Saturday, August 1, 2009

The blue dragoness

Hours had passed since we left. None of us couldn't believe Robby was alive. To make matters worse, he's now on Buraki's side and is targeting Lagon. Nera was in discomfort. She had fallen for Lagon and she loves Robby. Nera wanted to be left alone but we did try to lift her spirits. It was nightfall as we anchored for the night. I was on the deck with Gana. Gana-"Poor Nera. I wish there was something we can do." Pyron-"Me too." Ruby-"Hello you two. Seems your attached to each other like glue." Gana-"Well...our love holds us together." Pyron-"I can't argue with Gana." Ruby laughs a bit. Ruby-"Well, I'm gonna get some rest. Good night." She heads downstairs. I was thinking to myself. Gana-"Thinking Ruby knows more than what she's saying Pyron?" Pyron-"Yeah..." I looked at the twin moons.
Buraki-"Muhahahaha!!! Your attempts to stop me are futile. DIE!!!" Pyron-"Noooooooooo!!!" I woke up in my room and saw Gana at my side. My right wing was around her. I got up and walked but felt a jerk. I turned and laughed a bit. Gana had her tail coiled around mine. It took me a short time to get uncoiled and went outside. The night air was still fresh. Now I couldn't sleep. I decided to stretch my wings and flew. I thought about what Ruby and Sapphire both told me that Gana and I had to work together to save Kyle, Robby destroying the fairy's island home and the dream I had showing Buraki as a full blooded winged dragon. I didn't like it and something tells me it's gonna get worse if we don't hurry. I flew all night and landed on a small island. There I laid down and dozed off.
Voice-"Help! Someone help!" I woke up and I thought I heard someone's voice. Voice-"Someone please help me!" I heard it again. I saw fog was rolling in. Something tells me the dragonlike Manti are in there. I flew into the fog and ventured forth. Voice-"Get away from me! Help." I got closer and I saw at least 6 Manti attacking a blue dragon. Pyron-"Hold on. I'm coming. (The dragon was hit and fell into the ocean) Oh no! (The Manti came towards me) Back off! (I nailed each of then with my fire attack and blindside them with my shadow power. They flew away) Now to save that dragon." I dove into the water and searched for it. I finally saw the dragon, got it and took it to the surface. I had to swim to the island since I couldn't fly with my wings wet.
Minutes later the fog lifts and I found the small island. I took her to the island. She wasn't breathing. I try to use my healing power but nothing. I tried again. Nothing. I kept trying and still nothing. I then concentrated all my strength and my body glew white. My healing power was back and I healed the dragoness. I looked at her. She was quite beautiful and elegant just like Gana. I smiled, but then I wondered was she good or evil. Nikki-"W...where am I?" Pyron-"Hi. Your safe now. Your on a small island." Nikki-"Ow! My wing!" Pyron-"Allow me." I healed her wing. Nikki-"My wing's all better. How did you do that?" Pyron-"My healing power. My name's Pyron. What's your name?" Nikki-"Mine's Nikki." Pyron-"Uh oh. I gotta go. My friends will be worried. You can come if you like to." Nikki-"Thanks. I love to." So we flew back to the boat.
We manage to find the boat already sailing. Spirit-"Look. There's Pyron." I landed and was greeted by my friends. Gana-"Pyron. We were worried." Gana snuggles me. Pyron-"I'm okay Gana. I just helped a new friend. Here's...huh? Where did she go?" Lagon-"Where who goes?" Pyron-"Where did...hahahahaha. Stop it. That tickles." Nera-"Pyron, why are you laughing?" Flame-"Yeah. Who's tickling you?" Nikki appears and shocks everyone. Pyron-"There you are. Guys. This is Nikki. I helped her when she was attacked by the Manti. Nikki, this is Ruby, Lagon, Nera, Spirit, Flame, and Gana. The non dragons are Griz the Grizzly Bear, Saka-she leads the cheetahs in Hulcana Village, and Silver, the leader of the Vixers fox clan. And lets not forget the fairies." Nikki-"Nice to meet you all. Pyron saved me from those creatures. (She came closer to me) He's my hero." Gana-"Well, he does like to help others." I moved away from Nikki, but something tells me she wants to stay close to me, which made me nervous. Ruby-"Everyone, I have to tell you something before we get to the island of the elves. It's important that you know." I had a feeling Ruby knew something. What will she tell us that's so important.

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