Friday, August 28, 2009

Little dragon lost

Gana-"Will you look at that view Pyron? It's so beautiful." Pyron-"Yeah. Buraki's been beaten and now we can live in peace." Voice-"Mommy. Daddy. Come on. Everyone's celebrating at Dragonopolis." Pyron-"Then let's go. After our party, we can head New Mist Falls." Gana-"Yeah. Pyron....Pyron...." Voice-"Pyron, wake up." Pyron-"Huh? What? Oh, it was a dream." Gana-"Wake up you lazy dragon. We got to get to Dragonopolis now." Pyron-"Lazy? Gana, you never call me lazy before." Gana-"Oh, sorry. Guess our baby's affecting my judgement." Pyron-"Hmm....okay." We got up and went on our way.
2 days have passed since Gana and I left Tigress Town and head for Dragonopolis. After flying for a good while we decided to rest our wings and walk. We traveled by the river. All of a sudden we heard voices. We hid behind a large bush. We saw 3 big lizards. They had a small dragon in a cage. Liz.1-"Wow. When we give this welpling to Buraki he's sure to reward us." Liz.2-"Yes. We'll be stinkin' rich in gems." Liz.3-"Come on you two. We got to get him to the Dead Zone fast and to that facility we heard about." Pyron-"We got to help that dragon. We can't let them take him to Buraki." Gana-"Okay. Let's help him."
Liz.3-"Let's move out." We leaped from the bushes. Pyron-"Hold it. Your not taking that dragon anywhere." Gana-"Release him or face our might." They just laugh. Liz.1-"You got to be kidding." Liz.3-"We won't give up our hostage." Pyron-"Hostage? You mean you kidnapped him?" 3 lizards-"Uhhhhh...." Gana-"You did. We'll make you pay. Let's get them Pyron." She rans towards them. Pyron-"Gana, wait!" She attacked them...viciously. I never saw her attack someone like that before. It seemed...familiar. Pyron-"Gana! Stop it!" Gana-"Why should I? Buraki tests other dragons like us. We should kill them for it." Pyron-"No. It's not us. We can't kill them." Liz.1-"Please no more." Liz.2-"We give." Liz.3-"Take the dragon. We'll leave in peace." They ran away.
I got the dragon out or the cage. Pyron-"Are you okay?" Dragon-"Y-yes.?" Pyron-"Don't be afraid. We want to help. I'm Pyron and she's Gana. Do you have a name?" Volt-"I'm Volt. Your girlfriend's...a little scary." Pyron-"You have to forgive us. We been through a lot these pass couple of months. We're trying to get to Dragonopolis and find someone name Kaiser." Volt-"Dragonopolis? That's where I'm from. Kaiser's our leader and a strong fire dragon. He's amazing in a battle, though I never seen him fight, but I heard stories of him." Pyron-"You know the way?" Volt-"Uh huh. I know a short cut call the Wind Tunnel. We can ride it and be there in no time. Come on." Pyron-"Okay. Lead the way. Gana, come on." Gana-"Huh? Oh, okay Pyron." And so we follow Volt. But...I'm worried about Gana. She's acting strange. I wonder why.

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