Saturday, August 1, 2009

Ground Melos

We arrived at the elves' island. As usual Griz and the Vixers stayed on the boat to keep it safe. The rest of us ventured into the island, including Ruby. Nikki stayed close to me, which made me nervous. Gana seemed okay by it, knowing my heart belongs to her. We soon spotted an elf. Lemir-"Mistress Ruby, your safe and sound, and you brought friends. Please follow me."We followed the elf to the heart of the island where we saw more elves. We saw a dragon as well, except he had no wings but was able to fly. Pyron-"How is he flying and have no wings?" Ruby-"Melos is from the Eastern part of our world. He's an Eastern Earth Dragon." Pyron-"Eastern Dragon?" Gana-"Yeah. There are several types of dragons. Westerns like us, Easterns like Melos who are spoken of in Chinese legends, Wyverns: dragons who have wings for arms, Lizardos: dragons resembling lizards that can't fly, Furdragons who are covered in fur, and Dinos who, well, resemble dinosaurs." Pyron-"I didn't know that." Melos-"It does my heart good to know your safe old friend." Ruby-"Likewise Melos. Have you heard from Thundrax and Nessie?" Melos-"Yes. Their preparing to evacuate their islands too. It's no longer safe for any of us. My friends, the elves, are leaving too." Gana-"So your saying we can't defend the islands?" Melos-"No...not after what Robby did to the fairies' home." Nera-"Robby..." Lagon-"So now what? Buraki wants to get to Spyro and Cynder so he can make them evil. We have to stop him." Robby-"You should worry more about yourself Lagon." We look up and saw Robby.
Lagon-"Robby?! He's as big as me!" Robby-"Yes. Now I'll destroy this island with you along with it Lagon. Muhahahaha!!!" Nera-"Stop it Robby! Can't you see what your about to do?" Robby-"Yes...destroy this island and take Lagon along with it." Melos-"Earth Shot! (Robby was hit) All of you, go!" Nikki-"Wait Melos, you have to come too." Melos-"No lass. I'm afraid I can't. (Throws crystal shard to Ruby) I have to defend this island. It's my duty as a grand elder dragon. Ruby, my longtime friend, this is where we part ways. Take care of yourself." Ruby-"I will....old friend...lets go everyone!" Pyron-"But we can't leave Melos behind." Ruby-"We have no choice. Come on!" So we fled while Melos fought Robby. We ran as fast as we could to the shore, the whole time listening to the colossal fight.
We got to the shore and got on the boat. Griz-"Okay people, we're out." We sailed as far as we could. We were about 300 yards away when we saw what Robby did to the elves' island. He engulfed it in a giant ball of shadow and destroyed it. Gana-"Oh no. Was Melos...killed?" Ruby-"He did what he thought was right. We can't let his sacrafice be in vain." We were all sad. Spirit-"Guys, I see Melos's spirit. He's saying not to give up and continue on." Nikki-"I didn't know what I just got myself into, but I'm willing to help you guys out even more." Flame-"Yeah. We can still do this. We have to get to Draco Island." We all agreed.
Pyron-"What the-?! What are those things?" Spirit-"It must be Buraki's Aerostat machines." Pyron-"I got to find Gana." Nikki-"Be careful." I ran and ran until I saw my dad. Pyron-"Dad?" Magmis-" kill...for Master Buraki." Pyron-"No! He's a Dragon Hunter too! I got to get outta here." I ran and ran. Pyron-"Gana, where are you?" Gana-"I'm here Pyron." Buraki-"Hahaha! Now I found you two. With you both gone, the resistance will fall. Hahahahaha!! Take this!!" Voice-"Mom! Dad! Look out!" A female dragon was trying to get to us. Pyron-"Huh?! Aaaaaaaa!" I woke up. I was in my cabin with Gana. That was a weird dream I had. It felt so...real. I got up to go get some air. Something didn't feel right. That dream I didn't felt ordinary. Was it...the future? If it is, then I got a bad feeling about this. The worse has yet to come...

1 comment:

  1. A.W.E.S.O.M.E! xD and that's for all the story too x°3 Good Job!
