Saturday, August 15, 2009

A Dreadful Decision

2 days passed. The villagers named their village after Gana and me. They called it "Ganron Village". Mayor Rabbitt was proud to name his village after us. Even the townspeople too. The following day I woke up to find my face wet. Gana was licking my face. Pyron-"Are you trying to drown me in saliva?" Gana-"No. Just licking your face for no reason. Oh wait, yes there is. (Licks my face again) It's because I love you so much." Pyron-"I can see that." Voice-"We know their here, so hand them over." Rabbitt-"I told you, their not here. Take your business elsewhere. We have no dragons here." We peeked out and saw a bunch of Buraki's soldiers. Soldier-"Then explain the statue?" Rabbitt-"We honor dragons." Buraki-"Then I should be honored." Buraki appeared out of the sky. Rabbitt-"B-Buraki!" Buraki-"Come on out Gana and Pyron. I know your here." He flaps his wings and takes out our tent. Rabbitt-"Oh no." Buraki-"Seize them." The soldiers came at us but Gana and I fought them off. Voice-"She's over there." Pyron-"That squeaky voice..." Buraki-"Your mine Gana." Pyron-"Stay away from her." Buraki swats me to the side. Gana-"Pyron!" The soldiers grabbed me. Pyron-"Get outta here Gana." She tries to flee. Gana-"Aaaa! Not again!"Buraki grabs her. Buraki-"Gotcha." Gana-"Aaaaa!" Buraki-"Hm? So you are....?" Pyron-"Let her go!" I was bashed in the head and blacked out.
Gana-"Pyron, please wake up." Aaaaa...too familiar. I woke up. Pyron-"Gana..." Gana-"Thank goodness your okay." Pyron-"Where are we?" Vinny-"Your in Buraki's lair." Pyron-"Buraki's lair?" Buraki-"That's right." Gana-"Vinny, how can you rat us out?" Vinny-"What can I say? I'm a rat. Now Buraki, about my reward." Buraki-"Yes. Henchmen, take him to the chambers. And take Pyron out of the cage." They took me out. Gana-"Pyron!" Pyron-"I'll be okay Gana." Buraki-"Don't worry. The 3 of you will be together." Pyron-"3? What 3?" Buraki-"What? Gana didn't tell you? She is after all pregnant." Pyron-"What?!" Buraki-"Come with me."
We were somplace secluded. Buraki-"Pyron, what if I told you your child will bring destruction to the dragon race?" Pyron-"I say your lying." Buraki-"Well, some months from now, after your child hatches Judement Day will occur." Pyron-"Judgement Day?" Buraki-"It'll bring total chaos to all dragonkind and there's no stopping it...unless you kill Gana and your child." Pyron-"I'll do no such things." Buraki-"She's been using you. You took away her ultimate power so she thought why not bear your child so that your kid brings the dragon race to extinction. Then, it'll be your fault. (I said nothing) You had dreams of a dreaded future. What do you expect?" Oh no, Buraki's right. Pyron-"Those were just nightmares." Buraki-"You must kill Gana and your baby before Judgement Day happens. To so good faith, I'll let you both go." Taking advantage of the situation, I escapes, got Gana out of her cage and we fled from Buraki's lair. Gana-"I'm glad nothing happen to you. (I said nothing) Pyron?" Pyron-"Huh? Oh, it's nothing Gana." I was now confused.
Gana and I found somplace far to the west. Gana told us we should head west of the dragon star. That's where Tigres Town is. We rested for the night. I woke up in the middle of the night. Gana was sound asleep. I remember what Buraki told me. Was Gana really using me? I approached her. Even sleeping she was beautiful. I open my mouth and created a fireball. Was this the way? Do I kill my beloved Gana. Tears ran down my eyes. I remember the good times we shared, when I saved her life, when she help me fought off Bulco, even stayed with me when I was near death. I could never harm an elegant scale on her. I extinguish the fire and went by the little lake. I know I did the right thing. Gana-"Pyron?" Pyron-"Gana? You should rest." Gana-"I'm good. Pyron...I'm....I'm...pregnant." Pyron-"So it is true. You are carrying our child?" Gana-"Yeah. I had hope this wouldn't had happen." Pyron-"Don't be silly Gana. We shared...well, enjoyable times together. I'm proud to have a child from you." Gana-"Really? That means so much. Our little girl will be happy." I rubbed Gana's belly. Pyron-"So, it's female?" I smiled and Gana and I snuggled. Vinny-"Well Buraki, your plan failed. Pyron didn't kill Gana. At least I got paid." Buraki-"Actually, your payment's in there." Vinny-"Really. (Opens chamber and a large dragon's head pops out) What the?! Get back! What is that?" Buraki-"That's...Master Buraki." Vinny-"What?! Noooooo!" Master Buraki eats him. Buraki turns into Tirips. Tirips-"Well master, the plan's in motion. Your body's in full development now." Buraki-"Good. Now destroy the traitors, and Gana and Pyron." Tirips-"Yes master." Buraki-"Soon all dragonkind will fall for rejecting me. I will rule the world. Muhahahahahaaaa!!!"

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