Saturday, August 1, 2009

Pyron's Fall

Gana-"Hurry Griz. We have to get to the island of the fairies." Griz-"We're going as fast as we can Gana. Calm down." Gana-" Calm down?! Did you not see what happen to Pyron?! He can die at any moment! If he does, I...I..." Nera-"We'll get there Gana. Please don't cry." Spirit-"I can sense his soul. He's in so much pain. It's like looking at Danny all over again." Lagon-"Don't cry Spirit. We'll save Pyron." I was in so much pain. I guess I should explain what had happen to me.
At the break of dawn after Gana saved me from Bulco's control, our ship camed into some fog. Unfortunately it housed the dragonlike Manti. The Vixers know them too well and were fighting them. Even Lagon and the others joined in. It seem they were looking for me. Gana was in the room with me. Gana-"I won't let the Manti near you Pyron." I was in a weaken state. It took all my strength to resist Bulco and now I couldn't defend myself. The onslaught lasted for 2 hours but we managed to get out of the fog. The ship needed repairs but was still sailable.
Griz-"Those creatures really worked us didn't they?" Saka-"The Manti are a symbol of death. However, we can't let them stop us." Nera-"The ship needs repairs. Griz, can we land somewhere?" Griz-"There is an island not far from here. We can land there." So it was agreed and we sailed for the island.
We found it half an hour later. It was big enough so we decided to head out. Griz and a few Vixers went to work while Silver, Flame, Nera, Spirit, and Lagon went for food. I stayed on the beach since Gana suggested it. I was so fustrated but my power needed to be restored. A few hours went by quick and the ship was almost repaired. I got up and wanted to go explore. Gana-"Pyron, stay here." Pyron-"Sorry Gana. I...need to get some air." She was reluctant to let me go by myself. After what Bulco did to me I can't blame her. Gana-"...Okay, but don't go so far." I nodded and went on. This island sure was peaceful. Maybe we can relax here. Only we can't and who knows how close Tyfus is to Draco Island.
Voice-"There you are!" I know that voice. Pyron-"Kyle!!" Kyle-"Hehehe. Found you. Bulco was right." Darn it, of all the tiimes...Pyron-"What do you want Kyle?" Kyle-"That's simple." He blasted me with his Sonic Wave. I was knocked back and in great pain. Pyron-"Aaaaaaa!!! The's too much..." Kyle-"I'm kill you...Pyron!" I was hit by another wave, then another. I had to get away. My power wasn't even half restored and I can't fight Kyle in my condition. Kyle-"Why leave Pyron?" I was hit again and I crashed in to the ground.
I couldn't move. My body was in such agony. I was bleeding from the cuts all over me. I was in serious trouble. Kyle-"My Sonic Wave did quite the damage on you. One more hit should end your life." He blasted me. Pyron-"Aaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" All of a sudden he stopped. Kyle-"Get out of my head. I won't let you stop me!" Gana-"Pyron!!!" I heard Gana and she came. Kyle-"Gana...I'm sorry. My evil half almost kill Pyron." Gana-"Nooo...Pyron!" Kyle-"He's barely alive. Gana, take him to the island of the fairies. There you'll find a dragon name Ruby. She'll help you." Gana-"But Kyle, what about you?" Kyle-"My time has ended now Gana. I'm sorry for what I have done. Do me a favor. Next time we meet, tell Pyron to kill me." Gana-"Nooo! I can't tell him that. We can save you Kyle." Kyle-"You slaying me. If you don't the darkness will grow stronger. I have to get away while I'm in control. Besides, Pyron needs you now more than ever Gana. He wants to be there for you." Gana-"Kyle..." Kyle-"I'll always love you Gana. Get Pyron some help, quick." Kyle flies away. Gana-"Kyyyyyyyyyyyyyyle!" Gana picked me up and went to the others as fast as she could.
She manage to get back to our friends. Gana-"Everyone, Pyron's in serious trouble. We got to get to the island of the fairies." Lagon-"What happen to him?" Gana-"I'll explain when we leave. Let's go." And here we are now. I was on the verge of death and my friends did their best to help me. Silver-"We're coming to a large island." Saka-"That's Fairy Island. We'll get Pyron some much need medical attention." Gana-"Pyron, please hold on. Don't leave me." I couldn't say anything. Am I...going to die here? Will I leave this world without Gana...and my friends?

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