Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Old Foes Pt. 2

It took a few hours of negotiation but Scar and Claw finally call a cease fire. Although they still don't like each other. Gana-"We should thank you two for your help." Mathias-"Well, we hate to see our dads fight. It's pointless if you ask me." Rita-"And Mathias and I are friends. Someday we'll lead our tribes and ultimately will end this rivalry our tribes had for many years." Pyron-"That's great. With this Judgement Day looming we need all the help we need to beat Buraki." Rita-"Is this Buraki fellow after you two?" Gana-"Yeah." Pyron-"If only we know where we were, it'll be easier for us to get around the land. Sure wish we were in Warfang." Mathias-"Warfang? Warfang's a far distance from here, but I know a place you can go. You heard of Dragonopolis?" Pyron-"No, we haven't." Mathias-"It's no Warfang but it's beautiful nevertheless. If you fly to the south you'll get there within 5 days. The leader there is a dragon name Kaiser. He can help you." Gana-"Thanks." And so Gana and I left. We hope the Eastern dragons and the tigers will get along, though I have my doubts.
A couple of hours pass. Gana and I were walking. Voice-"Well well, here you are." Gana-"That voice..." We saw Bulco and about 8 other characters with him: 2 lizards, 2 humans, 2 centaurs, and 2 griffins. Gana-"Bulco!" Bulco-Well Gana. You and Pyron seem to be enjoying each other's company." Pyron-"Why are you here Bulco? If you try anything funny-" Bulco-"If you must know, I came to get Gana." Gana-"Me?" Pyron-"I won't let you harm her." Bulco-"Who said anything about harming her. She's a member of the Bulcori Guard after all." Pyron-"The Bulcori Guard?" Bulco-"Yes, and I'm the leader. Gana's with us. (I laughed) What's so funny?" Pyron-"Gana would never join you Bulco. Your a lier and a manipulater." Bulco-"Hahahahaha. Complement me all you want. I'm telling the truth. Gana's been with us before you two ever met." Gana-"What are you talking about? I'd never join you." Bulco-"Oh? You don't remember our talk back before you went to Mist Falls Village?" Pyron-"I heard enough. Let's finish this." Before I could attack Bulco his guard got in the way and I found myself fighting them.
Pyron-"Out of the way. I'm putting an end to Bulco's lies." They just came at me so I had to fight them. I tried my best despite I was outnumbered. Gana-"Stop it Bulco! I don't believe you!" I heard Gana yelling. I tried to get to her but the guards knocked me down. Next thing I know I saw Gana was on the ground. Pyron-"Gana...what have you...done to her...?" Bulco-"Nothing. She just blacked out. Must be from the stress of being pregnant thanks to you." Pyron-"Why you...!" Bulco-"I could just kill you now, but I have my orders from Master Buraki to go on an important mission. Let him go. He's of no concern...for now. Know this Pyron, next time we meet, your a dead dragon." They leave.
I got up and ran to Gana. Pyron-"Gana! Gana, are you all right?" She slowly open her eyes. Gana-"P...Pyron..." Pyron-"Relax. Your gonna be okay." I was relieved. She got up. Gana-"What happened? Where's Bulco?" Pyron-"He left. Is what he said true Gana?" Gana-"I don't remember Pyron. I'm sorry." Pyron-"It's okay. He was likely trying to deceive you as always." Gana"...Yeah." I saw a look of concern in her face. Pyron-"Come on. We should head for Dragonopolis." Gana nods and so we flew. Next stop: Dragonopolis.

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