Saturday, August 1, 2009

Pyron and Gana's dilemma

Hours have passed since Ruby saved my life. My friends came and saw me on the pedestal. They were all happy I was alive. I was still feeling weak since my powers and abilities hasn't been restored. A fairy came by with a cup of some kind of juice. Magix-"Here. This will restore your energy my prince." I laughed a little. Pyron-"I'm no prince, but thanks." I drink the elixer. Magix-"I'm Magix. You can call me the energy healer of the fairies. The little white mouse said your royalty like Lady Ruby." Pyron-"Wow. That's some powerful stuff. Um, Elmo just like to call me and Gana a prince and princess." Magix-"Well, you two are royalty. Your Gana's prince and she's your princess." I laughed so hard my sides hurt. Ruby-"Okay Magix. Let Pyron rest up." Magix-"Yes my lady." She flies away. Gana and Spirit showed up. Pyron-"Hm? Gana. Spirit. How come your here?" Spirit-"We wonder that too." Gana-"So why did you ask us to come Ruby?" Ruby-"Well, it involves all 3 of you."
Ruby-"Gana, Spirit, have you 2 notice know much stronger you 2 become whenever your around Pyron.?" Gana-"Come to think of it, when Pyron was in trouble back at Mist Falls my weather power grew more powerful." Spirit-"And when I used mine I destroyed the village." Ruby-"Then you can thank Pyron for your power boost." Gana and Spirit-"Huh?" Pyron-"What do you mean?" Ruby-"Well Pyron, you can channel your spirit energy into others who you hold into your heart, like Spirit and Gana for example. When you do so, you give them your energy. It's a special ability you have call the Power Swap." Pyron-"Power Swap?" Ruby-"Used correctly, you can give your friends your strength. But, it only works during desperate situations...and it'll only activate on its own." Pyron-"That's just great..." Ruby-"Don't feel discourage. Thanks to your spirit energy, Gana and Spirit were able to give you there's to help Sapphire beat Reaper." Pyron-"What?! You know about that?" Ruby-"Yep. As a powerful grand elder dragon I have many useful abilities." Gana-"A grand elder dragon? But, your so young." Ruby-"I'm 870 years old but I feel like I'm 470." Pyron-"Wow." Ruby-"Spirit, can you leave us. I want to talk to Gana and Pyron alone." Spirit-"Yeah...sure." Spirit leaves.
Ruby-" Listen you 2. What I'm about to tell you may help you Gana and Pyron...or it can destroy you both." Gana-"D-destroy us?" Pyron-"What do you mean?" Ruby-"You both know you have to kill Kyle." Gana-"Kyle..." Pyron-"...Kyle." Ruby-"Gana, you have feelings for him but don't want to kill him, and Pyron, you want to save him. You two will have to combine your strength more than ever to kill Kyle." Pyron-"But...I...I can't..." Gana-"I don't know if I can." Ruby-"Kyle pleaded with me to tell you both. He even spoke to Sapphire for your help. If you don't kill him, it all ends." Pyron-"But how can we?" Ruby-"By helping and working with each other. It's the only way to save him. Once you do that, the war will then turned in your favor. Most dragons believe in a life after death. There's a belief that when a good dragon's life ends a new one begins for them." Pyron-"My mom once told me a story about that when I was just a kid." Gana-"I think I heard it too." Ruby-"Then you know what you have to do. Slay Kyle and you'll save him." Gana and I looked at each other. We both know this won't be easy for us, but we know we have no choice. If we want to save Kyle, we have to kill him. Ruby-"Tomarrow Pyron, you'll be fully healed, then you and your friends can go and continue on with your journey to Draco Island. And no worries, you have plenty of time. For now, you and your comrades rest up." Ruby leaves, leaving Gana and me alone. She came closer to me, a lot closer. Gana-"Pyron, do you think we can kill and save Kyle?" Pyron-" If Ruby believes we can, then...we can." She rested her head on my shoulder and I placed my left wing around her. I looked up and saw how beautiful the night sky was. Kyle...don't worry. Gana and I will save you.

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