Sunday, August 2, 2009

Draco Island Pt. 2-Reawakening

A couple of hours have passed. Gana, Kyle, and I were walking up the mountain path. As we went higher the wind picked up. We couldn't fly so we walked. Kyle was quiet. Pyron-"Kyle, you okay?" Kyle-"...No." Pyron-"Kyle, if your mad that Gana loves me, all I can say is-" Kyle-"Save your apology Pyron. I don't need it." Gana-"Kyle?! How can you be so rude to Pyron?" Kyle-"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I said that because you two were destined for one another." Pyron-"Huh?" Kyle-"That day when we first met Pyron, I had a dream. During the time I fell for Gana, but I saw her with you and...I became jealous." Pyron-"Jealous...of me?" Kyle-"Yes. Despite that, you kept watch over Gana. You even saved her life by curing her of that drug. I'll always love Gana, but it's you that's her mate, not me. (I was speechless) Promise me one thing. Protect Gana at all costs." Pyron-"I will." Gana-"Pyron..." Kyle-"Come on. Tyfus is getting closer." We continued on.
Lagon-"Griz, can't this tub go any faster?" Griz-"No Lagon. This is as fast as she'll go." Spirit-"Do you think we'll make it in time Lagon?" Lagon-"We have to Spirit." Nera-(I hope Gana and Pyron are okay. I got a bad feeling about this). Something big comes out of the water. Saka-"Whoa! What is that beast?" Lagon-"Oh no. It's Tyfus." He dives down. Flame-"That means he's on his way to Draco Island. We'll never reach it." Ruby-"Lagon, you take Nera, Spirit, Nikki, and Flame with you." Flame-"But Ruby, I can't fly with these crystals in my wing." Ruby-"Hmm...Okay, the rest of you go. I'll see what I can do for Flame." Lagon-"Alright. Let's go people." They took flight.
Back on Draco Peak, we near the top. Gana-"Pyron, where you got that crystal from?" Pyron-"I met this Heraldic name Saturday. She gave me this crystal in order to resurrect Jewel and Kaloth." Gana-"I see. How you know it would have expelled the darkness within Kyle?" Pyron-"Well, I didn't. Guess it was luck. Hahahaha." Kyle-"We're here." We found the cave at the top. We went inside.
As we walked we saw a lot of crystals. We found the one crystal we've been searching for: the one containing the legendary dragons Spyro and Cynder. Gana-"Wow. It's really them. Spyro...and Cynder..." Pyron-"Let's put these crystals Ruby gave us around them." So we did. The seconds feel like an eternity. Suddenly the 4 crystals glew. All the crystals reacted in the same way. The big crystal shattered. Spyro and Cynder were free. Kyle-"It'll take a while for them to wake up. We should wait." We agreed.
An hour passes. Spyro-" head." Cynder-"What's going...on?" Kyle-"Looks like their awake." Spyro-"Huh? Who are you?" Kyle-"Relax. I'm Kyle." Gana-"I'm Gana." Pyron-"And I'm Pyron." Cynder-"Where are we?" Gana-"Your inside Draco Peak on Draco Island." Spyro-"Wait, I remember. The elder dragons sealed us away because our dark powers were increasing. Why did you release us?" Pyron-"An earth golem name Tyfus is on his way here to destroy both you and Cynder Spyro." Gana-"We have to get out of here before he comes." Cynder-"Okay. Lead the way." We ran out the cave and suddenly saw a colossal creature coming out of the sea. Pyron-"By the ancestors. What is that thing?" Kyle-"It's Tyfus. Rotten timing too. We can't fly with dangerous winds blowing all around us." Gana-"Then what can we do?" Our options were running out as Tyfus approaches us. Do we flee or do we fight? To be continued...

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