will I go to seek refuge? That, even I don't know...

Fight against Buraki

A few days passed as we got back to Diamond Port. We saw smoke and fire. Buraki had begun his attack. We manage to find some villagers who weren't badly hurt, but most of them told us Griz and his navy force drove off Buraki's army. We also heard most have begun to attack Kaiser's troops, so we all headed for Dragonopolis. It took us an hour by flight but we got there. Kaiser's troops were holding their own. Noryp-"Well well, Pyron and his buddies are here." Nogal-"We waited for so long for this, now we can kill you all." Anag-"Gana, Pyron. So lovely to see you both again." Aren-"Hehehe. Now we can kill them all." Nikki-"I take it those are the Shape Shifters." Tirips-"Yes miss. And now we'll destroy our "cousins"." They attack us. Noryp got to me and we crashed into a store roof. We fought in close claw-to-claw combat. I covered him in my Shadow Smoke. Noryp-"Aaa! Can't see." I then whacked him with my tail and knocked him out. Pyron-"Down for the count."
My friends were getting the upperhand on their counterparts too. This seems...rather too easy. Voice-"Muhahahahaha!!" We looked up and saw...Buraki!! Bulco-"So, it seems he's a dragon now." Buraki-"So...the three traitors are here. Kill them all!" And the soldiers started fighting ferosiously. Kaiser-"Don't give in. Hold them back!" The rest of us flew up to confront Buraki. Buraki-"Well, so glad you fools came up here." Lagon-"Your reign of terror is over Buraki." Buraki-"Lagon Lagon Lagon. Such an imputent fool. It'll never be over. (He used a Sonic Blast to knock us all down, but Gana and I were able to get back up) Do you two honestly think you'll win?" Pyron-"We can try." Buraki-"But can you? Honestly Pyron, you should have killed Gana. If she lays that egg it'll doom you all." Pyron-"Enough Buraki. It ends now. Gana, let's finish him off." Gana-"With pleasure." So we attack Buraki. He was strong, but Gana and I held our ground. Buraki-"It's all in vain you two. That army will be beaten and you'll all will be slayed." ???-"Sorry to disappoint you, but not today."
Buraki-"What? No! Not you 3!" Pyron-"Huh? Mom, Dad, and Luna?" Luna-"The calvary is here." Coming from the distance we saw the Eastern Dragons and the tigers. Saka-"Charrrrrrrrrrrrge!" Silver-"For freedooooooooom!" The cheetahs and the Vixers have joined in too. Buraki-"No! This can't be!" Buraki's army was in full retreat. Buraki-"Get back here!" Gana-"Now Pyron!" Pyron-"Yeah!" Gana went with her Blue Lightning and I went with my Fire Tackle and Shadow Power combo: my Shadow Blitz and together we took down Buraki. Buraki-"Noooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!" Buraki...was finally defeated. Every one cheered. We landed and were greeted by everyone. Kaiser-"Buraki has been defeated. Let there be rejoice." Everyone cheers.
The following past couple of days repairs went on to fix up Diamond Port and Dragonopolis. Kaiser was proud the Great Hall wasn't damaged. He went there to train and looked much stronger than I last saw him. The Shape Shifters were thrown in prison. Bulco and Lagon took a force to destroy the nanovirus facility and ultimately ended the threat. Finally, I can breathe a side of relief. My mom, dad, and sister were safe. I introduce Gana to my parents and told them we're expecting our first child in about a month. They were shocked and happy. All and all, everything turned out great for us. There was no more need to worry. Alazar-"Well, seems they took the bait." Buraki-"Yes. Keep quiet for a month. Judgement Day will soon be upond them all. Hehehe...hahahahahaaaaa!!!"

Haunted visions

Blizzard took us to his ice cave. Though a bit chilly, it was quite comfortable. Blizzard-"Drink this. It'll warm your bodies up." So we drank the tea...and we gradually got warmed. Spirit-"Wow. Thanks Mr. Blizzard sir." Blizzard-"Please, call me Blizzard." Jane-"Okay old timer, we need answers." Gana-"Jane! Please forgive her Blizzard. She doesn't know your in your ancient years." Blizzard laughs. Blizzard-"It's ok. Tell me young one, your having a child soon?" Gana-"Huh? You can tell I'm-" Blizzard-"Yes. And you, the red dragon, your the father, am I right?" Pyron-"Well, um,..." Blizzard smiles. Blizzard-"You shouldn't feel embarrassed. I too was your age when I had my first child. Anyway, I can tell something troubles you." Pyron-"Huh?" Blizzard-"I can tell. I'm not a psychic, but I can tell yor pretty worried." I didn't say anything. Jane-"Wow. Red has problems. That's no surprised." Gana-"Jane!" Pyron-"Well...your right Blizzard. There is something I have to say. It may...doom us all." All-"Doom us all?"
Pyron-"Gana, remember that night I asked if Angel would be a good name for our daughter?" Gana-"Yes?" Pyron-"That night, I went out to get some air and I saw this orange and blue dragon, and she takes me to the future. It wasn't ver good as I saw death and destruction." All-"What?!" Pyron-"The dragon...was our daughter, Angel." Gana-"Angel?!" Gana-"Yes. 15 years from now. She took me to a graveyard where...where..." Gana-"Well?" Pyron-"Where we all were dead. (They all gasp.) She tells me what Bulco said. My parents have those nanovirus things in them. If we are to kill Buraki...I must kill Luna." They all gasp again. Gana-"Kill...your sister?" Pyron-"That's something I can't do. She said by killing Luna her power will serge through our daughter and she'll destroy Buraki." Gana-"Pyron..." Pyron-"I don't know what to do."
Gana-"Pyron. Hopefully it won't come to that." I didn't say anything. Blizzard-"The future is a fickle thing. You may have seen, well visited, one possible future." Pyron-"It was real enough for me." Nera-"Easy there Pyron. Remember, Gana and I had visions of the future remember?" I nodded. Blizzard-"Again...a possible future." Jane-"Not helping old man." Pyron-"It's ok." Lagon-"Come on guys. We should get back to the Eastern Territories and message all our comrades to prepare for the upcoming battle." So we leave. Blizzard-"Good luck. Oh Pyron. Can I have a word with you?" Pyron-"Sure." Blizzard-"Take this crystal shard. It'll help you greatly." Pyron-"Help me how?" Blizzard-"You'll know when the time is right." I took the shard and leave. I caught up with the others and we made our way back to Fridget City. We boarded Polaris's ship and headed back to the Eastern Territories. Blizzard-"Well, guess I better get ready too."

Into the Frostlands

It took us a few days but we felt the temperatures suddenly getting colder and colder. Polaris-"Ladies and gentledragons, we've reach the border to the Frostlands." An hour passes and we see some ice in the water. We manage to make landfall. Polaris-"This is Fridget City. Not only is it a port town, it's where you'll find the dragon you seek. I'll be here waiting for you to come back." So we left Polaris's boat and made our way north. Some of the citizens were nice enough to tell us where Blizzard was. The only problem...Hallow's Eve was still going on. And Blizzard's home wasn't in the city. So we went on and left the barrier protecting the city.
As we march in the snow we all felt the cold...even me. Gana stayed close to me. Pyron-"Why so close all of a sudden?" Gana-"Other than me loving you, your pretty warm." I laughed a bit. Voice-"Well well. Didn't think I find you here." Pyron-"That voice. It's-" Reaper appears. Reaper-"Found you Pyron...and your lady friend. I'll kill you and take you back to the Necrorealm." Pyron-"You and what army?" Reaper-"This." We found ourselves surrounded by 2 dozen Reapers. Lagon-"Is this some sort of trick?" Bulco-"It's no trick. These are all Reapers." Pyron-"You mean...there's more than one?" Reaper-"That's right. You see, we Reapers travel the world searching for the spirits of the deceased. We aren't able to get those of goodness, but those with bad intentions do us well." Spirit-"If that's true, how did you get hold of Jewel and Kaloth a few moths back?" Reaper-"You didn't think Jewel had bad intentions for Heinaus, right? And Pyron, don't forget what you and Lagon saw Kaloth back at the Sun Temple." Lagon-"That wasn't his fault." Reaper-"Enough talk. Time to slay some dragons."
???-"That will be enough." We saw an old Furdragon. Nera-"Say, isn't that one of those Furdragons I've heard about?" ???-"I advise you Reapers to leave them alone. Your suppose to take dead spirits, not live ones." Reaper-"Beat it old timer. We'll kill them and take them to the Necrorealm." ???-"I can't see how's that possible without Abyss allowing you to." Reaper-"Huh?" Pyron-"Who's Abyss?" Bulco-"He rules the Necrorealm. He's the head honcho of the Reapers. He allows them only to take the spirits of the wicked." ???-"Even though Hallow's Eve is still in effect in the Frostlands the fridget cold air offers some more protection aginst your fellow ghouls. So...leave now while you can." Reaper-"Not til I get that reptile!" He lounges towards me. Pyron-"Aaaaaaaa!" The ice dragon hits Reaper with some kind of ice shard. Reaper-"Nooooooo!!!" Reaper disappears...and so do the others. Nikki-"Wow. You saved us." ???-"No problem. I'm Blizzard." We were shocked. Pyron-"Your Blizzard?" Well, looks like we found Blizzard. Now, I wonder why we needed to find him to begin with.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Hallow's Eve

Reaper-"The day has finally come. Now...I can get my revenge. Muhahahahaha!" We arrive in Dragonopolis where Kaiser was getting some druids were chanting magic enchantments. Kaiser-"Ah, Pyron and Gana. And you must be Jane, Gana's bad side." Jane-"What of it old man?" Gana-"Be nice." Kaiser-"It's alright. With age comes experience. And the rumors were true. You defected." Bulco-"Yes. We came to tell you you must get your armies ready for the coming battle against Buraki." Kaiser-"Already on it. Some of our eastern neighbors love to go after Buraki. But first, our druids and spellcasters are protecting the city." Pyron-"From Buraki?" Kaiser-"No. Hallow's Eve is tonight."Jane-"Hallow's Eve?" Kaiser-"Yes. You know the story of the Night of Eternal Darkness?" Pyron-"My dad told me that was the night the celestial moons make a lunar eclipse. That was the night Malefor escaped from his prison." Kaiser-"Yes. Hallow's Eve has that unfortunate same effect...except it doesn't happen at a mountain. At this time of the year a portal opens from the Necrorealm, where ghosts, goblins, and other monsters are released. This happens once every 7 years and lasts for one night in the Eastern Territories. All towns and villages use magic to protect themselves." Gana-"Hang on. Diamond Port doesn't have any druids or spellcasters there." Pyron-"And our friends are there even as we speak." Kaiser-"Here, take this bottle." Pyron-"What is it?" Kaiser-"A powerful spell that'll protect the port. But...only someone strong with magic can use it." Pyron-"Okay." I take the bottle and we fly to Diamond Port. Kaiser-"Good luck."
We made it to the port...but not after it got dark. We saw smoke coming from the town as we finally made it. Gana-"Wow. Look at this place. It's a mess." Jane-"Quick Red, use that spell." Pyron-"Okay. (I tried to open the bottle but couldn't) It won't open." Jane-"I'll try it. (She tries) Gah. Stupid lid won't budge." Bulco-"Come on. We got to find your comrades." So we ran. Many citizens were in a panic as some ghouls with swords chase them, freakish yaks bash through homes, even skeletal-like apes terrorize people. We manage to find Lagon, Nera, Spirit, Nikki, and Griz fighting. Spirit-"Look. It's the others." Nera-"You came just in time." Pyron-"Kaiser gave us a spell to save the city." Jane-:Only Red's too weak to open it." Gana-"Hey, you couldn't get it open either." Nera-"Jane and Gana...apart?!" Bulco-"Thank Buraki's experimental experiment to separate those 2." Lagon-"Bulco, why are you here?" Bulco-"Like you, I'm a traitor."
Voice-"Muhahahaha. So, the fire dragon is here at last, and no priestess to save you." Pyron-"Huh? Who's there?" Reaper appears. Reaper-"So good to see you again Pyron." Pyron-"It's you! was your name again?" Reaper-"Grrr! How can you forget my name?!" Pyron-"It doesn't ring a bell to me." Reaper-"Grrr! It's Reaper! Now that I'm free I come for my revenge on you." Pyron-"Isn't your issue with Sapphire?" Reaper-"No. You and that brown dragon prevented me from taking those other 2 dragons to the other side. Now, I'll kill you and bring you back with me. I'll savior emery minute of your eternal torture." Pyron-"That's not gonna happen." Reaper-"How so?" Pyron-"Because we got a spell to save this town and knock you out." Reaper-"A magic spell huh? And I can tell you can't get it open since us ghouls are still here." Pyron-"Bu how did you-" Reaper-"That's the same magic bottle that fool Kaiser had when I came to Dragonopolis many many years ago. Kaiser had fire magic in him but only train to fight in hand-to-hand combat. He perfers it. When I came he aquire that little bottle you have there and couldn't get it open. We ripped that little city apart, but it was only for one night so we couldn't finish it off. Ever since then we looked for other cities without magic, spellcasters, magicians, or druids, and we found Diamond Port. Well, now that you brought your reptilian hide here, I can kill you." Gana-"Pyron, give me the bottle." Pyron-"Huh?" Gana-"Trust me." So I gave her the bottle. Gana-"You hold it too." I looked at her and smiled. Reaper-"What are you doing?" Gana-"This!" She opens the bottle and magic shoots up into the sky. Reaper-"Nooooooooo!" A barrier was created, knocking out all the ghosts, goblins, and monsters in Diamond Port. Reaper-"Aaaaaaaaaaaaa! Pyron! I'll make you and your girlfriend pay for this!" He disappears. Griz-"Wow. That was some magic. Our town is saved." The townspeople cheered Pyron-"How did it work?" Gana-"Since only one who's magic is strong to open it, I thought that maybe since you and I are one, we could open it together. And...maybe with our little girl's help too." I smiled.
The next morning we were down at the pier. Griz had to gather a navy group to prepare, but he arranged for a friend from the Frostlands to pick us up. We saw a large boat and a polar bear. Polaris-"Ahoooooooooooy!" Nikki-"That must be Griz's friend." We soon boarded his boat and made our way north towards the Frostlands. What awaits us there? We'll soon find out.

Monday, October 12, 2009


Pyron-" hurts..." Jane-"Well Pyron, your finally awoke." Pyron-"Huh? Jane?" Bulco-"Jane has done well." Pyron-"Bulco! I should have known you be behind....whatever it is that happened." Bulco-"Well, you and your comrades were going to Diamond Port and head for the Frostlands. Jane told me everything." Pyron-"You witch! I knew you couldn't be trusted. Let me out of this cage and I'll finish you off." Jane-"And harm Gana? You really want to do that?" Pyron-"Grrr..." Jane-"You need not worry Red. She and I are now separated. I'm my own dragon now." Pyron-"What? How?" Bulco-"One of Buraki's experiments. Gana's being taken to Buraki even as we speak. He has big plans for her...and you." Pyron-"When I get out of this cage, I'll kill you both." Jane-"Relax Red. All will go according to plan in due time." They leave.
How was I gonna get out of this cage and get to Gana. What does Buraki have in store for us? I thought he wanted us both dead. I then noticed the key to the cage. Why is it on the ground, and for me to reach? Did Jane drop it by accident, and was she telling the truth that she and Gana are separated? I didn't have time to waste and got the key and unlocked the cage and made my escape.
I ran to where Gana was. We were still connected. It was weird though. When I saw Jane, I didn't sense Gana. Usually when Jane takes over, I always felt Gana. Maybe she was telling the truth. I stopped when I saw a few guards. I used my Shadow power and went pass them unseen. Suddenly I hear the sound of glass breaking. The guards then ran towards a room. I follow them. When they went in the door closes shut before I could have gotten in. Then the door opens and I saw Buraki. Buraki-"They'll pay for this. Jane and Bulco will die for treason." What?! Jane and Bulco betrayed Buraki? I couldn't believe what I heard. I did sense Gana moving farther and farther away. I reappeared and went into the room. I saw a hole in the wall and went through it.
For an hour I flew at a frantic pace. Then, I saw them. Gana, Jane, and Bulco. I landed. Pyron-"kay, what are you two planning on doing?" Jane-"Seems Red manage to escapee on his own. I thought I dropped that key somewhere." Pyron-"Is it true? Did you two betrayed Buraki?" Bulco-"Yes. And like I said, we separated Jane from Gana." Jane-"Now I don't have to drag her around anymore. Hehehe." Gana-"Very funny." Jane-"Oh relax." Pyron-"So why did you decide to turn your back on Buraki Bulco?" Bulco-"I wanted world domination like any other bad guy, but then..." Pyron-"But then what?" Bulco-"I discovered Buraki was planning to use something call a nanovirus. Apparently he plans on creating a bio weapon and infect unsuspected creatures and make them into cybernetic monsters. (What?! That's what Angel told me when she took me to the future.) He even tested it on a few that don't even know it." Pyron-"And who are these few?" Bulco-"I know of only two. Star and Magmis...your parents I believe." Pyron-"No! Not my mom and dad! How long will-" Bulco-"3 months at best...if their lucky. At which time Gana will lay her egg 2 months prior to that." It's coming true...Judgement Day.
Gana-"Wait, how do you know when I'll-" Bulco-"You forget. I was a young dragon myself. But serious, we get to the Frostlands and meet up with your friends at Diamond Port. But first, we got to go to Dragonopolis." Pyron-"Why there?" Bulco-"Warn Kaiser of the danger. He'll be able to rally a fighting force to take out Buraki's army. And be on the lookout for the Shapeshifters. They were the guinea pigs for the nanovirus." Pyron-"Crap, and they were tough enough as it is." Gana-"Come on Pyron, we got to get to Dragonopolis fast." Pyron-"Okay." So we flew to Dragonopolis, unaware someone was following us. Assassin-"Now there are 4? Not a problem. Buraki wants Gana alive, and I'm sure he'll want Pyron too. As for Jane and Bulco....muhahahahaha!"

Monday, October 5, 2009

Friend or foe?

A week had passed since my little time travel trip. Everyone was hard at work training in preparation for an encounter with Buraki and his forces. I watch as everyone got to work. Gana-"Pyron, you been quiet for most of the week. What's up?" Pyron-"Oh, nothing. Just got a lot on my mind." Gana-"Well...okay." Looking at my friends we been through so much. Lagon lost his wife, Spirit lost Danny, though he sees his soul from time to time, and misses his family, Nera, Kyle, and Gana had to leave their old village for Mist Falls, where sometime Kyle got corrupted. He was saved, Nera lost Robby when he was killed, but resurrected and serves Buraki. I was the lucky one. My sister and parents are safe...and I have Gana with me. But, what if what Angel showed me happens? Will I be able to slay my own family?
A few hours later I went outside of Warfang down to a river. I sighed heavily. Voice-"Well well, look what we have here?" I looked up and saw a yellow dragon. Quazar-"Long time no see, eh Pyron old buddy?" Pyron-"Quazar. Didn't think I see you this soon." Quazar-"Well my old friend. How a few years pass and still, here we are. How is Luna?" Pyron-"She's okay." Quazar-"Well, that's good to know...seeing how you keep protecting your twin sister." Pyron-"Well, you did put us all in danger when you went into the Dreadwing cave." Quazar-"Yes. Those blasted overgrown bats sliced my wing up. And I blame you." Pyron-"You always never take the responsibilities unless their positive and work in your favor." Quazar-"Well, leave it to you to tell me such kind words."
The others came out. Gana-"Hey, what's going on here?" Quazar-"Ah, you must be Gana, Pyron's dragoness. And your Nera, Spirit, and the traitor Lagon. Oh, and Flame as well." Gana-"How you know us." Kyle-"Because I did." Kyle appears. Gana-"Kyle? You did?" Kyle-" dark half did." Pyron-"Why are you here Quazar? I doubt it's about revenge." Quazar-"With you Pyron, it's all about revenge." Voice-"That's enough." Lagon-"That voice?!" We looked up and saw Buraki. Spirit-"B-B-Buraki!?" Buraki-"So good to see you all." Pyron-"Why are you here?" Gana-"If you came to fight, we'll take you down." We went after him but Buraki stops us with his Dark Lightning. Lagon-"Gah! Can't move." I saw Flame didn't get caught. Pyron-"Flame, help us. (He stood there) Flame. (He then walks over towards Buraki) Flame, what are you doing?" Flame-"Sorry. but I'm joining Buraki." We were all stunned. Buraki-"Good Flame. Let us be off." Buraki grabs Flame and flew away. Quazar-"Consider yourself lucky Pyron." He flies and we were released fron the lighning. We were still in shock.
We go back to Warfang to inform Ruby of what Flame did. But, she seems so calm. Ruby-"Don't worry about Flame. I need for you all to head to the Frostlands. I need for you to find a ice dragon named Blizzard. He can help you." Nikki-"I guess at this point we're gonna need all the help we can get." Ruby-"The Frostlands are far north. Be careful when you get there." So we begin to leave. Ruby-"Kyle, stay here." Kyle-"Huh? Why?" Ruby-"You haven't fully regain your powers yet. Let Lagon and the others go." Kyle-"Okay Ruby." And so we flew towards Diamond Port to meet up with Griz. Hopefully he can help get us to the Frostlands and locate Blizzard. But...none of us will wonder why Flame betrayed us...Quazar-"Well sir, Flame's on our side." Buraki-"Yes. He needed...a little persuasion, right Luce? Muhahahahaha."

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Future Shock

It took about 3 days but we came to Warfang. We were greeted by everyone. Ruby was happy to see Gana and I were okay. That night Gana and I shared a we always do. I woke up late that night and place my claw on her belly. It was still strange to see her in her true form, but it's one that I know makes her happy. Seems our baby's kicking. I laughed a bit. I wonder how Gana was able to withstand it. I kissed her on the cheek and went out on a night flight. As I flew, seeing the peaceful sky was great. I hope we end this war with Buraki soon. I noticed a orange and blue dragon. She seem to resembla Gana almost. I followed her to a forest.
???-"So, you followed me?" Pyron-"Sorry, I like to meet new people." ???-"Well, you have good taste. Wanna know something?" Pyron-"Know what?" ???-"Come closer." So I did. Suddenly she grabbed me. ???-"Your coming with me." Pyron-"Hey! What gives?! Let go!" All of a sudden a portal opens up and she throws me. Pyron-"Aaaaaaaaa!"
Voice-"Wake up. Come on, wake up." Pyron-"Gah." I woke up and saw her. Pyron-"You! Why you threw me through that portal? And who are you?" Angel-"My name is Angel, and look around you." Pyron-"What the...?!" I looked around and everything was in disarray. Buildings were destroyed, fields were burned, there was strife, anarchy, and unrest. Pyron-"What is all this?!" Angel-"This is your future...after you and Gana killed Buraki." Pyron-"What?! This is the future?!" Angel-"Yes. After you and Gana killed Buraki, he attacked again a couple of months later, after your daughter hatched from her egg." Pyron-"But how?" Angel-"Come with me." So we flew. Angel-"How did this happened?" Angel-"When Judgement Day started, Buraki's Aerostat machines went on the attack. So did his Dragon Hunters." Pyron-"Dragon Hunters?" Angel-"Yes. Their cyborg dragons that were infected with Buraki's nano virus. Now they serve him to kill all the dragons and those of the resistance."
We land at a graveyard. Pyron-"What? A graveyard?" Angel-"Yes. My parents are buried here." Pyron-"What the...?! (I saw tombstones of Lagon, Nera, Spirit, Nikki, Flame, Gana, and me. I fell to my knees) We..died...? Is this...our fate?" Angel-"My parents are in this sacred graveyard. They died about 3 years ago." Pyron-"Whoever your parents are...I hope they did their best." Angel-"They always do. You and mom always did." Pyron-"Yep. Wait, did you say-" Angel-"Uh huh. I'm your daughter Pyron." I was shocked. Pyron-"No way!." Angel-"Yep." Pyron-"Is there some way to stop all this?" Angel-"There is. But you must pay the ultimate price." Pyron-"And that price is what?" Angel-"You must kill Luna...your sister, my aunt." Pyron-"What?! Are you insane?" Angel-"By killing her you'll insure a fighting chance against Buraki's mechanized army." Pyron-"But killing my sister?! I can't." Angel-"You must do so. It's her destiny to live as a light angel dragon. Pyron-"But-" Suddenly a Dragon Hunter appeared. Angel-"Uh oh. Let's flee." We flew as fast as we can.
Pyron-"What was that monstrosity?" Angel-"A Dragon Hunter. Your father." Pyron-"What?! My dad?!" We landed at the crumbling building. Angel-"Dad, 15 years prior to this your parents were infected by Buraki's nano virus. They didn't realize it until it was too late." Pyron-"Noooo....." Angel-"By slaying your sister, her power will come through me as a child, and together we'll kill Buraki and stop him once and for all." Pyron-"I'm not sure I believe you. This can be all a trap set up by Buraki." Angel-"If it was, you be dead by now." Pyron-"Gah...You tell me to do something I don't think I can do." Angel-"Dad, I want you and mom to grow old together, not to be taken before your time. I want Lagon. Spirit and the others to live. You must kill your sister...and your parents." Pyron-"But-" 3 Dragon Hunters showed up. Angel-"It's them." Pyron-"Nooo! It's my mom, dad, and Luna. Their..." Angel-"Dragon Hunters." They fired their lasers but Angel puts up a barrier to protect us. She then opens up the portal. Angel-"Go dad. Prevent this future from happening." Pyron-"Angel..." Angel-"I'll be ok dad. I have the fighting spirit of you and mom. I'll see you all when I hatch. Go noooooooooow!" I flee into the portal.
I was back in my time. It was still night out. I went back to Warfang. I returned and went in my room. Gana was still sleeping as I went to her side. I placed my claw on her belly. Gana-"Pyron..." Pyron-"Hm?" Gana-"Your up. Something wrong?" Pyron-"No. I'm good. What do you think of naming our daughter Angel?" Gana-"Angel? Lovely name." We smiled. I hope what Angel said is true, but...will it save the future, or destroy it?

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Jane vs. Pyron

2 days have passed since I was cleared of Granite's death. I was in my room with Gana. I was looking out the window. Pyron-(thinks)"I wonder that scent...was it..." Gana-"Pyron." Pyron-"Hm?" Gana-"You should rest. We leave with the others first thing in the morning." Pyron-"You go ahead. You are sleeping for 2." She nods and goes to her room. I continue to stare at the moons. The next day Lagon, Spirit, Nikki, Flame, Nera, Gana, and I said goodbye to Kaiser, Volt, Clash, and Jade and moved on. Kaiser-"Feel free to call us if you need aid in your fight against Buraki." Jade-"Take care Spirit. See you soon." Spirit-"Um, okay Jade." Gana-"If I didn't know any better, I say Jade likes you Spirit." Spirit-"Um...well..." We laughed.
We flown for an hour before deciding to rest in a clearing. Flame got off of Lagon's back. Guess those crystals in his wings still prevent him from flying on his own. Gana-"So where to?" Lagon-"We're going to Warfang to meet up with Ruby before we make our move against Buraki." Pyron-"So we attack him. Good, then we can destroy him." Jane-"A lot of good that'll do ya Pyron. You can't kill Buraki...killer." Nikki-"Gana! That wasn't nice." Lagon-"It's not Gana. It's Jane." Nikki-"Jane?" Nera-"Yeah. She's Gana's imaginary friend. She created her when she felt alone and angry. Unlike myself with Bella." Pyron-"I didn't kill Granite. Kaiser found evidence." Jane-"What Gana sees in you I'll never understand." Pyron-"Why Gana created you is beyond me." Jane-"I protect her...unlike you." Pyron-"What?! Grrr!" Gana-"Stop it Jane." Jane-"No. I got an idea Pyron. You fight me." Pyron-"What?! I'm not gonna fight you." Jane-"Ooooh. Is red afraid to get beat up by a girl?" Pyron-"No. I...don't want to hurt Gana." Jane-"Well, if you won't fight me, I'll force you to." She whacks me with her tail as everyone gasps. Pyron-"Okay sister. You got a fight. What? Wait." Jane-"Too late red. We're fighting."
Jane comes at me with full speed. Nikki-"She's using Gana's blue lightnig." I was whacked. I got up. Jane-"Fight me now." Pyron-"" Jane-"Wrong answer." She headbutts me. Nikki-"Fight back Pyron." Pyron-"No...I won't." Lagon-"This doesn't have anything to do with Gana having a baby." Pyron-"Huh? How did-" Nera-"Ruby told us." Flame-"She sensed you and Pyron are...well...expecting a child." Jane-"Enough talk." She comes at me but I headbutt her backwards. Pyron-"No Jane." *Gana-"Pyron.* Pyron-"Huh? Gana?" *Gana-"Be careful Pyron. Jane's at her best when she's fighting." Jane-"Keep it down!" Pyron-"No, you do." I whacked her with my tail. Jane-"Gah!" Pyron-"Aaaahh. I can't continue. I'll hurt Gana." Jane nails me with a heat lightning. Next thing I know I was down. I try to get back up. Jane-"I remember when you first bled Pyron. Gana had you blood on her and licked your wounds when Kyle severly hurt you. Your...quite tasty. I'm gonna bite your neck and feast on your flesh." Pyron-"Sorry Jane, your going hungry." I used my shadow power to disappear. Jane-"Where did you go?" I appear in front of her. I quickly pinned her down. Jane-"Let me go!" Pyron-"Not til Gana is in control again." Jane-"Grrr..." She says nothing, Her red eyes were blue. Gana-"You can let my up now Pyron." Pyron-"Oh, sorry."
She got up and everyone came to her. Spirit-"Good thing your not hurt. Both of you." Jane-*Pyron got lucky. Gana wasn't mad enough." Gana-"Pyron. I'm sorry." Pyron-"It's okay." Gana-"No. I...have live a lie since you came into my life." Pyron-"Huh?"Nera-" You don't want to-" Gana-"No Nera. It's time. Pyron...(She was enveloped in light. When it ended an aqua colored dragon was there.) This is my true form. I made the other because I was accused of murder. I was scared I made the other form to hide my identity. After I was listed as dead I kept the form, but you came and next thing I know...(I didn't say a word) Pyron, please say something..." Pyron-" didn't have to hide anything from me. I told you from day 1 I'll always be by your side." Gana-"Pyron...(She hugs me) I thought I'd lose you." Pyron-"You won't. Ever. And pink eyes work for you." I smiled and she kisses me. Spirit-"Okay. Get a cave you two." Lagon-"Let's get going everyone." And so we head for Warfang. Spirit-"So Pyron, how a baby end up inside Gana? I thought dragons came from eggs." I looked at Gana and she and I chuckled.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Trial and Error

Kaiser-"So Pyron. You stand here accused of a heinaus crime. One which wasn't suppose to happen...let alone by you. What do you have to say?" Pyron-"Nothing your honor." Everyone gasps. Seems wherever I go trouble follows. To think I would be sent to prison. Guess 2 days ago I took my freedom for granted. Gana and I arrived back to Dragonopolis and found our friends. We helped with the repairs. I saw Gana speaking to Spirit. There was a female green and yellow dragon with Spirit. She said her name was Jade. She was training to be an earth dragon warrior. Apparently she was working at the hospital doing voluntary work and met Spirit. Seems that she has a crush on Spirit. Wonder if he knows. Gana always had a place in her heart for the little guy. If Spirit met Gana before I did, likely she would fall for him...even though he was only a kid. The next day Dragonopolis was almost repaired and Gana, Nera, Spirit, Nikki, Lagon, Flame, and I were ready to go. I stopped off at the hospital to see, of all dragons, Granite. I went into his room. Granite-"Why are you here?" Pyron-"To end this."
Gana and I joined up with the others. Lagon-"Took you two long enough." Gana-"Sorry." Pyron-"So where to?" Two armed guards approached us along with Kaiser. Nera-"Kaiser, you came to send us off?" Kaiser-"No. I arrest Pyron." All-"What?!" Kaiser-"Pyron, by order of the Dragonopolis tribunal, you are under arrest." Gana-"Under arrest for what?" Kaiser-"For the death of Granite." Everyone was shocked.
Hours pass and I was in jail. I stared at the ceiling. I could have roke out of prison with my shadow power or fire, but the guard put magic collars around those who possess magic to supress them. I wanted to clear my name, but don't know how. Kaiser-"Well Pyron, seems the tribunal will hear your case." Pyron-"Let me guess...your the judge?" Kaiser-"Correct. Though you helped save this city, I can't hold simpathy for you." He leaves. So here I am, looking maybe possible jail time...even death. Jane-"I knew he was nothing but trouble." Gana-"Grr. Shut up Jane." Kaiser-"You do know that the charges against you are quite severe." Pyron-"If you and the tribunal allow me to speak, I'll tell you what happened." The elders looked at each other and nodded. Kaiser-"Then speak."
I entered Granite's room.and saw him in his bed. Granite-"Why are you here?" Pyron-"To end this." Granite-"End what?" Pyron-"Someone put you up to try and take over Dragonopolis. I saw Alazar and he struck you with that tentacle of his." Granite-"He...gah...calls it a tendril." Pyron-"Okay...a tendril. Alazar is one of Buraki's goons. Why work for him?" Granite-"First off, I don't work for...gah...Buraki. Second, I wanted to take over Dragonopolis. And third.....I'm beaten." Pyron-"Hmm....okay. Guess I'll go now." Granite-"Yeah. You do that." So I leave. While walking I saw a shady looking character. I didn't want to alert him, so I use my shadow power to sneak around. I followed him and saw him going into Granite's room. He leaves and I went inside. I thought Granite was sleeping, so I followed the guy. Before I could stop him, he disappeared. But his scent was...familiar. Kaiser-"So is that it? Well then, the tribunal and I will discuss your fate." The elders and Kaiser leave. Now my fate was in their claws.
They came back 10 minutes later. Kaiser-"We're back. Quite fast as well. We discussed your fate Pyron. Pyron the dragon....your innocent of all charges." All-"Huh?!" Kaiser-"I did some investigating round yesterday and Pyron's story checks out. He's free of all charges." I was relieved. I looked at Gana. She was happy. But, I do wonder about who killed Granite. The scent was....vaguely familiar. Alazar-"So, you killed him?" ???-"Yes, but Pyron won't be rotting in a prison cell." Alazar-"No matter. You'll see your old friend again...Quazar." Quazar-"Can't wait...master Alazar."

Friday, September 25, 2009

The Haunted Forest and the mysterious dragon

Gana and I made it back to the mainland. I felt better about myself now that I truely know I have my friends behind me...and the love of my life. I wish I could see my mom, dad, and twin sister. Gana-"Hmm....odd. I don't recall seeing this forest." Pyron-"It's probably nothing to worry about. Let's go." Voice-"Hold it young fella." Pyron-"Huh? Who said that?" Voice-"Down here." I looked down and saw an old mouse. Pyron-"Sorry, didn't see ya." Mouse-"You two aren't going through the Haunted forest, are you?" Gana-"Haunted Forest?" Mouse-"Yes. Strange tales about this forest exist. They say those who enter it never return." Gana and I looked at each other. Pyron-"Be it as it may, we must go through it. We can't fly since our wings are tired." So Gana and I went in. Mouse-"Don't blame me if you and your lady friend get lost."
An hour passed since we entered. Gana-"Maybe the old timer was right." Pyron-"I wouldn't worry too much. We been through worse together." Gana-"Yeah. (Gana snuggles up to me) We have each other. (I smiled, then my stomach growls) Seems your hungry." Gana's stomach growls. Pyron-"Hehe. So are you. I'll go search for food. Stay here." Gana-"In the haunted woods?" Pyron-"Um...well...." Gana-"I'll be okay. Don't be late." Pyron-"I won't." So I took off. I searched for half an hour until I found some fruit. Pyron-"These look tasty.: I plucked 4 large ones and went back to where Gana was. When I got back, she wasn;t there. Pyron-"Gana, where are you?" I yelled for her but I didn't hear her. I remember we're connected so I tried sensing for her. I felt she was close by so I let my feelings guide me. I ran and ran.Soon I stop. Pyron-"Gana!" Suddenly, I saw an aqua color dragon. She was beautiful. I stared into her pink eyes. She smiles back. All of a sudden she emits a blinding bright light. When it ended she disappeared. Who was she?
Gana-"Pyron!" I saw Gana and we ran to each other and snuggled. Gana-"What kept you?" Pyron-"I found some fruit but you disappeared." Gana-"Well....I-" We heard thunder. Pyron-"We better find cover." We grabbed the fruit and found a tree with an opening at the base large enough for both of us to fit in. So we waited out the storm. Suddenly, lightning destroyed the tree and we quickly got out. Next thing we hear are dogs barking. Gana and I ran. Suddenly we were attack by crows. We try to fly but the crows forced us down, We had to run, for the dogs were getting closer and closer. We took cover, but then everything was quiet. Gana-"Hey. I hear crying." Pyron-"Me too." The crying came from a bush. We found a baby. Suddenly the baby turns into a ghost and it goes through us. We ran, then heard voices...lots and lots of voices. We couldn't fly, and heard the dogs again. No, it was...the sound of wolves. Gana and I flew, regardless of the crows....desperately looking for the exit and escaping the crows. The storm was still here. I don't know if we'll make it.
Gana-"Pyron! Pyron! Please wake up." Pyron-"Huh? What?" Gana-"Thank goodness your okay." Pyron-"What happened?" Gana-"I found you unconscious. You okay?" Pyron-"...Yeah. Guess I was having a weird dream. Gana, did you see an aqua color dragon around here?" Gana-"No." Pyron-"Really?" Gana-"Uh huh. You must have been dreaming. Come on. Let's eat this fruit you brought." Hmm....I was sure I saw a aqua colored dragon around here. And why did it felt was a different form?
After we ate we continued on and soon found the exit. Gana-"Whew. We're out." Pyron-"Next stop: Dragonopolis." Gana and I flew off, heading for our friends in Dragonopolis.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

One's Chosen Path

A few hours passed since I left Dragonopolis. Despite the damage the city could be repaired, but Granite was right. I bring destruction with me. I didn't want to put my friends in any more I left them...and Gana. I was deep in the forest and found a clean spring to get a drink. I heard a sound. Pyron-"Who's there? (No one answers) Must be my imagination." ???-"So you finally came." Pyron-"Huh? Who said that?" A blue dragon wearing a coat and a diamond pendulent around his neck appears. ???-"I mean you no harm. I have waited for you." Pyron-"Waited for me? Wait...I recognize your voice from my dream. Who are you?" ???-"Like I said, my identity is unimportant. You must come with me young dragon." Pyron-"Hold on. I'm not going anywhere until you give me answers." ???-"Where I'm taking you, all your questions will be answered. Come." I didn't know why, but I followed him.
We travel by foot til we reached the ocean then flew. Things seem peaceful under the night sky. We soon came to an island. Pyron-"We're going to that island?" ???-"Yes. It's the White Isle." Pyron-"White Isle?" We landed and I followed the dragon through a cave and to a temple. We went inside and I saw many books, including a giant hour glass. ???-"So, what do you think?" Pyron-"This is...incredible. What's with all the books." ???-"Those are the history of the dragon race...mostly." Pyron-"The entire dragon race? Wait, my dad told me stories of an ancient dragon who was wise and kept our kind's history. Your...the Chronicler?" ???-"You could call me that, but I just took over the role from the previous Chronicler. I'm Ignitus." Pyron-"Ignitus?! No way. Stories of you, Volteer, Cyril, and Terrador are legendary. You 4 stood your ground against Malefor. That was incredibe." Ignitus-"Yes. But Spyro and Cynder deserve the credit for saving our world."
I looked at a few books. Pyron-"So Ignitus...sir, why you brought me here?" Ignitus-"You seem displace from your true path." Pyron-"My true path?" Ignitus-"Yes. Your worried your bringing destruction to your companions. (I said nothing) Here, take a look." A red and black book came to me. Pyron-"What's this?" Ignitus-"It's your book. Your history." Pyron-"Really? It tells my past, present, and future?" Ignitus-"Mostly your past and present. The future, well, it shows glimpses. Though most of your pages are still incomplete." Pyron-"Aww...this show the day I hatched along with my sister Luna." Ignitus-"Hm. You can come out of hiding Gana." Pyron-"Huh? Gana? (She appeared from behind a stack of books) Gana?! How did you find me?" Gana-"You forgot the special psychic connection we share." Pyron-"Oh." Ignitus-"The bond you both have for each other is strong. You'll both make excellent parents to your little girl." Pyron-"What? How did...oh, right. The books."
I kept going through my book and seen my past. Even Gana viewed hers. Some things I love to forget. Ignitus-"Pyron, you stray from your path. You know you have your friends to support you." Pyron-"I know, but I can't help but wonder if defeating Buraki will end all this." Gana-"So that's why. You think you'll bring our destruction?" Pyron-"Yeah. That's why I can't stay with you guys." Gana slaps me. Gana-"Don't say that!" Pyron-(puts right claw on cheek)"Darn it Jane. Stay out of-." Gana-"It wasn't Jane. It was me." Pyron-"You?" Gana-"Pyron, you said you will always be by my side, remember?" Pyron-"I remember." Gana-"Um...sorry for slapping you." Pyron-"It's okay. I needed sone sense knocked back into me. Ignitus, Gana and I are going back to Dragonopolis." Gana-"It was great to meet the dragon who mentored Spyro." Ignitus-"Take care. May the ancestors watch over you." Gana and I leave and flew back to Dragonopolis. Ignitus-"The's not set in stone. Pyron, you and Gana will kill Buraki...or so you both believe. Both your books tell of the same conclusion that will happen: Judgement Day, and it will be your baby daughter who will save us all. But...there will be a price to pay for it to happen."

Monday, September 14, 2009

Granite's Invasion Part 3

Kaiser-"Here they come. Everone, defend your city!" As the first wave of enemies came everyone was fighting. Kaiser was in a sword duel with 5 soldiers and holding his ground quite well. The archers were still taking out the enemy. A few moles were manning the cannons to take out some of the much bigger enemies. Every dragon, mole, griffin, cheetah, and hawk were fighting. Gana-"Wow, there's too many. We need help." Lagon-"And you got it." We looked up and saw Nera, Lagon, and Flame...riding on Lagon as always. Gana-"Nera, Flame, and Lagon." Pyron-"It's great to see you." Nera-"Whew. Gana. Pyron. We're so relieve you two are okay." Pyron-"Of course." Lagon-"Now, let's get rid of these clowns before Saka and Silver get here and take the fun away." So the fight continues.
Granite-"It's been 2 hours now. Why aren't they letting up?" Advisor-"Because they got reinforcements. Strong ones." Granite-"Humph. Time to get my claws dirty." We were all holding our ground. Seems my friends got stronger since Gana and I were away. Even Spirit was stronger. To think a few months back he didn't want to feel, he's as tough as, well, Spyro. Granite-"Kaiser!" We looked up and saw Granite heading for Kaiser. He drew his sword but Kaiser blocks him. Kaiser-"Your technique still needs work." Granite-"Grr. I'll slay you here and take over this city." Kaiser-"Sorry. Only way I'm losing my position is to be voted out." Their swords clash and clash. Neither side was yielding.
Voices-"Chaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrge!" We heard 2 familiar voices: Saka and Silver. A bunch of Granite's goons got taken out. The cheetah warriors of Hulcana Village and the Vixers showed up in time. Saka-"Sorry we're late." Silver-"Now let's take out the trash." The fight continues and Granite seem to get the upperhand on Kaiser. Granite-"Give it up pops. You can't win." Kaiser-"You always lose to me Granite." Now Kaiser was getting the upperhand. Granite-"H-how can this be?! (His sword gets broken) No! (His army retreated) Get back here you spineless-" Kaiser-"It's over Granite. Your coup'de'tat attempt has failed." Granite-"Grrr." Advisor-"I told you not to do it sir." Granite-"Pipe down lackie." Advisor-"About that...(He strikes Granite in the chest with a tectacle as we're all stunned) I'm no one's lackie." Granite-"Gah!" He took off his robe and showed his form...a serpent like dragon. Pyron-"Alazar? What happen to you?" Alazar-"Oh this? I have the power to transform my body from dragon to serpent." Lagon-"You experimented on yourself?" Alazar-"Yes...for my own purposes." Flame-"Alazar....I'll..." Alazar-"You'll what Flame? (He says nothing) I thought so. Now, I must go. Next time we meet, I'll kill you all...especially you Pyron." Pyron-"Grr."
As the sun sets, victory was ours and no enemy forces were around. Kaiser-"The doctors say Granite is lucky to be alive. Alazar barely miss his heart." Nikki-"That's great." Kaiser-"Once he's healed up, the dragon tribunal will decide his fate." Now if you excuse me, I must see to the repairs." He leaves. Gana-"Well, the gang's all here again. Where's Spyro and Cynder?" Flame-"They're in Warfang with Ruby now." Gana-"Oh, great. Hm? Pyron?" I was looking at the gate. Pyron-"Maybe..." Gana-"Pyron, our friends' all here. (I looked at her disappointedly) Pyron?" Pyron-"Gana....we won this small war, but..." Gana-"But what?" Pyron-"I'm sorry. I can't stay with you guys." Gana-"Huh? What do you mean?" Pyron-"Granite's right. I bring destruction to those around me. I..I..." I took off in the air. Gana-"Pyroooooon!" We won this small war...but I couldn't stay with my friends anymore. I'm now by myself as I head east towards a forest.

Granite's Invasion Part 2

Everyone got prepared for battle. Spirit, Nikki, Gana and I were wearing special dragon armor. Spirit-"Kaiser, where's your armor?" Kaiser-"Don't need it. My body is as tough as they can be." Voices-"Pyron! Gana!" Gana-"Huh?" Pyron-"What?" We saw Volt and Clash coming. Gana-"Volt and Clash." Pyron-"Why are you guys here?" Volt-"We wanna help." Clash-"We can't let this city fall. We must protect it." Kaiser-"It does this dragon's heart good to see the young take charge." Pyron-"Well then old man, let's rumble." We gather around the front gates to the city. We saw soldiers by the thousands coming toward us. Spirit-"Wow. That's a lot of soldiers." Clash-"We can handle them. I'll shock them to submission with my shock attacks." Nikki-"Don't get overeager. We're small in number compare to them." Gana-"Maybe so, but we're larger in mind." Volt-"What do you mean Gana?" Kaiser-"She says we can outthink them. (Draws his sword) Okay, archers, fire!" The archers fired their arrows and hit more than 2 dozen soldiers. Advisor-"Seems the advance force is getting taken out." Granite-"No matter. Prepare the cannon."
Spirit-"Wow. The archers are taking out the soldiers fast." Kaiser-"That's just the advance force. Their just the appetizers before the main course comes."Some moles appear. Mole-"Kaiser. Intellegience Team found out Granite is bringing a cannon to destroy the front gate." We all gasp. Kaiser-"Hmm....seems he wants in. That explains the huge amount of smoke coming from the distance." Gana-"We have to destroy it." Kaiser-"It's too far away. Even if we flew there, they'll fire it before we even make halfway." Pyron-"So Granite's going to obliterate Dragonopolis?" Kaiser-"No...just the gate." Granite-"The cannon's in position now." Advisor-"The cannon's still incomplete. With one shot it'll burn out and-" Granite-"Silence advisor. Your here to advise not to talk strategy." Advisor-"Yes...sir...." Granite-"Fire!" The cannon was fired." Kaiser-"Oh no. Everyone! Away from the gate!" We all fled from the gate and moved as far away from it as possible. The gate was destroyed.
Granite-"Muhahahaha! Alright, charrrrrrge!" Gana-"Is everyone okay?" Nikki-"Yeah." Spirit-"Oh no. Pyron's out." Gana-"No...Pyron, wake up. Please wake up." (Pyron-"Ow. Huh? Where am I? What's with these strange books? And why does it look like space here?" ???-"You seem lost." Pyron-"Huh? Who said that?" ???-"My identity is unimportant. What's important is that your lost." Pyron-"Lost? I'm not lost. I'm in Dragonopolis." ???-"Not what I meant. Your straying from your path." Pyron-"Huh? What do you mean?" ???-"If you want to know, finish your battle, then travel to the forest east of Dragonopolis...alone. I will explain...." Pyron-"Hey wait. Who are you?) Gana-"Pyron, wake up. Please." Pyron-"Gah. Huh? What happen?" Volt-"You were out cold. Guess your spartan dragon helmet didn't help." Spirit-"Granite's forces are about to penetrate the city. Our force is getting ready." Pyron-"Then we better get ready. This isn't going to go good for us." Granite-"Hehehe. In moments, Dragonopolis will fall to my rule. Muhahaha!" Advisor-("Humph. That's what you think...fool.") As the soldiers get closer and closer, we prepare ourselves for what's gonna be a brutal fight. Can we stop Granite, or will Dragonopolis fall?

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Granite's Invasion Part 1

Nightfall. We were all at the Capitol. Kaiser had called an emergency town meeting regarding Granite's betrayal. Kaiser was explaining to the citizens what had transpired. Some were skeptical, but some also believed. Gana, Spirit, Nikki, and I were listening. Kaiser-"Which is why we can't assume Granite won't try to take over Dragonopolis." Citizen 1-"With what army? Him and those 4 druids?" The townspeople laugh. Pyron-"This is serious. Granite will come back. I'm sure of it." Citizen 2-"Pipe down kid." Citizen 3-"Granite may be weird, but he's not stupid to attack this city." Kaiser-"And that is the reason he'll take over our city. In battle one can't lose their focus. If we let down our guard...we're finish. (The townsfolk were silent) Now, we need all those who can fight to join up with us to form an army of ourselves." I stepped out of the Capitol and looked at the night sky and thought what Granite said. Granite's voice-"Know this Kaiser, I will kill you and rule Dragonopolis, and as long as your there and with your companions Pyron, your putting them all in danger. Muhahahahaha!" It is true. When I was in Mist Falls, it got destroyed. So did Fairy Island and the elves' island. Even Ganron was in danger. What if Granite's right? What if I'm putting my friends in danger?
At the crack of dawn......Granite-"The time's almost here. Advance force. Move out!" Advisor-"You sure you want to go through with this?" Granite-"I waited long enough. Move out!" Advosor-(Your such a fool Granite). I was outside the city under a tree thinking. Voice-"There you are Pyron.". I saw Gana. Pyron-"Gana. How come your out here?" Gana-"I asked the sentries if they seen you. Even when your flying the can spot you from their posts." Pyron-"Oh." Gana-"You look down. Why?" Pyron-"'s nothing." Gana-"Pyron, we're connected psychiclly. All three of us." Pyron-"3? Oh, you ,me, and Jane...your imaginary friend." Jane-"I'm not imaginary!" Pyron-"I'm kidding." Jane-"Humph. Be thankful Gana's so in love with you...even if she and I are carrying your child in us." Pyron-"Jane...even if Gana wasn't pregnant, I'll still be by her side." Jane-"Yeah. You only got her because Kyle felt you two were made for each other." Gana-"That's enough." Pyron-"But...(Gana looks at me)...this war coming up...and our war against Buraki. Is it really worth it?" Gana-"You shouldn't say things like that Pyron. The future of our race and the races of other creatures is on the line." Pyron-"Sorry. We'll win this war and return to our friends." Gana snuggles me, but I didn't.
Suddenly, we hear an alarm from the southernmost sentry. One by one the sentries sound off their alarms. Pyron-"Guess it's fighting time." Gana-"Quick. Let's get back to the city." So we did. Granite-"The alarm. Humph. Makes it sweeter to crush them to submission." Gana and I made it back to Dragonopolis and we met up with Nikki and Spirit. Spirit-"We're glad you two came back." Nikki-"Yeah. We better get ready." Kaiser-"Well my friends, it's almost time to fight." Yeah...but, is it worth it for me to be here? Kaiser-"Remember to focus on the battle. We must defend Dragonopolis." As Granite's army approaches closer and closer, will we be able to repel his onslaught, or will Dragonopolis fall?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Granite's Betrayal

Gana, Nikki, and I were outside the hospital. Nikki, of course, hugs me, then Gana. Nikki-"I'm glad you two are okay." Gana-"What are you doing way out here Nikki? Shouldn't you be with Lagon and the others in Warfang?" Nikki-"I was, but I notice Spirit was missing. So, I went to look for him and came across Dragonopolis. I'm happy you and Gana are safe Pyron." Gana-" don't seem as hyped up around Pyron like you were a few weeks ago." Nikki-"Well, I did have a crush on him, but he's your dragon. Maybe in a different time, we could have been...but I'm satisfied with being friends." I was relieved. Now Gana and Nikki don't have to fight again. Suddenly I notice Granite was going into the Capitol, where Kaiser was. Pyron-"Can you ladies excuse me? I want to talk to Kaiser." So I left.
I followed Granite into the Capitol. Something about him wasn't right. Sure trouble seems to find Gana and me, but how Granite said it, seems worrying to me. I trailed him, being careful not to alert him to my presence. He turned a corner and I saw him speaking to 3 people who seemed like druids. Again, it worries me. I notice Granite and the druids then leave. I followed them.They then leave the Capitol. I continued to follow them.
Their next stop was the training grounds, and Kaiser was there. He was practicing some fire techniques. Kaiser-"Whew, what a workout. A good lava bath would help me. Hm? Granite, what are you doing here? I thought you had important business to do." Granite-"Well, I did sir, and it's actually a surprise for you." Kaiser-"A surprise? Hmm...if you say so. It's not my birthday for another 9 months so I won't be too surprised." Granite-"What I have plan surely will surprise you." Kaiser gets his brown wooly vest. Kaiser-"Well, time to hit the lava baths." He passes by a druid and I notice a druid had something in his hand. He was about to reach out to Kaiser. I was about to run but Kaiser grabs the druid's arm. Granite looked a little stunned. Granite-"What's the meaning of this druid?" Kaiser-"Don't play innocent Granite. I know he's a follower of yours." I ran to them. Pyron-"Kaiser, your okay." Kaiser-"Hello my friend. Your just in time to see Granite's druid trying to stab me."
Pyron-"Okay Granite. Spill the beans. What are you doing?" He says nothing. Kaiser-"Well, out with it." Granite-"If you must know, I have nothing to do with this. However..." Pyron-"However what?" Granite-"Like I said, trouble finds you Pyron. Whether it be Buraki, Mist Falls Village being destroyed, or what happened at Draco Island. And now, you've ensured Dragonopolis's destruction. Hehehe...hahahahaha!" Pyron-"What?!" Kaiser-"So Granite, you planned on destroying this city?" Granite-"No. I planned to rule it after killing you Kaiser. But, seems your reflexes are sharper than what I imagined." Kaiser-"Granite, I hearby place you under arrest." Granite-"I beg to differ Kaiser." Suddenly smoke came from another druid and we couldn't see. After a few seconds it cleared and Granite was gone. Pyron-"He got away." Granite's voice-"Know this Kaiser, I will kill you and rule Dragonopolis, and as long as your there and with your companions Pyron, your putting them all in danger. Muhahahahaha!" Now...I'm worried.
Granite was somewhere with a large army. Granite-"Tomarrow, we will invade Dragonopolis and take control of the city. Take out their defenders and capture any survivors. Leave Kaiser to me and take out Pyron and his friends." The army roars. Voice-"Granite...your a fool. Buraki will rule all. Muhahahahaha."

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Split Personality

Gana and I stayed at the hospital. Since we been on the road for some days we were both concern about our baby. Doctor-"Well, you have a healthy baby in you Gana. There's no need for concern." Gana-"Thank you doctor." Pyron-"Whew. That's a relief." The doctor allowed us to stay for the night. Sometime during the middle of the night I heard Gana murmuring to herself. I thought I heard Jane. Maybe I was just sleepy. Gana and I didn't get a good night's rest since Mist Falls got destroyed a couple months ago.
The next morning we went to see Spirit. He was already up and about. Pyron-"Well, aren't you chipper today." Spirit-"Pyron. Gana. Good yo see you after all this time. I missed you guys. (We sat down and Spirit explain what had happen.) After you two were taken away we tried to get back to Draco Island. We stayed there a short while til our wings were dry. Lagon decided to head for Buraki's facilities but Ruby told him not to go since it was suicide. Instead, we headed for Warfang. Days later we met with Dragon Elder Terrance and he and Ruby talked. As they were making a plan I couldn't wait any longer so during the night I snucked out and went to look for you two. After traveling for days I was totally exhausted and collapse. That's when I saw Kaiser and...well, here I am." Pyron-"Well, Gana and I are happy o see your okay." Jane-"Humph. Yeah right." Pyron-"Gana! How can you say that?" Spirit-"Um Pyron, that's not Gana. Gana's on the fight of you. That's someone else." Pyron-"Huh? Oh...Jane." Jane-"Gana and I don't need you anymore so go away." Pyron-"Grr. Leave her alone." Spirit-"Pyron, remember that Power Swap ability you have?" Pyron-"Yeah, but it'll only work in dire situations." Spirit-"This seems like a dire situation. Place your claw on my back." So I did, and soon I saw two Ganas, one with blue eyes and another with red eyes.
Pyron-"Wow. I'm seeing double." Jane-"You can see us both?" Gana-"Spirit's power to see spirits is amazing." Jane-"Humph." Pyron-"Now that we can see you, what's your problem?" Gana-"Pyron, you have to forgive me. I created Jane. Before I met all of you I was alone.I created Jane and we became friends. She watched after a way. But, when I made friends with Nera, Robby, and Kyle, I push Jane away. I did it further when I met Lagon, then you and Spirit. Jane felt her existance would be erased so she manage to form her own personality in my head." Pyron-"Just to make sure she isn't forgotten. Hmm...well, she didn't need to be rude. She's a part of you, and if Jane sees what you sees, then there's no need for her to have hatred." Jane-"Humph." I take my claw off of Spirit. Pyron-"Gana?" Gana-"Yes, it's me." Pyron-"I'm glad." The door nocks and the doctor steps in. Doctor-"Spirit, you have a guest. Gana-"Whaaaaa?! Pyron-"Aaaaaaaa!" It was Nikki. She was shocked to see us.
Granite-"Gana and Pyron are on Buraki's death list. He fears them for some reason. It's not my concern. All I want is to rule Dragonopolis and do away with Kaiser." Voice-"I wouldn't underestimate those two if I were you. Together, their powerful." Granite-"Whatever. They'll be dealt with soon enough." Granite leaves. Voice-"Yes, they'll be dealt Master Buraki...and you'll join them soon enough. Muhahahaha."

Monday, August 31, 2009


Pyron and Gana-"Whoa. Look at this place." Dragonopolis was a large dragon city. I never seen such a large city in my life. Volt-"Dragonopolis may not be as great as Warfang, but it's nice nevertheless." Voice-"Volt? Your okay!" We saw a yellow dragon with red wings and white chest.Clash-"My friend, am I glad your safe. Oh, who's this?" Volt-"This is Gana and Pyron. They rescued me." Clash-"Thanks for saving Volt. His parents will be thrilled to see him." Volt-"Oh, my friends want to see Kaiser." Clash-"Well, he's with the elders now. They can go see them if they want." Gana-"Thanks." Clash points us to the direction of the Elders Chambers.
We found it some minutes later and went in. We saw plenty of dragons here. None of which seem bother by the war Buraki was staging. Voice-"Ah. New arrivals." We saw this big dragon. He stood on 2 legs, had a flame on the tail, and his wings, long in width, were on fire...literally. Kaiser-"I'm Kaiser, a Blaze Dragon." Pyron-"A Blaze Dragon? I never heard of your kind before." Kaiser-"Hahahahaha. Then you never heard of our great power. It's all fire." Pyron-"Well, I'm a fire dragon. I'm Pyron and this is Gana." Kaiser-"Pyron? Did you say Pyron?" Gana-"Um, yes, he did." Kaiser-"So your Magmis's little boy. I can see the resemblence you have with your dad." Pyron-"You know my father?" Kaiser-"Of course. Years ago we trained in the fiery fields of battle. We see each other as both rivals and friends. Last I heard he and Star were leading a raid on Buraki's food storage facilities in the southern lands." Pyron-"I hope their okay." Kaiser-"And I take this lovely lady is your mate." Gana-"Well, yes. Pyron and I have been together for a good while now." Voice-"So your Gana and Pyron? (We saw this green and yellow dragon approach us.) Seems trouble follows you two like a shadow. Why don't you leave our city before you bring trouble?" Pyron-"Hey, watch it." Gana-"Who are you anyway?" Granite-"Name's Granite. I say leave since you two were involve in the destruction of Mist Falls Village and the Draco Island incident." Kaiser-"Enough Granite. These two are our guests, just like that brown dragon we found earlier today." Pyron and Gana-"Brown dragon?" Kaiser-Yes. He was small and was very weak from traveling. He mentioned your names." Gana and I looked at each other. Could it be Spirit?
Kaiser took us to the hospital and soon we came to a room. Kaiser-"This is where the little guy is." We went through and saw him. Spirit-"Gana? Pyron?" Gana-"Spirit!" Pyron-"It is you!" We ran and hugged each other. Spirit-"I thought we would never find you." Pyron-"Where are the others Spirit?" Kaiser-"You should let your little comrade rest now you two." Gana-"Okay." Pyron-"Will do." Spirit-"Come back soon guys." We leave the room. Gana and I were happy Spirit was okay and safe. Maybe he'll tell us how the others are.
Granite-"Pyron: he's a powerful fire dragon with plenty of power to give. Gana: she can control the weather with ease like that welpling in the hospital. They could be a problem for me." Voice 1-"So what should we do about them?" Granite-"Nothing. Leave that to me. Pyron and Gana won't be a threat to my plans for long." Voice 2-"Well, I want payback on Pyron." Granite-"Keep it down you mangy wolf." Voice 3-"Thist'll be fun. I can't wait to see some action." Granite-"Soon Kaiser will fall to me and I'll rule Dragonopolis. The rise of Granite will come. Hehehe, bwahahahahaha!"

Friday, August 28, 2009


A few hours passed and we were getting a bit hungry. Pyron-"Wow. I'm getting hungry. How close are we to the Wind Tunnel?" Volt-"We're at leat a 30 minute flight from it." Gana-"Gaaaaa!" Pyron-"Uh oh. We better land." So we did. Volt-"Why?" Pyron-"Gana's gonna have a baby. Flying's risky since our child messes with her belly so much." Volt-"Her belly? But I thought dragon babies came from eggs." Pyron-"They do. (I couldn't tell him where dragon babies came from. He's too young.) Are you okay?" Gana-"I got a headache. I need to rest." Pyron-"Okay. I'll go look for food. You two rest here." So I flew off.
I search for minutes on end and found nothing. No berries, no apples, not even no fish in the river. I walked since I had to rest my wings. I thought about our friends. I hoped their okay. Since I couldn't find food I headed back...tired wings and all.
I found Gana...but Volt wasn't there. Pyron-"Huh? Where's Volt? (I landed) Gana, where's Volt?" Gana-"Go away. I don't need you anymore." Pyron-"Huh? Gana?" Voice-"You insulant brat. Without me, your nothing." Pyron-"Gana, what's going on with you?" Voice-"Back off you!" She knocks me back. Pyron-"Hey! What was that for?" Voice-"Get away from me. I don't need you!" Pyron-"Stop this Gana. I'm not leaving your side." Gana-"Pyron...please help. Jane's...taking cont....aaaaaaaaaaa!" Pyron-"Gana!!" Jane-"She resisted long enough. It's time we head back to Bulco." Pyron-"Huh? Who are you? What have you done to Gana?" Jane-"I am Jane. I'm Gana's more...vicious side. It's good to see you again Pyron." Pyron-"What? Wait....Diamond Port! I knew I saw that vicious side before. I thought Bulco took control of Gana." Jane-"He did, but only long enough for me to be free to kill you." Pyron-"What? Kill me?" Jane-"Gana was suppose to live her life alone. She was given power beyond measures. When she dies I would have taken over her body. But then you showed up and gave Gana a reason to live. She was suppose to be dead but you healed her and purified her blood of the drug. Now we're no longer all powerful, and Gana's pregnant...and it's all your fault." Pyron-"I love Gana and she loves me. Why don't you do what she says and leave her alone you witch." Jane-"Careful how you talk to us Pyron. We can kill you." Pyron-"Gana won't allow it. And I'll help her." Jane-"How? You can't harm the dragoness your in love with, and our baby is still inside us, so you can't touch us." Jane's right. I can't ring harm to Gana or our baby. Gana-"No....I won't let you...harm my....dragon...Jane!" Pyron-"Gana!" Jane-"Stop Gana! Your weak!" Gana-"Not when my friends are around me. With them, I'm stronger than you Jane!" Pyron-"Come on Gana. Keep resisting." Jane-"No! This can't be! Aaaaaaaaa!!!!!!" Gana passes out.
I ran to her. Pyron-"Gana! Please be okay." Gana-"P...Pyron....I'm so sorry....for what Jane would do to you...." Pyron-"It's okay. You beat her." Gana-"But she's still a part of me. I wish I can get rid of her for good." Volt-"Is Gana okay?" Volt came out of the bush. Pyron-"Volt? Yeah." Volt-"Gana told me to hide behind the bush until you came back. We can head for the Wind Tunnel when your ready." We agreed. Half an hour later we flew and soon felt a powerful gust of wind. Suddenly we were riding the jetstream. Pyron-"What? We're riding a cooridor of wind?" Volt-"This is the Wind Tunnel. There many of then that connect to Dragonopolis." We rode it for 10 minutes then it died down. Gana-"Look. A city." Volt-"That's Dragonopolis." Pyron-"Wow. We made it." So we head for Dragonopolis, hoping to meet the one name Kaiser.