Saturday, August 1, 2009

Love hurts

Spirit-"Pyron! The egg finally hatched." Gana-"Pyron, say hi to your daughter." Pyron-"Aww...she's so cute. Ow! She bit my nose." Gana-"That's her way of giving you a kiss." Pyron-"Well, she's a little angel." Gana-"Angel...that's what we'll call her. Angel." Elmo-"You have a way with names Pyron." Pyron-"I guess. Hey, the sky went black." Buraki-"Muhahahaha!!! I found you all. Now, DIE!" Pyron-"Everyone, look out! Noooooo!"
I woke up. Was it a dream...or a vision of the future? We have traveled for weeks from Mist Falls Village to Hulcana Village to Diamond Port and were heading for Draco Island. We stop by an unnamed island and met with Thundrax, a Wyvern type Electric Dragon and Nessie, a Plesiosaur kind of Water Dragon. They gave us these 2 small crystals and parted ways. They were able to evacuate the islands knowing well Robby could show up. After Melos's death that's no surprise. I was in my room with Gana as usual. She was sound asleep...or so I thought. I lean over to kiss her on the cheek. Next thing I know she kisses me on the lips. Gana-"Now that's a kiss for my boyfriend." Pyron-"Hey! You weren't suppose to do that. (My stomach growls) Guess I'm hungry." Gana-"Me too. Let's go." We met up with the others in the mess hall and ate breakfast. After eating I went outside.
I was out on deck when Nikki came. Nikki snuggles me. Pyron-"Nikki, I told you I'm into Gana." Nikki-"Aww Pyron. Quit playing hard to get. I won't bite." Gana then showed up. Gana-"Okay Nikki, I've been cool with youri infatuation towards Pyron, but he's my mate, not yours." Nikki-"Oh, I'm just having some fun. Lighten up Gana. Say I know. Why don't you and I fight for Pyron. The winner gets to have his claw in marriage." Pyron-"What?! I'm no game piece you can just-" Gana-"Okay, I'm in." Pyron-"Gana?!" Lagon-"What's going on?" Saka-"Looks like Nikki and Gana are gonna fight." Griz-"And I bet Pyron's the prize." Flame-"So we're gonna find out which one will be Pyron's official mate? Neat." Pyron-"I'm not cool with this." Nikki-"Well, you first." Gana-"Good. Taste my Heating power." Spirit-"Look at the electricity building in Gana." She a heat ball but Nikki counters with a fireball. Gana-"What?!" Nikki-"Now you see me (disappears) now you don't." Elmo-"Nikki vanished." Gana closes her eyes. Pyron-"Stop it you two. This is pointless." Gana smacks Nikki with her tail and made her reappear. Silver-"Ha! Direct hit." Gana was hit with ice shards. Saka-"Quite the counter move for Nikki." They fought for about an hour. They took hits and gave back too. How can I stop these two? Spirit-"You think Gana will try that blue lightning move?" Nera-"No. The ship's not large enough." Gana fires another fire ball and Nikki does the same. They were both hit. Lagon-"Whoa, their both still standing." They were exhausted and they collapsed. Pyron-"Gana! Nikki." I ran to both and heal them up. Gana-"Guess it's a tie huh?" Nikki-"Yeah...for now." Pyron-"No. No more you two. We got a mission to complete." They got up. Ruby-"Pyron's right. We have to get to Draco Island fast. Gana. Pyron. You two fly on ahead to Draco Island." Gana and Pyron-"Huh?" She gave us all 4 crystals. Gana-"Why are you giving these to us Ruby?" Pyron-"And why only the two of us. We're stronger together as a team." Ruby-"True. YOU two work better as a team." Gana-"But..." Ruby-"You two have the highest amount of magic within you both. Gana, you and Pyron are more important than you realize." Pyron-"What? How so?" Ruby-"Sorry Pyron. Your not ready to know why." Pyron-"But..." Spirit-"Pyron, what Ruby says. We'll catch up." I didn't want to leave. Nikki-"We'll be ok. You go on ahead." Pyron-"....Okay." Gana and I took fligh and headed for Draco Island on our own, with the 4 crystals with us. Ruby knows something and is reluctant to tell me what it is. Gana and I are that important? Why? Gana-"Pyron, let's pick up the pace." Pyron-"Oh, right." Our next stop is Draco Island. We gotta hurry. I hope we make it in time.

1 comment:

  1. lol the fight was awsome. and Gana knows the future cause shes seen things but doesnt want to tell pyron that,so shes quiet
