Saturday, August 1, 2009

Ruby's secret and Nikki's crush

We gather around Ruby and waited to hear what she will tell us. Nikki was close to me...and it made me nervous. I was certain about one thing...if what Ruby tells us that the islands are important, we're in trouble. Ruby-"Since you all know Fairy Island was destroyed, I have to confess something to you. The 4 islands serve a major purpose. " Nera-"What kind of purpose?" Ruby-"Before I explain, Nikki, are you with us?" Nikki-"Well, Pyron saved my life (She snuggles me) so I'll help. Um, where are you guys going anyway?" Gana-"We're going to Draco Island to find Spyro and Cynder. We believe their at the top of Draco Peak." Nera-"So we're going there to find them before Buraki's forces get there." Nikki-"I never met them or know this Buraki guy, but I'll help long as Pyron's willing to fight." My heartrate increased as I got nervous. I got the feeling Nikki has a crush on me.
Ruby-"Ah, you arrived." We saw a white light come down. It took on the shape of a dragon. Sapphire-"Hi handsome." Pyron-"Sapphire?! How are you here?" Sapphire-"I came at the request of Ruby." Ruby-"As I wanted to show Pyron and Gana, Sapphire's new purpose is a spirit dragon. She travels to help those who lost their way. Like you Pyron." I said nothing. Ruby-"Now, the 4 major islands here serve a much more secret purpose. They create a mystical barrier that protects Draco Island." Spirit-"Really?" Ruby-"Yes. However, this can only happen when grand elder dragons like myself can channel our powers to create it. If the island or the dragon are destroyed, the barrier weakens." Pyron-"Then Robby was after the island all along?" Sapphire-"Yes, but since he's been influence further by the dark power of Buraki, his spirit was unfortunately expelled and now he roams around." Nera-"No...can we save him?" Sapphire-"I'm afraid you can't. His body so far poisoned not even Pyron's healing power can help him. Robby may not have a physical body, but he's still here for you Nera. I'll find him for you." Nera-"...Thank you."
Pyron-"Who are the other elders on the islands?" Ruby-"The grand elders for these islands include Thundrax, Nessie, Melos, and myself. Melos is on the isle of elves." Griz-"So that's where we're heading." Nikki-"Wow, you guys have quite the mission." Lagon-"So, are you scared?" Nikki-"No way. I'm a good fighter myself. Count me in to help you out." Looks like Nikki's with us. We need all the help we can get. If the remaining islands or the elders get destroyed, Buraki will be a step closer to getting Spyro and Cynder. But something tells me Ruby knows a bit more.
Nightfall. We anchored for the night. I was on the deck looking up. I felt someone kiss my cheek. I looked but no one was there. Then Nikki appears in front of me. Pyron-"Aaaa! You startled me." Nikki-"Hehehe. I just wanted to thank you for saving me earlier. You are my hero Pyron." Pyron-"Well, thank you. (She snuggles me) Um, will you stop? I am in a relationship." Nikki-"I don't mind. Your cute. (She kisses me on the lips) Well, hot and spicy for a fire dragon." She disappears. Pyron-"Where did-" I felt a hug. Nikki-"See you in the morning handsome." My trip couldn't be more milder could it? Gana-"Hey Pyron." Pyron-"Gana. It's good to see you." She cuddles me. Gana-"Well, your quite the guy amongst the females." Pyron-"Yeah...don't know how I attract them." Gana-"Maybe it's because your nice, honest, and...good looking?" She cuddles me more and we head back to our room together.
We we're up bright and early. We sailed and we soon saw a big island up ahead. Silver-"We're coming towards an island." Sapphire-"The island of the elves." Ruby-"I hope we can warn Melos in time." I hope so too. Hopefully we can protect this island and Melos from being destroyed...I hope....

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