Saturday, August 1, 2009

Nera's agony

It seems whenever Gana and I are together we're happy. She and I both know we have to kill Kyle together, but I'm worried if we can handle it. My strength and power has come back too, though not fully. Ruby says my strength and powers should return in a few days. It was nearly dawn as the beautiful night sky was still up as the fireflies lit up the sky. Gana and I were together as usual but we have had spent more time alone these last couple of weeks. We could have eased up our time alone since I wasn't fully healed, but it was worth the risk just to be with her. I love her that much. Gana-"We'll be leaving for the next major island Pyron. My sister Robin's there." Pyron-"I didn't know you had a sister." Gana-"Well, I can introduce her to you when we get there." I smiled and we continued to cuddle.
Magix-"Okay lover boy. Back away from the female." Pyron-"Oh, hi Nurse Magix. What brings you here?" Magix-"I came to tell you that your friends are all back on the ship." Gana-"I guess we better get going too." Magix-"But...for some reason, Nera was looking out to sea. She and Griz were getting things done when I saw this weird dragon." Gana-"Weird dragon? Wait, did you see Kyle?" Pyron-"Was he...horrific looking?" Magix-"Yeah, but much more...creepier." Gana-"Creepier?" Pyron-"Doesn't sound like Kyle." Gana-"We better get back to the boat." So we left.
The sun had just cracked over the horizon and we hear some kind of moaning. Gana-"It's Ruby! She's down." We wnt to her. Pyron-'Are you okay?" Ruby-"Yes, but you have to help Nera." Pyron-"Nera? Where is she?" We heard an explosion. Gana-"I'll go see what it is," Pyron-"I'm coming too." So we head for where the explosion was. Ruby-"If he destroys this island..."
Gana and I came to the center of Fairy Island and saw Nera was fighting a horrific looking dragon. Pyron-"Nera, are you okay?" Nera-""Gana-"Wait, who's that? He smells of rotting flesh." Pyron-"Who are you?" Voice-"Hehehe...I'm surprised you don't recognize an old friend...hehehe." Gana-"Tell us who you are!" Nera-"'s...R...R...Robby..." Gana and Pyron-"Robby?!" Sure enough, Robby appeared. Pyron-"No way. He's suppose to be dead." Gana-"How's that possible?" Robby-"Hehehe...I struck a deal with Buraki." Gana-"What kind of deal?" Robby-"He'll leave my Nera alone and grant me all the power I want...if I destroy Lagon." Pyron-"What?!" Robby-"I saw what happened. I died and Lagon walks in and takes my Nera. I will slay him for that." Nera-"You can't Robby. Sure I have fallen for Lagon, but-" Robby-"But nothing Nera. I will kill Lagon, then you and I will be together forever. Hehehe...hahahaha!." Nera-"Listen to yourself Robby. That's not the dragon I fell in love with. Please, listen. You don't need to do this." Robby-"Your right Nera. I don't need to this." Nera-"Robby..." Robby-"... I WANT TO DO THIS! HAHAHAHA!!!" All of a sudden he grew as big as Lagon. Nera-"Robby!" Ruby-"Get outta here now! He's gonna destroy the island." Pyron-"It's Ruby." She blasted Robby with a light beam. Ruby-"My Light Ray had no effect." Robby-"WHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGG!!!" His body was glowing blacker and blacker. Gana-"We gotta get outta here!!" All 4 of us flew back to the ship.
Saka-"Here comes Gana and the others." We land on the ship. Gana-"Griz get us outta here! No time to explain." We sailed but we didn't get a few hundered feet before what we saw next. Robby-"WHHHHHAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGG!!!" Fairy Island was engulfed in a dark ball of negative energy. Spirit-"What happened?" Lagon-"Can someone explain what's going on?" Nera-"It's Robby...he's on Buraki's side now." Lagon-"What?!" Silver-"Look everyone." The ball rised up into the air and exploded. Magix-"No...our gone..." Flame-"Oh this isn't good." Ruby-"No it isn't. Now Spyro and Cynder are in danger." All-"Huh?" Ruby-"With Fairy Island destroyed, the earth golem Tyfus is now a step closer to Draco Island. Griz, we have to get to the island of the elves." Griz-"Right." Nera-"Robby..." I saw Nera was crying and I walked to her. Pyron-"Don't worry Nera, we can save Robby...just like we'll save Kyle." Gana-"Yeah. We can do it." Nera-"Thanks, but leave Robby to me. I'll help him." Gana and I looked at each other and agreed. Buraki struck a new low this time, and something tells me Ruby knows more then she's telling us. Now we have to get to the island of the elves as quickly as possible...before it's too late.

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