Saturday, August 1, 2009

The mystery dragon and Hulcana Village

We reached the Valley of Avalar but came across a red dragon none of us have seen before. We didn't know if he's one of Buraki's minions. Lagon-"Who are you?" Dragoune-"I am Dragoune. I burn cities in my wake. My power is something to fear." Pyron-"Are you with Buraki?" Dragoune-"I am not." Mo Zar stepped up. He's an orange griffin who lead the second team during the Mist Falls attack. He also has a short temper and will defend his comrades. Mo Zar-"How do we know your not one of those Shapeshifters?" Spirit-"Because he isn't." Lagon-"You can tell Spirit?" Spirit-"No. It's a feeling I have." Pyron-"Gana, can you tell?" Gana-"I'll see. (She closes her eyes and stood there. Seconds later...) He's who he says." Nera-"So he's not a Shapeshifter." Dragoune-"No I'm not. And you two dragonesses are awfully beautiful." Gana and Nera-"Thank you." Pyron-"Um, where are you going?" Dragoune-"I'm heading for the dragon city of Warfang to meet the elder dragons Cylia, Voldrax, and Terrance. I need their advice on a matter of great importants." Lagon-"Warfang?'s pretty far from here." Spirit-"What are you thinking Lagon?" Lagon-"Since Malefor failed to destroy Warfang it's become a safe haven. Wolverine, Mo Zar, take the villagers to Warfang. They'll be safer there." Mo Zar-"Will do." Wolverine-"Okay." Lagon-"Meanwhile, Gana, Nera, Pyron, Spirit, and I will head for Hulcana Village." Dragoune-"You have my word they'll get there safe." And so we splitted up as we headed for Hulcana Village.
Half an hour of flying later we saw a village. We landed and entered it, only to get an unwelcome greeting by the cheetah guards. Guard-"Halt. Why have you come here?" Pyron-"We're looking for Hulcana Village." Gana-"We came here to find someone." Pyron-"Her name is Saka. We hope she can help us." Voice-"Let the dragons go." A blue female cheetah appears. Saka-"I am Saka. I'm the leader here. What brings you to my village?" Pyron-"We were wondering if you can help us locate Draco Island." Saka was silent. Lagon-"Why don't you answer?" Saka-"Your Pyron, aren't you?" Pyron-"How do you know my name?" Saka-"A dragon name Kyle came here." Group-"Kyle?!" Saka-"Yes. He came to me in a dream and told me to help a red dragon. I know where you can go, but it is important that you wait until tomarrow." Gana-"Why tomarrow?" Saka-"A friend of mine's name Silver is on her way here. Until then, rest up here." We agreed.
That night the cheetahs were having a celebration. We saw them dancing and having fun as we all watch the bonfire. Nera and Lagon finally got the chance to talk, and it's going well between the two of them. Gana was close to me and so was Spirit. To think weeks ago I was all alone. Now I have friends, my family's okay, and I have the love of my life. Gana and Spirit told me earlier they saw Kyle a few days ago at a haunted place. Somewhere deep inside of evil Kyle still remains the good Kyle. But can we save him, or will we be force to kill him? I don't know if Gana still have feelings for him. I know she loves me, but if we can save him...Voice-"There's the blue kitty!" We saw a clan of foxes appear. Saka-"Silver. You arrived." Silver was a beautiful white fox. She lead the Vixers clan. Silver-"I see you have visitors." Saka-"Yes. We're departing for Draco Island at first light." Silver-"Great. Know your not leaving me out on the adventure." Silver sure was adventurous. But I can't help but wonder what Alazar had planned.
Tirips-"Preparations are getting underway Alazar." Alazar-"Good. My plan's in motion now." Heinaus-"Ooo. So cruel, are you?" Alazar-"Complement me all you want Heinaus. My plan will work. Even as we speak, Tyfus is on his way to destroy Draco Peak." Heinaus-"You do know if Buraki finds out he'll kill you." Alazar-"Buraki's a fool. He thinks he'll be the ultimate dragon. Once Tyfus and his apes kill Spyro, Cynder, and those other fools I'll rise to power. Then I'll kill Buraki and become the ultimate dragon. Hehehehe...hahahahaaaa!!!"

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