Saturday, August 1, 2009

A broken heart

Pyron-"So what do you want with me?" Saturday-"Relax. I'm not with Buraki in any way shape or form." Pyron-"Then what do you want with me?" Saturday-"Pyron, right? Well. a pink dragon gave me this blue crystal shard to give to you." The Heraldic gave me the shard. Pyron-"What is this?" Saturday-"Something to help you on your travels. I gotta go. Know you have an ally in me." She leaves. I decided to go back to Hulcana.
The next morning we were set to go. Saka-"Okay. Let's go!" Saka, Silver, Gana, Nera, Lagon, Spirit, myself and the vixers departed Hulcana Village and headed for Diamond Port. Voice-"Wait!" We saw Flame. Lagon-"Go back Flame. Your in no condition to come with us." Flame-"Maybe, but Pyron can heal me. Did you forget?" Lagon-"...Okay." And we moved out. We decided to take the trail to the south and walked. Buraki could have his scouts out so we couldn't fly. We walked for hours up to nightfall. We made a base camp and planned our next move. Silver-"According to the map, we should reach Diamond Port by mid-day tomarrow." Saka-"So we'll rest up and leave at first light."
Everyone was asleep, all but me. I got up and decided to take a walk to the nearby river. When I reached it a short time later I sat down. Gana-"Pyron." I turned and there was Gana. Even under the twin moons she looked so beautiful. She sat next to me. Pyron-"Gana, you should go back." Gana-"Not without you. Besides, didn't we promise to find somewhere quiet to spend time...alone?" I smiled and we took off. Where? Anywhere that's quiet. Minutes later we came to a big field of flowers. We decided to land and stay there. It was such a clear night like yesterday. Gana and I were finally alone. We got to cuddle with one another at long last, took a stroll through the flowers, and lay down under the stars. We were both happy.
Voice-"AAAAAAA!!!" Pyron and Gana-"What was that?" As soon as we were about to head back to camp, we heard a loud scream. We flew in the direction of the scream. Minutes later we saw Heinaus fighting Jewel, Kaloth, and Flame. Flame was down. Pyron-"Flame? Why is he here?" We flew down." Heinaus-"Good. More welplings to fight." Flame was in bad shape, but Jewel and Kaloth were worse. Gana-"Sister!" Jewel got back her green look. Jewel-"I was free Kaloth...and get my appearance back." Gana-"You guys stay back. Pyron and I'll handle her." Heinaus-"I have more power in my tail than you two have in your entire bodies." So Gana and I fought Heinaus. We were able to get in a few good shots on her but she just knocks us back. Heinaus-"It's amusing you fight so hard." Flame-"Jewel!! Watch out!!" It was too late. Jewel was struck by a tentacle. Gana, Pyron, and Kaloth-"Jewel!!!" She falls to the ground. It was Alazar. Alazar-"That's one nuisance down." Pyron-"Alazar!" Kaloth-"I'll make you pay!!" Kaloth hrads for Alazar, but he gets struck by Alazar's tentacle. He falls. Heinaus-"Ooo. That smarts. (Heinaus gets strucked) AAAAA!!!" We watch in horror. Alazar-"Your porpose is no longer needed Heinaus." Heinaus-"Al..aza..r...why...?" She falls. We saw the bodies on the ground. Alazar="And your next." As I watched, rage began to build inside me. My blood was boiling. Pyron-"Alazar!!! You will pay!!!" My body glew a crimson and black color. Alazar-"What's the meaning of this?!" Gana-"Pyron!" Pyron-"Alazar! Your going down!" He fired his tentacle but I shot a black beam and destroyed it. Alazar-"Aaaaaa!!!" Pyron-"You will pay!" Alazar flees as I fired another beam, nailing part of his wing. He got away. My power was depleted and we head for Kaloth, Flame, and Jewel. Flame will be okay, but Jewel and Kaloth were...
Gana and I got them back to the doctor. Flame would be okay. Jewel and Kaloth weren't so fortunate. They died. My heart ached for the pain of their deaths. This war has tooken two more lives. At daybreak we buried their bodies. Spirit-"Jewel and Kaloth says thank you Gana and Pyron. They ask for us to continue the fight." I walked away and Gana caught up with me. My heart was in pain, but Gana provided some relief. I could use some.
Heinaus-" backstabbing...snake. I'll make you pay...for this..."

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