Sunday, August 2, 2009

Draco Island Pt. 3-Golem Attack

Lagon-"Let's hurry everyone. Tyfus should reach Draco Island any minute now." Nikki-"We're going as fast as we can Lagon." Spirit-"Gana, Pyron, please be safe." Nera-(I hope they got to Spyro and Cynder). Tyfus was lobbing fire rocks at us as we ran down the path. We were still too high up to fly. Kyle-"Let's hurry up everyone." We were able to eventually get low enough in good flying conditions. Gana-"Alright fellow dragons. Let's fly." We took off with Tyfus still hurling fire rocks at us. Spyro-"We have to destroy that thing." Gana-"Then why are we just standing around? Let go." So we attacked Tyfus. Kyle went with a Sonic Wave, Gana went with her Heat power, then Cynder lob her Poison shot and both Spyro and I went with our fire attacks, but we hardly did any damage to him. Pyron-"Anyone have a plan B?" Kyle-"I do. Distract him guys. (So we did. What was Kyle up to?) Open wide big guy." Pyron-"What?! Is he...?" Tyfus opened his mouth and Kyle flew right in. Gana-"Kyyyyyyyle!"
Lagon-"Look, it's Tyfus. Lets go." Gana-"Kyle..." Cynder-"Don't worry Gana. I'm sure he's fine." Spyro-"Come on, we have to defeat him." Spirit-"Gana! Pyron!" Pyron-"Look! Here come the others." Lagon-"Good. We got here just in time. And it seems you awaken Spyro and Cynder." Pyron-"Yeah, but introductions later. We got to take down Tyfus now." So together Lagon, Spirit, Nera, Nikki, Gana, Spyro, Cynder, and I attacked Tyfus. We still didn't do enough of damage. Suddenly Tyfus was beginning to crack. Cynder-Look. He's cracking up." Nera-"But how?" Pyron-"Kyle must have done it." Lagon-"Kyle?" Nikki-"Uh, shouldn't we all fly up now?" Spyro-"Yeah. Come on." We flew up just in time. Tyfus exploded. Gana-"Is Kyle okay?" Seconds later we saw Kyle. Pyron-"Kyle, your okay." Kyle-"Yeah. My Sonic Blast did the trick on his heart." Nera-"Look. Here comes Griz's boat." Pyron-"Whew. Let's go home everyone."
As we ride the boat back to Diamond Port we explained what had happened. Ruby-"I see. You destroyed the darkness within Kyle and spared his life." Pyron-"Yeah. Maybe we can do the same with Robby Nera." Kyle-"That won't be possible. His spirit's been outside his body far too long. It's just a shell fill with dark energy now." Nera-"Robby..." Kyle-"Nera, don't feel down. Robby wants you to go on. Besides, you have a new guy in your life and he treats you well." Nera-"Yeah...just like Robby. Lagon is amazing." Kyle-"And Pyron, you got Gana." Pyron-"Yeah. And speaking of which...Ruby, what's the deal with you not telling me the whole truth? You know something, don't you? (There was silence) Oh, I get it. You told everyone but not me. I want to know now." Gana-"Pyron, i-it's not that important. Let's go get something to eat." Pyron-"Sorry Gana. Tell me what I need to hear Ruby, not what I want to hear." Ruby-"I can't. Gana, can you?" Gana-"...Okay. Pyron, the reason why you and I are important is-" Suddenly the wind picked up. Silver-"Wow, A sudden gale we got here." Ruby-"Oh no, and he's causing it." We looked up and saw a snake that looked like a wyvern. Spyro-"Who is that?" Lagon-"Buraki..." All-"Buraki?!" Cynder-"Who's Buraki?" Gana-"He's an evil snake who's doing deadly experiments on dragons and other creatures." Pyron-"All so he can become the ultimate dragon." Spyro-"That's terrible." Buraki-"Hehehe. Looks like I found you. And you woke up Spyro and Cynder." Lagon-"We won't let you take them." Buraki-"Lagon...clueless as ever. I'm not here for them. I'm here for...Gana and Pyron!" Gana-"What?!" Pyron-"Us?!" He fires some kind of beam at us. All-"Aaaaaaaa!" The ship was hit and destroyed. We were all tossed overboard and landed in the water. We were okay. Ruby-"Is everyone okay?" Nikki-"Yeah. Where's Pyron and Gana?" Saka-"Oh no. Look!" Buraki had us. Lagon-"No! Buraki got them." Spirit-"Gana! Pyron!" Gana and I were both knocked out. Nera-"We can't pursue them." Ruby-"No. This can't be..." With us captured, how will Gana and I escape from Buraki?

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