Sunday, August 9, 2009

Dragon Gods

Gana and I traveled mostly during the day and rested at night. We were both concern about Nera, Lagon, Spirit, Flame, Nikki, and Ruby. I was more concern about Gana. She seemed to be more focused on her stomach. Pyron-"Gana, is something wrong?" Gana-"No. Just stomach cramps. I'm good." Pyron-"Well...okay." We slept close to each other. It was nearly noon as we traveled when we saw a village. It wasn't Tigres Town but we did find rabbits, moles, mice and rats. We approached the village. Mouse-"Look everyone. Dragons." We were soon surrounded. Pyron-"Hey, what's going on?" Rabbit-"Please forgive us. You two are dragons. In our village we honor dragons as gods." Gana and Pyron-"Gods?" Rabbit-"Yes. And you two are Pyron and Gana of Mist Falls Village, right? Word of the destruction of that village reached us. We were sorry your village got destroyed but we're glad the dragons are safe." Gana-"Uh...thanks." Rabbit-"Please, follow us." So we follow them.
Throughout the day the villagers treated Gana and I like royalty. They waited on us hand and foot. They brushed our scales and fed us. It was good. They gave us a tour of their village. We saw a statue of a big dragon from long ago. I notice Gana looked like she was in pain. Gana-"Is something wrong Pyron? You keep staring at me." Pyron-"" An hour passes as Gana and I were back in our hut. Gana-"Gaaa...." I saw Gana was clutching her stomach. Pyron-"Gana, are you okay?" Gana-"Y...Yeah. Guess I made have eaten too much. I guess I'll go get some air." She gets up, but seconds later she falls down. Gana-"Aaaaaa!" Pyron-"Gana! Oh no. Nurse! Nurse!"
Minutes later the medical staff came and took Gana to the medical tent. I was really concern for Gana. The nurse told me not to come in. I was feeling anxious. So I waited. Gana-"So nurse, what is it? Why am I getting stomach cramps?" Nurse-"Congradulations Princess Gana. Your pregnant." Gana-"What?! I can't be. Not now at least." Nurse-"Well, you have a 3 week old baby inside you. I'm guessing Prince Pyron is the father?" Gana-"Please don't tell Pyron. I don't know how he'll react." Nurse-"Okay. I won't tell him." The nurse came out of the tent. Nurse-"Let Gana rest for half an hour, then you can go see her." Pyron-"Thank you nurse."
Half an hour passes finally and I went inside the tent. There was Gana on her leaf bed. She looked elegant to me as always. Pyron-"Gana, how are you?" Gana-"Relax Pyron. I'm okay. I just had a bad case of indigestion. Hahaha...I'm sorry if I worried you." She seemed worried. Pyron-"As long as your safe, I'm happy." Gana-"Pyron..." Pyron-"Yeah?" Gana-"Could you...stay with me?" Pyron-"Do you have to ask? I'll stay with you always." I laid down besided her. We fell asleep together.
Spirit-"Well Pyron, you have a baby girl." Pyron-"Our daugther is so beautiful. She resembles her mother." Gana-"Yeah, but she has her father's eyes." Gana and I were about to kiss...when I woke up. Gana-"Pyron, are you okay?" Pyron-"Huh? Oh, it was a dream. I, nevermind." Gana-"Hmm...well, okay. You were dreaming after all. Let's get some shut eye." So we went back to sleep. I felt Gana's head on my head. Something does concern me about Gana. Her stomach cramps and those dreams I had. I got this weird feeling Gana could be...pregnant. Am I going to be...a father? If Gana is pregnant...that makes me happy. It makes me want to protect Gana and our unborn child much more. I'll wait until she tells me when she's ready.

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