Saturday, August 1, 2009

Valley Mystery

Many of us feasted a good hardy meal, more of us than others. Saka-"Listen up everyone. At first light we'll make haste to Diamond Port. There we can grab a ship there and head for Draco Island." Pyron-"A ship, but most of us can't fit on a ship, and dragons like us take up a lot of space." Silver-"There's no need to worry about the space. The ships at the port are big and first-rate. Even it'll fit 3 medium-size dragons, big boy Lagon, and little Spirit." Silver laughs a good laugh. Half an hour later most of the cheetahs went to sleep along with the vixers. The night air was a little chilly but I couldn't feel it since my inner fire kept me warm. It was quiet here in Hulcana Village. I also though what Flame was doing. I hope he's okay.
I found Gana by herself. Usually Spirit's with her, but the little guy wasn't with her. I remember he told her he loved to protect her. Even though Spirit was too young for love he had a big crush on Gana. I was okay with it, but I'm not sure we'll be together for long. I decided to go to her. Pyron-"Hey Gana. (I sat by her and she hugged me. My heart and pulse began to race. It happens whenever we're together.) What are you doing here?" She told me she spoke to a little white mouse name Elmo whose family is still at a lab being tested upon. She told me what she told him. I thought about how I was tested on with those fluids. I saw the agony the dragons, foxes, griffins, and rodents went through, even innocent humans. Gana told Elmo that so he'll know the truth. Pyron-"Yeah. Well, you did the right thing. Are you tired?" Gana-"No I wanna be with you a little more." We never got to spend enough time alone, and I thought this might be a good time. Pyron-"Well, let's go somewhere quiet, like the valley." Gana-" cuddle under the stars?" We smiled and took off for the valley.
The valley was as peaceful as Mist Falls Forest. That however wasn't on my mind. I was hoping my sister Luna's okay and Dragoune got the villagers to Warfang safely. Gana-"Umm, Pyron, what's that over there?" Pyron-"Huh? Where?" Gana-"Over there." She pointed in the direction but I didn't see anything. Suddenly Gana screams and falls down to the river. Pyron-"Gana!!!" I dove in to rescue her. I was able to pull her out of the river and took her back to Hulcana Village.
We got back to the hut and the village doctor looked at her. Gana only had a bruised right shoulder. I was relieved. Spirit was there too asleep and had the same bruise. I don't know what had happened.
I decided to head back out and find clues as to what attacked Gana. I searched for hours and came up with nothing. As I was about to head back to Hulcana I saw a ghost...of Kyle. Pyron-"Kyle!!" Kyle-"Pyron, fly to the north, quickly. There's not much time." I didn't know what's going on, but I headed north. Some minutes later I saw a dragon out cold on the ground. Pyron-"No! It's Flame!" I flew down. He was barely conscious. Kyle-"Your friend was in a brutal fight with Emalf and my evil self." Pyron-"No. Where are they now?" Kyle-"Back at the Dead Zone. Get Flame to Hulcana and make haste to Diamond Port. A nasty earth golem named Tyfus is heading for Draco Island." Hurry, and please, protect Gana at all costs." He fades away. Pyron-"Kyle!!!" I couldn't waste anymore time. I put Flame on my back and flew as fast as I could to Hulcana. We got to leave for the port now, before that golem gets to Spyro and Cynder.
About half an hour later I brought Flame to the doctor and he began to treat Flame's wounds. I went out to get some air. As I stared at the stars someone approached me. I look and saw what looked like a half unicorn half flying fox creature. I wondered who this unicorn bat person was. Pyron-"Who are you?" Saturday-"I'm Saturday, a Heraldic and you must be the dragon that I seek." I wonder what she could want with me.

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