Saturday, August 8, 2009


Voice-"Pyron, wake up. Please wake up my..." My head hurts. I open my eyes and saw the most beautiful thing in my life: Gana. Gana-"Oh, your okay. I was so worried." She hugs me. Wait! This seems familiar. Gana-"Pyron?" Pyron-"Huh? Oh, sorry Gana. For a second there I thought I felt like I been through this before. Man, I got such a headache." Voice-"Then you should drink this." I looked over to the left and saw...Sylene?! Pyron-"Sylene?" She turned into Luna. Luna-"It's been a while brother." Gana-"Wow, you two do look alike. Guess your twins after all." Luna-"Yeah, but he's red, white, and black and I'm pink, white, and yellow. Pyron's more bulky and I'm more slender." Gana-"Funny, I don't notice any difference between you two except your scale colors." Pyron-"Blaaaag. Nasty stuff." Luna-"Well, it'll restore your energy. You been out like a light for two days." Pyron-"2 days? (Okay, I know this is familiar.) We're outside the Dead Zone, aren't we?" Gana-"Well, yeah." Pyron-"And we been missing for 3 days, not counting the 2 I was out, right Luna?" Luna-"Um...yeah. Anyway, we should go when your ready."
This is all too familiar, Something's not right. Pyron-"Hold on a second. Gana, your gonna tell me you and I will become leaders of a resistance group and your having a baby, right?" Gana-"But, how did you know?" Pyron-"Because you told me before. Now...I'm having deja vu feelings. Buraki will kill Luna and I'll go ballistic. This is all...a fake!!!" Gana-"Pyron, what do you mean?" Pyron-"For one thing, I can sense Gana's heart, but your not Gana. Your...Anag!" Anag-"Fufufufu...seems Bulco's idea failed." Luna-(Bulco's voice) "Hush Anag." Pyron-"I thought so." Voice-" Get out of my boyfriend's head Bulco!!!" Pyron-"Gana?" Suddenly I saw the real Gana. She blasted Anag and the false Luna with her Heating power. Anag and Bulco-"Aaaaaa!"
Aaaaaa! I woke up outside the cage. Pyron-"Huh? What?" Gana-"Pyron! Your okay." Pyron-"Huh? Gana? What happened?" Buraki-"Curse you Gana. Your connection to your mate is far stronger than I thought. No matter, infect her with the virus." Gana-"Aaaaa!" Pyron-"Nooooo!" I plowed through the steel cage and took the shot for Gana. Gana-"Pyron!" Pyron-"Aaaaag!" Buraki-"Darn it. He got struck." Pyron-"Ow...and I thought I had all my shots." Gana-"Pyron, are you okay?" Pyron-"Yeah...I will be..." Alazar-"Enough of this. Let's kill them." There was an explosion. We were cover in a thick cloud. Gana and I were close to each other. We flew up and found the exit. We then escaped. Buraki-"They got away. No matter. Pyron will soon be a part of my army. Did you get it?" Scientist-"Yes sir. We got a sample of Pyron's DNA. We'll begin immediately." Buraki-"Good."
We got a good distance away from the facility. We were still in the air. Gana-"Pyron, I'm glad your safe. After you rejected Buraki's offer Bulco went into your mind and try to make an illusion. I thought Buraki will have you at last. Am I ever so relieved." Voice-"Hey you two." We saw Sylene. Pyron-"Sylene?" A while later we landed and rested somewhere secluded. Sylene turned into Luna. Gana-"Wow. You two look so much alike with the exceptance of your scale color." Luna-"Yeah. Plus, Pyron's bulkier and I'm slender." Gana-"Um, I don't see it." Pyron-"Did you help us Luna?" Luna-"Yeah." Gana-"Um...Pyron." Pyron-"Yes?" Gana-"I have something to tell you. You and I, we'll be two of the most powerful leaders of a resistance group against Buraki's forces. That's why he wants you to join him." Pyron-"Hmm...anything else ou want to tell me Gana?" Gana-"...No. That's all." Pyron-"Really?" Gana-"Of course." Pyron-"Hmm..okay. We should get some rest." Gana-"Yeah." Luna-"I'll be on my way in a few hours. I'll stay here with you two." I noticed Gana had her claw on her belly. Hmm...I wonder...
Night fell. I was sound asleep with Gana at my side. Gana-"Pyron..." Luna-"So, can't tell my brother the whole truth?" Gana-"No. I can't tell him I may be pregnant with his child. Ruby told me when we were on Fairy Island I could be. Will our child be...the light?" Luna-"...Yes. She will be. Oops, my power to sense the aura in others made me blab your child's gender. Sorry Gana." Gana-"It's okay. I just hope Pyron will be a good dad." Luna-"He will Gana. I remember when we were kids Pyron always protected me..."

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