Saturday, August 1, 2009

Losing one's mind

We were off for Draco Island. Our mission was to find and locate Spyro and Cynder. I was feeling weird soon after we left Diamond Port. That horrid Bulco took control of Gana and forced her to fight me, and he knew I wouldn't fight back. Lately I wasn't feeling alright. I thought I was seasick, but I wasn't. One of the Vixers was seasick and I didn't feel the same way he did. I felt...strange. Bulco-"Pyron. Hear my call. Kill Gana and the others. They will betray you and kill your family." Bulco...he's talking to me. Ever since we left I heard his voice more and more. My heart and mind are strong, but I'm not sure how strong.
It was almost night when we were all eating...well, except me. I did get the chance to meet Elmo. The little guy sees Gana and me as royalty. He's such a noble little mouse. I remember Gana and Elmo mentioned some dragonlike creatures call the Manti, a beautiful but deadly white lady call Arta Kahaja, and the Narov Mantine Larva of the black forest. Bulco-"Kill them Pyron. Lagon, Gana, they'll betray you." Bulco was stronger than I thought. No wonder Gana hates him. Gana-"Pyron?" Pyron-"Gana!" Gana-"Huh?" Pyron-"Umm...nothing." Gana-"Pyron, is something bothering you?" Gana can read me like a book. If I tell her it'll make her worry. My head was spinning. Pyron-"No." Gana-"When you need me just call me ok? Don't hide. I'll be downstairs." I nodded and she left. After a while I got hungry so I went downstairs.
Bulco-"Lagon will bring you to your doom." Lagon-"Hahahaha! Foolish Pyron. Now I'll kill your sister." It was so real. I was loosing it. Pyron-"Stop it...just stop it Lagon!" Gana-"Pyron, we we're just joking around. He's my friend." I looked at her. She saw I had fear in my eyes. My eyes were as bloody as Bulco's. Gana-"Oh no. Pyron, lets go upstairs. (We went into a room and Gana locks the door.) Pyron. Don't let him in your mind. Think about the things that make you happy." Pyron-"" Gana-"Think about your family, your friends." Things were quiet now that night was falling. We went to bed together.
My head was throbing relentlessly as I try to sleep. Bulco's power was something. I can see why Gana hates him so much. I got up to get some air. As I went out to the deck I saw Silver was up. She doesn't get much sleep, seeing how adventures keep her up. I saw some fog coming in from a distance. Griz-"Hmm...better anchor here for the night." We did stop by a small island so Griz thinks we can stop here and continue in the morning, when there's less fog.
I went back to my room with Gana. She was still asleep. I kissed her and fell asleep beside her. Bulco-"You can't escape Pyron. Your mind and heart are strong, but not even you can withstand my power. I will control you and you will kill your friends." I woke up and Gana wasn't here. Pyron-"Gana?" Bulco-"She can't help you. You will kill her." Pyron-"Get out of my head!" Bulco-"Kill your friends. Destroy your family." Pyron-"Stop it. I won't!" Bulco-"Kill Gana, your beloved mate. Hahahahahahahaha!" Pyron-"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!"
I passed out and seconds later heard footsteps. It was Gana. Gana-"Oh thank god, he's ok. (I wanted to speak but I couldn't.) Everything's gonna be ok Pyron. I'm not gonna let you down." I felt her kiss my neck. Seconds as she leaves I got up. I was angry. Bulco was in control of me. I roared. I wanted Gana to get away from me, but I attacked her. She was pleading for me to stop. I jumped up and with all my might resisted Bulco's hold on me. Gana-"Pyron?" I went to the other side and Gana came to me. Pyron-"Gana, I almost hurt you. I-I can't do anything..this is the first of many...I-(She hugged me) Gana, can you do me one favor?" Gana-"Of course." Pyron-"Gana, I want you to kill me." Gana-"What?!" Pyron-"Kill me!" Spirit and Elmo camed. Gana-" Spirit, go back to your room please! Pyron, I'm not gonna kill you." Pyron-"I'm possessed.Please,just do it before I do more horrible things!" She kissed me and seconds later I began to calm down. Gana-"I love you Pyron. I love you." I passed out after that. Gana broke Bulco's hold on me and everyone was happy. She took me back to my room and lied next to me. I was out like a light but I still felt the psychic connection we shared. I want to be there for Gana. I want to be with her forever. But now I fear I may have endangered my friends even more...

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