Friday, August 28, 2009


A few hours passed and we were getting a bit hungry. Pyron-"Wow. I'm getting hungry. How close are we to the Wind Tunnel?" Volt-"We're at leat a 30 minute flight from it." Gana-"Gaaaaa!" Pyron-"Uh oh. We better land." So we did. Volt-"Why?" Pyron-"Gana's gonna have a baby. Flying's risky since our child messes with her belly so much." Volt-"Her belly? But I thought dragon babies came from eggs." Pyron-"They do. (I couldn't tell him where dragon babies came from. He's too young.) Are you okay?" Gana-"I got a headache. I need to rest." Pyron-"Okay. I'll go look for food. You two rest here." So I flew off.
I search for minutes on end and found nothing. No berries, no apples, not even no fish in the river. I walked since I had to rest my wings. I thought about our friends. I hoped their okay. Since I couldn't find food I headed back...tired wings and all.
I found Gana...but Volt wasn't there. Pyron-"Huh? Where's Volt? (I landed) Gana, where's Volt?" Gana-"Go away. I don't need you anymore." Pyron-"Huh? Gana?" Voice-"You insulant brat. Without me, your nothing." Pyron-"Gana, what's going on with you?" Voice-"Back off you!" She knocks me back. Pyron-"Hey! What was that for?" Voice-"Get away from me. I don't need you!" Pyron-"Stop this Gana. I'm not leaving your side." Gana-"Pyron...please help. Jane's...taking cont....aaaaaaaaaaa!" Pyron-"Gana!!" Jane-"She resisted long enough. It's time we head back to Bulco." Pyron-"Huh? Who are you? What have you done to Gana?" Jane-"I am Jane. I'm Gana's more...vicious side. It's good to see you again Pyron." Pyron-"What? Wait....Diamond Port! I knew I saw that vicious side before. I thought Bulco took control of Gana." Jane-"He did, but only long enough for me to be free to kill you." Pyron-"What? Kill me?" Jane-"Gana was suppose to live her life alone. She was given power beyond measures. When she dies I would have taken over her body. But then you showed up and gave Gana a reason to live. She was suppose to be dead but you healed her and purified her blood of the drug. Now we're no longer all powerful, and Gana's pregnant...and it's all your fault." Pyron-"I love Gana and she loves me. Why don't you do what she says and leave her alone you witch." Jane-"Careful how you talk to us Pyron. We can kill you." Pyron-"Gana won't allow it. And I'll help her." Jane-"How? You can't harm the dragoness your in love with, and our baby is still inside us, so you can't touch us." Jane's right. I can't ring harm to Gana or our baby. Gana-"No....I won't let you...harm my....dragon...Jane!" Pyron-"Gana!" Jane-"Stop Gana! Your weak!" Gana-"Not when my friends are around me. With them, I'm stronger than you Jane!" Pyron-"Come on Gana. Keep resisting." Jane-"No! This can't be! Aaaaaaaaa!!!!!!" Gana passes out.
I ran to her. Pyron-"Gana! Please be okay." Gana-"P...Pyron....I'm so sorry....for what Jane would do to you...." Pyron-"It's okay. You beat her." Gana-"But she's still a part of me. I wish I can get rid of her for good." Volt-"Is Gana okay?" Volt came out of the bush. Pyron-"Volt? Yeah." Volt-"Gana told me to hide behind the bush until you came back. We can head for the Wind Tunnel when your ready." We agreed. Half an hour later we flew and soon felt a powerful gust of wind. Suddenly we were riding the jetstream. Pyron-"What? We're riding a cooridor of wind?" Volt-"This is the Wind Tunnel. There many of then that connect to Dragonopolis." We rode it for 10 minutes then it died down. Gana-"Look. A city." Volt-"That's Dragonopolis." Pyron-"Wow. We made it." So we head for Dragonopolis, hoping to meet the one name Kaiser.

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