Monday, August 31, 2009


Pyron and Gana-"Whoa. Look at this place." Dragonopolis was a large dragon city. I never seen such a large city in my life. Volt-"Dragonopolis may not be as great as Warfang, but it's nice nevertheless." Voice-"Volt? Your okay!" We saw a yellow dragon with red wings and white chest.Clash-"My friend, am I glad your safe. Oh, who's this?" Volt-"This is Gana and Pyron. They rescued me." Clash-"Thanks for saving Volt. His parents will be thrilled to see him." Volt-"Oh, my friends want to see Kaiser." Clash-"Well, he's with the elders now. They can go see them if they want." Gana-"Thanks." Clash points us to the direction of the Elders Chambers.
We found it some minutes later and went in. We saw plenty of dragons here. None of which seem bother by the war Buraki was staging. Voice-"Ah. New arrivals." We saw this big dragon. He stood on 2 legs, had a flame on the tail, and his wings, long in width, were on fire...literally. Kaiser-"I'm Kaiser, a Blaze Dragon." Pyron-"A Blaze Dragon? I never heard of your kind before." Kaiser-"Hahahahaha. Then you never heard of our great power. It's all fire." Pyron-"Well, I'm a fire dragon. I'm Pyron and this is Gana." Kaiser-"Pyron? Did you say Pyron?" Gana-"Um, yes, he did." Kaiser-"So your Magmis's little boy. I can see the resemblence you have with your dad." Pyron-"You know my father?" Kaiser-"Of course. Years ago we trained in the fiery fields of battle. We see each other as both rivals and friends. Last I heard he and Star were leading a raid on Buraki's food storage facilities in the southern lands." Pyron-"I hope their okay." Kaiser-"And I take this lovely lady is your mate." Gana-"Well, yes. Pyron and I have been together for a good while now." Voice-"So your Gana and Pyron? (We saw this green and yellow dragon approach us.) Seems trouble follows you two like a shadow. Why don't you leave our city before you bring trouble?" Pyron-"Hey, watch it." Gana-"Who are you anyway?" Granite-"Name's Granite. I say leave since you two were involve in the destruction of Mist Falls Village and the Draco Island incident." Kaiser-"Enough Granite. These two are our guests, just like that brown dragon we found earlier today." Pyron and Gana-"Brown dragon?" Kaiser-Yes. He was small and was very weak from traveling. He mentioned your names." Gana and I looked at each other. Could it be Spirit?
Kaiser took us to the hospital and soon we came to a room. Kaiser-"This is where the little guy is." We went through and saw him. Spirit-"Gana? Pyron?" Gana-"Spirit!" Pyron-"It is you!" We ran and hugged each other. Spirit-"I thought we would never find you." Pyron-"Where are the others Spirit?" Kaiser-"You should let your little comrade rest now you two." Gana-"Okay." Pyron-"Will do." Spirit-"Come back soon guys." We leave the room. Gana and I were happy Spirit was okay and safe. Maybe he'll tell us how the others are.
Granite-"Pyron: he's a powerful fire dragon with plenty of power to give. Gana: she can control the weather with ease like that welpling in the hospital. They could be a problem for me." Voice 1-"So what should we do about them?" Granite-"Nothing. Leave that to me. Pyron and Gana won't be a threat to my plans for long." Voice 2-"Well, I want payback on Pyron." Granite-"Keep it down you mangy wolf." Voice 3-"Thist'll be fun. I can't wait to see some action." Granite-"Soon Kaiser will fall to me and I'll rule Dragonopolis. The rise of Granite will come. Hehehe, bwahahahahaha!"

Friday, August 28, 2009


A few hours passed and we were getting a bit hungry. Pyron-"Wow. I'm getting hungry. How close are we to the Wind Tunnel?" Volt-"We're at leat a 30 minute flight from it." Gana-"Gaaaaa!" Pyron-"Uh oh. We better land." So we did. Volt-"Why?" Pyron-"Gana's gonna have a baby. Flying's risky since our child messes with her belly so much." Volt-"Her belly? But I thought dragon babies came from eggs." Pyron-"They do. (I couldn't tell him where dragon babies came from. He's too young.) Are you okay?" Gana-"I got a headache. I need to rest." Pyron-"Okay. I'll go look for food. You two rest here." So I flew off.
I search for minutes on end and found nothing. No berries, no apples, not even no fish in the river. I walked since I had to rest my wings. I thought about our friends. I hoped their okay. Since I couldn't find food I headed back...tired wings and all.
I found Gana...but Volt wasn't there. Pyron-"Huh? Where's Volt? (I landed) Gana, where's Volt?" Gana-"Go away. I don't need you anymore." Pyron-"Huh? Gana?" Voice-"You insulant brat. Without me, your nothing." Pyron-"Gana, what's going on with you?" Voice-"Back off you!" She knocks me back. Pyron-"Hey! What was that for?" Voice-"Get away from me. I don't need you!" Pyron-"Stop this Gana. I'm not leaving your side." Gana-"Pyron...please help. Jane's...taking cont....aaaaaaaaaaa!" Pyron-"Gana!!" Jane-"She resisted long enough. It's time we head back to Bulco." Pyron-"Huh? Who are you? What have you done to Gana?" Jane-"I am Jane. I'm Gana's more...vicious side. It's good to see you again Pyron." Pyron-"What? Wait....Diamond Port! I knew I saw that vicious side before. I thought Bulco took control of Gana." Jane-"He did, but only long enough for me to be free to kill you." Pyron-"What? Kill me?" Jane-"Gana was suppose to live her life alone. She was given power beyond measures. When she dies I would have taken over her body. But then you showed up and gave Gana a reason to live. She was suppose to be dead but you healed her and purified her blood of the drug. Now we're no longer all powerful, and Gana's pregnant...and it's all your fault." Pyron-"I love Gana and she loves me. Why don't you do what she says and leave her alone you witch." Jane-"Careful how you talk to us Pyron. We can kill you." Pyron-"Gana won't allow it. And I'll help her." Jane-"How? You can't harm the dragoness your in love with, and our baby is still inside us, so you can't touch us." Jane's right. I can't ring harm to Gana or our baby. Gana-"No....I won't let you...harm my....dragon...Jane!" Pyron-"Gana!" Jane-"Stop Gana! Your weak!" Gana-"Not when my friends are around me. With them, I'm stronger than you Jane!" Pyron-"Come on Gana. Keep resisting." Jane-"No! This can't be! Aaaaaaaaa!!!!!!" Gana passes out.
I ran to her. Pyron-"Gana! Please be okay." Gana-"P...Pyron....I'm so sorry....for what Jane would do to you...." Pyron-"It's okay. You beat her." Gana-"But she's still a part of me. I wish I can get rid of her for good." Volt-"Is Gana okay?" Volt came out of the bush. Pyron-"Volt? Yeah." Volt-"Gana told me to hide behind the bush until you came back. We can head for the Wind Tunnel when your ready." We agreed. Half an hour later we flew and soon felt a powerful gust of wind. Suddenly we were riding the jetstream. Pyron-"What? We're riding a cooridor of wind?" Volt-"This is the Wind Tunnel. There many of then that connect to Dragonopolis." We rode it for 10 minutes then it died down. Gana-"Look. A city." Volt-"That's Dragonopolis." Pyron-"Wow. We made it." So we head for Dragonopolis, hoping to meet the one name Kaiser.

Little dragon lost

Gana-"Will you look at that view Pyron? It's so beautiful." Pyron-"Yeah. Buraki's been beaten and now we can live in peace." Voice-"Mommy. Daddy. Come on. Everyone's celebrating at Dragonopolis." Pyron-"Then let's go. After our party, we can head New Mist Falls." Gana-"Yeah. Pyron....Pyron...." Voice-"Pyron, wake up." Pyron-"Huh? What? Oh, it was a dream." Gana-"Wake up you lazy dragon. We got to get to Dragonopolis now." Pyron-"Lazy? Gana, you never call me lazy before." Gana-"Oh, sorry. Guess our baby's affecting my judgement." Pyron-"Hmm....okay." We got up and went on our way.
2 days have passed since Gana and I left Tigress Town and head for Dragonopolis. After flying for a good while we decided to rest our wings and walk. We traveled by the river. All of a sudden we heard voices. We hid behind a large bush. We saw 3 big lizards. They had a small dragon in a cage. Liz.1-"Wow. When we give this welpling to Buraki he's sure to reward us." Liz.2-"Yes. We'll be stinkin' rich in gems." Liz.3-"Come on you two. We got to get him to the Dead Zone fast and to that facility we heard about." Pyron-"We got to help that dragon. We can't let them take him to Buraki." Gana-"Okay. Let's help him."
Liz.3-"Let's move out." We leaped from the bushes. Pyron-"Hold it. Your not taking that dragon anywhere." Gana-"Release him or face our might." They just laugh. Liz.1-"You got to be kidding." Liz.3-"We won't give up our hostage." Pyron-"Hostage? You mean you kidnapped him?" 3 lizards-"Uhhhhh...." Gana-"You did. We'll make you pay. Let's get them Pyron." She rans towards them. Pyron-"Gana, wait!" She attacked them...viciously. I never saw her attack someone like that before. It seemed...familiar. Pyron-"Gana! Stop it!" Gana-"Why should I? Buraki tests other dragons like us. We should kill them for it." Pyron-"No. It's not us. We can't kill them." Liz.1-"Please no more." Liz.2-"We give." Liz.3-"Take the dragon. We'll leave in peace." They ran away.
I got the dragon out or the cage. Pyron-"Are you okay?" Dragon-"Y-yes.?" Pyron-"Don't be afraid. We want to help. I'm Pyron and she's Gana. Do you have a name?" Volt-"I'm Volt. Your girlfriend's...a little scary." Pyron-"You have to forgive us. We been through a lot these pass couple of months. We're trying to get to Dragonopolis and find someone name Kaiser." Volt-"Dragonopolis? That's where I'm from. Kaiser's our leader and a strong fire dragon. He's amazing in a battle, though I never seen him fight, but I heard stories of him." Pyron-"You know the way?" Volt-"Uh huh. I know a short cut call the Wind Tunnel. We can ride it and be there in no time. Come on." Pyron-"Okay. Lead the way. Gana, come on." Gana-"Huh? Oh, okay Pyron." And so we follow Volt. But...I'm worried about Gana. She's acting strange. I wonder why.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Old Foes Pt. 2

It took a few hours of negotiation but Scar and Claw finally call a cease fire. Although they still don't like each other. Gana-"We should thank you two for your help." Mathias-"Well, we hate to see our dads fight. It's pointless if you ask me." Rita-"And Mathias and I are friends. Someday we'll lead our tribes and ultimately will end this rivalry our tribes had for many years." Pyron-"That's great. With this Judgement Day looming we need all the help we need to beat Buraki." Rita-"Is this Buraki fellow after you two?" Gana-"Yeah." Pyron-"If only we know where we were, it'll be easier for us to get around the land. Sure wish we were in Warfang." Mathias-"Warfang? Warfang's a far distance from here, but I know a place you can go. You heard of Dragonopolis?" Pyron-"No, we haven't." Mathias-"It's no Warfang but it's beautiful nevertheless. If you fly to the south you'll get there within 5 days. The leader there is a dragon name Kaiser. He can help you." Gana-"Thanks." And so Gana and I left. We hope the Eastern dragons and the tigers will get along, though I have my doubts.
A couple of hours pass. Gana and I were walking. Voice-"Well well, here you are." Gana-"That voice..." We saw Bulco and about 8 other characters with him: 2 lizards, 2 humans, 2 centaurs, and 2 griffins. Gana-"Bulco!" Bulco-Well Gana. You and Pyron seem to be enjoying each other's company." Pyron-"Why are you here Bulco? If you try anything funny-" Bulco-"If you must know, I came to get Gana." Gana-"Me?" Pyron-"I won't let you harm her." Bulco-"Who said anything about harming her. She's a member of the Bulcori Guard after all." Pyron-"The Bulcori Guard?" Bulco-"Yes, and I'm the leader. Gana's with us. (I laughed) What's so funny?" Pyron-"Gana would never join you Bulco. Your a lier and a manipulater." Bulco-"Hahahahaha. Complement me all you want. I'm telling the truth. Gana's been with us before you two ever met." Gana-"What are you talking about? I'd never join you." Bulco-"Oh? You don't remember our talk back before you went to Mist Falls Village?" Pyron-"I heard enough. Let's finish this." Before I could attack Bulco his guard got in the way and I found myself fighting them.
Pyron-"Out of the way. I'm putting an end to Bulco's lies." They just came at me so I had to fight them. I tried my best despite I was outnumbered. Gana-"Stop it Bulco! I don't believe you!" I heard Gana yelling. I tried to get to her but the guards knocked me down. Next thing I know I saw Gana was on the ground. Pyron-"Gana...what have you...done to her...?" Bulco-"Nothing. She just blacked out. Must be from the stress of being pregnant thanks to you." Pyron-"Why you...!" Bulco-"I could just kill you now, but I have my orders from Master Buraki to go on an important mission. Let him go. He's of no concern...for now. Know this Pyron, next time we meet, your a dead dragon." They leave.
I got up and ran to Gana. Pyron-"Gana! Gana, are you all right?" She slowly open her eyes. Gana-"P...Pyron..." Pyron-"Relax. Your gonna be okay." I was relieved. She got up. Gana-"What happened? Where's Bulco?" Pyron-"He left. Is what he said true Gana?" Gana-"I don't remember Pyron. I'm sorry." Pyron-"It's okay. He was likely trying to deceive you as always." Gana"...Yeah." I saw a look of concern in her face. Pyron-"Come on. We should head for Dragonopolis." Gana nods and so we flew. Next stop: Dragonopolis.

Old Foes Pt. 1

2 days after we left the Black Forest Gana and I continued on. We were flying. As of late she didn't have any stomach cramps. Gana-"I hope the others are okay." Pyron-"Me too. We'll find them." Suddenly we hear an explosion. In the distance we saw some flying snakes. Pyron-"Flying snakes?" Gana-"Wait. Those are dragons. Eastern Melos." We went towards the fight. We landed and seen dragons fighting tigers. We found Tigres village. Pyron-"Look at them. This is ridiculous. We got to stop them." Suddenly we were netted. Gana-"Hey, what's going on?" 2 tigers netted us. They dragged us to the leader.
We found ourselves in front of the tiger leader. Scar-"Humph. More overgrown salamanders. At least we got hostages. Now those dragons will have to give up." Pyron-"Hey! Let us go!. We came here on Sylene's request." Scar-"Sylene?" Guard-"Sir. The dragon leader is here." Scar-"Good. Bring the prisoners." They dragged us out. We were eventually taken to the battlefield. Scar-"Commander Claw. I have 2 of your bretheren captured. Surrender now or they'll die." Claw-"Humph. You caught 2 Western dragons. How silly of you Commander Scar. We won't stop and you know it. Attack!" I had enough. Gana and I ripped through the net. Scar-"Stop them!" Gana and I took out a couple of their guards. Claw-"Ah. We have allies." Gana-"Stop this. We were sent by Sylene to stop this fight." Claw-"Sylene?"
Pyron-"Why are you two fighting each other? You should help each other and band together to fight against Buraki.." Scar-"Buraki means nothing to me. My concern is to beat those serpants." Claw-"And for me it's those kittens." Gana-"If we don't stop Buraki, it'll be the end for us all." Scar and Claw-"As long as he's gone!!!" Pyron-"Listen to yourselves. This fight between you two must stop." Voices-"Listen to them, please." From the village was a young tigress and to the right was a Eastern dragon. Scar-"Rita, get back." Claw-"Go back Mathias." Mathias-"No father. This fight must stop." Rita-"Mathias is my friend daddy. Stop this awful fight." Gana-"See? Even your kids want this to stop." Pyron-"Do it for your children." They looked at each other. Scar-"I'm only doing this for my daughter." Claw-"And I'm doing it for my son." Gana-"Well, we stop them." Pyron-"Yeah. Wonder how long it'll last?" The fight was over...but I felt we were being watch. In the distance was Bulco and a few others. Bulco-"Too bad they didn't kill each other. But Gana and Pyron are there. Time for the Bulcori Guard to recruit back our member. Muhahahahaha!"

Monday, August 17, 2009

The Black Forest

Gana and I continue on our way to Tigres Town. I was happy Gana's pregnant. I want to do my best to help her raise our child together. For the last 2 days we walked and not been attacked by any hostile forces. Gana suggested we walk since she didn't want to risk flying. She could get another stomach cramp from our baby. Pyron-"My dad told me and Luna when we were in our mom's belly we kicked her so many times she didn't move for weeks. He said that shows we would be strong when we hatched." Gana-"Then ours will be strong too. Gaaa." Pyron-"You okay?" Gana-"Yeah. She's a tough one." We laughed. All of a sudden we heard singing. Pyron-"Is someone singing?" Gana-"Yeah. Why is it familiar?" Pyron-"Look. A light. Maybe whoever's singing is there and can help us find Tigres Town." We ran towards the light. We kept running but it seems we couldn't reach the light. Gana-"Hey. The singing stop." Gana was right. We stopped and we found ourselves in a dark forest.
Pyron-"What is this place?" Gana-"Oh no. We wondered into the Black Forest." Pyron-"The Black Forest?" We heard a sound. It wasn't normal. Gana-"Aaa! Pyron, look out!" Gana got me out of the way as we see a giant larva-like creature hit the ground. Pyron-"By the ancestors, what's that?" Gana-"Elmo told me about larva that attack from above in the Black Forest. They must be the Narov Mantine Larva. We got to get outta here." So we ran and more of the larvae dropped. We manage to get away fron a bunch of them. Then, we heard the singing again. Gana-"I know who that is. It's Arta Kahaja: the white lady." Pyron-"Who?" Gana-"Pyron, we got to...get..." Suddenly Gana and I fell sleepy. Pyron-" Wow...nap time...already..." We fell and went to sleep.
I woke up and found myself in the base of a giant tree stump. Pyron-"Gana? (She wasn't here) Gana, where are you? (I look up and saw the larvae. I ran for it) Gana! Where are you?" A couple of hours passed and I haven't seen Gana yet. Pyron-"Gana!" I heard singing and ran. I didn't know what direction the singing was coming from. Minutes later I stop to catch my breath. Voice-"Lost aren't we?" Pyron-"Huh?" I looked up and saw an owl. Owl-"Lost aren't we? Stay on the path you will soon see. Travel down to find your mate. You must hurry and make haste." Not sure if he was telling the truth but I did sense Gana was that way, so I ran, and ran, and ran.
Voice-"Pyron!" It's Gana. Pyron-"Gana!" Gana-"Pyron!" I ran and found her. Gana-"Pyron!" Pyron-"Gana!" We hugged each other. Pyron-"Your not hurt are you?" Gana-"I'm okay. You?" Pyron-"I'm good." Arta-"Well, seems you two are closer than I thought." We looked and saw the white lady. Gana-"You!" Arta-"I should have expected this. Oh well, can't be helped. Your love holds no bounds for you two," Pyron-"You must be with Buraki aren't you?" Arta-"I'm not with him. Nor am I with you. I'll se you both again soon." She disappears. Pyron-"She's gone." We decide to hurry on out.
We manage to get out of the forest finally. Pyron-"It's good to feel the sun on our scales again." Gana-"Yeah. It's great. Pyron, I was so worried about you. I'm glad your okay." Pyron-"I felt the same way Gana." Gana-"Come on, lets go." So we walked, unaware we were being watched. Cassandra-"Hmm...Arta Kahaja was toying with them. Now it's my turn. This witch will have fun with that fire dragon."

Saturday, August 15, 2009

A Dreadful Decision

2 days passed. The villagers named their village after Gana and me. They called it "Ganron Village". Mayor Rabbitt was proud to name his village after us. Even the townspeople too. The following day I woke up to find my face wet. Gana was licking my face. Pyron-"Are you trying to drown me in saliva?" Gana-"No. Just licking your face for no reason. Oh wait, yes there is. (Licks my face again) It's because I love you so much." Pyron-"I can see that." Voice-"We know their here, so hand them over." Rabbitt-"I told you, their not here. Take your business elsewhere. We have no dragons here." We peeked out and saw a bunch of Buraki's soldiers. Soldier-"Then explain the statue?" Rabbitt-"We honor dragons." Buraki-"Then I should be honored." Buraki appeared out of the sky. Rabbitt-"B-Buraki!" Buraki-"Come on out Gana and Pyron. I know your here." He flaps his wings and takes out our tent. Rabbitt-"Oh no." Buraki-"Seize them." The soldiers came at us but Gana and I fought them off. Voice-"She's over there." Pyron-"That squeaky voice..." Buraki-"Your mine Gana." Pyron-"Stay away from her." Buraki swats me to the side. Gana-"Pyron!" The soldiers grabbed me. Pyron-"Get outta here Gana." She tries to flee. Gana-"Aaaa! Not again!"Buraki grabs her. Buraki-"Gotcha." Gana-"Aaaaa!" Buraki-"Hm? So you are....?" Pyron-"Let her go!" I was bashed in the head and blacked out.
Gana-"Pyron, please wake up." Aaaaa...too familiar. I woke up. Pyron-"Gana..." Gana-"Thank goodness your okay." Pyron-"Where are we?" Vinny-"Your in Buraki's lair." Pyron-"Buraki's lair?" Buraki-"That's right." Gana-"Vinny, how can you rat us out?" Vinny-"What can I say? I'm a rat. Now Buraki, about my reward." Buraki-"Yes. Henchmen, take him to the chambers. And take Pyron out of the cage." They took me out. Gana-"Pyron!" Pyron-"I'll be okay Gana." Buraki-"Don't worry. The 3 of you will be together." Pyron-"3? What 3?" Buraki-"What? Gana didn't tell you? She is after all pregnant." Pyron-"What?!" Buraki-"Come with me."
We were somplace secluded. Buraki-"Pyron, what if I told you your child will bring destruction to the dragon race?" Pyron-"I say your lying." Buraki-"Well, some months from now, after your child hatches Judement Day will occur." Pyron-"Judgement Day?" Buraki-"It'll bring total chaos to all dragonkind and there's no stopping it...unless you kill Gana and your child." Pyron-"I'll do no such things." Buraki-"She's been using you. You took away her ultimate power so she thought why not bear your child so that your kid brings the dragon race to extinction. Then, it'll be your fault. (I said nothing) You had dreams of a dreaded future. What do you expect?" Oh no, Buraki's right. Pyron-"Those were just nightmares." Buraki-"You must kill Gana and your baby before Judgement Day happens. To so good faith, I'll let you both go." Taking advantage of the situation, I escapes, got Gana out of her cage and we fled from Buraki's lair. Gana-"I'm glad nothing happen to you. (I said nothing) Pyron?" Pyron-"Huh? Oh, it's nothing Gana." I was now confused.
Gana and I found somplace far to the west. Gana told us we should head west of the dragon star. That's where Tigres Town is. We rested for the night. I woke up in the middle of the night. Gana was sound asleep. I remember what Buraki told me. Was Gana really using me? I approached her. Even sleeping she was beautiful. I open my mouth and created a fireball. Was this the way? Do I kill my beloved Gana. Tears ran down my eyes. I remember the good times we shared, when I saved her life, when she help me fought off Bulco, even stayed with me when I was near death. I could never harm an elegant scale on her. I extinguish the fire and went by the little lake. I know I did the right thing. Gana-"Pyron?" Pyron-"Gana? You should rest." Gana-"I'm good. Pyron...I'm....I'm...pregnant." Pyron-"So it is true. You are carrying our child?" Gana-"Yeah. I had hope this wouldn't had happen." Pyron-"Don't be silly Gana. We shared...well, enjoyable times together. I'm proud to have a child from you." Gana-"Really? That means so much. Our little girl will be happy." I rubbed Gana's belly. Pyron-"So, it's female?" I smiled and Gana and I snuggled. Vinny-"Well Buraki, your plan failed. Pyron didn't kill Gana. At least I got paid." Buraki-"Actually, your payment's in there." Vinny-"Really. (Opens chamber and a large dragon's head pops out) What the?! Get back! What is that?" Buraki-"That's...Master Buraki." Vinny-"What?! Noooooo!" Master Buraki eats him. Buraki turns into Tirips. Tirips-"Well master, the plan's in motion. Your body's in full development now." Buraki-"Good. Now destroy the traitors, and Gana and Pyron." Tirips-"Yes master." Buraki-"Soon all dragonkind will fall for rejecting me. I will rule the world. Muhahahahahaaaa!!!"

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Dragon Gods

Gana and I traveled mostly during the day and rested at night. We were both concern about Nera, Lagon, Spirit, Flame, Nikki, and Ruby. I was more concern about Gana. She seemed to be more focused on her stomach. Pyron-"Gana, is something wrong?" Gana-"No. Just stomach cramps. I'm good." Pyron-"Well...okay." We slept close to each other. It was nearly noon as we traveled when we saw a village. It wasn't Tigres Town but we did find rabbits, moles, mice and rats. We approached the village. Mouse-"Look everyone. Dragons." We were soon surrounded. Pyron-"Hey, what's going on?" Rabbit-"Please forgive us. You two are dragons. In our village we honor dragons as gods." Gana and Pyron-"Gods?" Rabbit-"Yes. And you two are Pyron and Gana of Mist Falls Village, right? Word of the destruction of that village reached us. We were sorry your village got destroyed but we're glad the dragons are safe." Gana-"Uh...thanks." Rabbit-"Please, follow us." So we follow them.
Throughout the day the villagers treated Gana and I like royalty. They waited on us hand and foot. They brushed our scales and fed us. It was good. They gave us a tour of their village. We saw a statue of a big dragon from long ago. I notice Gana looked like she was in pain. Gana-"Is something wrong Pyron? You keep staring at me." Pyron-"" An hour passes as Gana and I were back in our hut. Gana-"Gaaa...." I saw Gana was clutching her stomach. Pyron-"Gana, are you okay?" Gana-"Y...Yeah. Guess I made have eaten too much. I guess I'll go get some air." She gets up, but seconds later she falls down. Gana-"Aaaaaa!" Pyron-"Gana! Oh no. Nurse! Nurse!"
Minutes later the medical staff came and took Gana to the medical tent. I was really concern for Gana. The nurse told me not to come in. I was feeling anxious. So I waited. Gana-"So nurse, what is it? Why am I getting stomach cramps?" Nurse-"Congradulations Princess Gana. Your pregnant." Gana-"What?! I can't be. Not now at least." Nurse-"Well, you have a 3 week old baby inside you. I'm guessing Prince Pyron is the father?" Gana-"Please don't tell Pyron. I don't know how he'll react." Nurse-"Okay. I won't tell him." The nurse came out of the tent. Nurse-"Let Gana rest for half an hour, then you can go see her." Pyron-"Thank you nurse."
Half an hour passes finally and I went inside the tent. There was Gana on her leaf bed. She looked elegant to me as always. Pyron-"Gana, how are you?" Gana-"Relax Pyron. I'm okay. I just had a bad case of indigestion. Hahaha...I'm sorry if I worried you." She seemed worried. Pyron-"As long as your safe, I'm happy." Gana-"Pyron..." Pyron-"Yeah?" Gana-"Could you...stay with me?" Pyron-"Do you have to ask? I'll stay with you always." I laid down besided her. We fell asleep together.
Spirit-"Well Pyron, you have a baby girl." Pyron-"Our daugther is so beautiful. She resembles her mother." Gana-"Yeah, but she has her father's eyes." Gana and I were about to kiss...when I woke up. Gana-"Pyron, are you okay?" Pyron-"Huh? Oh, it was a dream. I, nevermind." Gana-"Hmm...well, okay. You were dreaming after all. Let's get some shut eye." So we went back to sleep. I felt Gana's head on my head. Something does concern me about Gana. Her stomach cramps and those dreams I had. I got this weird feeling Gana could be...pregnant. Am I going to be...a father? If Gana is pregnant...that makes me happy. It makes me want to protect Gana and our unborn child much more. I'll wait until she tells me when she's ready.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Gana-"Pyron's sleeping like a baby. He's so cute like that. So, what were you two like as children?" Luna-"Well, Pyron was always adventurous. I was more cautious. His adventurous nature gets us in trouble sometimes. There was this one time when our parents went out for food and told us to stay in the cave. Pyron didn't want to sit still so we went out on an adventure..."
Pyron-"Come on sis. Get a move on." Luna-"But Pyron, mom and dad told us to stay in the cave where we'll be safe." Pyron-"I know, but I just have to go explore." Luna-"But mom and dad said not for us to venture into the forest. For all we know, there could be Frogweeds, Toadweeds, Bulb Spiders, and Hunter Spiders out here." Pyron-"You worry too much. I'll protect you like dad does." Luna-"Pyron, your small." My brother may have been small, but he had a big heart as I'll soon see.
We came to a clearing of mushrooms and large bulbs. Pyron-"Wow. I never saw bulbs as huge as these. Dad can make some good stew with these." Luna-"Idon't know...huh? Did that bulb just wiggle?" Pyron-"Probably just the wind." All of a sudden the Bulb Spiders appeared. Luna-"Aaaaaa! Bulb Spiders! I want mommy and daddy." We were surrounded by 6 of them. Pyron-"Don't worry sis. I'll protect you." Luna-"Really brother?" Pyron-"Yeah." Pyron fought them as best he could but kept getting knocked back. Pyron-"You won't get...near...Luna." We heard our dad's roar and the spiders flee. Magmis-"Luna. Pyron. Thank the anestors your both safe." Our father took us home.
Star-"Oh, my babies. Your safe." Luna-"We're sorry for worrying you mom and dad." Pyron-"Mom. Dad. I'm sorry. I wanted to go exploring and convinced Luna to come with me. I'm sorry. It's all my fault." Star-"I'm just glad you two are safe. That's more important." MMagmis-"I will say this our boy showed great skill in defending his twin sister." Pyron-"But...I didn't knock down the spiders dad." Magmis-"No. But you show bravry just like your old man. Hahahaha. You'll make a dragoness a very lucky dragoness one day as your mate, just like how I was able to make Star very lucky." Star-"Aww Magmis." They snuggle their noses. Luna-"Ewwww." Pyron-"Get a cave you two."
Luna-"Since then our Pyron learn s few moves from our dad just before we got captured." Gana-"Wow. Pyron took on giant Bulb Spiders just to protect you?" Luna-"Yeah. He's my hero." Gana-"...Mine too. Your dad is right. Pyron made me the luckiest dragoness." Pyron-(yawns) "What's with all the noise?" Gana-"Nothing. I'm just glad I'm with you Pyron. If we ever do have a child, I hope you'll be a great dad Pyron." Pyron-"Well, maybe I will." Gana and I snuggled. Luna-"Get a cave you two." We all laughed.
It was morning as we were about to go. Luna-"It's been about 3 days since you were separated from the others. Their all ok." Gana-"That's good." Pyron-"So where your goiing Luna?" Luna-"I'm heading for Wyvern Hill. There are a group of Wyvern Dragons who are at odds with some centaurs. I'm hoping I can talk to the leaders and negotiate a peace between them." She turns to Sylene. Gana-"I hope you succeed Luna." Sylene-"Yeah. You two should make your way to the Tigres Town." Pyron-"Tigres Town?" Sylene-"Yeah. In a few days some Eastern Dragons and the tigers are about to go to war. If you two are going to be leaders, this will be a good time to test your leadership skills." Pyron-"Wait Luna. Do you think I have what it takes to be a leader?" She kisses me on the cheek. Sylene-"Pyron, I have faith in you. After all, the light needs you." Pyron-"you mean that crystal?" Sylene-"No. The true light." Pyron-"The true light? What do you mean?" Sylene-"I can't go into more details. (Flies) I'll see you soon brother. Buraki will still come after you. Be careful." Pyron-"You too. (She flies away and then Gana and I took off and flew in another direction. When we flew I notice Gana was rubbing her belly again.) Gana?" Gana-"Yeah?" Pyron-"Just know I'll always be here for you." Gana-"Thanks Pyron.I'm lucky your my dragon." Pyron-"No. I'm lucky your my dragoness." We continued on. Scientist-"Sir, tests show your current body won't last long. We're preparing your new body." Buraki-"Good. My new body will be more powerful than this one. Soon my master plan will be in full force." Alazar was somewhere close by. Alazar-(thinks) "Not if I have anything to say about it Buraki."


Voice-"Pyron, wake up. Please wake up my..." My head hurts. I open my eyes and saw the most beautiful thing in my life: Gana. Gana-"Oh, your okay. I was so worried." She hugs me. Wait! This seems familiar. Gana-"Pyron?" Pyron-"Huh? Oh, sorry Gana. For a second there I thought I felt like I been through this before. Man, I got such a headache." Voice-"Then you should drink this." I looked over to the left and saw...Sylene?! Pyron-"Sylene?" She turned into Luna. Luna-"It's been a while brother." Gana-"Wow, you two do look alike. Guess your twins after all." Luna-"Yeah, but he's red, white, and black and I'm pink, white, and yellow. Pyron's more bulky and I'm more slender." Gana-"Funny, I don't notice any difference between you two except your scale colors." Pyron-"Blaaaag. Nasty stuff." Luna-"Well, it'll restore your energy. You been out like a light for two days." Pyron-"2 days? (Okay, I know this is familiar.) We're outside the Dead Zone, aren't we?" Gana-"Well, yeah." Pyron-"And we been missing for 3 days, not counting the 2 I was out, right Luna?" Luna-"Um...yeah. Anyway, we should go when your ready."
This is all too familiar, Something's not right. Pyron-"Hold on a second. Gana, your gonna tell me you and I will become leaders of a resistance group and your having a baby, right?" Gana-"But, how did you know?" Pyron-"Because you told me before. Now...I'm having deja vu feelings. Buraki will kill Luna and I'll go ballistic. This is all...a fake!!!" Gana-"Pyron, what do you mean?" Pyron-"For one thing, I can sense Gana's heart, but your not Gana. Your...Anag!" Anag-"Fufufufu...seems Bulco's idea failed." Luna-(Bulco's voice) "Hush Anag." Pyron-"I thought so." Voice-" Get out of my boyfriend's head Bulco!!!" Pyron-"Gana?" Suddenly I saw the real Gana. She blasted Anag and the false Luna with her Heating power. Anag and Bulco-"Aaaaaa!"
Aaaaaa! I woke up outside the cage. Pyron-"Huh? What?" Gana-"Pyron! Your okay." Pyron-"Huh? Gana? What happened?" Buraki-"Curse you Gana. Your connection to your mate is far stronger than I thought. No matter, infect her with the virus." Gana-"Aaaaa!" Pyron-"Nooooo!" I plowed through the steel cage and took the shot for Gana. Gana-"Pyron!" Pyron-"Aaaaag!" Buraki-"Darn it. He got struck." Pyron-"Ow...and I thought I had all my shots." Gana-"Pyron, are you okay?" Pyron-"Yeah...I will be..." Alazar-"Enough of this. Let's kill them." There was an explosion. We were cover in a thick cloud. Gana and I were close to each other. We flew up and found the exit. We then escaped. Buraki-"They got away. No matter. Pyron will soon be a part of my army. Did you get it?" Scientist-"Yes sir. We got a sample of Pyron's DNA. We'll begin immediately." Buraki-"Good."
We got a good distance away from the facility. We were still in the air. Gana-"Pyron, I'm glad your safe. After you rejected Buraki's offer Bulco went into your mind and try to make an illusion. I thought Buraki will have you at last. Am I ever so relieved." Voice-"Hey you two." We saw Sylene. Pyron-"Sylene?" A while later we landed and rested somewhere secluded. Sylene turned into Luna. Gana-"Wow. You two look so much alike with the exceptance of your scale color." Luna-"Yeah. Plus, Pyron's bulkier and I'm slender." Gana-"Um, I don't see it." Pyron-"Did you help us Luna?" Luna-"Yeah." Gana-"Um...Pyron." Pyron-"Yes?" Gana-"I have something to tell you. You and I, we'll be two of the most powerful leaders of a resistance group against Buraki's forces. That's why he wants you to join him." Pyron-"Hmm...anything else ou want to tell me Gana?" Gana-"...No. That's all." Pyron-"Really?" Gana-"Of course." Pyron-"Hmm..okay. We should get some rest." Gana-"Yeah." Luna-"I'll be on my way in a few hours. I'll stay here with you two." I noticed Gana had her claw on her belly. Hmm...I wonder...
Night fell. I was sound asleep with Gana at my side. Gana-"Pyron..." Luna-"So, can't tell my brother the whole truth?" Gana-"No. I can't tell him I may be pregnant with his child. Ruby told me when we were on Fairy Island I could be. Will our child be...the light?" Luna-"...Yes. She will be. Oops, my power to sense the aura in others made me blab your child's gender. Sorry Gana." Gana-"It's okay. I just hope Pyron will be a good dad." Luna-"He will Gana. I remember when we were kids Pyron always protected me..."

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Gana's Confession

Voice-"Pyron, wake up. Please wake up my..." My head hurts. I open my eyes and saw the most beautiful thing I ever seen in my life: Gana. Gana-"Oh, your okay. I was so worried." She hugs me. Pyron-"What happened? I got such a headache." Voice-"Then you should drink this." I looked over to the left and saw...Sylene?! Pyron-"Sylene?" She turned into Luna. Luna-"It's been a while brother." Gana-"Wow, you two do look alike. Guess your twins after all." Luna-"Yeah, but he's red, white, and black and I'm pink, white, and yellow. Pyron's more bulky and I'm more slender." Gana-"Funny, I don't notice any difference between you two except your scale colors." Pyron-"Blaaaag. Nasty stuff." Luna-"Well, it'll restore your energy. You been out like a light for two days." Pyron-"2 days? Oh, I remember. Gana and I escaped from Buraki's Research Facility. Where are we?" Gana-"Outside the Dead Zone. Problem is, I'm not sure where." Luna-"You been missing for 3 days, not counting the 2 you were out brother. We should go when your ready."
Pyron-"Wait. There's something I need to know. Buraki was eager for me to join his army. First he wants to kill me, now he wants me as an ally. I been having weird dreams of the future. Kyle seems to know Gana and I were meant to be together. And Ruby's keeping me in the dark about all this. I deserve an explanation for all this." Luna-"Pyron, it's best you-" Pyron-"I don't care Luna. I want to know why." Gana-"...Okay Pyron." Luna-"You sure Gana?" Gana-"Yeah. Pyron, I been getting visions of the future. You see, the two of us will become powerful leaders to a resistance group and lead our army to victory against Buraki and his machines for the first time. Pyron-"Machines? What machines?" Gana-"That's not important. What I'll tell you next may shock you Pyron, and I'm afraid how you'll react. Pyron, we spent so much time together and I know how much I mean to you. This is hard for me to tell you. Pyron...I'm..." Pyron-"Well, what is it?" Gana-"We're..." Luna-"Breathe in and out Gana." Gana-"Thanks. Pyron, we're gonna have a baby." Pyron-"A baby? That's something. Wait...did you just say we're gonna have a baby?!" Gana nods. Luna-"Who knew you had it in you bro. Gana's pregnant and it's all thanks to you." Pyron-"But, when did this happen?" Luna-"You two spent so much time together. And your in love. What did you think will happen?" Gana-"I thought it would overwhelm him." Pyron-"Yeah, it did. Gana, I'm proud to be a father to our baby. Really I am." Gana-"I can sense your heart. Your telling the truth." She hugs me. Luna-"Your baby girl will be beautiful." Pyron and Gana-"Baby girl?!" Pyron-"Our child's female?" Luna-"Yep. Oops, guess my ability to read the aura in lifeforms revealed the gender of your baby. I'm sorry." Pyron-"Hmm...doesn't matter. I'll protect them both with my life." Gana-"Pyron..." Gana hugs me even tighter. Pyron-"Any tighter and I won't breathe." I laughed.
Suddenly we were hit by some blast. It just missed us. Pyron-"Where that come from?" Gana-"Oh no, it's Buraki." Buraki-"Muhahaha! Found you." Pyron-"He found us so quick." Luna-"I'll handle him." She flies up. Pyron-"Luna, wait!" Buraki-"Ah Luna, I found you, or is Sylene better?" Luna-"Call me whichever, I'm taking you down." She hits him with a light beam but he blocks it. Luna-"What?!" Buraki-"Weak fool." He strikes Luna in her chest with his tail. Pyron-"Noooooooo!" Luna falls to the ground as I ran to her. Gana-"Luna...(Buraki grabs Gana) Aaa! Let me go you snake!" Buraki-"Hm? Your pregnant. So, your carrying Pyron's offspring. The more reason to kill you." Gana-"Aaaaa!!!" Pyron-"Burakiiiii! I'll kill you for this!" My body glew crimson and I fired my Crimson Beam at him, destroying him. Buraki-"Aaaaa!!" Gana fell. Pyron-"Gana, your okay? How's our baby?" Gana-"I'm okay. She's okay too. No damage to her." Pyron-"That's good. Oh no, Luna!" We ran to her. Luna-" time here has...ended..." Pyron-"Don't say that sister. I can heal you." Luna-"It's too..late. Pyron...protect the light..." Pyron-"I don't care about that stupid rock." Luna-"No, it's not the true light." Pyron-"Huh? The true light?" Luna-"Yes. The true daughter..." Pyron-"My daughter?" Gana-"She's the light?" Luna-"Yes. Protect...her...with your lives..." Pyron-"Luna? (She didn't talk. Luna...was dead) Luna? No, not my baby twin sister....Lunaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!"
Scientist-"Master, results show that body wouldn't have sustained you." Buraki-"Oh well. Prepare the next one. Pyron did me a favor by destroying it. Soon, he'll be mine, muhahahahahaaaa!"

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Buraki's Offer

Gana-"Pyron, wake up. Please wake up." Pyron-"Argh. My head. Gana, what happened? Where are we?" Gana-"Not sure. I remember Buraki attacking us then I blacked out." Pyron-"Same for me." Scientist-"Looks like the subjects are awake." Gana and Pyron-"Huh?" Scientist-"Welcome to our research facility." Pyron-"Research facility?" Gana-"Oh no. Buraki captured us." Pyron-"Let's get outta here." Suddenly I couldn't move. Gana-"Hey, what's this around our necks." Bulco-"Magic shackles. That way we won't lose you two." Gana-"Bulco! How dare you show your face after what you did to both me and Pyron?" Bulco-"Well, I can't help it if I want you to reconsider joining us." Gana-"I'll never join you. You know that." Bulco-"Yes...I remember." Guard-"Master Buraki asked you take the prisoners to the laboratory." So they move the cage along.
As we pass by a weapons instilation I saw some weird robots. Man-"Go Aerostat." Aerostat? What's that? I felt a jolt in my heart. Gana...she's scared. We soon came to the lab and both Alazar and Buraki were there. Alazar-"Well well. Pyron, your here at last." Pyron-"Alazar. Your wing..." Alazar-"Yes, you did this to me. I had to replace it with a robo wing. I'll make you pay." Buraki-"Enough. Welcome to my lab Gana and Pyron. You two should be proud. Not all my test subjects manage to survive the procedures after all these years. You won't need your shackles. Bring Pyron out." I was dragged out. Pyron-"You monster. I should take you down for what you done to everyone." Buraki-"Relax. All I wanted to do was become a dragon. It's not my fault I was born a snake. That dark crystal of Malefor made it all possible for me. Now I'll become a full blooded dragon soon." Pyron-"Grrr."
Scientist-"Sir. Preprations are complete." Buraki-"Good. Pyron, why not join me and become a general?" Pyron-"What? I'd never join you." Buraki-"Oh, I think you will." Gana-"Get that away from me!" Pyron-"Huh? Gana!" Buraki-"You see Pyron, that vile has my new virus. It will either make Gana more powerful, or put her down for good." Pyron-"You dirty snake!" Buraki-"So, if you join me, Gana won't be the first to be tested. If you reject, well, your beloved mate may not live. What's it gonna be?" What can I do? If I join Buraki, Gana will be okay, but if I don't, she'll die. (Join me Pyron) What? Buraki can read my mind? (Yes. Bulco's not the only one who can. Join me now and your girlfriend will be safe) What do I do? Gana-"Don't listen to him Pyron! Don't join him!" Gana. Bulco-"Quiet Gana." Pyron-"I'll never join you Buraki." Buraki-"Very well. Inject her." Gana-"Aaaa!" Pyron-"Nooo!" I jumped and plowed through the cage and got injected with the virus. Gana-"Pyron!" I was in pain. Suddenly I grew big and roared. Gana-"Oh no...he grew Kyle and Robby." Pyron-"Buraki, I'll kill you." I attacked him as well as Alazar and Bulco. Buraki-"You think you can stop me? (I blasted him with a fire attack) Aaaaa!" I hit him with my tail and sent him into a wall and made debris fell on him. I went crazy. Gana-"Pyron, stop! Please stop!" When I heard Gana, I stopped. I collapsed and grew back to my normal size. All my strength was gone. Gana-"Pyron. I'm so sorry my love. I got to get us out of here." She puts me on her back and used her blue lightning to run and get us out of the facility. Once we were out she took off in the air with me on her back. Pyron-"I feel...lousy. Ugh..." Gana-"I'm here Pyron. You just rest." Pyron-"Gana, Buraki seemed eager for me to join him. You know why...he does?" Gana-"Pyron...I-I just can't tell you." Pyron-"Gana. I want to know. Please, can you tell me?" Gana-"...Okay Pyron. Once we find somewhere to rest, I'll tell you."
Buraki-"Hmm...the virus worked out just as I thought. Too bad Pyron's healing power saved him." Scientist-"Sir, we were able to pinpoint the dragon you asked." Buraki-"Good. I'll deal with them. Pyron's path down the dark road will be guranteed, once I eliminate Sylene...or should I say, Luna. Hehehe...hahahahahaaaaa!"

Draco Island Pt. 3-Golem Attack

Lagon-"Let's hurry everyone. Tyfus should reach Draco Island any minute now." Nikki-"We're going as fast as we can Lagon." Spirit-"Gana, Pyron, please be safe." Nera-(I hope they got to Spyro and Cynder). Tyfus was lobbing fire rocks at us as we ran down the path. We were still too high up to fly. Kyle-"Let's hurry up everyone." We were able to eventually get low enough in good flying conditions. Gana-"Alright fellow dragons. Let's fly." We took off with Tyfus still hurling fire rocks at us. Spyro-"We have to destroy that thing." Gana-"Then why are we just standing around? Let go." So we attacked Tyfus. Kyle went with a Sonic Wave, Gana went with her Heat power, then Cynder lob her Poison shot and both Spyro and I went with our fire attacks, but we hardly did any damage to him. Pyron-"Anyone have a plan B?" Kyle-"I do. Distract him guys. (So we did. What was Kyle up to?) Open wide big guy." Pyron-"What?! Is he...?" Tyfus opened his mouth and Kyle flew right in. Gana-"Kyyyyyyyle!"
Lagon-"Look, it's Tyfus. Lets go." Gana-"Kyle..." Cynder-"Don't worry Gana. I'm sure he's fine." Spyro-"Come on, we have to defeat him." Spirit-"Gana! Pyron!" Pyron-"Look! Here come the others." Lagon-"Good. We got here just in time. And it seems you awaken Spyro and Cynder." Pyron-"Yeah, but introductions later. We got to take down Tyfus now." So together Lagon, Spirit, Nera, Nikki, Gana, Spyro, Cynder, and I attacked Tyfus. We still didn't do enough of damage. Suddenly Tyfus was beginning to crack. Cynder-Look. He's cracking up." Nera-"But how?" Pyron-"Kyle must have done it." Lagon-"Kyle?" Nikki-"Uh, shouldn't we all fly up now?" Spyro-"Yeah. Come on." We flew up just in time. Tyfus exploded. Gana-"Is Kyle okay?" Seconds later we saw Kyle. Pyron-"Kyle, your okay." Kyle-"Yeah. My Sonic Blast did the trick on his heart." Nera-"Look. Here comes Griz's boat." Pyron-"Whew. Let's go home everyone."
As we ride the boat back to Diamond Port we explained what had happened. Ruby-"I see. You destroyed the darkness within Kyle and spared his life." Pyron-"Yeah. Maybe we can do the same with Robby Nera." Kyle-"That won't be possible. His spirit's been outside his body far too long. It's just a shell fill with dark energy now." Nera-"Robby..." Kyle-"Nera, don't feel down. Robby wants you to go on. Besides, you have a new guy in your life and he treats you well." Nera-"Yeah...just like Robby. Lagon is amazing." Kyle-"And Pyron, you got Gana." Pyron-"Yeah. And speaking of which...Ruby, what's the deal with you not telling me the whole truth? You know something, don't you? (There was silence) Oh, I get it. You told everyone but not me. I want to know now." Gana-"Pyron, i-it's not that important. Let's go get something to eat." Pyron-"Sorry Gana. Tell me what I need to hear Ruby, not what I want to hear." Ruby-"I can't. Gana, can you?" Gana-"...Okay. Pyron, the reason why you and I are important is-" Suddenly the wind picked up. Silver-"Wow, A sudden gale we got here." Ruby-"Oh no, and he's causing it." We looked up and saw a snake that looked like a wyvern. Spyro-"Who is that?" Lagon-"Buraki..." All-"Buraki?!" Cynder-"Who's Buraki?" Gana-"He's an evil snake who's doing deadly experiments on dragons and other creatures." Pyron-"All so he can become the ultimate dragon." Spyro-"That's terrible." Buraki-"Hehehe. Looks like I found you. And you woke up Spyro and Cynder." Lagon-"We won't let you take them." Buraki-"Lagon...clueless as ever. I'm not here for them. I'm here for...Gana and Pyron!" Gana-"What?!" Pyron-"Us?!" He fires some kind of beam at us. All-"Aaaaaaaa!" The ship was hit and destroyed. We were all tossed overboard and landed in the water. We were okay. Ruby-"Is everyone okay?" Nikki-"Yeah. Where's Pyron and Gana?" Saka-"Oh no. Look!" Buraki had us. Lagon-"No! Buraki got them." Spirit-"Gana! Pyron!" Gana and I were both knocked out. Nera-"We can't pursue them." Ruby-"No. This can't be..." With us captured, how will Gana and I escape from Buraki?

Draco Island Pt. 2-Reawakening

A couple of hours have passed. Gana, Kyle, and I were walking up the mountain path. As we went higher the wind picked up. We couldn't fly so we walked. Kyle was quiet. Pyron-"Kyle, you okay?" Kyle-"...No." Pyron-"Kyle, if your mad that Gana loves me, all I can say is-" Kyle-"Save your apology Pyron. I don't need it." Gana-"Kyle?! How can you be so rude to Pyron?" Kyle-"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I said that because you two were destined for one another." Pyron-"Huh?" Kyle-"That day when we first met Pyron, I had a dream. During the time I fell for Gana, but I saw her with you and...I became jealous." Pyron-"Jealous...of me?" Kyle-"Yes. Despite that, you kept watch over Gana. You even saved her life by curing her of that drug. I'll always love Gana, but it's you that's her mate, not me. (I was speechless) Promise me one thing. Protect Gana at all costs." Pyron-"I will." Gana-"Pyron..." Kyle-"Come on. Tyfus is getting closer." We continued on.
Lagon-"Griz, can't this tub go any faster?" Griz-"No Lagon. This is as fast as she'll go." Spirit-"Do you think we'll make it in time Lagon?" Lagon-"We have to Spirit." Nera-(I hope Gana and Pyron are okay. I got a bad feeling about this). Something big comes out of the water. Saka-"Whoa! What is that beast?" Lagon-"Oh no. It's Tyfus." He dives down. Flame-"That means he's on his way to Draco Island. We'll never reach it." Ruby-"Lagon, you take Nera, Spirit, Nikki, and Flame with you." Flame-"But Ruby, I can't fly with these crystals in my wing." Ruby-"Hmm...Okay, the rest of you go. I'll see what I can do for Flame." Lagon-"Alright. Let's go people." They took flight.
Back on Draco Peak, we near the top. Gana-"Pyron, where you got that crystal from?" Pyron-"I met this Heraldic name Saturday. She gave me this crystal in order to resurrect Jewel and Kaloth." Gana-"I see. How you know it would have expelled the darkness within Kyle?" Pyron-"Well, I didn't. Guess it was luck. Hahahaha." Kyle-"We're here." We found the cave at the top. We went inside.
As we walked we saw a lot of crystals. We found the one crystal we've been searching for: the one containing the legendary dragons Spyro and Cynder. Gana-"Wow. It's really them. Spyro...and Cynder..." Pyron-"Let's put these crystals Ruby gave us around them." So we did. The seconds feel like an eternity. Suddenly the 4 crystals glew. All the crystals reacted in the same way. The big crystal shattered. Spyro and Cynder were free. Kyle-"It'll take a while for them to wake up. We should wait." We agreed.
An hour passes. Spyro-" head." Cynder-"What's going...on?" Kyle-"Looks like their awake." Spyro-"Huh? Who are you?" Kyle-"Relax. I'm Kyle." Gana-"I'm Gana." Pyron-"And I'm Pyron." Cynder-"Where are we?" Gana-"Your inside Draco Peak on Draco Island." Spyro-"Wait, I remember. The elder dragons sealed us away because our dark powers were increasing. Why did you release us?" Pyron-"An earth golem name Tyfus is on his way here to destroy both you and Cynder Spyro." Gana-"We have to get out of here before he comes." Cynder-"Okay. Lead the way." We ran out the cave and suddenly saw a colossal creature coming out of the sea. Pyron-"By the ancestors. What is that thing?" Kyle-"It's Tyfus. Rotten timing too. We can't fly with dangerous winds blowing all around us." Gana-"Then what can we do?" Our options were running out as Tyfus approaches us. Do we flee or do we fight? To be continued...

Draco Island Pt. 1-Kyle's Last Stand

It's been a few hours since Gana and I left the others and headed for Draco Island. I still wanted to know why Gana and I are so important. I was confused. Ruby knows something but won't tell me what. And these dreams I had as of late. Are they glimpes of the future? Pyron-"Gana, how are you?" Gana-"Okay so far. We should see Draco Island any minute now." Pyron-"Do you know why Ruby considers us important? (She doesn't answer) Gana?" Gana-"...No. I don't. We should keep going Pyron." Pyron-"Okay Gana." We continued on. Something in Gana's voice made me suspicious she knows something. She seems...afraid.
We soon saw an island with a tall mountain. We found it: Draco Island. Pyron-"There's Draco Island. Let's head for Draco Peak." Voice-"Not so fast." Gana-"What? That's..." Kyle appears. Pyron-"Kyle!!" Gana-"Kyle..." Kyle-"Found you at last Pyron. My good half kept me from killing you, but now I'm in total control of this body." Gana"No..." Pyron-"We'll beat you and save the goodness in Kyle." Kyle-"What goodness? Pyron, you stole Gana from me, and when your dead, I'll kill her too for her betrayal." Pyron-"I won't let you harm a scale on her." Kyle-"How can you stop me Pyron? Last time we met I almost killed you. Only my good side prevented me from delivering the finishing blow. Now that it's gone, nothing will stop me from killing you." Pyron-"Grrr."
Back on the boat Ruby was looking at the sea. Ruby-"Hopefully those two will be okay. The future depends on it." Spirit-"The future? What do you mean?" Ruby-"Huh? Oh, it's you young one." Spirit-" Ruby, what do you mean the future depends on it?" Ruby-"I can't tell you." Lagon-"Tell us what?" Ruby-"Lagon, Flame, Nikki, Nera." Flame-"Well, tell us Ruby." Ruby-"I...can't..." Spirit-"We must know now Ruby." Nera-"Stop it guys. Ruby you don't have to say anything." Ruby-"Nera, you can predict the future so you know why I can't tell them, but...I'll tell them. Just don't tell Pyron. Gana will tell him when she's ready." Spirit-"Gana knows?" Ruby-"Yes. A few years from now, Gana and Pyron will become the leaders of a resistance group to fight Buraki. And...their daughter will be the one to ultimately kill Buraki." Spirit-"Their...daughter?" Ruby-"Yes." Nikki-"Whoa." Lagon-"No wonder you didn't want to tell Pyron. He'll be shocked." Ruby-"That's all I'll say for now. We have to get to Draco Island fast."
Kyle-"Die Pyron!" I was hit with a Sonic Blast. Pyron-"Aaaaa!" Gana-"Pyron!" I crashed into the ground. Pyron-"I don't like that." Gana-"Are you okay?" Kyle-"Time to kill you Pyron." Gana-"Stay back." Gana fires her Heating power but Kyle dodges it. Kyle-"Can't bring yourself to harm me, can you Gana?" Gana-"Grrr." Kyle-"This'll be too easy. Time to show you my TRUE POWER!!! WHAAAARRRG!" Kyle grew large. Gana and Pyron-"Not good." Kyle-"HAHAHA! I'LL DESTROY YOU TWO NOW!!! YOU MADE MY JOB TOO EASY. BURAKI WANTS YOU CAPTURED, BUT I'LL KILL YOU BOTH INSTEAD!!" Captured? But I thought he wants us dead. Pyron-"Gana, we have to defeat Kyle." Gana-"But Pyron, I can't kill him." Pyron-"We won't. All we have to do is weaken him." Gana-"Okay. I'm with you Pyron." Kyle-"TASTE MY FURY BLAST!" Gana and Pyron-"Taste our power too!" Gana and I shot our fire attack at Kyle's Fury Blast. Our strength was over taking his. Kyle-"HOW CAN THIS BE?! YOUR POWER'S GREATER THAN MINE! NOOOO!!!" Our fire attacks took Kyle down. Gana-"Now what?" Pyron-"This. I'll use this blue crystal. Take this Kyle!" I jabbed it into his chest. Kyle-"ARRRRRRRGGGGH!" He grew smaller and gain his normal color back. The blue crystal turned black. Kyle-"Huh? What happened?" Gana-"Kyle...your back to your old self." Gana hugs him. Kyle-"Gana..." I picked up the crystal. Voice-"No! This...can't...beeeeee...!" The crystal was blue again. Pyron-"The darkness in Kyle's gone." Suddenly we heard a roar from a distance. Kyle-"'s Tyfus." Pyron-"Come on Gana. We got to get to the peak." Gana-"Okay. We'll come back for you Kyle." Kyle-"Wait. I'll come too. I may be weak but I can still help." Pyron-"Okay. Let's gp." So the three of us headed for Draco Peak. We got to reach the peak before Tyfus gets here, or else Spyro and Cynder are doomed. To be continued...

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Love hurts

Spirit-"Pyron! The egg finally hatched." Gana-"Pyron, say hi to your daughter." Pyron-"Aww...she's so cute. Ow! She bit my nose." Gana-"That's her way of giving you a kiss." Pyron-"Well, she's a little angel." Gana-"Angel...that's what we'll call her. Angel." Elmo-"You have a way with names Pyron." Pyron-"I guess. Hey, the sky went black." Buraki-"Muhahahaha!!! I found you all. Now, DIE!" Pyron-"Everyone, look out! Noooooo!"
I woke up. Was it a dream...or a vision of the future? We have traveled for weeks from Mist Falls Village to Hulcana Village to Diamond Port and were heading for Draco Island. We stop by an unnamed island and met with Thundrax, a Wyvern type Electric Dragon and Nessie, a Plesiosaur kind of Water Dragon. They gave us these 2 small crystals and parted ways. They were able to evacuate the islands knowing well Robby could show up. After Melos's death that's no surprise. I was in my room with Gana as usual. She was sound asleep...or so I thought. I lean over to kiss her on the cheek. Next thing I know she kisses me on the lips. Gana-"Now that's a kiss for my boyfriend." Pyron-"Hey! You weren't suppose to do that. (My stomach growls) Guess I'm hungry." Gana-"Me too. Let's go." We met up with the others in the mess hall and ate breakfast. After eating I went outside.
I was out on deck when Nikki came. Nikki snuggles me. Pyron-"Nikki, I told you I'm into Gana." Nikki-"Aww Pyron. Quit playing hard to get. I won't bite." Gana then showed up. Gana-"Okay Nikki, I've been cool with youri infatuation towards Pyron, but he's my mate, not yours." Nikki-"Oh, I'm just having some fun. Lighten up Gana. Say I know. Why don't you and I fight for Pyron. The winner gets to have his claw in marriage." Pyron-"What?! I'm no game piece you can just-" Gana-"Okay, I'm in." Pyron-"Gana?!" Lagon-"What's going on?" Saka-"Looks like Nikki and Gana are gonna fight." Griz-"And I bet Pyron's the prize." Flame-"So we're gonna find out which one will be Pyron's official mate? Neat." Pyron-"I'm not cool with this." Nikki-"Well, you first." Gana-"Good. Taste my Heating power." Spirit-"Look at the electricity building in Gana." She a heat ball but Nikki counters with a fireball. Gana-"What?!" Nikki-"Now you see me (disappears) now you don't." Elmo-"Nikki vanished." Gana closes her eyes. Pyron-"Stop it you two. This is pointless." Gana smacks Nikki with her tail and made her reappear. Silver-"Ha! Direct hit." Gana was hit with ice shards. Saka-"Quite the counter move for Nikki." They fought for about an hour. They took hits and gave back too. How can I stop these two? Spirit-"You think Gana will try that blue lightning move?" Nera-"No. The ship's not large enough." Gana fires another fire ball and Nikki does the same. They were both hit. Lagon-"Whoa, their both still standing." They were exhausted and they collapsed. Pyron-"Gana! Nikki." I ran to both and heal them up. Gana-"Guess it's a tie huh?" Nikki-"Yeah...for now." Pyron-"No. No more you two. We got a mission to complete." They got up. Ruby-"Pyron's right. We have to get to Draco Island fast. Gana. Pyron. You two fly on ahead to Draco Island." Gana and Pyron-"Huh?" She gave us all 4 crystals. Gana-"Why are you giving these to us Ruby?" Pyron-"And why only the two of us. We're stronger together as a team." Ruby-"True. YOU two work better as a team." Gana-"But..." Ruby-"You two have the highest amount of magic within you both. Gana, you and Pyron are more important than you realize." Pyron-"What? How so?" Ruby-"Sorry Pyron. Your not ready to know why." Pyron-"But..." Spirit-"Pyron, what Ruby says. We'll catch up." I didn't want to leave. Nikki-"We'll be ok. You go on ahead." Pyron-"....Okay." Gana and I took fligh and headed for Draco Island on our own, with the 4 crystals with us. Ruby knows something and is reluctant to tell me what it is. Gana and I are that important? Why? Gana-"Pyron, let's pick up the pace." Pyron-"Oh, right." Our next stop is Draco Island. We gotta hurry. I hope we make it in time.

Ground Melos

We arrived at the elves' island. As usual Griz and the Vixers stayed on the boat to keep it safe. The rest of us ventured into the island, including Ruby. Nikki stayed close to me, which made me nervous. Gana seemed okay by it, knowing my heart belongs to her. We soon spotted an elf. Lemir-"Mistress Ruby, your safe and sound, and you brought friends. Please follow me."We followed the elf to the heart of the island where we saw more elves. We saw a dragon as well, except he had no wings but was able to fly. Pyron-"How is he flying and have no wings?" Ruby-"Melos is from the Eastern part of our world. He's an Eastern Earth Dragon." Pyron-"Eastern Dragon?" Gana-"Yeah. There are several types of dragons. Westerns like us, Easterns like Melos who are spoken of in Chinese legends, Wyverns: dragons who have wings for arms, Lizardos: dragons resembling lizards that can't fly, Furdragons who are covered in fur, and Dinos who, well, resemble dinosaurs." Pyron-"I didn't know that." Melos-"It does my heart good to know your safe old friend." Ruby-"Likewise Melos. Have you heard from Thundrax and Nessie?" Melos-"Yes. Their preparing to evacuate their islands too. It's no longer safe for any of us. My friends, the elves, are leaving too." Gana-"So your saying we can't defend the islands?" Melos-"No...not after what Robby did to the fairies' home." Nera-"Robby..." Lagon-"So now what? Buraki wants to get to Spyro and Cynder so he can make them evil. We have to stop him." Robby-"You should worry more about yourself Lagon." We look up and saw Robby.
Lagon-"Robby?! He's as big as me!" Robby-"Yes. Now I'll destroy this island with you along with it Lagon. Muhahahaha!!!" Nera-"Stop it Robby! Can't you see what your about to do?" Robby-"Yes...destroy this island and take Lagon along with it." Melos-"Earth Shot! (Robby was hit) All of you, go!" Nikki-"Wait Melos, you have to come too." Melos-"No lass. I'm afraid I can't. (Throws crystal shard to Ruby) I have to defend this island. It's my duty as a grand elder dragon. Ruby, my longtime friend, this is where we part ways. Take care of yourself." Ruby-"I will....old friend...lets go everyone!" Pyron-"But we can't leave Melos behind." Ruby-"We have no choice. Come on!" So we fled while Melos fought Robby. We ran as fast as we could to the shore, the whole time listening to the colossal fight.
We got to the shore and got on the boat. Griz-"Okay people, we're out." We sailed as far as we could. We were about 300 yards away when we saw what Robby did to the elves' island. He engulfed it in a giant ball of shadow and destroyed it. Gana-"Oh no. Was Melos...killed?" Ruby-"He did what he thought was right. We can't let his sacrafice be in vain." We were all sad. Spirit-"Guys, I see Melos's spirit. He's saying not to give up and continue on." Nikki-"I didn't know what I just got myself into, but I'm willing to help you guys out even more." Flame-"Yeah. We can still do this. We have to get to Draco Island." We all agreed.
Pyron-"What the-?! What are those things?" Spirit-"It must be Buraki's Aerostat machines." Pyron-"I got to find Gana." Nikki-"Be careful." I ran and ran until I saw my dad. Pyron-"Dad?" Magmis-" kill...for Master Buraki." Pyron-"No! He's a Dragon Hunter too! I got to get outta here." I ran and ran. Pyron-"Gana, where are you?" Gana-"I'm here Pyron." Buraki-"Hahaha! Now I found you two. With you both gone, the resistance will fall. Hahahahaha!! Take this!!" Voice-"Mom! Dad! Look out!" A female dragon was trying to get to us. Pyron-"Huh?! Aaaaaaaa!" I woke up. I was in my cabin with Gana. That was a weird dream I had. It felt so...real. I got up to go get some air. Something didn't feel right. That dream I didn't felt ordinary. Was it...the future? If it is, then I got a bad feeling about this. The worse has yet to come...

Ruby's secret and Nikki's crush

We gather around Ruby and waited to hear what she will tell us. Nikki was close to me...and it made me nervous. I was certain about one thing...if what Ruby tells us that the islands are important, we're in trouble. Ruby-"Since you all know Fairy Island was destroyed, I have to confess something to you. The 4 islands serve a major purpose. " Nera-"What kind of purpose?" Ruby-"Before I explain, Nikki, are you with us?" Nikki-"Well, Pyron saved my life (She snuggles me) so I'll help. Um, where are you guys going anyway?" Gana-"We're going to Draco Island to find Spyro and Cynder. We believe their at the top of Draco Peak." Nera-"So we're going there to find them before Buraki's forces get there." Nikki-"I never met them or know this Buraki guy, but I'll help long as Pyron's willing to fight." My heartrate increased as I got nervous. I got the feeling Nikki has a crush on me.
Ruby-"Ah, you arrived." We saw a white light come down. It took on the shape of a dragon. Sapphire-"Hi handsome." Pyron-"Sapphire?! How are you here?" Sapphire-"I came at the request of Ruby." Ruby-"As I wanted to show Pyron and Gana, Sapphire's new purpose is a spirit dragon. She travels to help those who lost their way. Like you Pyron." I said nothing. Ruby-"Now, the 4 major islands here serve a much more secret purpose. They create a mystical barrier that protects Draco Island." Spirit-"Really?" Ruby-"Yes. However, this can only happen when grand elder dragons like myself can channel our powers to create it. If the island or the dragon are destroyed, the barrier weakens." Pyron-"Then Robby was after the island all along?" Sapphire-"Yes, but since he's been influence further by the dark power of Buraki, his spirit was unfortunately expelled and now he roams around." Nera-"No...can we save him?" Sapphire-"I'm afraid you can't. His body so far poisoned not even Pyron's healing power can help him. Robby may not have a physical body, but he's still here for you Nera. I'll find him for you." Nera-"...Thank you."
Pyron-"Who are the other elders on the islands?" Ruby-"The grand elders for these islands include Thundrax, Nessie, Melos, and myself. Melos is on the isle of elves." Griz-"So that's where we're heading." Nikki-"Wow, you guys have quite the mission." Lagon-"So, are you scared?" Nikki-"No way. I'm a good fighter myself. Count me in to help you out." Looks like Nikki's with us. We need all the help we can get. If the remaining islands or the elders get destroyed, Buraki will be a step closer to getting Spyro and Cynder. But something tells me Ruby knows a bit more.
Nightfall. We anchored for the night. I was on the deck looking up. I felt someone kiss my cheek. I looked but no one was there. Then Nikki appears in front of me. Pyron-"Aaaa! You startled me." Nikki-"Hehehe. I just wanted to thank you for saving me earlier. You are my hero Pyron." Pyron-"Well, thank you. (She snuggles me) Um, will you stop? I am in a relationship." Nikki-"I don't mind. Your cute. (She kisses me on the lips) Well, hot and spicy for a fire dragon." She disappears. Pyron-"Where did-" I felt a hug. Nikki-"See you in the morning handsome." My trip couldn't be more milder could it? Gana-"Hey Pyron." Pyron-"Gana. It's good to see you." She cuddles me. Gana-"Well, your quite the guy amongst the females." Pyron-"Yeah...don't know how I attract them." Gana-"Maybe it's because your nice, honest, and...good looking?" She cuddles me more and we head back to our room together.
We we're up bright and early. We sailed and we soon saw a big island up ahead. Silver-"We're coming towards an island." Sapphire-"The island of the elves." Ruby-"I hope we can warn Melos in time." I hope so too. Hopefully we can protect this island and Melos from being destroyed...I hope....

The blue dragoness

Hours had passed since we left. None of us couldn't believe Robby was alive. To make matters worse, he's now on Buraki's side and is targeting Lagon. Nera was in discomfort. She had fallen for Lagon and she loves Robby. Nera wanted to be left alone but we did try to lift her spirits. It was nightfall as we anchored for the night. I was on the deck with Gana. Gana-"Poor Nera. I wish there was something we can do." Pyron-"Me too." Ruby-"Hello you two. Seems your attached to each other like glue." Gana-"Well...our love holds us together." Pyron-"I can't argue with Gana." Ruby laughs a bit. Ruby-"Well, I'm gonna get some rest. Good night." She heads downstairs. I was thinking to myself. Gana-"Thinking Ruby knows more than what she's saying Pyron?" Pyron-"Yeah..." I looked at the twin moons.
Buraki-"Muhahahaha!!! Your attempts to stop me are futile. DIE!!!" Pyron-"Noooooooooo!!!" I woke up in my room and saw Gana at my side. My right wing was around her. I got up and walked but felt a jerk. I turned and laughed a bit. Gana had her tail coiled around mine. It took me a short time to get uncoiled and went outside. The night air was still fresh. Now I couldn't sleep. I decided to stretch my wings and flew. I thought about what Ruby and Sapphire both told me that Gana and I had to work together to save Kyle, Robby destroying the fairy's island home and the dream I had showing Buraki as a full blooded winged dragon. I didn't like it and something tells me it's gonna get worse if we don't hurry. I flew all night and landed on a small island. There I laid down and dozed off.
Voice-"Help! Someone help!" I woke up and I thought I heard someone's voice. Voice-"Someone please help me!" I heard it again. I saw fog was rolling in. Something tells me the dragonlike Manti are in there. I flew into the fog and ventured forth. Voice-"Get away from me! Help." I got closer and I saw at least 6 Manti attacking a blue dragon. Pyron-"Hold on. I'm coming. (The dragon was hit and fell into the ocean) Oh no! (The Manti came towards me) Back off! (I nailed each of then with my fire attack and blindside them with my shadow power. They flew away) Now to save that dragon." I dove into the water and searched for it. I finally saw the dragon, got it and took it to the surface. I had to swim to the island since I couldn't fly with my wings wet.
Minutes later the fog lifts and I found the small island. I took her to the island. She wasn't breathing. I try to use my healing power but nothing. I tried again. Nothing. I kept trying and still nothing. I then concentrated all my strength and my body glew white. My healing power was back and I healed the dragoness. I looked at her. She was quite beautiful and elegant just like Gana. I smiled, but then I wondered was she good or evil. Nikki-"W...where am I?" Pyron-"Hi. Your safe now. Your on a small island." Nikki-"Ow! My wing!" Pyron-"Allow me." I healed her wing. Nikki-"My wing's all better. How did you do that?" Pyron-"My healing power. My name's Pyron. What's your name?" Nikki-"Mine's Nikki." Pyron-"Uh oh. I gotta go. My friends will be worried. You can come if you like to." Nikki-"Thanks. I love to." So we flew back to the boat.
We manage to find the boat already sailing. Spirit-"Look. There's Pyron." I landed and was greeted by my friends. Gana-"Pyron. We were worried." Gana snuggles me. Pyron-"I'm okay Gana. I just helped a new friend. Here's...huh? Where did she go?" Lagon-"Where who goes?" Pyron-"Where did...hahahahaha. Stop it. That tickles." Nera-"Pyron, why are you laughing?" Flame-"Yeah. Who's tickling you?" Nikki appears and shocks everyone. Pyron-"There you are. Guys. This is Nikki. I helped her when she was attacked by the Manti. Nikki, this is Ruby, Lagon, Nera, Spirit, Flame, and Gana. The non dragons are Griz the Grizzly Bear, Saka-she leads the cheetahs in Hulcana Village, and Silver, the leader of the Vixers fox clan. And lets not forget the fairies." Nikki-"Nice to meet you all. Pyron saved me from those creatures. (She came closer to me) He's my hero." Gana-"Well, he does like to help others." I moved away from Nikki, but something tells me she wants to stay close to me, which made me nervous. Ruby-"Everyone, I have to tell you something before we get to the island of the elves. It's important that you know." I had a feeling Ruby knew something. What will she tell us that's so important.

Nera's agony

It seems whenever Gana and I are together we're happy. She and I both know we have to kill Kyle together, but I'm worried if we can handle it. My strength and power has come back too, though not fully. Ruby says my strength and powers should return in a few days. It was nearly dawn as the beautiful night sky was still up as the fireflies lit up the sky. Gana and I were together as usual but we have had spent more time alone these last couple of weeks. We could have eased up our time alone since I wasn't fully healed, but it was worth the risk just to be with her. I love her that much. Gana-"We'll be leaving for the next major island Pyron. My sister Robin's there." Pyron-"I didn't know you had a sister." Gana-"Well, I can introduce her to you when we get there." I smiled and we continued to cuddle.
Magix-"Okay lover boy. Back away from the female." Pyron-"Oh, hi Nurse Magix. What brings you here?" Magix-"I came to tell you that your friends are all back on the ship." Gana-"I guess we better get going too." Magix-"But...for some reason, Nera was looking out to sea. She and Griz were getting things done when I saw this weird dragon." Gana-"Weird dragon? Wait, did you see Kyle?" Pyron-"Was he...horrific looking?" Magix-"Yeah, but much more...creepier." Gana-"Creepier?" Pyron-"Doesn't sound like Kyle." Gana-"We better get back to the boat." So we left.
The sun had just cracked over the horizon and we hear some kind of moaning. Gana-"It's Ruby! She's down." We wnt to her. Pyron-'Are you okay?" Ruby-"Yes, but you have to help Nera." Pyron-"Nera? Where is she?" We heard an explosion. Gana-"I'll go see what it is," Pyron-"I'm coming too." So we head for where the explosion was. Ruby-"If he destroys this island..."
Gana and I came to the center of Fairy Island and saw Nera was fighting a horrific looking dragon. Pyron-"Nera, are you okay?" Nera-""Gana-"Wait, who's that? He smells of rotting flesh." Pyron-"Who are you?" Voice-"Hehehe...I'm surprised you don't recognize an old friend...hehehe." Gana-"Tell us who you are!" Nera-"'s...R...R...Robby..." Gana and Pyron-"Robby?!" Sure enough, Robby appeared. Pyron-"No way. He's suppose to be dead." Gana-"How's that possible?" Robby-"Hehehe...I struck a deal with Buraki." Gana-"What kind of deal?" Robby-"He'll leave my Nera alone and grant me all the power I want...if I destroy Lagon." Pyron-"What?!" Robby-"I saw what happened. I died and Lagon walks in and takes my Nera. I will slay him for that." Nera-"You can't Robby. Sure I have fallen for Lagon, but-" Robby-"But nothing Nera. I will kill Lagon, then you and I will be together forever. Hehehe...hahahaha!." Nera-"Listen to yourself Robby. That's not the dragon I fell in love with. Please, listen. You don't need to do this." Robby-"Your right Nera. I don't need to this." Nera-"Robby..." Robby-"... I WANT TO DO THIS! HAHAHAHA!!!" All of a sudden he grew as big as Lagon. Nera-"Robby!" Ruby-"Get outta here now! He's gonna destroy the island." Pyron-"It's Ruby." She blasted Robby with a light beam. Ruby-"My Light Ray had no effect." Robby-"WHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGG!!!" His body was glowing blacker and blacker. Gana-"We gotta get outta here!!" All 4 of us flew back to the ship.
Saka-"Here comes Gana and the others." We land on the ship. Gana-"Griz get us outta here! No time to explain." We sailed but we didn't get a few hundered feet before what we saw next. Robby-"WHHHHHAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGG!!!" Fairy Island was engulfed in a dark ball of negative energy. Spirit-"What happened?" Lagon-"Can someone explain what's going on?" Nera-"It's Robby...he's on Buraki's side now." Lagon-"What?!" Silver-"Look everyone." The ball rised up into the air and exploded. Magix-"No...our gone..." Flame-"Oh this isn't good." Ruby-"No it isn't. Now Spyro and Cynder are in danger." All-"Huh?" Ruby-"With Fairy Island destroyed, the earth golem Tyfus is now a step closer to Draco Island. Griz, we have to get to the island of the elves." Griz-"Right." Nera-"Robby..." I saw Nera was crying and I walked to her. Pyron-"Don't worry Nera, we can save Robby...just like we'll save Kyle." Gana-"Yeah. We can do it." Nera-"Thanks, but leave Robby to me. I'll help him." Gana and I looked at each other and agreed. Buraki struck a new low this time, and something tells me Ruby knows more then she's telling us. Now we have to get to the island of the elves as quickly as possible...before it's too late.

Pyron and Gana's dilemma

Hours have passed since Ruby saved my life. My friends came and saw me on the pedestal. They were all happy I was alive. I was still feeling weak since my powers and abilities hasn't been restored. A fairy came by with a cup of some kind of juice. Magix-"Here. This will restore your energy my prince." I laughed a little. Pyron-"I'm no prince, but thanks." I drink the elixer. Magix-"I'm Magix. You can call me the energy healer of the fairies. The little white mouse said your royalty like Lady Ruby." Pyron-"Wow. That's some powerful stuff. Um, Elmo just like to call me and Gana a prince and princess." Magix-"Well, you two are royalty. Your Gana's prince and she's your princess." I laughed so hard my sides hurt. Ruby-"Okay Magix. Let Pyron rest up." Magix-"Yes my lady." She flies away. Gana and Spirit showed up. Pyron-"Hm? Gana. Spirit. How come your here?" Spirit-"We wonder that too." Gana-"So why did you ask us to come Ruby?" Ruby-"Well, it involves all 3 of you."
Ruby-"Gana, Spirit, have you 2 notice know much stronger you 2 become whenever your around Pyron.?" Gana-"Come to think of it, when Pyron was in trouble back at Mist Falls my weather power grew more powerful." Spirit-"And when I used mine I destroyed the village." Ruby-"Then you can thank Pyron for your power boost." Gana and Spirit-"Huh?" Pyron-"What do you mean?" Ruby-"Well Pyron, you can channel your spirit energy into others who you hold into your heart, like Spirit and Gana for example. When you do so, you give them your energy. It's a special ability you have call the Power Swap." Pyron-"Power Swap?" Ruby-"Used correctly, you can give your friends your strength. But, it only works during desperate situations...and it'll only activate on its own." Pyron-"That's just great..." Ruby-"Don't feel discourage. Thanks to your spirit energy, Gana and Spirit were able to give you there's to help Sapphire beat Reaper." Pyron-"What?! You know about that?" Ruby-"Yep. As a powerful grand elder dragon I have many useful abilities." Gana-"A grand elder dragon? But, your so young." Ruby-"I'm 870 years old but I feel like I'm 470." Pyron-"Wow." Ruby-"Spirit, can you leave us. I want to talk to Gana and Pyron alone." Spirit-"Yeah...sure." Spirit leaves.
Ruby-" Listen you 2. What I'm about to tell you may help you Gana and Pyron...or it can destroy you both." Gana-"D-destroy us?" Pyron-"What do you mean?" Ruby-"You both know you have to kill Kyle." Gana-"Kyle..." Pyron-"...Kyle." Ruby-"Gana, you have feelings for him but don't want to kill him, and Pyron, you want to save him. You two will have to combine your strength more than ever to kill Kyle." Pyron-"But...I...I can't..." Gana-"I don't know if I can." Ruby-"Kyle pleaded with me to tell you both. He even spoke to Sapphire for your help. If you don't kill him, it all ends." Pyron-"But how can we?" Ruby-"By helping and working with each other. It's the only way to save him. Once you do that, the war will then turned in your favor. Most dragons believe in a life after death. There's a belief that when a good dragon's life ends a new one begins for them." Pyron-"My mom once told me a story about that when I was just a kid." Gana-"I think I heard it too." Ruby-"Then you know what you have to do. Slay Kyle and you'll save him." Gana and I looked at each other. We both know this won't be easy for us, but we know we have no choice. If we want to save Kyle, we have to kill him. Ruby-"Tomarrow Pyron, you'll be fully healed, then you and your friends can go and continue on with your journey to Draco Island. And no worries, you have plenty of time. For now, you and your comrades rest up." Ruby leaves, leaving Gana and me alone. She came closer to me, a lot closer. Gana-"Pyron, do you think we can kill and save Kyle?" Pyron-" If Ruby believes we can, then...we can." She rested her head on my shoulder and I placed my left wing around her. I looked up and saw how beautiful the night sky was. Kyle...don't worry. Gana and I will save you.

A dragon's lost soul

(Pyron-"Gana! Gana, where are you?" Voice-"Hehehe. She can't save you. No one can. Your soul will be mine. Hehehe.") We had arrive to Fairy Island. We anchored and went to shore. Griz, Saka, Silver, and the Vixers stayed on the ship. I was on Lagon's back as both Gana and Spirit watched me. Spirit-"His soul's in such agony. I...don't know if we'll make it in time." Gana-"We have to. Lagon, please hurry up." Lagon-"Your all on my back. I can't run will all of you on board." Nera-"We'll find this Ruby person. Just hang on." I couldn't say anything. (Voice-"They can save your body, but your spirit's mine Pyron." Pyron-"It's you. Your that ghost." Reaper-"Call me Reaper, and your coming with me. Hahahahaha!" Pyron-"Grrr.") My friends walked for hours. Gana-"Oh no. He's getting worse." Flame-"Everything will be okay Gana." Voices-"Halt!" My friends stopped and were surrounded by fairies. Lagon-"It's the fairies." Guard-"What brings you here trespassers?" Gana-"We're looking for a dragon named Ruby. We hope she can save our friend here." Guard-"Princess Ruby can't be bother by you. Go away." Elmo-"Please help. He's gonna die any minute." Guard-"Leave at once." Gana-"No! We came all this way. I'm not gonna lose Pyron. Please. We have to see Ruby. I beg of you." Guard-"...Fine. Follow us."
(Pyron-"I thought Spirit and I killed you." Reaper-"How can you kill when I'm already a spirit? Your coming with me to the afterlife dragon." Pyron-"Not a chance.") Guard-"This is Princess Ruby." My friends saw a pink and white dragon. She was beautiful. Ruby-"Please call me Ruby. What ails you my friends?" Lagon placed me on a stone table. Gana-"Our friend here is in dire need of help. Please save him." Ruby-"Okay, but you must all go." Flame-"All of us?" Lagon-"Why?" Nera-"Please explain." Ruby-"I'll tell you later. For now, I want this one and the brown dragon to stay. Guards, take our guests somewhere comfortable." So all but Gana and Spirit leave. Ruby-"The little mouse doesn't want to go, huh?" Elmo-"You know I was here?" Ruby-"Yes. You can stay." She begins to heal me.
(Pyron-"I won't let you take me." Reaper-"Who's gonna stop me? You?" Voice-"No, but I will." Someone blasted Reaper with a beam of light. Reaper-"Whaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrg!" Pyron-"He vanished. Who did that?" Sapphire-"Hi handsome." Pyron-"Sapphire?!") Gana-"Why did you want us to stay Ruby?" Ruby-"Tell me young one, is Pyron your mate?" Gana-"My mate? Well, I was hoping he would be. I do love him." Ruby-"You two will be. And you young Spirit, you look up to Pyron, right?" Spirit-"Yeah. He's been there for everyone." Ruby-"You two are the closest thing Pyron has to a family since Pyron can't be with his. Spirit, Pyron has become like a big brother to you, and Gana, Pyron loves you with all his heart and he wants to be with you." Gana-"I know. I can sense it in his heart." (Sapphire-"Pyron, you must kill Kyle." Pyron-"What?! I can't. We have to save him." Sapphire-"And you will by killing him. There's still goodness in him even though it's now a speck. By slaying him you'll save Kyle. If you do this, it'll tip the balance of power to your favor." Pyron-"How can you be sure?" Sapphire-"Because he saved you. By doing so Kyle showed his true power. You have to kill him in order to save him. You and Gana must work together to save Kyle." She fades away. Pyron-"Sapphire, Waaaaiiiiiiit...")
Ruby-"All done. You two did your purpose." Gana and Spirit-"Huh?" Elmo-"Look! Prince Pyron's waking up." Pyron-"W...where am I..?" Gana-"Pyron....your...(Gana hugs me and cries) I'm so happy your alive." Spirit cries too. Spirit-"Pyron. Thank the ancestors your alive." He hugs me too. Ruby-"Okay you two. He's been through a lot. Let him rest." Gana-"Please, I want to stay with Pyron." Ruby-"I can't say no to that. Okay. Guard, go inform Pyron's friends at their boat and room he's okay." Guard-"Yes princess." The guard leaves. Gana was happy I was alive. I was so tired that I fell asleep. (Pyron-"Spirit.. thanks a lot...little brother. And Gana...thank you...for being here with me...")

Pyron's Fall

Gana-"Hurry Griz. We have to get to the island of the fairies." Griz-"We're going as fast as we can Gana. Calm down." Gana-" Calm down?! Did you not see what happen to Pyron?! He can die at any moment! If he does, I...I..." Nera-"We'll get there Gana. Please don't cry." Spirit-"I can sense his soul. He's in so much pain. It's like looking at Danny all over again." Lagon-"Don't cry Spirit. We'll save Pyron." I was in so much pain. I guess I should explain what had happen to me.
At the break of dawn after Gana saved me from Bulco's control, our ship camed into some fog. Unfortunately it housed the dragonlike Manti. The Vixers know them too well and were fighting them. Even Lagon and the others joined in. It seem they were looking for me. Gana was in the room with me. Gana-"I won't let the Manti near you Pyron." I was in a weaken state. It took all my strength to resist Bulco and now I couldn't defend myself. The onslaught lasted for 2 hours but we managed to get out of the fog. The ship needed repairs but was still sailable.
Griz-"Those creatures really worked us didn't they?" Saka-"The Manti are a symbol of death. However, we can't let them stop us." Nera-"The ship needs repairs. Griz, can we land somewhere?" Griz-"There is an island not far from here. We can land there." So it was agreed and we sailed for the island.
We found it half an hour later. It was big enough so we decided to head out. Griz and a few Vixers went to work while Silver, Flame, Nera, Spirit, and Lagon went for food. I stayed on the beach since Gana suggested it. I was so fustrated but my power needed to be restored. A few hours went by quick and the ship was almost repaired. I got up and wanted to go explore. Gana-"Pyron, stay here." Pyron-"Sorry Gana. I...need to get some air." She was reluctant to let me go by myself. After what Bulco did to me I can't blame her. Gana-"...Okay, but don't go so far." I nodded and went on. This island sure was peaceful. Maybe we can relax here. Only we can't and who knows how close Tyfus is to Draco Island.
Voice-"There you are!" I know that voice. Pyron-"Kyle!!" Kyle-"Hehehe. Found you. Bulco was right." Darn it, of all the tiimes...Pyron-"What do you want Kyle?" Kyle-"That's simple." He blasted me with his Sonic Wave. I was knocked back and in great pain. Pyron-"Aaaaaaa!!! The's too much..." Kyle-"I'm kill you...Pyron!" I was hit by another wave, then another. I had to get away. My power wasn't even half restored and I can't fight Kyle in my condition. Kyle-"Why leave Pyron?" I was hit again and I crashed in to the ground.
I couldn't move. My body was in such agony. I was bleeding from the cuts all over me. I was in serious trouble. Kyle-"My Sonic Wave did quite the damage on you. One more hit should end your life." He blasted me. Pyron-"Aaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" All of a sudden he stopped. Kyle-"Get out of my head. I won't let you stop me!" Gana-"Pyron!!!" I heard Gana and she came. Kyle-"Gana...I'm sorry. My evil half almost kill Pyron." Gana-"Nooo...Pyron!" Kyle-"He's barely alive. Gana, take him to the island of the fairies. There you'll find a dragon name Ruby. She'll help you." Gana-"But Kyle, what about you?" Kyle-"My time has ended now Gana. I'm sorry for what I have done. Do me a favor. Next time we meet, tell Pyron to kill me." Gana-"Nooo! I can't tell him that. We can save you Kyle." Kyle-"You slaying me. If you don't the darkness will grow stronger. I have to get away while I'm in control. Besides, Pyron needs you now more than ever Gana. He wants to be there for you." Gana-"Kyle..." Kyle-"I'll always love you Gana. Get Pyron some help, quick." Kyle flies away. Gana-"Kyyyyyyyyyyyyyyle!" Gana picked me up and went to the others as fast as she could.
She manage to get back to our friends. Gana-"Everyone, Pyron's in serious trouble. We got to get to the island of the fairies." Lagon-"What happen to him?" Gana-"I'll explain when we leave. Let's go." And here we are now. I was on the verge of death and my friends did their best to help me. Silver-"We're coming to a large island." Saka-"That's Fairy Island. We'll get Pyron some much need medical attention." Gana-"Pyron, please hold on. Don't leave me." I couldn't say anything. Am I...going to die here? Will I leave this world without Gana...and my friends?

Losing one's mind

We were off for Draco Island. Our mission was to find and locate Spyro and Cynder. I was feeling weird soon after we left Diamond Port. That horrid Bulco took control of Gana and forced her to fight me, and he knew I wouldn't fight back. Lately I wasn't feeling alright. I thought I was seasick, but I wasn't. One of the Vixers was seasick and I didn't feel the same way he did. I felt...strange. Bulco-"Pyron. Hear my call. Kill Gana and the others. They will betray you and kill your family." Bulco...he's talking to me. Ever since we left I heard his voice more and more. My heart and mind are strong, but I'm not sure how strong.
It was almost night when we were all eating...well, except me. I did get the chance to meet Elmo. The little guy sees Gana and me as royalty. He's such a noble little mouse. I remember Gana and Elmo mentioned some dragonlike creatures call the Manti, a beautiful but deadly white lady call Arta Kahaja, and the Narov Mantine Larva of the black forest. Bulco-"Kill them Pyron. Lagon, Gana, they'll betray you." Bulco was stronger than I thought. No wonder Gana hates him. Gana-"Pyron?" Pyron-"Gana!" Gana-"Huh?" Pyron-"Umm...nothing." Gana-"Pyron, is something bothering you?" Gana can read me like a book. If I tell her it'll make her worry. My head was spinning. Pyron-"No." Gana-"When you need me just call me ok? Don't hide. I'll be downstairs." I nodded and she left. After a while I got hungry so I went downstairs.
Bulco-"Lagon will bring you to your doom." Lagon-"Hahahaha! Foolish Pyron. Now I'll kill your sister." It was so real. I was loosing it. Pyron-"Stop it...just stop it Lagon!" Gana-"Pyron, we we're just joking around. He's my friend." I looked at her. She saw I had fear in my eyes. My eyes were as bloody as Bulco's. Gana-"Oh no. Pyron, lets go upstairs. (We went into a room and Gana locks the door.) Pyron. Don't let him in your mind. Think about the things that make you happy." Pyron-"" Gana-"Think about your family, your friends." Things were quiet now that night was falling. We went to bed together.
My head was throbing relentlessly as I try to sleep. Bulco's power was something. I can see why Gana hates him so much. I got up to get some air. As I went out to the deck I saw Silver was up. She doesn't get much sleep, seeing how adventures keep her up. I saw some fog coming in from a distance. Griz-"Hmm...better anchor here for the night." We did stop by a small island so Griz thinks we can stop here and continue in the morning, when there's less fog.
I went back to my room with Gana. She was still asleep. I kissed her and fell asleep beside her. Bulco-"You can't escape Pyron. Your mind and heart are strong, but not even you can withstand my power. I will control you and you will kill your friends." I woke up and Gana wasn't here. Pyron-"Gana?" Bulco-"She can't help you. You will kill her." Pyron-"Get out of my head!" Bulco-"Kill your friends. Destroy your family." Pyron-"Stop it. I won't!" Bulco-"Kill Gana, your beloved mate. Hahahahahahahaha!" Pyron-"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!"
I passed out and seconds later heard footsteps. It was Gana. Gana-"Oh thank god, he's ok. (I wanted to speak but I couldn't.) Everything's gonna be ok Pyron. I'm not gonna let you down." I felt her kiss my neck. Seconds as she leaves I got up. I was angry. Bulco was in control of me. I roared. I wanted Gana to get away from me, but I attacked her. She was pleading for me to stop. I jumped up and with all my might resisted Bulco's hold on me. Gana-"Pyron?" I went to the other side and Gana came to me. Pyron-"Gana, I almost hurt you. I-I can't do anything..this is the first of many...I-(She hugged me) Gana, can you do me one favor?" Gana-"Of course." Pyron-"Gana, I want you to kill me." Gana-"What?!" Pyron-"Kill me!" Spirit and Elmo camed. Gana-" Spirit, go back to your room please! Pyron, I'm not gonna kill you." Pyron-"I'm possessed.Please,just do it before I do more horrible things!" She kissed me and seconds later I began to calm down. Gana-"I love you Pyron. I love you." I passed out after that. Gana broke Bulco's hold on me and everyone was happy. She took me back to my room and lied next to me. I was out like a light but I still felt the psychic connection we shared. I want to be there for Gana. I want to be with her forever. But now I fear I may have endangered my friends even more...

Pyron vs. Gana

It was still night and mostly everyone was sleeping, except Gana and me. We were on the pier snuggling one another watching the twin moons and the stars. Gana-"Excuse me Pyron, but I think I'll go for a walk into the forest." Pyron-"Want me to come along?" Gana-"That's okay. Let your dragoness have time to herself." My dragoness? Does she want to be...? Her beautiful blue eyes twinkled. Pyron-"...Okay. Your dragon will be by the docks." So we went different ways.
I headed back to Griz's place and saw Spirit leaving. I wondered where he was going? Guess he wanted to go out for a bit. I looked at the sea and remember what Sapphire told me. Sapphire-"Follow your heart. The heart knows what you want." I put my claw on my chest and felt it beat. I smiled. Gana really loved the gift. Pyron-"Sapphire, thanks for letting me give Gana the neck collar."
Minutes had passed and I heard a sound coming from behind. Pyron-"Gana? (She got me in my back) Whoa, Gana! (I was able to push her back. She was angry. Was it that she saw me speak to Sapphire's spirit? No...that's not it. Something's wrong, and my heart knows it) What's wrong with you Gana?!" Gana-"I.....must.....KILL!" Something was definitely wrong. Gana never talked that way before. She lunges at me and attacked. I couldn't fight back. I actually could had, but Gana's the last dragon that I ever want to fight. I didn't want to hurt her. I had to pretend she knocked me out. Spirit-"Gana, Stop! Don't let him control you!" I heard Spirit, and who was he talking about. I heard a sick laugh. That's Bulco I thought. Gana told me how she hated him, but why is he here. Was Buraki onto us? Pyron-"Snap out of it Gana! AWAKE!" All of a sudden Gana was back to her old self. I got up as soon as I saw Nera and Lagon. Spirit came to me. Spirit-"Pyron, are you okay?" Pyron-"I'm bruised all over but I'm good." Spirit-"Whew. I'm so relieved. Gana...she wasn't herself. That big dragon had some kind of control over her." That Bulco...Spirit and I went to Gana. Spirit-"Gana, don't feel bad about it. It wasn't your fault. He could poison you if you weren't looking away or in his eyes. That's just the way that power works." Spirit sure was smart. He's younger than the rest of us but his knowledge far surpassed his age. Gana kissed him on the cheek and she came with me.
We went to the pier. Even thought my body was bruised I could just heal myself. I got better at it. Pyron-"Gana, I'm sorry. A dragoness name Sapphire gave me that collar. She wanted me to give it to you as a gift. We can see if it's legit." Gana-"No Pyron. I love the gift, and I know it's for real. I love it...and you. Bulco was in control of me and wanted me to kill you. He can put a lie into someone's mind and make it true. If I had killed you Pyron, I'd never forgive myself. Pyron, why didn't you fight back when you had the chance to?" Pyron-"I love you Gana, and I can never hurt you. If I did, I die every time I hurt you." Gana-"Pyron..." She cried and hugged me, and I hugged her back. My body lit up like a christmas tree, except, it wasn't my healing power. One thing was on my mind though. If Bulco found us here, does Buraki know we're going to Draco Island?
The following morning we were ready to go. We were all on Griz's ship. Griz-"Okay passengers. Let's head for Draco Island." And we set sailed. As we left I thought something caught my eye in the forest. Was it...Saturday that I saw? I didn't know. Gana was with me as well as Spirit as we all headed for Draco Island. Cassandra-"So that's the fire dragon that snake Buraki is so interested in? Fufufufufufu. I think I'll have some fun with him..." As we sailed. I had a feeling we were being watched. Nevertheless, what awaits Lagon, Nera, Flame, Gana, Spirit, Silver, Saka, and I? We'll know when we get there. Off to Draco Island.

A Sea Affair

2 days passed since Jewel and Kaloth were brought back to life. We were all shocked to learn more about Jewel. Jewel was really a male, not a female. Heinaus turned him into a copy of Gana and well, made him a lady too. Flame had a little liking to Jewel, but now is a bit embarrassed. Jewel was more embarrassed since he was so into getting Heinaus he didn't tell anyone the truth about him. Jewel and Kaloth left on their own. Jewel had something important to do and he and Kaloth left. Flame was okay, but he'll never forget it. None of us will.
We arrive at Diamond Port, a port side town. Businessess were booming and everyone was working. It didn't seem that the war with Buraki reached this place. Lagon-"So where do we find a ship large enough for all of us?" Saka-"I know someone. Come with me." We follow Saka, but I stopped. Catching my eye was a white and blue dragoness. She was beautiful like the sea. She looked at me and smiled. Gana-"Pyron! Come on!" I turned and the dragoness was gone. Where did she go I wondered. Nevertheless, I went with the others.
We came to a shipping yard and saw a big grizzly bear with an eyepatch on his left eye. Griz-"Well well, if it isn't Saka and Silver." Saka-"Hi Griz." Silver-"How ya been big guy?" Griz-"Business a little slow, but it's not the fishing season for another couple of weeks. I'm good, and who are your friends?" Silver-"This is Gana, Nera, Pyron, Flame, Spirit, and Lagon." Griz looked a little stunned. Griz-"Did you say Lagon?" Saka-"Uh, yeah." The bear looked around and no one seemed to notice. Griz-"Quick, come inside. (So we went inside his large hut.) That was close." Gana-"Is there a problem?" Griz-"Lagon's known in these parts as a deserter of Buraki. He has a large bounty on his scaly hide, and bounty hunters come through here from time to time. It's best not to say your names too loud." Nera-"We'll be careful." Griz-"So why have you come?" Lagon-"We need to get to Draco Island." Griz-"Draco Island? Hmm...well, it has to be a real good reason your going there. Okay, we'll leave in the morning. For now, rest up here." We agreed.
Night fell. I went outside to get some fresh air. I thought long and hard about everything that happened so far. Suddenly I saw the dragoness again. She's staring at the sea. She saw me and smiled. Then she approached me. Sapphire-"Hello handsome." I was blushing redder than usual. Pyron-"Uh, hi. I'm Pyron." Sapphire-"My name's Sapphire. Nice to meet you." Pyron-"So how come your here?" Sapphire-"Oh, I'm just staring at the sea and waiting for a friend." Pyron-"Oh. (She came closer to me and started to snuggle me) Um, can you stop?" Sapphire-"Why? Are you nervous?" Pyron-"N-no. I'm just in a relationship. A relationship I'm proud of." She places her claw on my chest. Sapphire-"Hmm...your heart's in pain and conflict." Pyron-"Huh?" Sapphire-"Your worry that this war against Buraki is taking a toll on you and your friends. You lost 2 friends you barely know but resurrected from the dead. And, you have a girlfriend that you like to have as a mate but unsure you will be with her." Pyron-"How do you know all that?" Sapphire-"I can look into the hearts of others. It's an ability this water dragon has." Pyron-"Oh." Sapphire-"Tell me. You love Gana so much but your not sure if she still loves Kyle." Pyron-"How did you-(she pointed to my chest) Oh." Voice-"Your here." I turned and saw a green dragon. Sapphire-"Ramon. Meet Pyron." Ramon-"Hi. Well, ready to go to the afterlife?" Sapphire-"Yep." Pyron-"Wait?! You two are ghosts?!" Ramon-"Yeah." Sapphire-"Uh-huh. Pyron, follow your heart. The heart knows what you want, and here." She gives me her collar which has blue and pink sapphires arround it. Pyron-"Your giving me your neck collar?" Sapphire-"Yes. Give it to Gana. Good-bye." Ramon and Sapphire vanished. I was in disbelief. Gana-"Pyron!" I saw Gana coming. Pyron-"Gana?" Gana-"Whew. I found you. What's that in your claw? (I showed her the collar) It's pretty." Pyron-"I want you to have it." Gana-"Really? (I removed her old collar and put the jeweled one around her neck) Pyron...I love it. And I love you even more." She snuggles me and I smiled. Pyron-"I love you too Gana." Sapphire's voice-"The heart knows what you want." I smiled. Tomarrow, we leave for Draco Island, but tonight, I was with Gana.